

Aims and scope 目标和范围

The journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) welcomes papers on broad aspects of AI that constitute advances in the overall field including, but not limited to, cognition and AI, automated reasoning and inference, case-based reasoning, commonsense reasoning, computer vision, constraint processing, ethical AI, heuristic search, human interfaces, intelligent robotics, knowledge representation, machine learning, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, planning and action, and reasoning under uncertainty. The journal reports results achieved in addition to proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems, both of which must include demonstrations of value and effectiveness.
人工智能杂志 (AIJ) 欢迎关于人工智能广泛方面的论文,这些方面构成了整个领域的进步,包括但不限于认知和人工智能、自动推理和推理、基于案例的推理、常识推理、计算机视觉、约束处理、道德人工智能、启发式搜索、人机界面、智能机器人、知识表示、机器学习、多智能体系统、自然语言处理、 计划和行动,以及不确定性下的推理。该杂志除了报告了研究人工智能问题的新方法外,还报告了所取得的成果,这两者都必须包括价值和有效性的证明。

Papers describing applications of AI are also welcome, but the focus should be on how new and novel AI methods advance performance in application areas, rather than a presentation of yet another application of conventional AI methods. Papers on applications should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an indepth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited.

Apart from regular papers, the journal also accepts Research Notes, Research Field Reviews, Position Papers, and Book Reviews (see details below). The journal will also consider summary papers that describe challenges and competitions from various areas of AI. Such papers should motivate and describe the competition design as well as report and interpret competition results, with an emphasis on insights that are of value beyond the competition (series) itself.

From time to time, there are special issues devoted to a particular topic. Such special issues must always have open calls-for-papers. Guidance on the submission of proposals for special issues, as well as other material for authors and reviewers can be found at http://aij.ijcai/special-issues.
不时有专门针对特定主题的特刊。此类特刊必须始终公开征稿。关于提交特刊提案的指南,以及作者和审稿人的其他材料,请参见 http://aij.ijcai/special-issues。

Types of Papers 论文类型

Regular Papers 常规论文

AIJ welcomes basic and applied papers describing mature, complete, and novel research that articulate methods for, and provide insight into artificial intelligence and the production of artificial intelligent systems. The question of whether a paper is mature, complete and novel is ultimately determined by reviewers and editors on a case-bycase basis. Generally, a paper should include a convincing motivational discussion, articulate the relevance of the research to Artificial Intelligence, clarify what is new and different, anticipate the scientific impact of the work, include all relevant proofs and/or experimental data, and provide a thorough discussion of connections with the existing literature. A prerequisite for the novelty of a paper is that the results it describes have not been previously published by other authors and have not been previously published by the same authors in any archival journal. In particular, a previous conference publication by the same authors does not disqualify a submission on the grounds of novelty. However, it is rarely the case that conference papers satisfy the completeness criterion without further elaboration. Indeed, even prize-winning papers from major conferences often undergo major revision following referee comments, before being accepted to AIJ.

AIJ caters to a broad readership. Papers that are heavily mathematical in content are welcome but should include a less technical high-level motivation and introduction that is accessible to a wide audience and explanatory commentary throughout the paper. Papers that are only purely mathematical in nature, without demonstrated applicability to artificial intelligence problems may be returned. A discussion of the work’s implications on the production of artificial intelligent systems is normally expected.

There is no restriction on the length of submitted manuscripts. However, authors should note that publication of lengthy papers, typically greater than forty pages, is often significantly delayed, as the length of the paper acts as a disincentive to the reviewer to undertake the review process. Unedited theses are acceptable only in exceptional circumstances. Editing a thesis into a journal article is the author’s responsibility, not the reviewers’.

Research Notes 研究札记

The Research Notes section of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence will provide a forum for short communications that cannot fit within the other paper categories. The maximum length should not exceed 4500 words (typically a paper with 5 to 14 pages). Some examples of suitable Research Notes include, but are not limited to the following: crisp and highly focused technical research aimed at other specialists; a detailed exposition of a relevant theorem or an experimental result; an erratum note that addresses and revises earlier results appearing in the journal; an extension or addendum to an earlier published paper that presents additional experimental or theoretical results.
《人工智能杂志》(Journal of Artificial Intelligence)的“研究笔记”(Research Notes)部分将提供一个论坛,用于其他论文类别中无法容纳的简短交流。最大长度不应超过 4500 字(通常是 5 到 14 页的论文)。合适的研究笔记的一些例子包括但不限于以下内容:针对其他专家的清晰和高度集中的技术研究;对相关定理或实验结果的详细阐述;勘误说明,用于处理和修改期刊中出现的早期结果;对早期发表的论文的扩展或附录,提供额外的实验或理论结果。

Reviews 评论

The AIJ invests significant effort in assessing and publishing scholarly papers that provide broad and principled reviews of important existing and emerging research areas, reviews of topical and timely books related to AI, and substantial, but perhaps controversial position papers (so-called “Turing Tape” papers) that articulate scientific or social issues of interest in the AI research community.

Research Field Reviews: AIJ expects broad coverage of an established or emerging research area, and the articulation of a comprehensive framework that demonstrates the role of existing results, and synthesizes a position on the potential value and possible new research directions. A list of papers in an area, coupled with a summary of their contributions is not sufficient. Overall, a field review article must provide a scholarly overview that facilitates deeper understanding of a research area. The selection of work covered in a field article should be based on clearly stated, rational criteria that are acceptable to the respective research community within AI; it must be free from personal or idiosyncratic bias.

Research Field Reviews are by invitation only, where authors can then submit a 2-page proposal of a Research Field Review for confirmation by the special editors. The 2-page proposal should include a convincing motivational discussion, articulate the relevance of the research to artificial intelligence, clarify what is new and different from other surveys available in the literature, anticipate the scientific impact of the proposed work, and provide evidence that authors are authoritative researchers in the area of the proposed Research Field Review. Upon confirmation of the 2-page proposal, the full Invited Research Field Reviews can then be submitted and then undergoes the same review process as regular papers.
研究领域评论仅接受邀请,然后作者可以提交一份 2 页的研究领域评论提案,供特别编辑确认。2页的提案应包括令人信服的动机性讨论,阐明研究与人工智能的相关性,澄清与文献中其他调查的新内容和不同之处,预测拟议工作的科学影响,并提供证据证明作者是拟议研究领域审查领域的权威研究人员。在确认 2 页的提案后,可以提交完整的特邀研究领域评论,然后进行与常规论文相同的审查过程。

Book Reviews: We seek reviewers for books received, and suggestions for books to be reviewed. In the case of the former, the review editors solicit reviews from researchers assessed to be expert in the field of the book. In the case of the latter, the review editors can either assess the relevance of a particular suggestion, or even arrange for the refereeing of a submitted draft review.

Position Papers: The last review category, named in honour of Alan Turing as a “Turing Tapes” section of AIJ, seeks clearly written and scholarly papers on potentially controversial topics, whose authors present professional and mature positions on all variety of methodological, scientific, and social aspects of AI. Turing Tape papers typically provide more personal perspectives on important issues, with the intent to catalyze scholarly discussion.
立场论文:最后一个评论类别,以纪念艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)作为AIJ的“图灵磁带”部分,寻求关于潜在争议主题的清晰书面和学术论文,其作者在人工智能的各种方法论、科学和社会方面提出了专业和成熟的立场。图灵磁带论文通常对重要问题提供更个人化的观点,旨在促进学术讨论。

Turing Tape papers are by invitation only, where authors can then submit a 2-page proposal of a Turing Tape paper for confirmation by the special editors. The 2-page proposal should include a convincing motivational discussion, articulate the relevance to artificial intelligence, clarify the originality of the position, and provide evidence that authors are authoritative researchers in the area on which they are expressing the position. Upon confirmation of the 2-page proposal, the full Turing Tape paper can then be submitted and then undergoes the same review process as regular papers.
图灵磁带论文仅接受邀请,作者可以提交一份 2 页的图灵磁带论文提案,供特别编辑确认。这份长达2页的提案应包括令人信服的动机性讨论,阐明与人工智能的相关性,阐明立场的原创性,并提供证据证明作者是他们所表达立场的领域的权威研究人员。在确认 2 页提案后,可以提交完整的图灵磁带论文,然后进行与普通论文相同的审查过程。

Competition Papers 竞赛论文

Competitions between AI systems are now well established (e.g. in speech and language, planning, auctions, games, to name a few). The scientific contributions associated with the systems entered in these competitions are routinely submitted as research papers to conferences and journals. However, it has been more difficult to find suitable venues for papers summarizing the objectives, results, and major innovations of a competition. For this purpose, AIJ has established the category of competition summary papers.

Competition Paper submissions should describe the competition, its criteria, why it is interesting to the AI research community, the results (including how they compare to previous rounds, if appropriate), in addition to giving a summary of the main technical contributions to the field manifested in systems participating in the competition. Papers may be supplemented by online appendices giving details of participants, problem statements, test scores, and even competition-related software.

Although Competition Papers serve as an archival record of a competition, it is critical that they make clear why the competition’s problems are relevant to continued progress in the area, what progress has been made since the previous competition, if applicable, and what were the most significant technical advances reflected in the competition results. The exposition should be accessible to a broad AI audience.
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Guide for authors 作者指南

Introduction 介绍

The journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) welcomes papers on broad aspects of AI that constitute advances in the overall field including, but not limited to, cognition and AI, automated reasoning and inference, case-based reasoning, commonsense reasoning, computer vision, constraint processing, ethical AI, heuristic search, human interfaces, intelligent robotics, knowledge representation, machine learning, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, planning and action, and reasoning under uncertainty. The journal reports results achieved in addition to proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems, both of which must include demonstrations of value and effectiveness.
人工智能杂志 (AIJ) 欢迎关于人工智能广泛方面的论文,这些方面构成了整个领域的进步,包括但不限于认知和人工智能、自动推理和推理、基于案例的推理、常识推理、计算机视觉、约束处理、道德人工智能、启发式搜索、人机界面、智能机器人、知识表示、机器学习、多智能体系统、自然语言处理、 计划和行动,以及不确定性下的推理。该杂志除了报告了研究人工智能问题的新方法外,还报告了所取得的成果,这两者都必须包括价值和有效性的证明。
Papers describing applications of AI are also welcome, but the focus should be on how new and novel AI methods advance performance in application areas, rather than a presentation of yet another application of conventional AI methods. Papers on applications should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an indepth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited.

Apart from regular papers, the journal also accepts Research Notes, Research Field Reviews, Position Papers, and Book Reviews (see details below). The journal will also consider summary papers that describe challenges and competitions from various areas of AI. Such papers should motivate and describe the competition design as well as report and interpret competition results, with an emphasis on insights that are of value beyond the competition (series) itself.

From time to time, there are special issues devoted to a particular topic. Such special issues must always have open calls-for-papers. Guidance on the submission of proposals for special issues, as well as other material for authors and reviewers can be found at http://aij.ijcai/special-issues.
不时有专门针对特定主题的特刊。此类特刊必须始终公开征稿。关于提交特刊提案的指南,以及作者和审稿人的其他材料,请参见 http://aij.ijcai/special-issues。


Regular Papers 常规论文
AIJ welcomes basic and applied papers describing mature, complete, and novel research that articulate methods for, and provide insight into artificial intelligence and the production of artificial intelligent systems. The question of whether a paper is mature, complete and novel is ultimately determined by reviewers and editors on a case-bycase basis. Generally, a paper should include a convincing motivational discussion, articulate the relevance of the research to Artificial Intelligence, clarify what is new and different, anticipate the scientific impact of the work, include all relevant proofs and/or experimental data, and provide a thorough discussion of connections with the existing literature. A prerequisite for the novelty of a paper is that the results it describes have not been previously published by other authors and have not been previously published by the same authors in any archival journal. In particular, a previous conference publication by the same authors does not disqualify a submission on the grounds of novelty. However, it is rarely the case that conference papers satisfy the completeness criterion without further elaboration. Indeed, even prize-winning papers from major conferences often undergo major revision following referee comments, before being accepted to AIJ.

AIJ caters to a broad readership. Papers that are heavily mathematical in content are welcome but should include a less technical high-level motivation and introduction that is accessible to a wide audience

本文标签: 人工智能期刊Artificialintelligence