




I. Word Dictation











II. Dictation

After years of trial and error, they finally began to reap the

benefits of their hard work. Yesterday morning, shares seemed to

recover from Monday's collapse.

Humour is useful to lighten a heavy and possibly dull

passage in your talk and make it more digestible and memorable.

By behaving naturally and positively, you will be able to

impress your audience with your confident manner.

Overall, despite all the challenges facing parents, the

majority feel happy with their children's development.

Medical experts are confident that they will find the cure for

the disease.

We should break down the social and cultural barriers and

help each other in the battle against this epidemic.

If you feel that a traditional classroom is essential for learning,

online classes may not be right for you.

But this I must say, "It seems unworthy of you that you should

be too angry over this affair."

If you look at this problem from a different perspective, you

may draw a different conclusion. This book will show you how to

construct a persuasive and entertaining talk or presentation.

If you know how to control your body language, it can help

you make a good impression on people.

An amusing story will get a more significant reaction from a

larger audience.

Please explain in a slow and simple manner or they may get


More and more people are aware of the importance of

learning English.

Local organizations complain that they lack resources to start

the education programs on AIDS. Sometimes a gesture that is

appropriate in one culture is insulting in another.

Snap judgments based on a person's body language may

contain certain truth about that person's personality or character.

He has signed up for military service against his father's


Sometimes pupils may engage in drama and role-play during

a site visit.

III. Understanding Long Conversations


Ebenezer: Hello there, little girl.

Lucy: Ah, oh, Old Man Eb! Don't hurt me!

Ebenezer: What? No, of course I'm not going to hurt you,

child. And, please, call me Ebenezer. Lucy: My name is Lucy. What

are you here for, Ebenezer?

Ebenezer: I'm here to wire some flowers to my mother. You

look as if something's wrong. Why are you so sad?

Lucy: I'm here to buy a flower for my mother too, but I don't

have enough money. A flower is $2 and I only have 75 cents.

Ebenezer: Well, that's not a problem, Lucy. I'll buy your

mother's flower for you.

Lucy: You will? Oh, thank you, thank you and thank you! You

are so nice!

Ebenezer: That's quite all right. Where does your mother live?

Lucy: Oh, she lives in the cemetery.

Ebenezer: You mean she lives near the cemetery.

Lucy: Oh, no. She's dead. She is in the cemetery. You know,

you shouldn't wire the flowers to your mother. You should buy a

bouquet that you can take to her.

Ebenezer: I think you might be right. Thank you for this

important lesson.

Lucy: You bet.


1. Why did the man order flowers?

2. Why did the young girl weep?

3. What did the man do to help the girl?

4. What do we know about the girl's mother?

5. What did the girl tell Ebenezer?

IV. Understanding Passages


What did you do this morning? If you are anything like the

typical university student, you brushed your teeth, got dressed,

and then ran to class. With luck, you weren't late. But your life

could be a lot different. And if it were up to a man in the Vaughan

government, it would be.

Mario Ferri is a government leader in the Canadian city of

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