

DL之RNN/LSTM/GRU:《Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling门控循环神经网络在序列建模上的实证评估》的翻译与解读


《Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling》的翻译与解读


1 Introduction

Figure 1: Illustration of (a) LSTM and (b) gated recurrent units. (a) i, f and o are the input, forget and output gates, respectively. c and c˜ denote the memory cell and the new memory cell content. (b) r and z are the reset and update gates, and h and ˜h are the activation and the candidate activation.

3 Gated Recurrent Neural Networks

3.1 Long Short-Term Memory Unit

3.2 Gated Recurrent Unit

3.3 Discussion

5 Results and Analysis

Figure 2: Learning curves for training and validation sets of different types of units with respect to (top) the number of iterations and (bottom) the wall clock time. y-axis corresponds to the negative-log likelihood of the model shown in log-scale.

6 Conclusion

Figure 3: Learning curves for training and validation sets of different types of units with respect to (top) the number of iterations and (bottom) the wall clock time. x-axis is the number of epochs and y-axis corresponds to the negative-log likelihood of the model shown in log-scale.

《Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling》的翻译与解读






Junyoung Chung, Caglar Gulcehre, KyungHyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio


In this paper we compare different types of recurrent units in recurrent neural net-works (RNNs). Especially, we focus on more sophisticated units that implement a gating mechanism, such as a long short-term memory (LSTM) unit and a re-cently proposed gated recurrent unit (GRU). We evaluate these recurrent units on the tasks of polyphonic music modeling and speech signal modeling. Our exper-iments revealed that these advanced recurrent units are indeed better than more traditional recurrent units such as tanh units. Also, we found GRU to be compa-rable to LSTM.


1 Introduction

Recurrent neural networks have recently shown promising results in many machine learning tasks, especially when input and/or output are of variable length [see, e.g., Graves, 2012]. More recently, Sutskever et al. [2014] and Bahdanau et al. [2014] reported that recurrent neural networks are able to perform as well as the existing, well-developed systems on a challenging task of machine translation.

One interesting observation, we make from these recent successes is that almost none of these suc- cesses were achieved with a vanilla recurrent neural network. Rather, it was a recurrent neural net- work with sophisticated recurrent hidden units, such as long short-term memory units [Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997], that was used in those successful applications.



Among those sophisticated recurrent units, in this paper, we are interested in evaluating two closely related variants. One is a long short-term memory (LSTM) unit, and the other is a gated recurrent unit (GRU) proposed more recently by Cho et al. [2014]. It is well established in the field that the LSTM unit works well on sequence-based tasks with long-term dependencies, but the latter has only recently been introduced and used in the context of machine translation.

In this paper, we evaluate these two units and a more traditional tanh unit on the task of sequence modeling. We consider three polyphonic music datasets [see, e.g., Boulanger-Lewandowski et al., 2012] as well as two internal datasets provided by Ubisoft in which each sample is a raw speech representation.

Based on our experiments, we concluded that by using fixed number of parameters for all models on some datasets GRU, can outperform LSTM units both in terms of convergence in CPU time and in terms of parameter updates and generalization.




Figure 1: Illustration of (a) LSTM and (b) gated recurrent units. (a) i, f and o are the input, forget and output gates, respectively. c and c˜ denote the memory cell and the new memory cell content. (b) r and z are the reset and update gates, and h and ˜h are the activation and the candidate activation.

图1:(a) LSTM和(b)门控循环单元的示意图。(a) i、f和o分别为输入门、遗忘门和输出门。C和C ~表示存储单元和新的存储单元内容。(b) r和z为重置门和更新门,h和~ h为激活和候选激活。

3 Gated Recurrent Neural Networks

In this paper, we are interested in evaluating the performance of those recently proposed recurrent units (LSTM unit and GRU) on sequence modeling. Before the empirical evaluation, we first de-scribe each of those recurrent units in this section.


3.1 Long Short-Term Memory Unit

The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) unit was initially proposed by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber [1997]. Since then, a number of minor modifications to the original LSTM unit have been made. We follow the implementation of LSTM as used in Graves [2013].

Unlike to the recurrent unit which simply computes a weighted sum of the input signal and applies a nonlinear function, each j-th LSTM unit maintains a memory cj at time t. The output hj , or the activation, of the LSTM unit is then

长短时记忆(LSTM)单元最初由Hochreiter和Schmidhuber [1997]提出。自那以后,对原始LSTM单元进行了一些微小的修改。我们遵循了Graves [2013]中使用的LSTM的实现。


Unlike to the traditional recurrent unit which overwrites its content at each time-step (see Eq. (2)), an LSTM unit is able to decide whether to keep the existing memory via the introduced gates. Intuitively, if the LSTM unit detects an important feature from an input sequence at early stage, it easily carries this information (the existence of the feature) over a long distance, hence, capturing potential long-distance dependencies.


3.2 Gated Recurrent Unit

‌A gated recurrent unit (GRU) was proposed by Cho et al. [2014] to make each recurrent unit to adaptively capture dependencies of different time scales. Similarly to the LSTM unit, the GRU has gating units that modulate the flow of information inside the unit, however, without having a separate memory cells.


The activation hjt of the GRU at time t is a linear interpolation between the previous activation hjt-1 and the candidate activation ~hjt :

---         ---

where an update gate zjt decides how much the unit updates its activation, or content. The update gate is computed by

---         ---

This procedure of taking a linear sum between the existing state and the newly computed state is similar to the LSTM unit. The GRU, however, does not have any mechanism to control the degree to which its state is exposed, but exposes the whole state each time.
The candidate activation ~hjt is computed similarly to that of the traditional recurrent unit (see Eq. (2)) and as in [Bahdanau et al., 2014],

---         ---
where rt is a set of reset gates and is an element-wise multiplication. 1 When off (rj
t close to 0), the reset gate effectively makes the unit act as if it is reading the first symbol of an input sequence, allowing it to forget the previously computed state.
The reset gate rjt is computed similarly to the update gate:

---         ---

See Fig. 1 (b) for the graphical illustration of the GRU.


---         ---


---         ---



---         ---



---         ---


3.3 Discussion

It is easy to notice similarities between the LSTM unit and the GRU from Fig. 1.

The most prominent feature shared between these units is the additive component of their update from t to t + 1, which is lacking in the traditional recurrent unit. The traditional recurrent unit always replaces the activation, or the content of a unit with a new value computed from the current input and the previous hidden state. On the other hand, both LSTM unit and GRU keep the existing content and add the new content on top of it (see Eqs. (4) and (5)).


这两个单元之间共享的最显著特征是它们从t到t + 1的更新的加性成分,而这在传统的循环单元中是缺少的。传统的循环单元始终用当前输入和先前的隐藏状态替换激活或单元的内容。另一方面,LSTM单元和GRU保留现有内容并在其之上添加新内容(见方程(4)和(5))。

This additive nature has two advantages. First, it is easy for each unit to remember the existence of a specific feature in the input stream for a long series of steps. Any important feature, decided by either the forget gate of the LSTM unit or the update gate of the GRU, will not be overwritten but be maintained as it is.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, this addition effectively creates shortcut paths that bypass multiple temporal steps. These shortcuts allow the error to be back-propagated easily without too quickly vanishing (if the gating unit is nearly saturated at 1) as a result of passing through multiple, bounded nonlinearities, thus reducing the difficulty due to vanishing gradients [Hochreiter, 1991, Bengio et al., 1994].

These two units however have a number of differences as well. One feature of the LSTM unit that is missing from the GRU is the controlled exposure of the memory content. In the LSTM unit, the amount of the memory content that is seen, or used by other units in the network is controlled by the output gate. On the other hand the GRU exposes its full content without any control.




Another difference is in the location of the input gate, or the corresponding reset gate. The LSTM unit computes the new memory content without any separate control of the amount of information flowing from the previous time step. Rather, the LSTM unit controls the amount of the new memory content being added to the memory cell independently from the forget gate. On the other hand, the GRU controls the information flow from the previous activation when computing the new, candidate activation, but does not independently control the amount of the candidate activation being added (the control is tied via the update gate).

From these similarities and differences alone, it is difficult to conclude which types of gating units would perform better in general. Although Bahdanau et al. [2014] reported that these two units per- formed comparably to each other according to their preliminary experiments on machine translation, it is unclear whether this applies as well to tasks other than machine translation. This motivates us to conduct more thorough empirical comparison between the LSTM unit and the GRU in this paper.



5 Results and Analysis

Table 2 lists all the results from our experiments. In the case of the polyphonic music datasets, the GRU-RNN outperformed all the others (LSTM-RNN and tanh-RNN) on all the datasets except for the Nottingham. However, we can see that on these music datasets, all the three models performed closely to each other.

On the other hand, the RNNs with the gating units (GRU-RNN and LSTM-RNN) clearly outper-formed the more traditional tanh-RNN on both of the Ubisoft datasets. The LSTM-RNN was best with the Ubisoft A, and with the Ubisoft B, the GRU-RNN performed best.


另一方面,具有门控单元(GRU-RNN和LSTM-RNN)的RNN明显优于传统的tanh-RNN,而LSTM-RNN在Ubisoft A上表现最好,在Ubisoft B上,GRU-RNN表现最好。

In Figs. 2–3, we show the learning curves of the best validation runs. In the case of the music datasets (Fig. 2), we see that the GRU-RNN makes faster progress in terms of both the number of updates and actual CPU time. If we consider the Ubisoft datasets (Fig. 3), it is clear that although the computational requirement for each update in the tanh-RNN is much smaller than the other models, it did not make much progress each update and eventually stopped making any progress at much worse level.

These results clearly indicate the advantages of the gating units over the more traditional recurrent units. Convergence is often faster, and the final solutions tend to be better. However, our results are not conclusive in comparing the LSTM and the GRU, which suggests that the choice of the type of gated recurrent unit may depend heavily on the dataset and corresponding task.



Figure 2: Learning curves for training and validation sets of different types of units with respect to (top) the number of iterations and (bottom) the wall clock time. y-axis corresponds to the negative-log likelihood of the model shown in log-scale.


6 Conclusion

In this paper we empirically evaluated recurrent neural networks (RNN) with three widely used recurrent units; (1) a traditional tanh unit, (2) a long short-term memory (LSTM) unit and (3) a recently proposed gated recurrent unit (GRU). Our evaluation focused on the task of sequence modeling on a number of datasets including polyphonic music data and raw speech signal data.

The evaluation clearly demonstrated the superiority of the gated units; both the LSTM unit and GRU, over the traditional tanh unit. This was more evident with the more challenging task of raw speech signal modeling. However, we could not make concrete conclusion on which of the two gating units was better.



We consider the experiments in this paper as preliminary. In order to understand better how a gated unit helps learning and to separate out the contribution of each component, for instance gating units in the LSTM unit or the GRU, of the gating units, more thorough experiments will be required in the future.


Figure 3: Learning curves for training and validation sets of different types of units with respect to (top) the number of iterations and (bottom) the wall clock time. x-axis is the number of epochs and y-axis corresponds to the negative-log likelihood of the model shown in log-scale.

图3:关于不同类型单元的训练和验证集的学习曲线,分别针对(顶部)迭代次数和(底部)挂钟时间。 x轴是epoch的数量,y轴对应于以对数刻度显示的模型的负对数似然。

本文标签: 门控神经GRUEmpiricalevaluation