



1. 水平思考

2. 善于授权
我们通常不大愿意花时间去解决一些小问题,对那些花时间解决这些问题的人员,我们也常常吝啬我们的溢美之词. 可是要知道,这些所谓的小问题日久将可能变成为大问题,到时候可能让我们无从下手.
在过去,人们差不多都已养成习惯,平时忽略小的问题,听之任之任其发展,一直到发展成为大问题. 只有到这时候,我们的领导们才临时抱佛脚,想办法解决问题。

3. 乐观的心态
领导者应是乐观的,凡事都往好处想. 这种积极的思维方式不只是简简单单地消除消极情绪,它是积极的往前看的实际行动. 当消极事件发生的时候,优秀的项目领导者会把眼光集中在事情积极的一面。他们认为这些消极事件至少让他们有了学习提高的机会,有利于团队建设.

4. 改进的决心
所谓的要持续改进,其表现方式其实简单, 就是经常要问一问自己,如何才能做得更好?
但是,这样的问题实际上是领导者自己在向自己和自己的项目组提出挑战. 这样的问题也还能推动项目绩效评估工作,并将改进工作落到实处. 作为回报,项目必将获得更大的成功.

5. 合理分配工作
另外,它还能给你带来一个好处,让你和你的项目成员有更多的时间呆在一起,有助于你们间形成良好的人际关系。作为领导者,你对他们的工作时常有所反应,让他们感受到你随时在关注他们的工作, 这对他们来说是个鼓励,会提高他们的工作责任心. 你作出的绩效标准,也还因此是基于项目组成员的,而不是基于纯粹的某一项项目活动的. 一个善于授权的领导者,他可以站在更高的位置,着眼于整体,而不是单去关注项目的细节。

6. 超前的眼光
领导者仅仅要做的是,基于合理的目标建立愿景,再制定有效的策略去实现它. 另外,组织将往何处去, 还有那些潜能尚待挖掘,这一类战略性思考,将促进领导者建设性勾画出组织的发展蓝图.围绕这个蓝图,有那些东西是必须具备的?主动出击还是基于现实考虑?从长远着想?这些思考将带来更大的成功. 需要注意,领导者未来的成功取决于现在切实的计划。

水平思考 Lateral thinking
授权 Empowerment
乐观的心态 Active optimism
改进的决心 Determination to Improve
合理分配工作 Encouragement of delegation
超前的眼光 Real potential
Victor Teplitzky is an independent consultant and works with government and private organizations internationally. Through his unique combination of Industrial Engineering, Organization Development and Project Management he is able to help client organizations achieve success

Six Attributes of Successful L-E-A-D-E-R-ship
Written by: Victor A. Teplitzky, MSOD, PMP, PhD

Does leadership have an effect on project success?
Is there a difference between management and leadership?
Can leadership be learned?
The answer to all these questions is yes.

In this article, I look at six essential attributes of project leadership. This is not a complete list, but one that provides a good jump start to successful project leadership.
1. Lateral Thinking
The first essential attribute, lateral thinking, represents a variety of methods to get us out of our ?usual way of thinking.? In essence, lateral thinking breaks down the instilled and predetermined patterns we often employ when working on a problem.

Through lateral thinking, project managers try different perceptions, concepts, and points of entry. They consider multiple possibilities and approaches instead of a single approach.

The variety of perspectives used in lateral thinking allows us to solve difficult project challenges more successfully.

2. Empowerment

Often, there is little recognition given to people who spend time solving elementary problems. And yet, it?s those problems that can plant the seed for bigger, more complex problems.

Typically, and because of preset leadership attitudes, employees develop the habit of ignoring an issue until it becomes unmanageable. Often, leaders seek to go on record for being a problem solver.

Empowered project teams counter this attitude. They focus on getting the job done while solving or preventing problems while the problems are still nascent.
The ultimate paradox of project leadership power is that, to be an effective leader, project managers must develop all team members into leaders.

In this way, processes (such as relationships and the issues of leadership) and empowerment become important. Successful leaders are able to motivate, energize, and empower others. When people are excited and empowered, it affects both their task initiation and task persistence.
In other words, empowered people get more involved, take on more difficult situations, and act more confidently.
3. Active Optimism

The third essential attribute is optimism.

Leaders are optimistic. They think positively. Positive thinking is more than just avoiding negative emotions. It translates into actions that are forward thinking and involved. When negative events happen, excellent project leaders focus on the positive aspects of the event. They look at a problem as an opportunity for learning and team development?for the team and for themselves.

4. Determination to Improve
On-going self-assessment and self-evaluation are critical exercises for ensuring that your project is meeting its objectives and generating a positive impact.
A strong determination to constantly improve is simple idea. Just ask, ?What can I/we do even better??
By asking this question, leaders focus on challenging themselves and project team members. Further, it sets on-going self-evaluation and achievement into motion. In turn, this focus on continuous process improvement reaps results.
5. Encouragement of delegation

Delegation is one of the most important roles of your job as a leader. Your primary job isn?t to execute but rather to motivate and accomplish tasks through your project team members. Delegation of tasks and authority means less time spent on fighting fires and correcting errors and more time on vision development, motivation, project change control, and goal setting.
Delegating relieves time-pressures. It provides your team members with an opportunity to expand their decision making and problem solving skills and encourages creativity and initiative. This, while motivating them to achieve their potential.
In addition, delegation forces you to spend time with your team members, thus developing interpersonal relationships. Your feedback and attention will encourage your team to attain higher levels of responsibility. Delegation helps set performance standards based on team member?rather than purely on their activity. As a leader who encourages delegation, you will be able to step back and look at the bigger picture rather than being caught up in the minutia of the project.

6. Real potential

To meet future challenges, leaders must be inspired by real potential and strategies for the future.

Only then can they set a vision with reasonable goals and promote the process of developing effective strategies to achieve them. Considering the organization?s potential and future enables leaders to think constructively about what could be and what would be necessary to achieving a vision. Proactive and realistic ?future-oriented? thinking can lead to greater project success. For leaders, a successful future requires real planning now.

In summary, a successful project leader is one who considers:
Lateral thinking
Active optimism
Determination to Improve
Encouragement of delegation
Real potential

Victor Teplitzky is an independent consultant and works with government and private organizations internationally. Through his unique combination of Industrial Engineering, Organization Development and Project Management he is able to help client organizations achieve success

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