


(北师大版)一年级起点英语教案 5A unit4

Unit4 Mocky’s birthday

The first period

Teaching aims:

Make the Ss understand the dialog and the retelling part. Can ask and answer

somebody’s birthday.

Difficult aims:

Understand and recite the retelling part.

Preparation: CD, cards, tape recorder

Teaching procedure:

Review the days of the week

Ask the children, What day is it today? Elicit the answers from the children.

Prepare a weekday puzzle and play with the children. T say, “What is the day after

Monday? What’s the day before Wednesday but after Monday?”

Set the scene

Ask the children what they usually do on their birthday. Have the children talk about

how they celebrate their birthday. Present the word gift when children mention it.

Ask individual child when his/her birthday is Elicit the months. Write the name of

months on the board.

Model the name of the months. Have the children listen carefully. Model the word

March, September and October and have the children repeat after the teacher.

Ask individual child, How old are you? Elicit the answers from the children.

Get prepared

Have the children open their books at pages 38 and 39. Tell the children to read the

story by themselves.

Ask the children to tell the story. Then ask, “When is Ken’s birthday? When is Ann’s

birthday? When is Mocky’s birthday?” Have the children say the answers or find the

sentences in the story.

Ask the children if they know how old the characters are. Play the tape and have the

children listen carefully for their ages.

Tell the story

Now draw the children’s attention to the text at the bottom of the pages. Explain that

the text tells more about the story. Have the children read the text.

Have the children look at the pictures. The teacher tells the story for the children.

Then play the tape. Have the children listen.

Play the tape again, or the teacher tells the story again. Ask the children to find

specific information from the story, or you can also ask comprehension questions to

check their understanding.


Listen and read the text.

Tell the children to ask their parents’ birthdays and ages.


When is your birthday?

It’s March 12th.

How old are you?

I’m nine years old.

本文标签: 起点英语教案