

Web 2.0 ‘crucial to attracting future talent’
Organisations that ban social networking sites and other Web 2.0 technologies at work will not be able to attract future talent, delegates at the CIPD’s HRD conference were told.

Vaughan Walker, a learning technologies expert at the accountants Moore Stephens, said that companies that restricted access to Web 2.0 tools and sites such as Facebook and Twitter risked alienating a new generation of workers who used them “like an extension of their arm”. He said curbing their use also prevented “a fantastic source of continuing professional development” and risked de-motivating employees.

“If you don’t adopt these tools you are implying you don’t trust your employees and they are going to play on them all day long – and that is insulting to a lot of people,” he said. “Think what will happen if you don’t do it. You won’t be able to attract new entrants to whom these tools are part of their toolkit and you won’t be able to retain them. It’s crucial.”

Peter Butler, head of learning at BT Group, agreed that using Web 2.0 technologies to help deliver learning would be key to attracting future talent. “If we don’t embrace this in organisations people will probably not join us in the future. They will go to ones that do,” he said.

BT is currently developing a new online learning portal, named “dare to share”, integrating all existing applications that employees use, such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums, into one place. The site enables staff toupload and share their own content, including videos and podcasts, all of which can be downloaded onto mobile phones and MP3 players as well as PCs.

Butler said the business case for the portal was “resounding”, estimating that it had saved them £8 million in its first year because the learning could be delivered faster and more effectively. With all the technology already in place the only costs incurred in setting it up were through project management and marketing.

Other business drivers included keeping knowledge in the workforce, eliminating organisational silos and increasing employee engagement. About 5,000 of the firm’s 100,000 employees have access to the portal, which will eventually be rolled out to everyone.

Butler added that the new portal would not replace formal learning, but was “bridging the gap” between formal and informal learning. “We are trying to enable them to use 2.0 to enhance learning and bring a new dimension to it. This is developed by anyone and delivered by anyone in real time,” he said.

He advised delegates “not to get in the way of this because you can embrace it, understand it and enable it”.




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本文标签: Crucialwebtalentfutureattracting