





1. 放烟花是春节最典型的习俗。

Burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the spring festival.

2. 人们放鞭炮,看烟花。

They set off firecrackers and watch fireworks displays.

3. 根据到处竞放烟花来看,镇上正在举行某种盛大的国庆活动。

There was some great national celebration in town, judging by the firework displays ev


4. 当地政府规定市区禁止放烟花。

The local government has decreed that fireworks be banned in urban areas.

5. 春节的第一天你们放烟花,对吧?

You have fireworks on the first day of the spring festival, don't you?

6. 要保证你放烟花爆竹的地方是开阔且没有任何碎片存在的。

Step 2 make sure the area where you are setting the fireworks is flat and free of debris


7. 世界上许多其他国家也有在特殊的日子放烟花的传统。

Many other countries around the world also enjoy the tradition of exploding fireworks o

n special days.

8. 斯特拉斯堡在七月会放烟花和点亮大教堂的灯饰来庆祝夏天的到来,推动该区域的一个


Strasbourg celebrates the summer with fireworks and cathedral illuminations in july, m

aking for one of the region's largeststreet parties.

9. 孩子们爱放烟花。

Kids like to set off fireworks.

10. 鞭炮声在春节期间连绵不断,在傍晚还有许多人放烟花。

Long strings of firecrackers are set off throughout the holiday, and there are many disp

lays of fireworks lighting up theevening skies.

11. 不论你是选择以与朋友或家人来个舒适的聚会,还是在户外举行一个party,或是选择在



Whether you choose to mark your new year with a cosy gathering of friends or family,

a wild party, or setting of fireworks inthe snow, the fact is that most of us feel some for

m of starting a fresh page, a feeling of renewal.

12. 我可不想,不是说好去放烟花的吗

I don't want to; didn't we say to play the fireworks?

13. 青少年烟放烟花使附近的物品着火是很常见的,比如树木或建筑。

It is very common for teens with fireworks to set fire to nearby things, such as trees an

d buildings.

14. 在那个时候,人们经常会放烟花,非常有趣。

At that time, people usually set off firecrackers. It is interesting.

15. 中国东部城市南昌的新闻部门通过新浪公司(sina corp.)旗下类似推特的微博服务发帖


'Please refrain from setting off fireworks during the spring festival ( lunar new year) holi

days, or set off fewer fireworks,'said the news department of the east china city of nan

chang in a post on sina corp.'s twitter-like weibo microbloggingservice.

本文标签: 烟花翻开朋友人们开阔