

What's this?

It's V.

What color is it?
It's red/yellow/green/blue/black/white.

1.Lauguage Goals:letters s-z;identify colors(辨认颜色)

goal/ɡoʊl/ n.目标;

identify/aɪ'dentɪ.faɪ/ v.鉴定;确认
2.Match the word with the colors.将单词和颜色匹配

match /mætʃ/v.相配;满足;适应;配对
3.Pratice the conversations above.then make your own conversations.

above /ə'bʌv/ adv.在(或向)上面

4.Color the picture.

5.Listen to the conversation and color the things in the picture.
6.Listen again.Compelete the sentences.

sentence /'sent(ə)ns/ n.句子

Compelete /kəm'plit/ v.完成;填写(表格)
7.Listen and sing the alphabet song.

sing /sɪŋ/ v.演唱;鸣;啼;唱(歌)

song /sɔŋ/n.歌;歌曲;歌唱;声乐

alphabet  /ˈælfəˌbɛt/ n.字母表;
Listen and read the chant.

chant /[tʃænt/ v.吟唱;
Write some new words in your notebook.
Fill in the missing letters. then read out all the letters from a to z.

fill in 填写

mssing /'mɪsɪŋ/adj.找不到的;不在的;丢失的;
work in pairs.Use colored pens to write down the letters your  partner says.


work in pairs/per/ 两人一组;

colored /ˈkʌlə(r)d/ adj.彩色的;染过色的;
what's =what is
it's =it is

What color is your bag?

-It's red.

What color are your shoes?

-They are black.

How much is your bag?
-It’s 80 dollars.

How much are your shoes?

-They're 50 dollars.

What's your favorite color?


What's in your bag?

-There are pens,notebooks,and a smart phone.

How many pens are there  in your bag?

-There are 4.

How many books are there in your bag?

-There is only one.


本文标签: identifycolorS