


Unit 4 Dance with love

Section A

4-2 Text A:College sweethearts


①1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A

②1. • Yes, because we can spend a few years at college trying to know about a


• No, because students need to concentrate on study, not to waste time


2. • Yes. Because distance produces beauty, and we can focus more on study.

• No. Long-distance relationship can easily cause a lot of problems such as

insecurity, misunderstanding, etc.

3. • Yes, girls now are more open-minded and should have the courage to

choose their own date.

• No, from the societal perspective, girls should be shy and more reserved,

not like boys.

4. Casual dating means no preparation is necessary before the meet-up, such

as going to a coffee shop and a movie theater or having lunch and studying

together. Formal dating usually requires some preparation and doing certain

activities, such as dressing up nicely and going to a fancy restaurant or a formal


Reading comprehension

①1. The author uses this sentence to tell her own love story. She didn't expect

that she would end up marrying Butch. He became her boyfriend just because of

her wish to find a cute boyfriend. She didn't really want to marry him at the


2. Because when she met up with Butch the first time, he kept staring at her all

night long. He flattered her and fell in love with her at first sight. He looked really

wild or maybe even dangerous.

3. Because Butch had a "bad boy image" which was very tempting to a lot of

girls, and his wild, dynamic personality was a little frightening. She didn't know

whether she could be getting along with him.

4. Though she always had an excellent reputation in respect to her schoolwork,

she thought that her college life was dull, with no fun. In her opinion, college was

supposed to be a time of great learning, and also of some fun.

5. Because she was becoming more interested in him and she wanted to find

out if she was the "right" date in the eyes of Butch, thinking of herself as a

traditional girl.

6. It means that Butch didn't want to do anything to change his bad situation.

The word fate here refers to the fact that Butch was going to be expelled from the


7. Though Butch was wild and would sometimes display directly his love in

front of her friends, he was always a perfect gentleman at his core. And they had a

pure and responsible relationship for seven years.

8. The author and her husband's faithful journey of love that started with a

casual attraction but bloomed into a mature love proves that romantic love can

last long through the ups and downs in life.

②1. • Reject it because I have to focus on study.

• Be happy to accept it because I need dating experience.

• Accept it because college life is not just for study.

• Accept it since I usually feel bored and lonely.

2. • It's an ideal place to find someone who has the same aspirations.

• Through years of studying together, students get to know each other well.

• College provides more choices than the workplace.

• Campus dating is more romantic and exciting.

3. • Try everything I can to secure it.

• Interact and communicate with my date frankly.

• Figure out what the problem is and then try to solve it.

• Don't care since it's useless if my date is not interested in me anymore.

4. Responsible, smart, honest, considerate, understanding, diligent, rich,

good-looking, funny, having the same interest.

5. • Appearance, because I like to see someone who is good-looking.

• Character, because appearance will change as time goes by, while one's

character is essential to marriage.

4-3 Text A:Language focus

Words in use

1. confess 2. tempting 3. commence 4. coordinating 5. granted 6.

deserved 7. displayed 8. consequently 9. lodged 10. proceed

Word building :Practice

①ted ss cate fication ication

ication ration t ion retation

tion tion

②1. qualifications 2. perception 3. plantations ssed 5.

exhibit 6. contented 7. interpretation 8. complicate 9. illustration 10.

extension 11. identification 12. justification

Banked cloze

1. commence 2. tempting 3. charm 4. allowing 5. components

y 7. proceed 8. arrange 9. weird 10. local

Expressions in use

1. on her behalf 2. took the liberty of 3. immune to 4. were filled

with 5. fall in love with 6. Expelled from 7. been pessimistic about 8.

go along with

4-4 Structure analysis & writing

Structured writing : Practice

Frequently, students experience a tough time and are faced with an activity

beyond their ability. However, my freshman year learning experience made me

think otherwise. I had never thought I could do it, but I finally conquered my fear

of public speaking.

At the beginning of the semester, my English teacher gave the assignment of

speaking for three minutes in front of the class. It was an individual project worth

10 percent of the course grade. Since I was very nervous to speak in public, I

worried about it for two months. Having no choice, I wrote all of my ideas on note

cards. I practiced my speech with my notes in front of a mirror and in front of my

dog. Would I be able to give my speech in front of my class?

When the day of my speech came, I was ready. As I walked to the front of the

class, I looked at my classmates and smiled. Then I looked down at my note cards.

At that moment, I realized that I had the wrong information. These were the notes

for my biology test, not the information about my speech! I closed my eyes and

took a deep breath. Suddenly, I began to speak. To my surprise, the words flowed

from my mouth. I just couldn't believe it!

Everyone applauded my speech, and I felt like a winner. The three-minute

speech that day made me realize that people can always overcome their odds if

they are motivated.

4-5 Translation









②July 7th on the Chinese calendar is Chinese Qixi Festival, the most romantic

of all the traditional Chinese holidays. Every year, some big businesses organize

various activities, and young people send gifts to their lovers. As a result, the Qixi

Festival is considered to be Chinese "Valentine's Day". The Qixi Festival is derived

from the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid. The legend holds that on this

particular night every year the Weaving Maid in heaven meets with Cowherd. So,

people can see Cowherd and Weaving Maid meeting in the Milky Way on the night

of Qixi. On this night, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a

happy marriage. But, with the changing of times, these activities are diminishing.

All that remains is the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, a sign of faithful love,

continuously circulated among the folk.

Section B

4-6 Reading skills


1. They became romantically attracted to each other. (Para. 5)

2. share the dating expense or split the money with the date (Para. 6)

3. sharing the cost of a meal in a restaurant (Para. 7)

4. a tight and uncomfortable feeling because of nervousness (Para. 12)

5. mark the date on the calendar (Para. 14)

4-7 Text B: Saving the date

Reading comprehension

①1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C

②1. • Males because that's the norm.

• Males because men are expected to do it that way.

• Both since they are on an equal basis.

• Both since the traditional way is out of date.

2. • Men and women are treated equally in this way.

• Females are not considered inferior to males.

• Both men and women feel more comfortable.

3. • Won't feel embarrassed when taking the initiative to date.

• Won't put stress on either males or females.

• Will widen the social circle and give opportunity to make more friends.

• Won't feel obligated to keep a long-term relationship.

4. • Both men and women can pay for a date.

• Both men and women can take the initiative.

• People are free to choose a casual or formal date.

5. • Behave with respect for each other.

• Be honest with each other.

• Be considerate and helpful to each other.

4-8 Text B: Language focus

Words in use

1. conveying 2. forged 3. thriving 4. abnormal 5. frowning

6. thrilled 7. reckoned 8. clarified 9. conquer ling

Expressions in use

1. make contact with 2. took the initiative 3. are inclined to 4. thrive on 5.

indifferent to 6. whip out 7. in the pit of her stomach 8. chip in

Sentence structure

①1. With online learning, there is less study in a regular classroom and more

time to spend by yourself.

2. With regular exercise, you'll have less mental stress and more physical


3. With the new highway, there is less traffic and more comfort for drivers on

the road.

②1. Ambitious as he is

2. Embarrassed as they were

3. Hard as she tried

4-9 Collocation

①1.F 2.E 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D

②1. college sweetheart 2. take the initiative 3. romantic relationship 4.

steady boyfriend 5. casual attraction 6. fairy-tale romance 7. exceedingly

embarrassed 8. madly in love 9. healthy friendship 10. traditional

upbringing 11. mature love 12. mutual friends

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