


Are you a night owl or an early bird?

A new roommate


B:Hello. My name is John,and I'm calling to ask about the apartment for

rent.I saw your advertisement online.

A:Yes!Thanks for calling,John!I'm Matthew.I have a two-bedroom

apartment, and I'm looking for a roommate to share the rent.

B:Great! Where is the apartment located?

A:the address is 345 South Street ,Apartment C. It is across from the

library and right next door to the pizza restaurant.

B:I know exactly where that is. That's a great location.

A:Yes. I find it very convenient.

B:And what is the rent?

A:It's $800per month,so your half would be$400.

B:That sounds good to me.

A:Would you like to come by and check out the apartment?

B:That would be about 5pm today?

A:Perfect! I'll see you then!

So,John,I've prepared a few questions to see if you'd be a good match as

a you ready?

B:Go for it.

A: of all,are you a smoker?

B:I am not a you smoke?

A:I don't,and I'm really glad you don't either.I would prefer to keep the

apartment smoke-free.

B:Me too.I cannot stand the smell of smoke.

A: question:Are you a night owl or an early bird?

B:I tend to get up early because I like to get to the gym early and work

out most days.I have always liked staying active and fit.

A:Great! I'm an early bird as well ,and I like to run in the morning

whenever I get the often would you plan on having friends

or family visit? Are you very outgoing?

B:I would probably have friends over a few nights a week,but I wouldn't

host a lot of parties.I'm pretty laid back and prefer a night of playing

cards with friends rather than a loud and crazy dance little

brother will probably come visit a few times a year,but he is really

friendly and easy to get along with.

A:That sounds good.I do host a few parties a year;but otherwise,I too just

have a few friends over every once in a old is your brother?

B:He is might be coming to college here in a few you

have siblings?

A:I have a brother too,but he is older than 's married and has kids,

so he will not be visiting me anytime soon.I think it's cool if your brother

wants to come visit us a few shouldn't be a r

question:When it comes to chores and cleaning,what tasks do you prefer

to take on? And how clean do you expect the apartment to be?

B:I generally like things to be pretty tidy. I'll gladly help out to make sure

we keep the apartment clean.I'll do the dishes and run the vacuum

clean do you like to keep things?

A:I'm pretty neat as well.I hate coming home to a messy I'm

constantly cleaning up the kitchen and mopping the floors.I'd also help

out with cleaning the bathroom and dusting around the

sounds like we would both keep things clean,which is good.

What are you studying in school?

B:I'm a chemistry and biology major.I hope to become a doctor one day.

A:Wow!That's impressive.

I am majoring in business,but I am not exactly sure what I will do after I

you have any questions for me?

B: general,what are some things you like to do?How do you spend

your weekends and free time?

A:I like to go the movies a lot.I also like to cook and try new

the weekends,I swim,meet friends for lunch ,go on hikes, and play

video games. How about you?What do you like to do?

B:I love to read and play video games.I also like to go to concerts and

listen to music.

A:Nice I love music as there anything you really don't like?

B:Hmm…I guess I don't like cold weather activities. I don't like skiing or

playing in the snow.I'd rather vacation at a beach than at a ski ,

in the winter I'll probably stay inside a lot and read and watch


A:That's funny.I work as a ski instructor during the ,while I'm

out skiing you can have apartment to yourself.

B:Sounds great to me!

A:Oh! I almost forgot to ask:Do you have a car?

B:I do.

A:We have two parking spaces. One is in a garage,and one is on the


Do you have a preference for where you would park?

B:I'm fine with parking on the car isn't very doesn't

need to be in the garage.

A:Great!Well,I think we would make a good fit as do

you think?

B:Yes! I 's do this!When can I move in?

A:You can move in on Monday,if that works for would be$400

each month.

B:Sounds great! I'm looking forward to it.

A:Me too!I'll have the landlord add your name to the lease, and you can

sign it next week.

B:Awesome!Thank you!

A:We're going to have a great time here.

本文标签: 情景对话