


中英创新名言 推文

Sure! Here are some innovative quotes in both

Chinese and English that you can use for your tweet:

1. Chinese: 创新是引领未来的钥匙。

English: Innovation is the key to shaping the


2. Chinese: 不要害怕失败,宁愿失败于不创新。

English: Don't be afraid of failure, rather fail

to innovate.

3. Chinese: 勇于跨越传统边界,寻找创新的可能性。

English: Dare to cross traditional boundaries

and explore the possibilities of innovation.

4. Chinese: 想象力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,


English: Imagination is more important than

knowledge because knowledge is limited, while

imagination encompasses everything.

5. Chinese: 以用户为中心,持续创新,成就卓越。

English: Putting users at the center,

continuous innovation leads to excellence.

Feel free to choose any of these quotes or modify

them according to your preference.

本文标签: 创新想象力推文