





句型1:I wish + you + 名词.

I wish you success . 祝你成功。

I wish you happiness . 祝你幸福。

I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快/一路平安。

I wish you all the happiness.祝你幸福。

I wish you a quick recover. 祝你早日康复。

I wish you a long life and joy.祝你长寿快乐。

I wish you a happy birthday/New year/a merry Christmas.祝你生日愉快/新年愉快/圣诞快


I wish you many happy returns of the day. 祝你寿比南山。

I wish you success/luck/victory. 祝你成功/好运/胜利。

I wish you good luck in getting a job. 祝你能幸运地找到工作。

I wish you a speedy recovery. 祝你早日恢复安康。

句型2:I wish + you + 形容词.

I wish you well and happy. 我祝你安康愉快!

I wish you lucky. 祝你好运。

I wish you safe in the journey. 祝你一路平安。

I wish you successful in everything.祝你事事成功。

句型3:I hope + (that)-clause

I hope you have a good holiday.祝你假日愉快。

I hope you will have a nice trip.祝你旅途愉快。

I hope you will get well soon.祝你早日康复。

I hope everything goes well with your work.祝你工作如意,事事顺心。

I hope your people are all quite well. 祝你们家里人都好。

I hope you will soon be feeling fit again. 愿你不久就能痊愈。

句型4:May + you/n. + 动词原形+其它

May you return soon.愿你早日归来。

May you succeed/Success to you祝您成功。

May your succeed in building up a strong and prosperous country.祝你们建成一个富强的国


May you people enjoy happiness and prosperity. 祝贵国人民繁荣幸福。

May you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater successes. 祝愿你们继续努


May the friendship between our two peoples last forever. 祝两国人民的友谊万古长青。


庄重。有人说这种句式是由复合句简缩而来的,例如:“May you succeed!(祝您成功)〞是

由“I hope(或wish) you may succeed!(我希望您成功)〞紧缩来的。但不管怎样,本句型有其



句型5:(祝愿内容)名词 + to + 名词或代词 (被祝愿对象)

A long life to you祝您长寿。

Good luck to you祝您好运。

Success to you祝您成功。

Good luck in the examination . 祝你考试顺利。

Good luck to you! 祝您运气好!

A happy journey to you祝您一路平安。

A happy holiday! 节日快乐。

A happy New Year! 新年快乐。

Good luck in everything万事如意。

My best wishes to you致最好的祝愿。

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. 祝你早日康复。

A toast to our friend ship为我们的友谊干杯。

A toast to your health and success. 为您的安康和成就干杯。

Eternal glory to the heroes. 英雄们永垂不朽!

Glory to the people.荣耀属于人民!

Salute to you! 向您致敬!



句型6:all the best + in/with介词短语

All the best. 祝你一切都好,祝你万事如意。

All the best in your new job. 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利。

All the best with your family. 祝你全家都好。

All the best in your study/business. 祝你学习/事业顺利。

句型7:have/enjoy + n.

Have a good time . 祝你玩得痛快。

Have a very good life. 祝你过上好日子。

Have fun . 祝你玩得开心。

Have a good luck. 祝你运气好。

Enjoy yourself . 祝你玩得痛快。

句型8:Long live + 第三人称主语

Long live our socialist Motherland! 社会主义祖国万岁!

Long live the great,glorious and correct Communist Party of China!伟大的,荣耀的、正确


Long love the people! 人民万岁!

【说明】Long live原意是“长久地活着〞,引伸为“万岁〞的意思。不管后面的主语是单

数还是复数,Long live保持不变,这是一种虚拟语气,表达强烈的愿望,所以不随后面的


本文标签: 祝愿表示愿望句子