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Information Matching:

Directions: You are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached

to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.

Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may

choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a


Passage 1

Hard times

A Money worries are part and parcel of university life, but recent events in

the world of finance, not to mention rising food prices, are making it tougher

for students- from living costs as undergraduates to employment prospects

once they have graduated. But are they bothered?

B Raymond Sawyer, a graphic design undergraduate at New College

Durham, says he is concerned by the naivety of some of his fellow students

when dealing with their finances. “I’m surprised by the lack of maturity some

of them have when it comes to money,” he says. “We had been at college

for just over a week when some of my fellow students got their grants

through-and their first thought was spending money on clothes and

planning nights out, which I couldn’t believer. Many students seem unaware

of the state of the economy right now.” Sawyer says the prevailing economic

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conditions have influenced his choice of where to study. He lives at home,

just a few miles from his college, which means he is able to run a Web

design business that helps ease his money worries. “Rent and mortgages are

costly these days and I guess that’s what swayed me toward studying locally,”

he says. “I only have to spend three days a week at college and I can travel

easily by car, devoting the rest of my time to developing my business.”

C Sawyer counts himself fortunate that he is self-employed. A recent survey

commissioned by recruitment agency Reed reckons that over half of

graduates are “concerned” with finding a job in the current climate. Job

security is also becoming a major concern; one in four graduates say they

would be willing to sacrifice up to five percent of their income in exchange

for job security for three years. A significant number of graduates are moving

toward creative marketing and media sectors, shunning City jobs, and

watching banks and other financial services firms fall over has been

particularly disheartening for students who had planned to work in the

Square Mile(伦敦金融城). Reports suggest that many are now also

considering teaching as an option.

D “With many recent graduates still looking for jobs in a difficult economic

climate, undergraduates need to remember there is a serious side to

university,” cautions Reed’s marketing head, Mark Rhodes. “It’s important that

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