




Optical laser disk technology eventually may make magnetic-disk and magnetic tape storage obsolete. With this technology, the read/write head used in magnetic storage is replaced by two lasers. One laser beam writes to the recording surface by scoring microscopic pits in the disk, and another laser reads the data from the light-sensitive recording surface. A light beam is easily deflected to the desired place on the optical disk, so an access arm is not needed.


Optical laser disks are becoming a very inviting option for users. They are less sensitive to environmental fluctuations, and they provide more direct-access storage at a cost that is much less per megabyte of storage than the magnetic-disk alternative. Optical laser disk technology is still emerging and has yet to stabilize; however, at present there are three main categories of optical laser disks. They are CD-ROM, recordable CD-R and rewritable CD-RW, and magneto-optical disk.



Introduced in 1980, the extraordinarily successful CD, or compact disk, is an optical laser disk designed to enhance the recorded reproduction of music. To make a CD recording, the analog sounds of music are translated into their digital equivalents and stored on a 4.72-inch optical laser disk. Seventy-four minutes of music can be recorded on each disk in digital format by 2 billion digital bits. With its tremendous storage capacity, computer-industry entrepreneurs immediately recognized the potential of optical laser disk technology. In effect, anything that can be digitized can be stored on optical laser disk: data, text, voice, still pictures, music, graphics, and video.


本文标签: 英语计算机专业新版DOC