


1. Accounting会计(学): is an information and measurement system that

identifies records and communicates relevant reliable and comparable information

about an organization’s business activities.

2. Managerial accounting管理会计: is the area of accounting that serves the

decision-marking needs of internal users

3. Events项目: refer to happenings that affect an entity’s accounting equation

and can be reliably measured.

4. External user外部使用者: of accounting information are not directly involved

in running the organization.

5. Internal user内部使用者: of accounting information are those directly

efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.

6. Ethics: are beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. They are accepted

standards of good and bad behavior.

7. Cost principle(历史)成本原则: means that accounting information is based

on actual cost.

8. Revenue recognition principle(营业)收入确定原则: provides guidance on

when a company must recognize revenue.

9. Matching principle配合原则,收支对应原则: prescribes that a company must

records its expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported.

10. Going-concerning assumption持续经营假设: means that accounting

information reflects a presumption that the business will continue operating

instead of being closed or sold.

11. Audit审计,审核: through review of an organization’s accounting

records and accounting reports and return make by the analysis.

12. Net income净收益,收益净额: amount a business earns after paying all

expenses and costs associated with its sales and revenues.

13. Income statement损益表: describes a company’s revenues and

expenses along with the resulting net income or loss over a period time due to

earnings activities.

14. Statement of owner’s equity所有者: explains changes in equity from net

income (or loss) and from any owner investments and withdrawals over a period of


15. Balance sheet资产负债表,平衡表: describes a company’s financial

position (types and amounts of assets liabilities and equity) at a point in time.

16. Statement of cash flows现金流量表: identifies cash inflows (receipts) and

本文标签: 原则收益名词解释资产管理