



I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)

SectionAMultiple choice (20’)

Directions:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and

D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the ANSWER


1. Creativity should not be

as an exceptional talent; it is a basic skill that

can be mastered with the right teaching.

A. replaced B. perceived C. cultivated D. probed

2. These guests were

to the host for his gracious and impressive hospitality.

A. contemptuous B. resentful C. obliged D. mighty

3. Whatever we attempt to do, we mustn’t

our main objective.

A. attain B. reject C. lose sight of D. prosecute

4. With the passage of time, some words are beginning to

a new sense.

A. go about B. take on C. draw upon D. turn out

5. Tourism, particularly ecotourism, helps promote

of wildlife and natural


A. conservation B. distinction C. extinction D. aspiration

6. Despite the

changes in this country, many tough issues remain unsolved.

A. radical B. reversible C. rigorous D. insensible

7. Life is stressful, so it is always difficult to

work, school and family.

A. encounter B. eliminate C. illuminate D. prioritize

8. People who

diabetes have to minimize their daily consumption of sugar.

A. make up for B. crack down on

C. take fancy to D. are stricken with

9. The city was

paralyzed by the transit strike for better wages.

A. subjectively B. imaginably C. virtually D. positively

10. The

changes brought about by digital technologies have impacted the whole


A. novel B. adverse C. profound D. prospective

11. The camps are not usual tent-type camps. They are mostly long-established,

structures, often with strange Islamic names.

A. historical B. monotonous C. permanent

12. Among all the changes resulting from the ______ entry of women into the work

force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least


A. massive B. quantitative C. surplus D. formidable

13. The manufacturing

in China is expected to continue to expand in 2019 despite

the slight decline of an index.

A. version B. sector C. quest

14. Researchers say that

cigarettes is necessary to dramatically reduce the

chance of cardiovascular problems.

A. carrying out B. breaking out C. cutting out D. putting out

15. Economic recessions will weaken one’s confidence in the government and threaten



A. cohesion B. erosion C. illusion D. evasion

16. The Mexican settlers built cities and missions in what

become California.

A. used to B. would rather C. was to D. had better

17. Each of us is working hard to get happiness which brings substantial benefits

for society


A. by mere chance B. at great length C. all at once D. as a whole

18. Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans, the

Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

A. migrated B. matched C. mingled D. melted

19. Most readers believe that this book is

, thoughtful and informative.

A. intriguing B. ambiguous C. compulsive D. imperative

20. Some of the recent actions of the government are

their statement of policy.

A. in the interest of B. in conformity with

C. in proportion to D. in the event of

SectionB Proofreading and error correction (10’)

The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error.

In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct

it in the following way:

For a wrong word underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank

provided at the end of the line

For a missing word mark the position of the missing word with a “Λ” sign and

write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the


For an unnecessary word cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the

word in the blank provided at the end of the line.


WhenΛart museum wants a new exhibit, (1) an

It never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never

them on the wall. When a natural history museum

wants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibit

Many people are disturbed by the genetic diversify of (1)

cancers--- an inevitable result of random evolution. (2)

Cancer therapies used to be applied fairly random or (3)

Carelessly, but nowadays many believe that effective

therapies need to be specific and tailoring to genetic (4)

faults in each individual’s cancer. Therefore, a personalized(5)

treatment disregards the most fundamental reason (6)

it is difficult to cure cancers once for all: cancer cells

adapt and evolve with response to treatment. Even drugs (7)

that are initially effective often have a progressive (8)

diminishing effect, as the biological systems blocked

of the treatment spontaneously compensateof rerouting (9)

the cancer cell’s internal wiring, in restoring the cancer’s (10)

ability to spread. To use an analogy, in the absence of

short cuts, evolution takes over: naturally arising mutant

cancer cells that are resistant to the targeted drug rapidly

outgrow their disabled siblings and cancer comes back.

II. Reading comprehension(40’)

Section A Multiple choice (20’)

Directions: In this section there are two passages followed by multiple choice

questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Passage A

The language of rights now dominates political debate in the United States. Does

the Government respect the moral and political rights of its citizens? Or does the

Government’s war policy, or its race policy, fly in the face of these rights? Do

the minorities whose rights have been violated have the right to violate the law

in return? Or does the silent majority itself have rights, including the right that

those who break the law be published? It is not surprising that these questions are

now prominent. The concept of rights, and particularly the concept of rights against

the Government, has its most natural use when a political society is divided, and

appeals to co-operation or a common goal are pointless.

The debate does not include the issue of whether citizens have some moral rights

against their Government. It seems accepted on all sides that they do. Conventional

lawyers and politicians take it as a point of pride that our legal system recognizes,

for example, individual rights of free speech, equality, and due process. They base

their claim that our law deserves respect, at least in part, on that fact, for they

would not claim that totalitarian system deserve the same loyalty.

Some philosophers, of cause, reject the idea that citizens have rights apart

from what the law happens to give them. Bentham thought that the idea of moral rights

was “nonsense on stilts”. But that view has never been part of our orthodox

political theory, and politicians of both parties appeal to the rights of the people

to justify a great part of what they want to do. I shall not be concerned, in this

essay, to defend the thesis that citizens have moral rights against their governments;

I want instead to explore the implications of that thesis for those, including the

present United States Government, who profess to accept it.

It is much in dispute, of cause, what particular rights citizens have. Does the

acknowledged right to free speech, for example, include the right to participate

in nuisance demonstrations? In practice, the Government will have the last word on

what an individual’s rights are, because its police will do what the officials and

courts say. But that does not mean that the Government’s view is necessarily the

correct view, anyone who thinks it does must believe that men and women have such

moral rights as Government chooses to grant, which means they have no moral rights

at all.

All this is sometimes obscured in the United States by the constitutional system.

The American Constitution provides a set of individual legal rights in the First

Amendment, and in due process, equal protection, and similar clauses. Under present

legal practice the Supreme Court has the power to declare an act of Congress or of

a state legislature void if the Court finds that the act offends these provisions.

This practice has had some commentators to suppose that individual moral rights are

fully protected by this system, but that is hardly so, nor could it be so.

1. In the United States nowadays__________.

A. politicians are discussing about the right language.

B. politicians are debating about what is right and what is wrong.

C. language is the most important theme in the political debate.

D. we can hear lots of talks about rights.

2. It is only natural that questions about citizens’ rights are now prominent


A. the minorities are violating the law.

B. the political society in the USA is divided.

C. the silent majority wants to punish those who have violated the law.

D. people are looking for a common goal.

3. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. It is generally agreed that citizens should have some moral rights.

B. It is a moral right of the citizens to respect the legal system.

C. Citizens’ moral rights include free speech, equality and due process.

D. The legal system deserves respect because it recognizes citizens’ moral rights.

4. In this essay the author will not be concerned to defend the thesis that citizens

have moral rights against their government because__________

A. this thesis has never bee put into question in the mainstream political theory.

B. he shares the view of those philosophers who think that citizens only have the

rights that the law gives them.

C. this thesis has appeal to politicians of both parties.

D. the United States government professes to accept this thesis.

5. The author believes that__________

A. the United States Constitution protects citizens’ moral rights but the

government does not.

B. the Supreme Court has the power to protect citizens’ moral rights but it does

not do that.

C. Citizens’ moral rights could not be fully protected by the present legal


D. the United States Constitution does not have provisions that fully protect

citizens’ moral rights.

Passage B

What do you do when everyone hates you? That is the problem faced by America’s

pharmaceutical industry. Despite its successes in treating disease and extending

longevity, soaring health-care costs and bumper profits mean that big drug firms

are widely viewed as exploitative, and regarded almost as unfavorably as tobacco

and oil firms (see chart). Last week, at a conference organized by The Economist

in Philadelphia, the drug industry was offered some advice from an unlikely source:

a tobacco firm. Steven Parrish of Altria, the conglomerate that includes Philip

Morris, gave his perspective on how an industry can improve its tarnished public


Comparing the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries might seem absurd, or even


“Their products kill people. Our products save people's lives,” says Alan Holmer,

the head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, an industry

association. Yet the drug giants currently face an unprecedented onslaught of

class-action lawsuits and public scrutiny; industry bosses are being grilled by

lawmakers asking who knew what and when. It is all reminiscent of what happened to

the tobacco industry in 1994.

Mr. Parrish advised drug firms to abandon their bunker mentality and engage with

their critics. Rather than arguing about the past, he said, it is better to move

on, and give people something new to think about. (Philip Morris now acknowledges,

for example, that cigarettes are addictive and deadly, and is trying to develop less

harmful products.) Not everyone is open to persuasion, so focus on those who are,

he said. But changing opinions takes time and demands deeds as well as words: “This

is not about spin, this is about change.”

The pharmaceutical industry is pursuing a range of initiatives to mollify its critics,

Mr. Holmer noted in his own speech. But Mr. Parrish suggested that speaking with

one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive, since it can give

the impression that the industry is a monolithic cartel. And too much advertising,

he said, can actually antagonize people further.

The audience was generally receptive, claims Mr. Parrish. This is not the first time

he has offered his thoughts on dealing with implacable critics. At a conference at

the University of Michigan last year, he offered America’s State Department advice

on improving America’s image in the Middle East. So does his prescription work?

There has been a positive shift in attitudes towards tobacco firms, if only a small

one. But at least, for once, a tobacco firm is peddling a cure, rather than a disease.

1. Why is America’s pharmaceutical industry so unpopular?

A. Because it, like tobacco and oil firms, does harm to people‘s health and


B. Because it fails to cure disease and make people live longer.

C. Because the prices of its products are too high and its profit margin is too


D. Because it exploits its employees.

2. Alan Holmer is quoted to illustrate that __________

A. the comparison between tobacco and pharmaceutical industries might seem

ridiculous, or even insulting.

B. the pharmaceutical industries agree that they are similar to tobacco industry.

C. tobacco products do more harm to people than pharmaceutical products.

本文标签: 翻译硕士师范大学考研浙江