


    • 简述
    • A+类会议
    • A类会议


计算机领域的学术会议分为A+, A, B, C, L 共5个档次。其中A+类属于顶级会议;A类是仅次于顶会的高级别会议;B类的会议论文录用难度相对比较容易,当然也有非常多论文质量很硬的会议。C类和L类会议相对知名度比较低,论文发表也很容易,但是认可度不高。本文只列举了计算机领域的A+类会议和A类会议,供大家参考。


AcronymStandard Name
AAAINational Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
AAMASInternational Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
ACMMMACM Multimedia Conference
ASPLOSArchitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
CAVComputer Aided Verification
CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
CHIInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
COLTAnnual Conference on Computational Learning Theory
CRYPTOAdvances in Cryptology
CSCLComputer Supported Collaborative Learning
DCCIEEE Data Compression Conference
DSNInternational Conference on Dependable Systems
EuroCryptInternational Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques
FOCSIEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
FOGAFoundations of Genetic Algorithms
HPCAIEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture
I3DGACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics
ICAPSInternational Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
ICCVIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
ICDEIEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
ICDMIEEE International Conference on Data Mining
ICFPInternational Conference on Functional Programming
ICISInternational Conference on Information Systems
ICMLInternational Conference on Machine Learning
ICSEInternational Conference on Software Engineering
IJCAIInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
INFOCOMJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies
InfoVisIEEE Information Visualization Conference
IPSNInformation Processing in Sensor Networks
ISCAACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture
ISMARIEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
ISSACInternational. Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
ISWCIEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing
IWQoSIFIP International Workshop on QoS
JCDLACM Conference on Digital Libraries
KRInternational Conference on Principles of KR & Reasoning
LICSIEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
MOBICOMACM International Conferencem on Mobile Computing and Networking
NIPSAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems
OOPSLAACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications
OSDIUsenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
PERCOMIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
PERVASIVEInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing
PLDIACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design & Implementation
PODCACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
PODSACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conferenceon Principles of Database Systems
POPLACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Prog Langs
RSSRobotics: Systems and Science
RTSSReal Time Systems Symp
SENSYSACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
SIGCOMMACM Conference on Applications, Technologies,Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication
SIGGRAPHACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
SIGIRACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
SIGKDDACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
SIGMETRICSACM SIG on computer and communications metrics and performance
SIGMODACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data Conference
SODAACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
SOSPACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
STOCACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
UAIConference in Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence
UbiCompUniquitous Computing
VLDBInternational Conference on Very Large Databases
WWWInternational World Wide Web Conference


AcronymStandard Name
ACM-HTACM Hypertext Conf
AHInternational Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems
AIDInternational Conference on AI in Design
AIEDInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
AIIMArtificial Intelligence in Medicine
AIMEArtificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe
AiMLAdvances in Modal Logic
ALENEXWorkshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments
ALIFEInternational Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
AMAIArtificial Intelligence and Maths
AMIAAmerican Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium
AOSDAspect-Oriented Software Development
APPROXInternational Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
ASAPInternational Conference on Apps for Specific Array Processors
ASEAutomated Software Engineering Conference
ASIACRYPTInternational Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology
ASIS&TAnnual conference of American Society for Information Science and Technology
ATVAInternational Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
AVSSAdvanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance
BMVCBritish Machine Vision Conference
BPMInternational Conference in Business Process Management
CADEInternational Conference on Automated Deduction
CAIPInternational Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
CaiSEInternational Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
CANIMComputer Animation
CASESInternational Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
CBSEInternational Symposium Component-Based Software Engineering
CCInternational Conference on Compiler Construction
CCCIEEE Symposium on Computational Complexity
CCGRIDIEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
CDCIEEE Conference on Decision and Control
CGIComputer Graphics International
CGOCode Generation and Optimization
CIDRConference on Innovative Data Systems Research
CIKMACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
CLUSTERCluster Computing Conference
COCOONInternational Conference on Computing and Combinatorics
CogSciAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
COLINGInternational Conference on Computational Liguistics
CONCURInternational Conference on Concurrency Theory
CoNLLConference on Natural Language Learning
CoopISInternational Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
CoordinationInternational Conference on Coordination Models and Lanuguages
CPInternational Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint Programming
CPAIORInternational Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
CSBIEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference
CSCWACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
CSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop
CSSACCognitive Science Society Annual Conference
CVPRIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
DACDesign Automation Conf
DASInternational Workshop on Document Analysis Systems
DASFAADatabase Systems for Advanced Applications
DATEIEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference
DEXAInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
DIGRADigital Games Research Conference
DISDesigning Interactive Systems
DISCInternational Symposium on Distributed Computing (ex WDAG)
DocEngACM Symposium on Document Engineering
DOODDeductive and Object-Oriented Databases
DUXDesign for User Experience
EAAIEngineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence
EACLEuropean Association of Computational Linguistics
EASEInternational Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
ECACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
ECAIEuropean Conference on Artificial Intelligence
ECCVEuropean Conference on Computer Vision
ECDLEuropean Conference on Digital Libraries
ECISEuropean Conference on Information Systems
ECMLEuropean Conference on Machine Learning
ECOOPEuropean Conference on object-oriented programming
ECRTSEuromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
ECSCWEuropean Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
ECWebInternational Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technology
EDBTExtending Database Technology
EKAWInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
EMMSADExploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design
EMNLPEmpirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
EMSOFTACM Conference on Embedded Software
ESAEuropean Symposium on Algorithms
e-scienceIEEE International Conference on e-science and Grid Computing
ESEMInternation Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
ESOPEuropean Symposium on Programming
ESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security
ESQARUInternational Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning
ESWCEuropean Semantic Web Conference
EuroCOLTEuropean Conference on Computational Learning Theory
EUROGRAPHEuropean Graphics Conference
EuroParInternational Conference on Parallel Processing
EuroPVM/MPIEuopean PVM/MPI Uswers’ Group Conference
EuroSpeechEuropean Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
EuroSPIEuropean SPI
EuroSysEurosys Conference
EWSNEuropean conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
FCCMIEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines
FLOPSInternational Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
FMEFormal Methods Europe
FODOInternational Conference on Foundation on Data Organization
FORTEIFIP Joint Int’l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And Verification
FPSACFormal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
FSEACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc ESEC-FSE when held joInternationaly [sic])
FSRInternational Conference on Field and Service Robotics
FST&TCSFoundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science
FUZZ-IEEEIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
GDGraph Drawing
GridInternational Conference on Grid Computing
GroupACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup)
HiPCInternational Conference on High Performance Computing
HOTCHIPS (HCS)Symposium on High Performance Chips
HOTNETSACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
HotOSUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
HPDCIEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
HypertextACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
IC3NInternational Conference on Computer Communication and Networks
ICADLInternational Conference of Asian Digital Libraries
ICALPInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
ICALTIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
ICARCVInternational Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
ICCIEEE International Conference on Communications
ICCADInternational Conference on Computer-Aided Design
ICCLIEEE International Conference on Computer Languages
ICCSInternational Conference on Computational Science
ICCSInternational Conference on Conceptual Structures
ICDARIEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
ICDCSIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
ICDTInternational Conference on Database Theory
ICECCSIEEE International Conference on Engineering and Complex Computer Systems
ICERInternational Computing Education Research Workshop
ICGGInternational Conference on Grid Computing
ICIAPInternational Conference on Image Analysis and Processing
ICIPIEEE International Conference on Image Processing
ICLPInternational conference on Logic Programming
ICMASInternational Conference on Multi Agent Systems
ICNNIEEE International Conference on Neural Networks
ICNPInternational Conference on Network Protocols
ICONIPInternational Conference on Neural Information Processing
ICPPInternational Conference on Parallel Processing
ICPRInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition
ICSACM International Conference on Supercomputing
ICSC2International Computer Symposium Conference
ICSMInternational. Conferenceon Software Maintenance
ICSOCInternational Conference on Service Oriented Computing
ICSPInternational Conference on Software Process
ICSPCInternational Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing
ICSRIEEE International Conference on Software Reuse
ICTLInternational Coference on Temporal Logic
IDAIntelligent Data Analysis
IEEE-AlifeIEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life
IEEE-CECCongress on Evolutionary Computation
IEEE-MMIEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
IEEETKDEIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
IFIP_WG 11.3IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC)
IJCNLPInternational Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
IJCNNIEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
ILPSInternational Logic Programming Symposium
IMIFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (odd years sharing with NOMS)
IMCInternet Measurement Conference
INTERACTIFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
IPCOMPS Conference on integer programming & combinatorial optimization
IPDPSIEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP)
ISAACInternational Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
ISDInternational Conference on Information Systems Development
ISESEInternational Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering
ISMBIntelligent Systems in Molecular Biology
ISRInternational Symposium on Robotics
ISSCCIEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
ISSRInternational Symposium on Robotics Research
ISSREInternational Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
ISSTAInternation Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
ISTAInternational Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Application
ISTCSIsrael Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems
ISWCInternational Semantic Web Conference
ITiCSEAnnual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
ITSInternational Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
IUIIntelligent User Interfaces
IVCNZImage and Vision Computing Conference
JELIALogics in Artificial Intelligence, European Conference
JICSLP/ICLP/ILPSInternational Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming (Joint)
K-CAPKnowledge capture
LCNIEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
LCTESACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded Systems
LPARLogic Programming and Automated Reasoning
LPNMRInternational Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning
MASCOTSSymposium Model Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommunications Systems
MASSIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor System
MassParSymposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Processing
MICROInternational Symposium on Microarchitecture
MiddlewareACM/IFIP/USENIX th International Middleware Conference
MIRACM SIGMM International Woekshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval
MMCNACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking
MMSPInternational Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
MOBIHOCACM Symposium of mobile and ad hoc computing
MobileHCIInternational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
MobiquitousInternational Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services
MobisysACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on mobile systems, applications and services
MODELSInternational Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (formerly UML)
MSWIMACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems A
NAACLNorth American Association for Computational Linguistics
NDSSUsenix Networked and Distributed System Security Symposium
Net Object DaysIncludings [sic] MATES, ENASE etc.
NetStoreNetwork Storage Symposium
Networking 200XIFIP Networking 200X
NOSSDAVNetwork and OS Support for Digital A/V
NSDISymposium on Networked Systems, Design and Implementation
OPENARCHIEEE Conference on Open Architecture and Network Programming
P2PIEEE International Conference on Peer-toPeer Computing
PACTInternational Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques
PADLPractical Aspects of Declarative Languages
PADSACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation
PAKDDPacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
PDCParticipatory Design Conference
PEPMACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evalutation and Program Manipulation
PERFORMANCEIFIP International Symposium on Computing Performance, Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation
PGPacific Graphics
PKDDEuropean Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming
PPSNParallel Problem Solving from Nature
PRO-VEIFIP Working Conferences on Virtual Enterprises
PTPerformance Tools - International Conference on Model Techniques & Tools for CPE
QoSAConference on the Quality of Software Architectures
QSICInternational Quality Software Conference
RAIDSymposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
RANDOMInternational Workshop on Randomization and Computation
REIEEE Requirements Engineering
RECOMBAnnual International Conferenceon Comp Molecular Biology
RoboCupRobot Soccer World Cup
RSTInternational Conference on Reliable Software Technologies
RTAInternational Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications
RTASIEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
S&PIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
SARASymposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
SASStatic Analysis Symposium
SATInternational Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing
SCAACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
SCCIEEE International Conference on Services Computing
SCGACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
SCOPESInternational Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems
SDMSIAM International Conference on Data Mining
SDSDIUnix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
SIGCSEACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference
SMSIEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics
SPAASymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
SPICESoftware Process Improvement and Capability Determination
SRDSSymposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
SSDBMInternational Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base Management
SSPRStructural and Statistical pattern recognition
SSRACM Symposium on Software Reusability
SSTDInternational Symposium on Spatial Databases
STACSSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
SUPERACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference
SWATScandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory
TABLEAUXInternational Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods
TACASTools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems
TARKTheoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge
TIMEInternational Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
TRECText Retrieval Conference
UISTACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
UMInternational Conference on User Modelling
USENIXUSENIX Annual Technical Conference
USENIX-SecurityUsenix Security
USITSUnix Symposium on Internet Technologies
VCIPSPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing
VISIEEE Visualization
VL/HCCIEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL)
VLSIIEEE Symposium VLSI Circuits
VMCAIVerification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation
WACVIEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision
WADSWorkshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
WICSAEEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software Architecture
WISEInternational Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
WoWMoMIEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks
WPHOLInternational Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics

本文标签: 领域会议计算机列表