




1. I want to buy some_____________(蜡笔).

2. There is an _____________(橡皮擦) on the desk.

3. Could you please give a pair of ______________(手套) to me?

4. There are ________________(千) of people here.

5. Can you see me off at the ______________(飞机场).?

6. Tell me the reason _______________(为什么) you are late for class.

7. Please be ________________(小心) with your things from now on.

8. I would like to take some photos with a ______________(相机).

9. Now it is easy to take a ______________(的士).

10. The coat is ______________(紫色). I like it so much.

11. First _________ all, you need to get up early.

12. I am looking for my pen. And I can’t _____________it.

13. This book is not yours. It is _______________(我的).

14. Whose ________________(录像带) are these?

15. She goes to school in a ______________(匆忙).

16. Where is my mobile _______________(电话).

17. There is something _______________(奇怪) happening here.

18. There are 3 _____________(百) teachers in our school.

19. Don’t ___________________(留下) your books at home.

20. This football is not his, but ______________(她的).

21. Could you give me 10 kilos of _________________(腊肠)?

22. There are 5 _____________ (鸭子)on the farm.

23. They are taking a ________________(木船) on the river.

24. Go to my __________________(办公室) after school.


1. I am not good at playing the _________________(钢琴).

2. Li Na is a famous _______________(网球) player in the world.

3. He often _______________ (骑) a bike to school on weekdays.

4. Don’t _______________ (担心)about me. I am OK.

5. He is a good man. He is always _____________(乐于) to help others.

6. Can you _________________(教) me English?

7. Do you notice the note on the _________________(公布栏).

8. You are one of the ______________(最好的) students in our class.

9. I am good at running. I can run really ____________________(快).

10. I know how to get on well ___________ my classmates in class.

11. This _____________(学期) I am going to make a big change.

12. The classroom is clean and ________________(整洁) in the morning.

13. You are so _______________(美丽) today.

14. Can you fly a ____________(风筝) in the sky?

15. Do you like _________________(游泳) in the sea?

16. I would like to join the Music ____________________(俱乐部).


17. The little girl ________________(开始) to play the violin at the age of 15.

18. _____________________ (每个人)is here to listen to the music.

19. You _______________(答应) to help me with my English.

20. The young boy can get the highest _______________(分数) every time.


1. Mum, can we have a _____________(


) tomorrow?

2. Don’t drop __________________(


) here.

3. I often take a walk in the _________________(



4. We _______________(

)the match last night.

5. Zhang Jike is a famous table tennis _______________(



6. I often take a trip _________________(


) the May Day holiday.

7. We ___________(


) to see you soon.

8. We are going to ________________(


) the football players tonight.

9. I am so sorry. I am ______________(


10. He is the _________________(


) child in his family.

11. Don’t be ________________(


). You are wrong again.

12. I eat ________________(


) this morning. I am so hungry.

13. It is great fun to play on the _________________(



14. Sydney is an ____________________(


) city.

15. We plan to go __________________(


) next week.

16. They really have a _________________(


) time.

17. Who _____________ (


)is going to the party?

18. I enjoy ________________(


) at the party.

19. Do you like ________________(


) stamps?

20. I am a big __________________(

) of YOU.


1. Teachers use _________________(粉笔) to write on the blackboard.

2. There are two __________________(尺子) on the desk.

3. Will our life _____________(改变) a lot in the future

4. The sun ____________(升起) in the east and goes down in the west.

5. You are _______________(矮) than me.

6. Life is not _______________(容易) at all.

7. I have waited for you for ______ __________(一个小时)

8. Will humans be __________________(能够) to fly in the sky in the future?

9. May I ask you a _____________(问题)?

10. The books are much too _____________(重) for me.

11. China will send more people into_____________(太空) in the near future.

12. _____________(可能) you are right. I am wrong.

13. ______________(一切) goes well here.

14. Can you help me to _______________(抬) this big box?

15. I ____________(需要) some hot water. I am thirsty.

16. We wish you will live a happy______________(生活).

17. I can’t go there on time because of the traffic ______________(堵塞).

18. These ________________(机器人) can help us do lots of things we cannot do.

19. The litter is thrown __________________(到处).

20. May I have a look at the _______________(机器). It is very useful.


21. Are you _______________(有空) tomorrow?

22. I like riding a ______________(自行车) in the countryside.

23. I hope my dream will come _____________(真的).


1. I am going to the ______________(超市) to buy things.

2. What can we buy for our mothers on _________ __________(母亲节)?

3. We cannot see the ____________(产品) on the Internet.

4. How much should I __________(支付) for the shirt?

5. Shopping online has many _____________(优点) and disadvantages.

6. What ____________ (尺码)of shoes do you wear?

7. Can you ____________(对比) the food in China to the food in the West?

8. He has stayed in the hotel for ___________(超过) a week.

9. The shop is ______________(开放) from to

10. I cannot _____________ (几乎)hear you. Can you speak loudly?

11. You ______________(看起来) unhappy today. What is wrong?

12. Can I ____________(试穿) on this miniskirt? It is very beautiful.

13. There are many ______________(新鲜) fruits here in the market.

14. Can you buy some ____________(草莓) for me?

15. The book is on _______________(出售). Let us buy it now.

16. I am not sure where he is. He _____________(可能) not come tonight.

17. Do you know the ________________(价格) of the furniture?

18. Ten years _____________(之后), I would never see her again.

19. Could you please tell me the ______________(价格) to the post office?

20. It is very _______________(安全) to stay in China. You don’t need to worry about being



1. My father used to work in the ______________(银行).

2. I will wait for you at the next bus _________________(站).

3. There are many ________________(绘画) hanging on the wall

4. The sky is _____________(晴朗) after the rain.

5. TF Boys is a ____________(著名的) band in China.

6. Go down this _________________(街道) and you can see it.

7. Thousands of _____________________(游客) come here every year.

8. The house is _____________(对面) the river.

9. We can visit a local ________________(博物馆) nearby.

10. Do you have a ______________(旅游指南) for the tour?

11. Walk ___________(沿着) this road to the end.

12. It is his _____________(第三次) time to visit Guilin.

13. We can take the _______________(地铁) there.

14. The boy just stands in the _______________(中间) of the company.

15. She goes to the _________________(教堂) every Saturday.

16. There is a small _____________(桥) over the river.

17. Could you go with me to the nearest __________________(书店)?

18. ___________ ___________(为什么)go there by us? It is cheap.

19. ___________(转向) left at the second crossing.

20. There is a ________ ___________(邮政局) at the end of the road.


1. Welcome back_______ school!

2. First ______ all, come and look in the lost and found box.

3. There ________ lots of things in it.

4. ---________ tapes are these?--- They are mine.


5. Here is __________ purple wallet.

6. Look _______ this nice watch.

7. Please be careful ______your things _______ now on

8. I want _____|_eraser.

9. Hundreds _______people died in the accident.

10. They were lost in the forest and couldn’t find the __________

11. Do you see my smartphone? I can’t ___________ it.

12. Do you want to take __________ train?

13. I want to go there _______ taxi.

14. He lost his pen. He is looking _________ it now.

15. People often lose their things _______ they are travelling.

16. I like _______ photos, so my father bought me a camera.

17. I want to _______ a music club to practise singing.

18. She wants to help others, ___________ helping others makes her happy.

19. Don’t worry _________ your English. I can teach you.

20. I get on well _________ my classmates.

21. I hope to get _______ best score.

22. Choose me _________ your class monitor.

23. I am good ________English, so I can speak English well.

24. There are 6 official _____________ in the UN: Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Russian,


25. She is good at painting, so she _________ paint many beautiful pictures.

26. I am going to have _________ piano lesson next week.

27. I am looking ___________ to the summer holiday. It must be great fun.

28. Many British people do some sports _________ Saturday morning.


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