


ICCV:International Conference on Computer Vision

CVPR:International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

ECCV:European Conference on Computer Vision

IJCAIInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

AAAINational Conference on Artificial Intelligence

ICMLInternational Conference on Machine Learning

NIPS:Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems

ICLR:International Conference on Learning Representations


ICCV的全称是International Conference on Computer VisionICCV两年一次近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





ICCV 2019

International Conference on Computer Vision

Oct 27, 2019 - Nov 3, 2019

Seoul, Korea

Mar 1, 2019

ICCV 2017

International Conference on Computer Vision

Oct 22, 2017 - Oct 29, 2017

Venice, Italy

Mar 17, 2017

ICCV 2013

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision

Dec 1, 2013 - Dec 8, 2013

Sydney, Australia

Apr 12, 2013 (Apr 8, 2013)

ICCV 2011

The 13th International Conference on Computer Vision

Nov 6, 2011 - Nov 13, 2011

Barcelona, Spain

Mar 1, 2011

ICCV 2009

International Conference on Computer Vision

Sep 29, 2009 - Oct 2, 2009

Kyoto, Japan

Mar 10, 2009


Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research. Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition including, but not limited to
3D Computer Vision
Action Recognition
Big data and Large Scale Methods
Biometrics, face and gesture
Biomedical image analysis
Computational photography, photometry, shape from X
Deep Learning
Low-level vision and Image Processing
Motion and Tracking
Optimization methods
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing and matching
Robot Vision
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
Statistical learning
Video: events, activities and surveillance
Vision for X




CVPR的全称是International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition这是一个一年一次的会议近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





CVPR 2020

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Jun 16, 2020 - Jun 20, 2020

Seattle, WA

Nov 15, 2019

CVPR 2019

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Jun 15, 2019 - Jun 21, 2019

Long Beach, CA

Nov 16, 2018

CVPR 2018

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Jun 18, 2018 - Jun 22, 2018


Nov 15, 2017 (Nov 8, 2017)


Call for Papers
Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research. Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition including, but not limited to
3D computer vision
Action and behavior recognition
Adversarial learning, adversarial attack and defense methods
Biometrics, face, gesture, body pose
Computational photography, image and video synthesis
Datasets and evaluation
Efficient training and inference methods for networks
Explainable AI, fairness, accountability, privacy, transparency and ethics in vision
Image retrieval
Low-level and physics-based vision
Machine learning architectures and formulations
Medical, biological and cell microscopy
Motion and tracking
Neural generative models, auto encoders, GANs
Optimization and learning methods
Recognition (object detection, categorization)
Representation learning, deep learning
Scene analysis and understanding
Segmentation, grouping and shape
Transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning
Video analysis and understanding
Vision + language, vision + other modalities
Vision applications and systems, vision for robotics and autonomous vehicles
Visual reasoning and logical representation
All submissions will be handled electronically. In addition to the main technical program, the conference will include Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations, and Exhibits. Submit proposals to the appropriate chair.




ECCV的全称是European Conference on Computer Vision,是一个欧洲的会议两年举办一次,与ICCV刚好错开近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





ECCV 2020

European Conference on Computer Vision

Aug 23, 2020 - Aug 28, 2020



ECCV 2018

European Conference on Computer Vision

Sep 8, 2018 - Sep 14, 2018

Munich, Germany

Mar 14, 2018

ECCV 2012

European Conference on Computer Vision

Oct 7, 2012 - Oct 13, 2012

Florence, Italy

Mar 5, 2012

ECCV 2010

11th European Conference on Computer Vision

Sep 5, 2010 - Sep 11, 2010

Hersonissos, Crete, Greece

Mar 17, 2010

ECCV 2008

10th European Conference on Computer Vision

Oct 12, 2008 - Oct 18, 2008

Marseille, France

Mar 17, 2008


ECCV is a selective single-track conference on computer vision. High quality previously unpublished research contributions are sought on any aspect of computer vision.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Sensors and Early Vision
* Image Features
* Color and Texture
* Segmentation and Grouping
* Image-Based Modeling
* Illumination and Reflectance Modeling
* Motion and Tracking
* Stereo and Structure from Motion
* Shape Representation
* Object Recognition
* Video Analysis
* Event Detection and Recognition
* Face Detection and Recognition
* Gesture Recognition
* Statistical Models and Visual Learning
* Medical Image Analysis
* Active and Robot Vision
* Image and Video Retrieval
* Cognitive & Biologically inspired Vision
* Vision Systems Engineering & Performance Evaluation



IJCAI : International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,国际人工智能联合会议,一年一次。近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





IJCAI 2020

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Jul 11, 2020 - Jul 17, 2020

Yokohama, Japan

Jan 21, 2020 (Jan 15, 2020)

IJCAI 2019

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Aug 10, 2019 - Aug 16, 2019

Macau, China

Feb 25, 2019

IJCAI 2017

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Aug 19, 2017 - Aug 25, 2017

Melbourne, Australia

Feb 19, 2017

IJCAI 2016

Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Jul 9, 2016 - Jul 15, 2016

New York City, US

Feb 2, 2016 (Jan 27, 2016)

IJCAI 2015

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Jul 28, 2015 - Aug 1, 2015

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Feb 12, 2015 (Feb 8, 2015)







AAAI:National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,人工智能会议,一年一次。近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





AAAI 2020

The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Feb 7, 2020 - Feb 12, 2020

Hilton New York Midtown, New York, USA

Sep 5, 2019 (Aug 30, 2019)

AAAI 2019

National Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Jan 27, 2019 - Feb 1, 2019

Honolulu, Hawaii

Sep 5, 2018 (Sep 1, 2018)

AAAI 2018

The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Feb 2, 2018 - Feb 7, 2018

New Orleans, Lousiana, USA

Sep 11, 2017 (Sep 8, 2017)

AAAI 2016

Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Feb 12, 2016 - Feb 17, 2016

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Sep 15, 2015 (Sep 10, 2015)


The purpose of the AAAI conference series is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and foster scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, scientists, students, and engineers in AI and its affiliated disciplines. AAAI-20 is the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. It will continue the tradition of previous AAAI conferences with technical paper presentations, invited speakers, workshops, tutorials, poster sessions, senior member presentations, competitions, and exhibit programs, all selected according to the highest standards. AAAI-20 will also include additional programs for students and young researchers.
AAAI-20 welcomes submissions reporting research that advances artificial intelligence, broadly conceived. The conference scope includes all subareas of AI and machine learning. These include (but are not limited to) traditional topics such as search, planning, knowledge representation, reasoning, natural language processing, robotics and perception, multiagent systems, statistical learning, and deep learning. We expressly encourage work that cuts across technical areas, or develops AI techniques in the context of important application domains, such as healthcare, sustainability, transportation, and commerce.


ICML:International Conference on Machine Learning,机器学习的国际会议,一年一次。近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





ICML 2020

37th International Conference on Machine Learning

Jul 12, 2020 - Jul 18, 2020


Feb 7, 2020 (Jan 31, 2020)

ICML 2019

36th International Conference on Machine Learning

Jun 10, 2019 - Jun 15, 2019

Long Beach, CA, USA

Jan 23, 2019 (Jan 18, 2019)

ICML 2018

The 35th International Conference on Machine Learning

Jul 10, 2018 - Jul 15, 2018

Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm SWEDEN

Feb 9, 2018

ICML 2017

34th International Conference on Machine Learning

Aug 6, 2017 - Aug 11, 2017

Sydney, Australia

Feb 24, 2017






NIPS:神经信息处理系统大会(Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems)。一般是每年的12月举行,机器学习领域的顶级会议。近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:





NIPS 2019

Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Dec 10, 2019 - Dec 12, 2019

Vancouver, Canada

May 23, 2019 (May 16, 2019)

NIPS 2018

The Thirty-second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Dec 3, 2018 - Dec 8, 2018

Montréal, CANADA


NIPS 2017

The Thirty-first Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Dec 4, 2017 - Dec 9, 2017

Long Beach, CA, USA

May 19, 2017



Submissions are solicited for the Thirty-Second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), a multi track, interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in machine learning, computational neuroscience, and their applications.

Subject areas include:
Algorithms: Active Learning; Adaptive Data Analysis; AutoML; Bandit Algorithms; Boosting and Ensemble Methods; Classification; Clustering; Collaborative Filtering; Components Analysis (e.g., CCA, ICA, LDA, PCA); Density Estimation; Dynamical Systems; Kernel Methods; Large Margin Methods; Metric Learning; Missing Data; Model Selection and Structure Learning; Multitask and Transfer Learning; Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning; Online Learning; Ranking and Preference Learning; Regression; Relational Learning; Representation Learning; Semi-Supervised Learning; Similarity and Distance Learning; Sparse Coding and Dimensionality Expansion; Sparsity and Compressed Sensing; Spectral Methods; Stochastic Methods; Structured Prediction; Unsupervised Learning.

Applications: Activity and Event Recognition; Audio and Speech Processing; Body Pose, Face, and Gesture Analysis; Communication- or Memory-Bounded Learning; Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Computational Photography; Computational Social Science; Computer Vision; Denoising; Dialog- or Communication-Based Learning; Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency; Game Playing; Hardware and Systems; Image Segmentation; Information Retrieval; Matrix and Tensor Factorization; Motor Control; Music Modeling and Analysis; Natural Language Processing; Natural Scene Statistics; Network Analysis; Object Detection; Object Recognition; Privacy, Anonymity, and Security; Quantitative Finance and Econometrics; Recommender Systems; Robotics; Signal Processing; Source Separation; Speech Recognition; Sustainability; Systems Biology; Text Analysis; Time Series Analysis; Tracking and Motion in Video; Video Analysis; Video Segmentation; Visual Features; Visual Question Answering; Visual Scene Analysis and Interpretation; Web Applications and Internet Data.

Data, Competitions, Implementations, and Software: Benchmarks; Competitions or Challenges; Data Sets or Data Repositories; Software Toolkits.

Deep Learning: Adversarial Networks; Attention Models; Biologically Plausible Deep Networks; CNN Architectures; Deep Autoencoders; Efficient Inference Methods; Efficient Training Methods; Embedding Approaches; Few-Shot Learning Approaches; Generative Models; Interaction-Based Deep Networks; Memory-Augmented Neural Networks; Meta-Learning; Neural Abstract Machines; Optimization for Deep Networks; Predictive Models; Program Induction; Recurrent Networks; Supervised Deep Networks; Virtual Environments; Visualization or Exposition Techniques for Deep Networks.

Neuroscience and Cognitive Science: Auditory Perception; Brain Imaging; Brain Mapping; Brain Segmentation; Brain--Computer Interfaces and Neural Prostheses; Cognitive Science; Connectomics; Human or Animal Learning; Language for Cognitive Science; Memory; Neural Coding; Neuropsychology; Neuroscience; Perception; Plasticity and Adaptation; Problem Solving; Reasoning; Spike Train Generation; Synaptic Modulation; Visual Perception.

Optimization: Combinatorial Optimization; Convex Optimization; Non-Convex Optimization; Submodular Optimization.

Probabilistic Methods: Bayesian Nonparametrics; Bayesian Theory; Belief Propagation; Causal Inference; Distributed Inference; Gaussian Processes; Graphical Models; Hierarchical Models; Latent Variable Models; MCMC; Topic Models; Variational Inference.

Reinforcement Learning and Planning: Decision and Control; Exploration; Hierarchical RL; Markov Decision Processes; Model-Based RL; Multi-Agent RL; Navigation; Planning; Reinforcement Learning.

Theory: Competitive Analysis; Computational Complexity; Control Theory; Frequentist Statistics; Game Theory and Computational Economics; Hardness of Learning and Approximations; Information Theory; Large Deviations and Asymptotic Analysis; Learning Theory; Regularization; Spaces of Functions and Kernels; Statistical Physics of Learning.




ICLR:International Conference on Learning Representations(国际学习表征会议),深度学习方面的顶级会议。近几届具体举办日期、举办城市及截稿时间如下:






ICLR 2016

ICLR 2016 : International Conference on Learning Representations 2016

May 2, 2016 - May 4, 2016

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Nov 19, 2015 (Nov 12, 2015)

ICLR 2017

5th International Conference on Learning Representations

Apr 24, 2017 - Apr 26, 2017

Palais des Congrès Neptune, Toulon, Fr

Nov 4, 2016

ICLR 2019

International Conference for Learning Representations

Apr 30, 2019 - Apr 30, 2019

New Orleans

Sep 27, 2018

ICLR 2020

International Conference on Learning Representations

Apr 26, 2020 - Apr 30, 2020

Millennium Hall, Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA

Sep 25, 2019



The performance of machine learning methods is heavily dependent on the choice of data representation (or features) on which they are applied. The rapidly developing field of deep learning is concerned with questions surrounding how we can best learn meaningful and useful representations of data. We take a broad view of the field and include topics such as feature learning, metric learning, compositional modeling, structured prediction, reinforcement learning, and issues regarding large-scale learning and non-convex optimization. The range of domains to which these techniques apply is also very broad, from vision to speech recognition, text understanding, gaming, music, etc.

A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:
unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised representation learning
representation learning for planning and reinforcement learning
metric learning and kernel learning
sparse coding and dimensionality expansion
hierarchical models
optimization for representation learning
learning representations of outputs or states
implementation issues, parallelization, software platforms, hardware
applications in vision, audio, speech, natural language processing, robotics, neuroscience, or any other field
The program will include keynote presentations from invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters.

ICLR features two tracks: a Conference Track and a Workshop Track. Submissions of extended abstracts to the Workshop Track will be accepted after the decision notifications for Conference Track submissions are sent. A future call for extended abstracts will provide more details on the Workshop Track.

Some of the submitted Conference Track papers that are not accepted to the conference proceedings will be invited for presentation in the Workshop Track.













本文标签: 人工智能视觉会议计算机