

1.iterate v.反复说;重做;[计]迭代 ['ɪtəreɪt] ['ɪtəreɪt]
1) Managing the caches Whenever you pass an object to save ( ) , update ( ) or saveOrUpdate ( ) , and whenever you retrieve an object using load ( ) , get ( ) , list ( ) , iterate ( ) or scroll ( ) , that object is added to the internal cache of the Se...
2) If you now iterate through all cats and call getOwner ( ) on each , Hibernate will , by default , execute 25 SELECT statements to retrieve the proxied owners .
3) iterate ( ) ; Cat fritz = ( Cat ) ( ) ; Note list ( ) does not usually return proxies .

2.motocross n.摩托车越野赛 ['məʊtəʊkrɒs] ['moʊtoʊkrɔːs]
1) I still disagree with his plan , motocross is extremely dangerous even with some professional training .
2) There is motocross , rappelling , whitewater rafting , and others .
4) I heard he 's planning to join a motocross tournament .

3.citing n.引用;引证;举例动词cite的现在分词形式. ['saɪtɪŋ] ['saɪtɪŋ]
1) In the next section , we 'll look at how you can test the same project in those different environments with minimal effort I 'm rubbish at goodbyes , but management has shot down this idea , citing a limited budget I just attended the parent-teacher...

4.counterparty n.交易对手;对手方
1) Today we discovered a small but impactful bug in the filing of Form 102S when the consolidated account was associated with `` Owner , Controller , and Counterparty '' .
2) If you do not include more than one counterparty here , you will not be taken to the qualitative questions .

5.whilst conj.<英>当 ... 时;尽管 [waɪlst] [waɪlst]
1) For example , whilst for simple types the database-level column name may be the same as the entity-level property name , this is often not the case for relational properties .

6.Portability n.可移植性;可携带;轻便 [ˌpɔːtə'bɪləti] [ˌpɔːtə'bɪləti]
1) In terms of portability concerns , this function handling currently works pretty well from HQL ; however , it is quite lacking in all other aspects .
2) Starting with version 3.2.3 , Hibernate comes with a set of enhanced identifier generators targetting portability in a much different way .
3) Identifier generation When considering portability between databases , another important decision is selecting the identifier generation stratagy you want to use .

7.offense n.过错;冒犯;触怒;犯规;犯罪;进攻 [ə'fens] [ə'fens]
1) No offense to the UIAutomator team who has 202 , done an excellent job .
2) 无意冒犯 No offense .
3) It is a major offense . .

8.allergic adj.过敏的;反感的 [ə'lɜːdʒɪk] [ə'lɜːrdʒɪk]
1) I 'm actually allergic to that .
2) 你并没有对杆菌肽过敏 You 're not allergic to Bacitracin .

9.clumsy adj.笨拙的;不得体的;笨重的 ['klʌmzi] ['klʌmzi]
1) It is a little bit clumsy how it works now .
2) I am getting so clumsy in my old age . ''

10.congested adj.拥挤的;堵塞的;充血的;鼻子不通的动词congest的过去式和过去分词. [kən'dʒestɪd] [kən'dʒestɪd]
1) I will appreciate if this change can wait till next weekend Due to the timing of the strike , managers may also need to consider adjusting finishing times as the underground is expected to be congested from 4:00 p.m. , and services expected to cease

11mencing v.开始;着手;<英>获得学位 [kə'mens] [kə'mens]
1) Prior to commencing the Workbench tutorials found in this section Before rearranging the Workbench , a little housekeeping is required .

12.reiterate vt.重申 [ri'ɪtəreɪt] [ri'ɪtəreɪt]
1) I believe xxx called this out at some point as well , but just to reiterate , xxxx .

13.dedication n.奉献;献词;献堂礼 [ˌdedɪ'keɪʃn] [ˌdedɪ'keɪʃn]
1) I am confident this will only further prove our progress and dedication in the FCM space .

14.distractions n.分心的事物;娱乐;消遣的复数
1) She showed how the police train horses to ignore noises and other distractions .
2) -LSB- 02:06.94 -RSB- She showed how the police train horses to ignore noises and other distractions .
3) distractions -- n .

15.transparency n.透明度;幻灯片 [træns'pærənsi] [træns'pærənsi]
1) Brian Jackson at IHS Economics says the move could be a step toward transparency .

16.circumstances n.情况;境遇;事项;详细情节名词circumstance的复数形式. ['sɜːkəmstənsɪz] ['sɜːkəmstənsɪz]
1) Under no circumstances should you deploy any locally built packages to the dev server Zara had 60 stores in china as of oct. 31 .
2) Logback 's architecture is sufficiently generic so as to apply under different circumstances .
3) There is also an alternate form that is useful in certain circumstances : List cats = sess.createCriteria ( Cat.class ) .

17.buddy n.伙伴;兄弟;好朋友vi.结交 ['bʌdi] ['bʌdi]
1) 你要是也在就好了 小家伙 We wish you were here , buddy .
2) 来吧 伙计 我们带她回家 Come on , buddy , let 's get her home .
3) 你说呢 伙计 What do you say , buddy ?

18.buggy adj.多虫的n.轻型马车;婴儿车 ['bʌɡi] ['bʌɡi]
1) Unfortunately the H2 Dialect included in some old versions of Hibernate was buggy .

19.exert vt.运用;施加 [ɪɡ'zɜːt] [ɪɡ'zɜːrt]
1) make persistent efforts ; continue to exert oneself For sanctity of DR test , we wanted to have no change going into production during this weekend Reason -- if anything which works or does not work after test , should not fall on one change .
2) Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written , it is Manning?s policy to have the books we publish printed on acid-free paper , and we exert our best efforts to that end .

20.nutritious adj.有营养的;滋养的 [nju'trɪʃəs] [nu'trɪʃəs]
1) A CSA is a program in which consumers pay a farmer ahead of time for automatic delivery of fresh , nutritious vegetables and fruit during the growing season .

21.Melted adj.融化了的melt的过去式和过去分词. [meltɪd] [meltɪd]
1) 完工 你就做好脸被辣麻的准备吧 All right , get ready to have your face melted .

22.obstacle n.障碍;绊脚石 ['ɒbstəkl] ['ɑːbstəkl]
1) -LSB- 01:46.70 -RSB- The children watched in amazement as the police officer -LSB- 01:51.87 -RSB- drove his motorcycle through an obstacle course .
2) a feeling of being very surprised or amazed obstacle course -- n .
3) The children watched in amazement as the police officer drove his motorcycle through an obstacle course .

23.bloats vt.使肿胀adj.肿胀的n.膨胀;自傲;(家畜)肠道炎 [bləʊt] [bloʊt]
1) Decommission Infrastructure with CCPs I have my annual physical exam from 11-12 Please remove any unused code that just bloats the code base .

24.treasury n.宝库;国库;金库Treasury.n.财政部;国债 ['treʒəri] ['treʒəri]
1) However the U.S. Treasury has said it is too early to say what the changes will mean . vt.追捕;追求;镂刻,雕刻;试图赢得vi.奔跑;追赶n.追捕;争取;狩猎 [tʃeɪs] [tʃeɪs]
1) 飞车无红灯懂不懂啊 There are no red lights in a car chase !

26.volatility n.挥发性;挥发度;轻快;(性格)反复无常 [ˌvɒlə'tɪləti] [ˌvɒlə'tɪləti]
1) __ Words in This Story Currency -- n. the money of a country Devaluation -- n. to reduce the value of a country 's money in relation to other currencies gradually -- adv. slowly over a period of time volatility -- n. likeliness to change in a sudden
2) Some experts say the recent volatility in the country 's stock market also has played a part .

27.bowling n.保龄球 ['bəʊlɪŋ] ['boʊlɪŋ]
1) -LSB- 02:54.24 -RSB- There was also time for more usual camp activities -- swimming , bowling , and laser tag .
2) There was also time for more usual camp activities -- swimming , bowling , and laser tag .
3) 警方还带孩子到法院观看了一场真正的庭审 。 There was also time for more usual camp activities -- swimming , bowling , and laser tag .

28.fiber n.纤维(物质);性格;质地 ['faɪbə] ['faɪbə]
1) 是的 但你真的该 Yeah , but you really ... 他怎么穿着碳纤维内裤 Why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants ?
2) - Carbon fiber .
3) -LSB- 05:39.20 -RSB- `` The hunter-gatherers , you know , going right back to -LSB- 05:42.12 -RSB- last Ice Age and before that -LSB- 05:44.44 -RSB- would have had a diet that was rich in complex , sort of , fiber type carbohydrate .

29.vein n.静脉;纹理;叶脉;岩脉vt.使有脉络;用脉络装饰 [veɪn] [veɪn]
1) In the same vein , @Check lets you define an SQL expression used to generate a multi-row check constraint for automatic schema generation .
2) In the vein of Design-by-Contract this has two sides : Yes , I think option # 2 would be preferable .

30.excels vt.优于;超过vi.胜出n.[计] 电子表格(软件名称) [ɪk'sel] [ɪk'sel]
1) NGINX is an open source web server and reverse proxy that excels at large-scale web integration , application security , and web acceleration .

31.subsidy n.津贴;补助金 ['sʌbsədi] ['sʌbsədi]
1) We are sorry to inform you that though we tried hard , our subsidy request for xxx/xxx is disapproved and the registration fee remains 50 USD ( 310.24 RMB ) per person .

32.lucrative adj.合算的;获利的 ['luːkrətɪv] ['luːkrətɪv]
1) 可是很能赚 But so lucrative !

33.decades n.数十年名词decade的复数
1) 请记住我们的网址m .51 voa 下载听力 By Mario Ritter 12 August , 2015 China 's highly controlled currency , the yuan , had its biggest drop in two decades Tuesday .

34.charging n.充电;装料;炉料动词charge的现在分词形式. [tʃɑːdʒɪŋ] ['tʃɑːdʒɪŋ]
1) 在这张表上 Write your name and number 填写一下你的姓名和电话 这样的话我们 down on this piece of paper , and we can ... 我得赶紧带你回家 放到充电底座上 I 've got ta get you home to your charging station .
2) ________________________________________________________________ Words in this Story indictment -- n. an official written statement charging a person with a crime rampant -- adj. used to describe something that is very common or that is spreading ve...

35.shiny adj.闪亮的;发光的;擦亮的 ['ʃaɪni] ['ʃaɪni]
1) 168 , If you take a look at the right-hand side with the picture of the shiny iPhone , there 's 169 , a little box in it that says bootstrap.JS .
2) -LSB- 01:33.29 -RSB- Police officer Randy Green showed his shiny black motorcycle to the children .
3) Police officer Randy Green showed his shiny black motorcycle to the children .

36.blinker n. 眨眼睛的人; 闪光警戒灯(复)blinkers: (马的)眼罩; 护目镜vt. 开闪光信号灯; 给 ... 戴眼罩(护目镜) ['blɪŋkə(r)] ['blɪŋkər]
1) 你刚才是打了转向灯吗 Did you just put your blinker on ?

37.sanity n.神智健全;头脑清楚 ['sænəti] ['sænəti]
1) xxx to perform a basic sanity check for login and new collateral sections showing up .

38.mascot n.吉祥物;幸运儿 ['mæskət] ['mæskɑːt]
1) 白天是学校的吉祥物 晚上 School mascot by day , but by night ... 我还是学校的吉祥物 I am also a school mascot .

39.treadmill n.踏车;繁重的工作;跑步机 ['tredmɪl] ['tredmɪl]
1) For example , NASA , the U.S. space agency , named a treadmill on the International Space Station after the television personality Stephen Colbert .
3) The agency created the name `` Combined Operational Load-Bearing External Resistance Treadmill '' to spell out the name COLBERT .
4) 美国人经常利用反向缩略词来搞笑 。 例如 , 美国宇航局 ( 简称为NASA ) 用电视名人斯蒂芬 · 科尔伯特 ( Stephen Colbert ) 来命名国际空间站上的跑步机 。 该机构创造了 `` Combined Operational Load-Bearing External Resistance Treadmill ( 组合式操作承重外部阻力跑步机 ) '' 这个名称来拼出COLBERT这个名字 。 Who says scientists lack a sense of hum...

40.instrumentation n.谱写器乐;仪表化;测试设备 [ˌɪnstrəmen'teɪʃn] [ˌɪnstrəmen'teɪʃn]
1) However , there is a separate project by a guy named 403 , Dominik Dary called Selendroid , and it uses instrumentation which is available on much 404 , earlier API levels .
2) This requires build-time bytecode instrumentation .
3) For bytecode instrumentation , use the following Ant task :
41.nonce n.特定场合;当前adj.临时的 [nɒns] [nɑːns]
1) Use of a nonce to prevent cross-site request forgery ( CSRF ) attacks .

42.spark vi.闪烁;冒火花;热情回应vt.激发;引起;向...求爱n.火星;朝气;情人;俗丽的年轻人 [spɑːk] [spɑːrk]
1) A lot of thought spark would prompt during sharing & discussion .

43.huggable adj.逗人喜爱的;令人想拥抱的 ['hʌɡɡeɪbl] ['hʌɡɡeɪbl]
1) 对 为了做出无害又好抱的效果 Yeah , going for a non-threatening , huggable kind of thing .
2) 这铠甲恐怕会破坏我的无害可抱型设计 This armor may undermine my non-threatening , huggable design .

44.clobber v.狠揍;不断地打击;彻底打垮;使受到严重的经济损失n.<口>衣服或装备 ['klɒbə(r)] ['klɑːbər]
1) Ca n't clobber writable file .

45.confined adj.被限制的;狭窄的;在分娩中的动词confine的过去式和过去分词. [kən'faɪnd] [kən'faɪnd]
1) I am sure you agree it would be bad to have Criteria API code appearing randomly throughout the code base instead of confined to the persistence layer .

46.beach n.海滩;海滨;沙滩vt.拖(船)上岸 [biːtʃ] [biːtʃ]
1) Ed : I can accompany you to the beach , but I really fear being in open water .

47.cease v.终止;停止n.停止 [siːs] [siːs]
1) I will appreciate if this change can wait till next weekend Due to the timing of the strike , managers may also need to consider adjusting finishing times as the underground is expected to be congested from 4:00 p.m. , and services expected to cease
2) If an object that was removed from a collection is an instance of a value type ( e.g. a composite element ) , that object will cease to be persistent and its state will be completely removed from the database .

48passion n.怜悯;同情 [kəm'pæʃn] [kəm'pæʃn]
1) 其他治疗方案包括 关怀与安抚 Other treatments include compassion and physical reassurance .

49.bounce vi.弹起;重新恢复;退票vt.使弹起;解雇;驱逐n.弹跳;弹力;活力 [baʊns] [baʊns]
1) I will bounce the cc server in QA .

50.terminology n.术语;术语学 [ˌtɜːmɪ'nɒlədʒi] [ˌtɜːrmə'nɑːlədʒi]
1) by 6:00 p.m. Client and server are usually different , so `` Client app server '' is confusing terminology .
2) You?ll also learn the concepts and terminology of Camel .
3) You?ll also learn the concepts and terminology of Camel . ?

51.housekeeping n.家务;持家动词housekeep的现在分词形式. ['haʊskiːpɪŋ] ['haʊskiːpɪŋ]
1) Prior to commencing the Workbench tutorials found in this section Before rearranging the Workbench , a little housekeeping is required .

52.adolescent adj.青春期的;青少年的n.青少年 [ˌædə'lesnt] [ˌædə'lesnt]
1) 青春期对于由男孩长成男人的少年而言 Puberty can often be a confusing time 是一个充满困惑的阶段 for a young adolescent flowering into manhood .

53.strike n.[straɪk] [straɪk]
1) Photons have no mass but they still impart momentum when they strike an object ... it 's a tiny , tiny amount of momentum .
2) I will appreciate if this change can wait till next weekend Due to the timing of the strike , managers may also need to consider adjusting finishing times as the underground is expected to be congested from 4:00 p.m. , and services expected to cease
3) 大白 掷撞掌 Baymax , palmheel strike !

54.scary adj.可怕的;容易受惊的;引起恐慌的 ['skeəri] ['skeri]
1) 当然也挺可怕的 不过还是好酷啊 I mean , it 's scary , obviously .

55.devaluation n.货币贬值 [ˌdiːˌvælju'eɪʃn] [ˌdiːˌvælju'eɪʃn]
1) __ Words in This Story Currency -- n. the money of a country Devaluation -- n. to reduce the value of a country 's money in relation to other currencies gradually -- adv. slowly over a period of time volatility -- n. likeliness to change in a sudden
2) Chinese officials say their devaluation of the currency will let markets play a greater part in setting the value of Chinese money .
3) However , experts say the devaluation also will help Chinese exports .

56.foremost adj.最重要的;最初的adv.在最前面 ['fɔːməʊst] ['fɔːrmoʊst]
1) First and foremost , we recommend named queries whenever possible .
2) We also wanted developers to focus on the Enterprise Integration Patterns first and foremost and not to get lost in the weeds of different middleware APIs and technologies .

57.moldy adj.发霉的 ['məʊldi] ['moʊldi]
1) - Unless it 's moldy .

58.anti-bacterial 抗菌 ['æntiːbækt'iəriəl] ['æntiːbækt'iəriəl]
1) 我建议使用抗菌喷雾 I suggest an anti-bacterial spray .

59.gosh int.唉;糟了 [ɡɒʃ] [ɡɑːʃ]
1) 哦 我的天 不要啊 Oh , my gosh !
2) 我的天哪 你一定是Hiro Oh , my gosh .

60.leisure n.闲暇;休闲 ['leʒə(r)] ['liːʒər]
1) Below you will find the demo link you may pause or resume at your leisure : My contact information is below and as I mentioned on the call , please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime .
2) enduring long-term benefit to the broader economy , -LSB- 04:11.76 -RSB- which I think real estate , which leisure and tourism -LSB- 04:14.53 -RSB- and agri business ( and ) food offers , -LSB- 04:16.32 -RSB- and that is exactly what is
3) -LSB- 02:32.82 -RSB- The combination of real estate , leisure serves and infrastructure projects -LSB- 02:39.16 -RSB- made up 79 percent of new Chinese business in the country .

61.decertified vt. 收回 ... 的证件(吊销 ... 的执照) [diː'sɜːtɪfaɪ] [diː'sətəˌfaɪ]
1) If it is still needed , we will need to upgrade to windows 2008 , if not it can be decertified .

62.intervene vi.干涉;干预;介入;调停;插入;阻挠 [ˌɪntə'viːn] [ˌɪntər'viːn]
1) But , he says it is possible that the government will intervene less often .
2) Mr. Liao says the People 's Bank of China will continue to intervene in money markets since the Chinese yuan is still not freely traded .
3) From that point , the value could go up or down by two percent , but in many cases , officials would intervene .

63.dumb adj.哑的;愚蠢的;不能说话的vt.使沉默 [dʌm] [dʌm]
1) 这玩意儿肯定坏了 Dumb thing 's broken .

64.Demystifying vt.使非神秘化 [ˌdiː'mɪstɪfaɪ] [ˌdiː'mɪstɪfaɪ]
1) -LSB- 00:47.79 -RSB- The findings are contained in a report -LSB- 00:51.00 -RSB- called `` Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australia . ''
2) The findings are contained in a report called `` Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australia . ''
3) 中国民营企业投资也超过了国有企业 。 The findings are contained in a report called `` Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australia . ''

65.collateral adj.旁系的;并行的;附属的n.附属担保物;支亲;副保 [kə'lætərəl] [kə'lætərəl]
1) xxx to perform a basic sanity check for login and new collateral sections showing up .
2) Hannah will share details on all our brand initiatives including Internet 2.0 , sales support materials , marketing collateral , the next evolution in mobile , and what 's coming up for the remainder of 2015 .
3) collateral management .

66.unarmed adj.无武器的;徒手的;[生]无突的;无刺的 [ˌʌn'ɑːmd] [ˌʌn'ɑːrmd]
1) -LSB- 00:13.24 -RSB- The Washington Post newspaper reported that police officers -LSB- 00:18.49 -RSB- have killed 24 unarmed black men in the past year .
2) The Washington Post newspaper reported that police officers have killed 24 unarmed black men in the past year .

67.curious adj.好奇的;奇特的 ['kjʊəriəs] ['kjʊriəs]
1) Ed : That makes me really curious .
3) ####### Begin Or End : just curious , ... At this point , Speaking of ( Kai : Maybe regarding or in regard with are more formal here ) From my understanding Just an FYI , ... ... Just a note , Just a thought ( on this component ) ... .

68.evolution n.进化;发展;演变 [ˌiːvə'luːʃn] [ˌiːvə'luːʃn]
1) Hannah will share details on all our brand initiatives including Internet 2.0 , sales support materials , marketing collateral , the next evolution in mobile , and what 's coming up for the remainder of 2015 .
2) In conjunction with Hibernate 's schema evolution tools , they have the ability to fully define a user schema within the Hibernate mapping files .

69.liberalization n.自由主义化;使宽大;慷慨 [ˌlɪbrəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] [ˌlɪbrəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]
1) He says the move is a step toward the liberalization of the Chinese currency .

70.reassurance n.再保证;再安慰 [ˌriːə'ʃʊərəns] [ˌriːə'ʃʊrəns]
1) 其他治疗方案包括 关怀与安抚 Other treatments include compassion and physical reassurance .

71.scattered adj.分散的;稀疏的 ['skætəd] ['skætərd]
1) career growth probation period ; qualifying period scattered -LSB- ` skætəd -RSB- adj. 分散的 ; 散乱的 cross my fingers -- hope it goes well .

72.prospects n.希望;前景;景色v.勘探;寻找 ['prɒspekt] ['prɑːspekt]
1) The client feedback from the prospects as well as clients in the pipeline we 've shown this to already has been nothing but positive .
2) -LSB- 03:59.36 -RSB- But I think our health and our prospects for the future -LSB- 04:02.16 -RSB- are kind of laid down fairly early .
3) But I think our health and our prospects for the future are kind of laid down fairly early .

73.differentiate vt.区分;使差异;求导数vi.区别;产生差别;区别对待 [ˌdɪfə'renʃieɪt] [ˌdɪfə'renʃieɪt]
1) As SS employees , each one of us should be able to convey how our updated brand strengthens our client-centric strategy , and how it helps to differentiate ourselves in the marketplace .
2) MEPs are used to differentiate between one-way and request-response messaging styles .

74.numb adj.麻木的;失去知觉的vt.使麻木;使失去知觉 [nʌm] [nʌm]
1) 再放点那种辣到脸麻的辣酱 You know , with the hot sauce that makes our faces numb .

75.laundry n.洗衣店;洗衣;要洗的衣服 ['lɔːndri] ['lɔːndri]
1) 我已经半年没洗衣服了 I have n't done laundry in six months .

76.landline n.输送路线;地上通讯线 ['lændlaɪn] ['lændlaɪn]
1) Please contact him on his landline for anything urgent .

77.likeliness n.可能性 ['laɪklaɪnəs] ['laɪklaɪnəs]
1) __ Words in This Story Currency -- n. the money of a country Devaluation -- n. to reduce the value of a country 's money in relation to other currencies gradually -- adv. slowly over a period of time volatility -- n. likeliness to change in a sudden

78.convey vt.表达;传达;运输;转移 [kən'veɪ] [kən'veɪ]
1) As SS employees , each one of us should be able to convey how our updated brand strengthens our client-centric strategy , and how it helps to differentiate ourselves in the marketplace .

79.undermine vt.逐渐削弱;暗中损害;在...下挖;从根基处损害 [ˌʌndə'maɪn] [ˌʌndər'maɪn]
1) 这铠甲恐怕会破坏我的无害可抱型设计 This armor may undermine my non-threatening , huggable design .

80.tray n.托盘;盘 [treɪ] [treɪ]
1) If you do n't have the system tray icon , navigate to -LSB- Preferences -RSB- and click -LSB- Shutdown -RSB- , press -LSB- Ctrl -RSB- + -LSB- C -RSB- in the console where the server was started ( Windows ) , or close the console window .
2) To stop the server , right click on the system tray icon and select -LSB- Exit -RSB- .

81.council n.地方议会;委员会;理事会;会议;委员 ['kaʊnsl] ['kaʊnsl]
1) Base on the doucment published by State Council of the People 's Republic of China in May and the approval from company senior management , Sep. 3 , 2015 will be set up as special holiday for commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of the

82.testament n.证明;自白;[律]遗嘱;<古>圣约Testamentn.圣经旧约;圣经新约 ['testəmənt] ['testəmənt]
1) This successful launch would not have been possible without the collaboration and perseverance of all functional team members across the business , client services , operations and IT and is a testament to what can be accomplished when IT and the

83.conspirators n.阴谋者;同谋者(conspirator的复数)
1) One of the chief conspirators behind this situation is here , 143 , and I think it 's a great thing that there 's momentum behind this one standard .

84.lieu n.代替 [luː] [luː]
1) And anyone who are working on this day will enjoy the day in lieu as the compensation .
2) The term `` business transaction '' is also sometimes used in lieu of unit of work .

85.espionage n.间谍活动 ['espiənɑːʒ] ['espiənɑːʒ]
1) -LSB- 02:36.86 -RSB- The campers learned about espionage on a visit to the Spy Museum in Washington , D.C. -LSB- 02:45.35 -RSB- The police also took the children to a courthouse to watch a real trial .
2) something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention espionage -- n .
3) The campers learned about espionage on a visit to the Spy Museum in Washington , D.C. .

86.minification n.缩小 [mɪnɪfɪ'keɪʃən] [mɪnɪfɪ'keɪʃən]
1) Built-in minification and postprocessing : Jawr includes JSMin and the YUI compressor , both from Yahoo ! .

87.tone n.语气;音调;调子;色调;风气v.使更健壮;定调;调色;装腔作势地说 [təʊn] [toʊn]
1) ensure a strong tone from the top .

88.levers n.杠杆;操作杆;工具名词lever的复数形式. ['levəz] ['levəz]
1) yet the levers of our success are evolving .

89.initiatives n.主观能动性(名词initiative的复数) [ɪ'nɪʃətɪvz] [ɪ'nɪʃətɪvz]
1) `` One of my biggest initiatives here is to bring people together in the office .
2) Hannah will share details on all our brand initiatives including Internet 2.0 , sales support materials , marketing collateral , the next evolution in mobile , and what 's coming up for the remainder of 2015 .

90.Decommission vt.停止使用,使退役 [ˌdiːkə'mɪʃn] [ˌdiːkə'mɪʃn]
1) We can decommission the old server once we move all our processes off of it .
2) Decommission Infrastructure with CCPs I have my annual physical exam from 11-12 Please remove any unused code that just bloats the code base .

91.pillars n.柱子;台柱;栋梁名词pillar的复数形式. [pɪləs] [pɪləs]
1) we focus on the four pillars : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .

92.conform v.使一致;遵从 [kən'fɔːm] [kən'fɔːrm]
1) Developing all-in-one script files which conform to the deployment scheme .

93.ingrained adj.根深蒂固的;深嵌入纺织品或纤维的动词ingrain的过去式和过去分词. [ɪn'ɡreɪnd] [ɪn'ɡreɪnd]
1) risk excellence needs to be ingrained in everything we do and reflected in our culture , by our words , values , actions and behaviors .

94.accountability n.有责任;有义务 [əˌkaʊntə'bɪləti] [əˌkaʊntə'bɪləti]
1) instill personal accountability , encourage open and candid dialogue on the issues .
2) Actively manage risk controls , compliance and accountability at all levels of our organization .

95.spectrum n.系列;幅度;范围;光谱;[科]频谱 ['spektrəm] ['spektrəm]
1) It 's a pretty large spectrum , '' he added .

96.instructor n.教师,教员;讲师;指导书 [ɪn'strʌktə(r)] [ɪn'strʌktər]
1) You just need a couple of minutes to listen to the instructor .

97.cram v.塞满;猛吃;仓促备考n.仓促备考;挤成一堆的人群Cram.n.克拉姆(姓氏或男子名) [kræm] [kræm]
1) That is , cram all the modules into a few files .

98.diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的 [daɪ'vɜːs] [daɪ'vɜːrs]
1) we will achieve this through embracing a more diverse employee base where different perspectives will help inspire more constructive challenge and debate .
2) I now look forward to this new position that brings forth new challenges and adds more diverse experience to my career .
3) ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION PATTERNS -LRB- EIPS -RRB- Although integration problems are diverse , Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf noticed that many problems and their solutions are quite similar . 配方 ['resəpɪz] ['resəpɪz]
1) `` We have people sharing recipes .

100.sealed adj.封口的;密封的动词seal的过去式和过去分词. [siːld] [siːld]
1) 我要封锁这个小岛 I want this island sealed off !
2) It turned out to be nothing more than an oldfashioned verbal agreement sealed with a handshake .

101.drastic adj.激烈的;重大的;极端的 ['dræstɪk] ['dræstɪk]
1) Jawr will reduce the number of requests needed to load a page and the amount of data to transfer to clients , achieving drastic improvement of loading times .
2) We will postpone the reboot for the time being just no drastic changes Just want to make sure we are prepared it 's fine on our part please find the today 's ppt in attached .

102.initially adv.最初 [ɪ'nɪʃəli] [ɪ'nɪʃəli]
1) Hibernate will initially return proxies ( using bytecode provider defined by hibernate.bytecode.provider ) that implement the named interface .
2) Initially , this assumed usage of JTA transactions , where the JTA transaction defined both the scope and context of a current session .
3) Initially , orders were placed by uploading comma-separated value -LRB- CSV -RRB- files to an FTP server .

103.alongside adv.在旁边prep.在 ... 旁边 [əˌlɒŋ'saɪd] [əˌlɔːŋ'saɪd]
1) For this setup , we will use a properties file which should be in the application classpath ( alongside the file ) .

104.injuries n.伤害;损害 ['ɪndʒəri] ['ɪndʒəri]
1) 你们的伤情引起了我的注意 Your injuries require my attention .
2) 你并没有受伤 You have sustained no injuries .
3) - 让我来扫描一下你的受伤情况 - 别扫我 - I will scan you for injuries .

105.candid adj.率直的;坦诚的;公正的; ['kændɪd] ['kændɪd]
1) instill personal accountability , encourage open and candid dialogue on the issues .

106.lexicographical adj.辞典编纂的 [leksɪkə'græfɪkl] [leksɪkə'græfɪkl]
1) Compares objects by the lexicographical ordering of their string representations , as returned by toString ( ) .

107.instantaneously adv.即刻地;瞬间地 [ˌɪnstən'teɪniəsli] [ˌɪnstən'teɪniəsli]
1) 传动的物体会自动穿梭于空间 The transport of matter instantaneously through space .

108.variants 变体
1) Each method has three variants .

109.Guava n.番石榴 ['ɡwɑːvə] ['ɡwɑːvə]
1) As a general rule , the Guava collection implementations follow JDK interface contracts very precisely .
2) Guava introduces a number of new collection types that are not in the JDK , but that we have found to be broadly useful .
3) For these reasons , many of Guava 's utilities are designed to fail fast in the presence of null rather than allow nulls to be used , so long as there is a null-friendly workaround available .

110.snacks n.快餐;小吃名词snack的复数形式. [snæks] [snæks]
1) cup noodles are snacks .

111.toasty adj.暖和舒适的;祝酒的 ['təʊsti] ['toʊsti]
1) 哦 是啊 温暖又舒适 Oh , yeah , that 's toasty .

112.obligations n.义务名词obligation的复数形式. [ɒblɪ'ɡeɪʃnz] [ɒblɪ'ɡeɪʃnz]
1) Multiset is a true Collection type , and satisfies all of the associated contractual obligations .

113.elevated adj.抬高的;高层的;高尚的动词elevate的过去式和过去分词. ['elɪveɪtɪd] ['elɪveɪtɪd]
1) 你的神经递质水平上升了 Your neurotransmitter levels are elevated .
2) 你的血压上升了 Your blood pressure is elevated .

114.collocated v.布置;排列;搭配;组合n.词语搭配 ['kɒləkeɪt] ['kɑːləkeɪt]
1) The teamcity database has been collocated in the same datacenter as the build server now so hopefully the builds will run faster again .

115.conflates v.合并;异文合并 [kən'fleɪt] [kən'fleɪt]
1) Every time you write code that conflates null strings and empty strings , the Guava team weeps .

116.apprehending v.理解;忧虑;逮捕;拘押 [ˌæprɪ'hend] [ˌæprɪ'hend]
1) 抓住面具男就可以改善Hiro的情绪 Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Hiro 's emotional state .
2) 逮住那个面具男 Will apprehending the man 会改善你的情绪吗 in the mask improve your emotional state ?

117.neurotransmitter n.神经传递素 ['njʊərəʊtrænzmɪtə(r)] ['nʊroʊtrænzmɪtər]
1) 你的神经递质水平上升了 Your neurotransmitter levels are elevated .
2) 你的神经递质水平正在稳步上升 Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily .
3) 神经传感器一定是在他的面具里 The neurotransmitter must be in his mask .

118.tremendously adv.惊人地;非常;十分 [trə'mendəsli] [trə'mendəsli]
1) Caches are tremendously useful in a wide variety of use cases .

119.teleport vt.远距传物 ['telipɔːt] ['telipɔːrt]
1) 当然 我们花数以十亿的税金 Now , we did n't spend billions of tax dollars 可不只是为了传送帽子 to teleport hats .

120.marshmallow n.棉花糖;药属葵;药属葵蜜饯 [ˌmɑːʃ'mæləʊ] ['mɑːrʃmeloʊ]
1) 就像抱着一个暖暖的棉花糖 It 's like spooning a warm marshmallow .
2) 看着像个长腿的棉花糖 Looks like a walking marshmallow .

121.radically adv.根本地;完全地;过激地 ['rædɪkli] ['rædɪkli]
1) Alternately , if different cache entries have different `` weights '' -- for example , if your cache values have radically different memory footprints -- you may specify a weight function with CacheBuilder.weigher ( Weigher ) and a maximum
2) -LSB- 05:55.72 -RSB- So , the diet that is , of course , followed by traditional peoples is radically different . ''
3) So , the diet that is , of course , followed by traditional peoples is radically different . ''

122.footprints n.脚印名词footprint的复数形式. [fuːt'prɪnts] [fuːt'prɪnts]
1) Alternately , if different cache entries have different `` weights '' -- for example , if your cache values have radically different memory footprints -- you may specify a weight function with CacheBuilder.weigher ( Weigher ) and a maximum

123.analogue n.类似物adj.模拟的,模拟计算机的 ['ænəlɒɡ] ['ænəlɔːɡ]
1) Optional is not intended as a direct analogue of any existing `` option '' or `` maybe '' construct from other programming environments , though it may bear some similarities .

124.freaked adj.有斑点的;花的;有条纹的动词freak的过去式和过去分词形式. [friːkt] [friːkt]
1) Some have freaked out about EventBus 's register ( Object ) and post ( Object ) methods ' use of the Object type .

125.intellect n.智力;理智;才智非凡的人;知识份子 ['ɪntəlekt] ['ɪntəlekt]
1) 但只有阳光没有阴影 , 只有快乐没有痛苦 , 根本不是真正的生活.就拿最幸福的人来说 , 他的生活也是一团缠结在一起的乱麻 。 痛苦与幸福交替出现 , 使得我们一会悲伤一会高兴 。 甚至死亡本身都使得生命更加可爱 。 在人生清醒的时刻 , 在悲伤与失落的阴影之下 , 人们与真实的自我最为接近 。 In the affairs of life or of business , it is not intellect that tells so much as character , not br...

126.abend n.[计]异常结束 [ə'bend] [ə'bend]
1) Issue email : a ) The programme would abend after the third line .

127anisms 有机体
1) Plankton are a group of different ocean creatures , algae , bacteria and other organisms .
2) 请记住我们的网址m .51 voa 下载听力 By VOA 07 June , 2015 For years , most people thought of small organisms called plankton as food for whales and other large sea animals .

128.swiping v.重击;猛打;<非正式>偷窃;在解码器上刮刷(信用卡等卡)n.重击;猛打;<非正式>尖刻的评论 [swaɪp] [swaɪp]
1) We do n't want to go through the whole process 234 , of clicking on the apps button , swiping screens , and finding the app .

129.yarn n.纱;线;<口>故事v.讲故事 [jɑːn] [jɑːrn]
1) But all sunshine without shade , all pleasure without pain , is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiest , it is a tangled yarn 2 .

130.passions 情感 ['pæʃnz] ['pæʃnz]
1) These passions , like great winds , have blown me hither and thither , in a wayward course , over a deep ocean of anguish , reaching to the very verge of despair .
2) 英语美文 | 罗素 : 我为什么活着 提交 我的评论 加载中 已评论 英语美文 | 罗素 : 我为什么活着 2015-05-08 英语美文 英语美文 英语美文 微信号 beautify_english 功能介绍 美丽的英语美文故事 、 耐人寻味的英语语法详解 , 捧腹大笑的双语笑话 , 还有更多精彩的英语口语交流 。 每日英语美文 , 让英语学习成为一种好习惯 。 我为什么活着 What I have Lived For by Bertrand Russell Three passions ,...

131.impair vt.损害;削弱[计算机] 损伤. [ɪm'peə(r)] [ɪm'per]
1) 超重或肥胖 ? Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere and impair the ability to have a normal life .
2) -LSB- 01:41.60 -RSB- Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere -LSB- 01:45.52 -RSB- and impair the ability to have a normal life .
3) Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere and impair the ability to have a normal life .

132.concatenation n.连结;串联;一系列相互联系的事物 [kɒnˌkætɪ'neɪʃən] [kɒnˌkætə'neɪʃən]
1) The foreign key name ( s ) referencing the other side is the concatenation of the owner property name , _ , and the other side primary key column ( s ) .
2) The foreign key name ( s ) referencing the owner table is the concatenation of the other side property name , _ , and the owner primary key column ( s ) .
3) The table name is the concatenation of the owner table name , _ and the other side table name .

133.coarsest adj.粗糙的;粗俗的;非精制的 [kɔːs] [kɔːrs]
1) change , as usual , ferret out the edge cases we work from the coarsest to the finest level Construction of our grammar begins at the coarsest level , as usual .

134.disregard vt.不顾;忽视n.漠视;不理会 [ˌdɪsrɪ'ɡɑːd] [ˌdɪsrɪ'ɡɑːrd]
1) Please disregard this , no need to take any action .
2) You can disregard these 2 reports for today .
3) list ( ) ; If you want to force the query cache to refresh one of its regions ( disregard any cached results it finds there ) you can use org.hibernate.Query.setCacheMode ( CacheMode.REFRESH ) .

135.Bidirectional adj.双向的;双向作用的 [ˌbaɪdə'rekʃənl] [ˌbaɪdə'rekʃənl]
1) verbose output unidirectional / bidirectional As mentioned earlier , That 's pretty much it , the rest is optional .
2) Prefer bidirectional associations : Unidirectional associations are more difficult to query .
3) Bidirectional one-to-many Suppose we start with a simple association from Parent to Child .

136.orphan n.孤儿adj.孤儿的vt.成孤儿 ['ɔːfn] ['ɔːrfn]
1) l ) Clean orphan funds m ) Clean stale JIRA tickets 6 .
2) Note that single valued , many-to-one and one-to-one , associations do not support orphan delete .
3) Note that single valued many-to-one associations do not support orphan delete .

137.E-commerce n.电子商务 ['iːkɒmɜːs] ['iːkɒmɜːs]
1) EntityNameResolvers Persistent classes are classes in an application that implement the entities of the business problem ( e.g. Customer and Order in an E-commerce application ) .

138.finest adj.好的;出色的 ['faɪnɪst] ['faɪnɪst]
1) change , as usual , ferret out the edge cases we work from the coarsest to the finest level Construction of our grammar begins at the coarsest level , as usual .

139.up-and-coming adj.积极进取的;很有前途的;日见重要的
1) She is really an up-and-coming star now .
2) By the way , are there any other up-and-coming stars you noticed recently ?

140.bastardized v.假冒;使…堕落;判定为私生子=bastardise(英). ['bɑːstədaɪz] ['bæstərdaɪz]
1) I suppose if you had a Web app whose structure 383 , was identical in terms of the hierarchy , because you can use an XPath sort of bastardized XPath 384 , syntax to traverse the hierarchy .

141.participants adj.有份的;n [pɑː'tɪsɪpənts] [pɑː'tɪsɪpənts]
1) First , add a collection of participants to the Event class : private Set participants = new HashSet ( ) ; public Set getParticipants ( ) -LCB- return participants ; -RCB- public void setParticipants ( Set participants ) -LCB- this.participants = pa...
2) You can always execute an explicit query to retrieve the participants for a particular event .
3) Persons can participate in events , and events have participants .

142.justice n.公平;公正;正义;司法;法官;法律制裁 ['dʒʌstɪs] ['dʒʌstɪs]
1) The Justice Department said the FIFA officials were carrying out a 24-year plan to `` enrich themselves through the corruption of international soccer . ''
2) ( AP Photo/Mark Lennihan ) The U.S. Justice Department said officials executed a search order at FIFA 's offices in Miami , Florida .
3) For example , the United States Department of Justice recently gave new meaning to its Amber Alert program .

143.kick-start vt.启动;脚踩发动n.起动踏板
1) This chapter gives an overview of the ANTLR runtime API and is meant to kick-start your exploration of the runtime library .

144.swell v.(使)膨胀;(使)鼓起;(使)增长n.增大;膨胀;肿胀;汹涌adj.<口>很棒的;时髦的;一流的 [swel] [swel]
1) Just having a ground swell of user support , filing 96 , bug reports on GitHub and contributor report by submitting patches and really making the 97 , project better .

145.popularity n.普及;流行;名望;受欢迎 [ˌpɒpju'lærəti] [ˌpɑːpju'lærəti]
1) He is gaining popularity now .

146.Phish v.网络钓鱼
1) d ) read the ` How to Spot a Phish ' document 网络钓鱼 e ) SS : One of the world 's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors f ) Spotlight on Operational Risk -- We know risk excellence is a critical part of our Way Ahead .
2) read the `` How to Spot a Phish '' document Please describe what GridConfig/GridView is , so we can comment on it thoughtfully .

147.prototypical adj.原型的 [ˌprəʊtə'tɪpɪkl] [ˌprəʊtə'tɪpɪkl]
1) Also feel free to pop back to look at the patterns and ANTLR snippets in the previous chapter It 's a prototypical grammar we can use as a reference or starting point for other imperative programming languages I chose R because its grammar consists ...

148.Polymorphic adj.多形性的 [ˌpɒli'mɔːfɪk] [ˌpɒli'mɔːfɪk]
1) Polymorphic queries 16.9 .
2) There are potential problems to note when extending this approach to polymorphic classes.For example : ... .
3) See Section 16.5 , `` Referring to identifier property '' for more information regarding referencing identifier properties ) The special property class accesses the discriminator value of an instance in the case of polymorphic persistence .

149.Backtick n.【计】反勾号(``)
1) Backtick 其它 : 1 .

150.superior n.上级;高手;上标adj.高傲的;上层的;上好的;出众的 [suː'pɪəriə(r)] [suː'pɪriər]
1) 我一向认为 , 内心生活开始更为严谨的人 , 他的外在生活也会变得更为简朴 。 在物欲横流的年代 , 但愿我能向世人表明 : 人类的真正需求少得多么可怜 。 To regret one 's errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance.There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man .
2) The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self .

151.achievement n.成就;成绩;完成;达到 [ə'tʃiːvmənt] [ə'tʃiːvmənt]
1) it 's natural for you to feel nervous since extreme sports are full of danger , however , it can give people a feeling of great achievement .
2) ( Lina asks her friend Anna about her recent achievement ) Lina : Hey , Anna , I heard you just finished a skydiving course over the weekend .

152.innovation n.创新;革新 [ˌɪnə'veɪʃn] [ˌɪnə'veɪʃn]
1) The company would not say what kind of technological breakthrough their innovation was based upon .
2) A strong foundation of talent , culture and innovation .

153.interfere vi.干涉;妨碍 [ˌɪntə'fɪə(r)] [ˌɪntər'fɪr]
1) 超重或肥胖 ? Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere and impair the ability to have a normal life .
2) -LSB- 01:41.60 -RSB- Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere -LSB- 01:45.52 -RSB- and impair the ability to have a normal life .
3) Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere and impair the ability to have a normal life .

154.phonetics n.语音学 [fə'netɪks] [fə'netɪks]
1) Phonetics Practice 下班后 , 继续学习下英语 : 鸡汤 : 1 .
2) Phonetics Practice ( Consonants ) -- 30mins 2 .

155.spiritual adj.精神的;心灵的;与上帝有关的n.(尤指美国南部黑人的)圣歌 ['spɪrɪtʃuəl] ['spɪrɪtʃuəl]
1) But this could be thought 397 , of as sort of the spiritual successor to NativeDriver .

156.systemic adj.全身的;系统的n.内吸性杀虫剂 [sɪ'stemɪk] [sɪ'stemɪk]
1) US says corruption is `` rampant '' U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said corruption in FIFA is '' rampant , systemic and deep-rooted . ''

157.infinite adj.无穷的;无限的n.无限 ['ɪnfɪnət] ['ɪnfɪnət]
1) 172 , So we 've taken this JavaScript file and put an infinite loop in it .
2) infinite a ) So we 've taken this JavaScript file and put an infinite loop in it 4 .

158.trivial adj.不重要的;琐碎的 ['trɪviəl] ['trɪviəl]
1) Major , minor , Trivial Apologies for the flood of emails -- it works now , but * requires * the certificate as well .
2) Manual version checking is only feasible in trivial circumstances and not practical for most applications .
3) This is an extremely trivial example meant only for illustration .

159.nobility n.贵族;高尚 [nəʊ'bɪləti] [noʊ'bɪləti]
1) 英语美文 | 真正的高贵 提交 我的评论 加载中 已评论 英语美文 | 真正的高贵 2015-05-14 英语美文 英语美文 英语美文 微信号 beautify_english 功能介绍 美丽的英语美文故事 、 耐人寻味的英语语法详解 , 捧腹大笑的双语笑话 , 还有更多精彩的英语口语交流 。 每日英语美文 , 让英语学习成为一种好习惯 。 真正的高贵 True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilot .
2) The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self .

160.courageous adj.勇敢的;有勇气的,有胆量的 [kə'reɪdʒəs] [kə'reɪdʒəs]
1) It really scares me , but okay , I 'll make a courageous decision 7 .
2) It really scares me , but okay , I 'll make a courageous decision .

161.demonstrated vt.证明;演示;示范vi.['demənstreɪt] ['demənstreɪt]
1) So I just demonstrated appium in a local context .
2) Suzumo Machinery demonstrated its sushi maker robot .
3) -LSB- 04:43.03 -RSB- Last weekend , Australian nationalists demonstrated -LSB- 04:48.08 -RSB- and burned flags near China 's diplomatic offices in Sydney . n.太空时代
1) b ) She says that instead of using a team of experts with laptop computers and other devices , it will soon be possible to send only one person with a space-age backpack .
2) She says that instead of using a team of experts with laptop computers and other devices , it will soon be possible to send only one person with a space-age backpack . adj.暴露的;无掩蔽的动词expose的过去式和过去分词. [ɪk'spəʊzd] [ɪk'spoʊzd]
1) This engine isn?t exposed to the developer , but you should be aware that it?s there and that it does all the heavy lifting , ensuring that messages are routed properly .
2) and should not be exposed outside of the persistence layer .
3) The benefit of this registration is that whenever the metadata for a particular property does not specify the Hibernate type to use , Hibernate will consult the registry for the exposed property type .

164.depicted vt.描述;描绘;画 [dɪ'pɪkt] [dɪ'pɪkt]
1) Basic APIs Here are quick discussions about some of the API objects depicted in the preceding diagrams ( you will see them again in more detail in later chapters ) .

165.escalated vt.升级vi.升高;逐步升级 ['eskəleɪt] ['eskəleɪt]
1) The Nacc1 team has not escalated the ticket yet , so I do n't have a time-frame I 'm not convinced we did the workaround for them last year I volunteered to go over it and make some suggestions .

166.Samples n.采样;示例名词sample的复数形式. ['sɑːmplz] ['sɑːmplz]
1) The scientists collected 35,000 samples of plankton .
2) The larger a language is , the more we need multiple references and multiple representative input samples .

167.presumably adv.大概;据推测;可能 [prɪ'zjuːməbli] [prɪ'zuːməbli]
1) Presumably I 'm missing a directive here .
2) Presumably they can be part of 200 , your CI Of course they have to be in Java and that 's one of the things we 're trying 201 , to get away from .

168.surgical adj.外科的;外科医生的;手术上的 ['sɜːdʒɪkl] ['sɜːrdʒɪkl]
1) She said the findings ... '' ... represent not only a new surgical option for patients suffering from obstructive airway disease , but also showing a promise for 4-D printed materials in medicine . ''
2) 治疗疾病有新方案 a ) She said the findings ... '' ... represent not only a new surgical option for patients suffering from obstructive airway disease , but also showing a promise for 4-D printed materials in medicine . '

169.impudent adj.无礼的;鲁莽的;卑鄙的 ['ɪmpjədənt] ['ɪmpjədənt]
1) Do n't be impudent ! 放肆 ! 4 .

170.habitable adj.可居住的;适于居住的 ['hæbɪtəbl] ['hæbɪtəbl]
1) Generating the oxygen we breathe , removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and generally maintaining this Earth in a state that is habitable for us human beings . ''

171.discrepancies n.差异;不一致;分歧 [dɪs'krepənsi] [dɪs'krepənsi]
1) But for now , I just have these 242 , few discrepancies .

172.obese adj.极肥胖的 [əʊ'biːs] [oʊ'biːs]
1) -LSB- 06:13.40 -RSB- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says over 35 percent of American adults are obese .
2) -LSB- 06:25.12 -RSB- The government agency says more than 17 million children are obese .
3) -LSB- 02:08.92 -RSB- Mr. Pinkney warns that even people who are not considered obese -LSB- 02:14.24 -RSB- can still be at risk .

173.indictment n.起诉;控告;起诉状 [ɪn'daɪtmənt] [ɪn'daɪtmənt]
1) Top FIFA Officials Accused Those named in the U.S. indictment include five officials , along with current FIFA Vice Presidents Jeffrey Webb and Eugenio Figueredo and former vice president Jack Warner .
2) A U.S. federal indictment accuses them of corruption and other wrongdoing .
3) 国际足联出事了A U.S. federal indictment accuses them of corruption and other wrong doing .

174.consumption n.消费;消耗;肺痨 [kən'sʌmpʃn] [kən'sʌmpʃn]
1) 318 , So if you 're interested , we 're releasing this for general consumption very , very soon .

175.cooperation n.合作;协作;合作社;协同作用 [kəʊˌɒpə'reɪʃn] [koʊˌɑːpə'reɪʃn]
1) Uber CEO Travis Kalanick speaks during the Baidu and Uber strategic cooperation and investment signing ceremony at Baidu 's headquarters in Beijing , December 17 , 2014 .
2) Thank you for your cooperation .

176.materialized v.成为现实;成有形;实现;具体化;出现 [mə'tɪəriəlaɪz] [mə'tɪriəlaɪz]
1) When read , the CLOB value is immediately materialized into a Java string .
2) However , a nested set or a materialized path might be a better option for read-mostly trees .
3) Lists Lists can be mapped in two different ways : as ordered lists , where the order is not materialized in the database as indexed lists , where the order is materialized in the database To order lists in memory , add @javax .

177.bacteria n.(复数)细菌 [bæk'tɪəriə] [bæk'tɪriə]
1) Plankton are a group of different ocean creatures , algae , bacteria and other organisms .

178.corruption n.贪污;堕落; [kə'rʌpʃn] [kə'rʌpʃn]
1) US says corruption is `` rampant '' U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said corruption in FIFA is '' rampant , systemic and deep-rooted . ''
2) The Justice Department said the FIFA officials were carrying out a 24-year plan to `` enrich themselves through the corruption of international soccer . ''
3) A U.S. federal indictment accuses them of corruption and other wrongdoing .

179.debate n.辩论;讨论vt.争论;思考vi.辩论 [dɪ'beɪt] [dɪ'beɪt]
1) encourage constructive challenge and debate .
2) we will achieve this through embracing a more diverse employee base where different perspectives will help inspire more constructive challenge and debate .

180.obesity n.肥胖;肥大 [əʊ'biːsəti] [əʊ'biːsəti]
1) 美国之音的乔 · 卡普亚 ( Joe De Capua ) 与主持普利茅斯肥胖 、 糖尿病和代谢综合症会议的专家进行了对话 。 乔纳森 · 平克尼 ( Jonathan Pinkney ) 是普利茅斯大学内分泌和糖尿病学教授 。 Professor Pinkney said obesity is a long-term problem that is very difficult to solve .
2) 超重或肥胖 ? Mr. Pinkney says obesity can interfere and impair the ability to have a normal life .
3) 这里是美国之音慢速英语健康和生活方式报道 。 For the past 15 years , experts on obesity have gathered in Plymouth , England to attend a conference .

181.snappy adj.干脆的;精力充沛的;敏捷的;严寒的;时髦的 ['snæpi] ['snæpi]
1) The iPhone tends to be pretty snappy , because 278 , it 's a simulator rather than a true emulator .

182.windsurfing n.风帆冲浪运动 ['wɪndsɜːfɪŋ] ['wɪndsɜːrfɪŋ]
1) Matt : Have you heard of windsurfing ?
2) Ed : Windsurfing ?

183.carbon n.碳;复写纸;复本;碳精棒 ['kɑːbən] ['kɑːrbən]
1) Writing `` CC '' at the end of a document once meant `` carbon copy . ''
2) 是的 但你真的该 Yeah , but you really ... 他怎么穿着碳纤维内裤 Why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants ?
3) - Carbon fiber .

184.immediate adj.直接的;最接近的;立即的;目前的 [ɪ'miːdiət] [ɪ'miːdiət]
1) A JDBCConnectionException here is interpreted to imply a `` non transient '' ( aka non-recoverable ) connection problem and is used to indicate an immediate stop to resolution attempts .
2) -LSB- 02:59.92 -RSB- Advertisers show food on television and in print in a way that creates immediate desire .
3) Advertisers show food on television and in print in a way that creates immediate desire .

185.despair n.绝望;失望vi.失望 [dɪ'speə(r)] [dɪ'sper]
1) These passions , like great winds , have blown me hither and thither , in a wayward course , over a deep ocean of anguish , reaching to the very verge of despair .

186.premises n.(企业;机构等)房产;经营场所名词premise的复数形式. ['premɪsɪz] ['premɪsɪz]
1) 正式的纪律处分 c ) Whether turnstiles are in operation or not , please be advised that when you enter any SS premises you may still be asked to take out your employee ID badge and present them to the security staff .
2) Whether turnstiles are in operation or not , please be advised that when you enter any SS premises you may still be asked to take out your employee ID badge and present them to the security staff .

187.slacking adj.松弛的;懈怠的;萧条的n.松弛的部分;松散;淡季vt.使缓慢;疏忽vi.变松弛;逃避工作 [slæk] [slæk]
1) By the way , here 192 , is the next command I 've been holding on to while you have been slacking off , working 193 , really slow , and it sends the result all the way back to your script so you can evaluate 194 , whether the result is appropriate i...

188.semicolon n.分号 [ˌsemi'kəʊlən] ['semikoʊlən]
1) semicolon 3 .
2) Hibernate provides also MultipleLinesSqlCommandExtractor which supports instructions/comments and quoted strings spread over multiple lines ( mandatory semicolon at the end of each statement ) .

189.creatures n.生物(creature的复数形式) ['kriːtʃəz] ['kriːtʃəz]
1) _ Words in This Story plankton -- n. the very small creatures in an ocean , sea or lake algae -- n. simple plants that grow in or near water sample -- n. a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing it was taken from genera...
2) Plankton are a group of different ocean creatures , algae , bacteria and other organisms . n.财产;遗产;房地产;状态;庄园 [ɪ'steɪt] [ɪ'steɪt]
1) 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道 。 Chinese investment in Australia has moved to the real estate market and infrastructure .
2) -LSB- 04:33.60 -RSB- The flow of money from China is a politically sensitive issue , -LSB- 04:38.55 -RSB- especially purchases of real estate and farms .
3) enduring long-term benefit to the broader economy , -LSB- 04:11.76 -RSB- which I think real estate , which leisure and tourism -LSB- 04:14.53 -RSB- and agri business ( and ) food offers , -LSB- 04:16.32 -RSB- and that is exactly what is

191.solitaire n.单人纸牌;独粒宝石 [ˌsɒlɪ'teə(r)] ['sɑːləter]
1) Word Solitaire 2 .
2) Word Solitaire -- 30mins Many SS locations , including our own , control access to the building by way of security turnstiles .

192.polymorphism n.多形性;多态性 [ˌpɒlɪ'mɔːfɪzəm] [ˌpɒlɪ'mɔːfɪzəm]
1) Compared with SQL , however , HQL is fully object-oriented and understands notions like inheritance , polymorphism and association .
2) The following table shows the limitations of table per concrete-class mappings , and of implicit polymorphism , in Hibernate .
3) Limitations There are limitations to the `` implicit polymorphism '' approach to the table per concrete-class mapping strategy .

193.microscope n.显微镜 ['maɪkrəskəʊp] ['maɪkrəskoʊp]
1) Plankton can not be seen without a microscope .

194.purge n.整肃;清除;泻药;净化v.净化;清除;清洗 [pɜːdʒ] [pɜːrdʒ]
1) run purge script

195.hand-crafted adj.手工制作的 [ˌhænd 'krɑːftɪd] [ˌhænd 'krɑːftɪd]
1) Hibernate 's design goal is to relieve the developer from 95 % of common data persistence-related programming tasks by eliminating the need for manual , hand-crafted data processing using SQL and JDBC .

196.eliminating v.除去;剔除;忽略;淘汰 [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt] [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]
1) This feature helps reduce the verbosity of the mapping document , eliminating repetitive noise ( TBL _ prefixes , for example ) .
2) Hibernate 's design goal is to relieve the developer from 95 % of common data persistence-related programming tasks by eliminating the need for manual , hand-crafted data processing using SQL and JDBC .

197.conclude vt.推断出;缔结;使结束vi.结束;总结;作决定;作协议 [kən'kluːd] [kən'kluːd]
1) After observing that arrays can not be lazy , you can conclude that lists , maps and idbags are the most performant ( non-inverse ) collection types , with sets not far behind .

198.substitution n.代替;替换;交换 [ˌsʌbstɪ'tjuːʃn] [ˌsʌbstɪ'tjuːʃn]
1) Query Language Substitution You can define new Hibernate query tokens using hibernate.query.substitutions .
2) Query Language Substitution 3.4.6 .

199.journal n.日志;日记;期刊 ['dʒɜːnl] ['dʒɜːrnl]
1) Researchers reported the findings in the journal Science Transitional Medicine .
2) Results of the study appeared in the online scientific journal Science .
3) Megan Frisk works for the journal .

200.courtesy n.礼貌;好意 ['kɜːtəsi] ['kɜːrtəsi]
1) courtesy copy
2) So , `` CC '' is now a backronym that means `` courtesy copy '' 有时候 , 反向缩略语来自于旧式语言 。 在文档末尾写上CC曾经意味的是复写副本 。 在有电脑和电子邮件之前 , 人们经常会在发送公函时制作一份复写副本 。 现在我们经常通过电子邮件发送电子副本 , 而不是复写副本 。 因此 , CC现在是一个反向缩略词 , 代表的是抄送 。 Americans often use backronyms as jokes .
3) So , `` CC '' is now a backronym that means `` courtesy copy '' Americans often use backronyms as jokes .

201.anti-pattern 反模式 ['æntiːp'ætn] ['æntiːp'ætn]
1) This is an anti-pattern , since lock contention would not allow the application to scale with the number of concurrent users .
2) Even though it is used in the following examples , consider session-per-operation an anti-pattern .

202.violates v.侵犯;违反;扰乱;亵渎; ['vaɪəleɪt] ['vaɪəleɪt]
1) ... txmit ( ) ; / / flush occurs sess.close ( ) ; During flush , an exception might occur ( e.g. if a DML operation violates a constraint ) .
2) add ( c ) ; ( c ) ; session.flush ( ) ; Hibernate would issue two SQL statements : an INSERT to create the record for c an UPDATE to create the link from p to c This is not only inefficient , but also violates any NOT NULL constraint on...

203.outgrow v.过大而不适于;长大成熟而不再;长得比 ... 快(或大、高) [ˌaʊt'ɡrəʊ] [ˌaʊt'ɡroʊ]
1) As a result , the child 's airway would soon outgrow most splints .

204.dual adj.双重的;成双的n.双数 ['djuːəl] ['duːəl]
1) In a traditional EJB architecture , DTOs serve dual purposes : first , they work around the problem that entity beans are not serializable ; second , they implicitly define an assembly phase where all data to be used by the view is fetched and marsh...

205.scenario n.剧本;情节梗概 [sə'nɑːriəʊ] [sə'nærioʊ]
1) Please work with Flag on this to verify no other funds hit this scenario and get this up and running asap .
2) I appreciate your helping out with this I told him it would be transparent to him keep a close eye on these I went over your test case with Paul and he agrees that this case does hit the scenario we need to fix thanks for staying up to help me out I...
3) Regardless of the exact scenario , the basic idea is that you want Hibernate to help you run against any number of databases without changes to your code , and ideally without any changes to the mapping metadata .

206.flavor n.风味;特殊的滋味;风格;调味品vt.加调料于...;给...添加情趣 ['fleɪvə] ['fleɪvə]
1) something ) in a minor way seasoning ( s ) -- n. a substance ( such as salt , pepper , a spice or an herb ) that is used to add flavor to food peel -- v. to remove the skin from ( a fruit or vegetable ) 导航目录 慢速英语 科技报道
2) He says robots can not taste food , change heating levels or seasonings to get the best flavor .
3) We also wanted developers to be able to use whatever DSL flavor they wished -LRB- whether Java , XML , Groovy , Ruby , Scala , or whatever -RRB- and yet , at runtime , still be able to introspect the framework and understand all of the EIPs that wer...

207.spare adj.备用的;多余的;闲置的v.抽出;饶恕;赦免;节约n.备用品;剩余 [speə(r)] [sper]
1) It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring ( but important ) task .

208.crawl v.爬行;卑躬屈膝;自由式游泳n.爬行;匍匐而行;[体]自由式游泳 [krɔːl] [krɔːl]
1) Hiro 如果我可以有一项超能力的话 Hiro , if I could have only one superpower right now , 我希望可以穿过摄像头 it would be the ability to crawl through this camera , 给你个大大的拥抱 and give you a big hug .

209.ethical adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的 ['eθɪkl] ['eθɪkl]
1) To achieve risk excellence , every employee must uphold the highest ethical standards .

210.punch vt.按(键);以拳重击;开洞;剪票n.殴打n.打洞器;钻孔机n.感染力n.(酒、水、糖等制成的)鸡尾酒 [pʌntʃ] [pʌntʃ]
1) 来一拳 Punch this .
2) 打一拳 Then punch it !

211.adheres vi.遵守;坚持;粘附 [əd'hɪə(r)] [əd'hɪr]
1) For example , the following : Overview Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard .
2) So what does a mobile automation framework that adheres 149 , to this philosophy actual look like ?

212.casual adj.非正式的;漫不经心的;偶然的;临时的;休闲的n.便装;临时工 ['kæʒuəl] ['kæʒuəl]
1) 全体注意 : 下周的着装是smart casual , 提倡business casual 。 • Business formal : 西装 、 衬衣 、 领带 、 皮鞋 • Business casual : 比formal少根领带 • Smart casual : 有领上衣 、 西裤 、 皮鞋 , 要求整齐整洁 , 西裤不是指很正式那种 , 西便裤就行 。 禁止 : 无领上衣 、 无袖上衣 、 牛仔裤 、 运动裤 、 球鞋 、 凉鞋 、 拖鞋 、 洞洞鞋 Whenever you work

213.fancy adj.华丽装饰的;复杂的;引人注目的;时髦的;昂贵的;好的n.喜爱;幻想;想像力vt.想象;希望;迷恋 ['fænsi] ['fænsi]
1) Eva : I fancy going to Tibet for a few days .

214.nerd n.书呆子;笨蛋;电脑高手 [nɜːd] [nɜːrd]
1) 如果我念不了这所怪咖大学 If I do n't go to this nerd school , 我一定会疯掉的 I 'm gon na lose my mind .
2) 欢迎来到怪咖大学 怪咖 Welcome to nerd school , nerd .
3) 欢迎来到 '' 怪咖实验室 '' Welcome to the `` nerd lab '' .

215.curly adj.卷曲的 ['kɜːli] ['kɜːrli]
1) left curly brace ( ' -LCB- ' ) .

216.rattle vi.嘎嘎作响;喋喋不休vt.使惊惶失措;使恼火;使作响;急促地谈讲n.嘎嘎声;嘎嘎响的东西;拔浪鼓 ['rætl] ['rætl]
1) 要想吓到我 靠这些可远远不够 Takes a lot more than this to rattle me .

217.laser n.激光;镭射 ['leɪzə(r)] ['leɪzər]
1) -LSB- 02:54.24 -RSB- There was also time for more usual camp activities -- swimming , bowling , and laser tag .
2) There was also time for more usual camp activities -- swimming , bowling , and laser tag .
3) 警方还带孩子到法院观看了一场真正的庭审 。 There was also time for more usual camp activities -- swimming , bowling , and laser tag .

218.severity n.严格;严重;严肃 [sɪ'verəti] [sɪ'verəti]
1) This property represents the severity level of a check violation .

219.uphold v.支持;维护;维持;举起 [ʌp'həʊld] [ʌp'hoʊld]
1) To achieve risk excellence , every employee must uphold the highest ethical standards .

220.sauce n.酱汁;调味汁;<口>无礼vt.给 ... 调味;使 ... 增加趣味;对 ... 无礼 [sɔːs] [sɔːs]
1) 再放点那种辣到脸麻的辣酱 You know , with the hot sauce that makes our faces numb .
2) So the company I work for , Sauce Labs , has 314 , been hard at work putting appium in the cloud so that if you do n't want to install appium , 315 , if you do n't want to get all your emulators and simulators and SKDs and devices set up 316 , and x...
3) So I 've had the opportunity to work pretty 17 , much full time on this Open Source Project called Appium during my day at Sauce for most 18 , of this year and together with a community of people who do n't work at Sauce .

221.underpants n.(复)(男用)内裤 ['ʌndəpænts] ['ʌndərpænts]
1) 是的 但你真的该 Yeah , but you really ... 他怎么穿着碳纤维内裤 Why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants ?
2) 还是来条新内裤 Fresh pair of underpants ?
3) 内裤都有 你有病得治了 Underpants ?

222.jet n.喷气式飞机;喷口;喷射;喷气式发动机v.喷射;喷出;搭乘喷射式飞机 [dʒet] [dʒet]
1) 请记住我们的网址m .51 voa 下载听力 By VOA 05 July , 2015 While flying high above Earth 's surface , jet fighter pilots may suffer loss of eyesight for brief periods .
2) Jetpack uses a gasoline-powered engine that produces two powerful jet streams .
3) 导航目录 首页 > 慢速英语 > 科学报道 New Device May Help Jet Pilots play pause stop repeat repeat off Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin .

223.spectacular adj.壮观的;令人惊叹的n.壮观;豪华节目 [spek'tækjələ(r)] [spek'tækjələr]
1) Eva : Yes , I have heard that the view is spectacular all along the way to Lhasa .
2) Some spectacular failures illustrated how hard it is to design efficient walking machines .

224.peanuts n.花生;小数目;少量的钱名词peanut的复数形式.
1) 但你会对以下成分轻微过敏 You do have a mild allergy to : 花生 Peanuts .

225.errand n.差使;差事;跑腿 ['erənd] ['erənd]
1) unavailable ( doctor 's appointment , errand etc. ) ?

226.reliant adj.依赖的 [rɪ'laɪənt] [rɪ'laɪənt]
1) The win is a great example of how we 're achieving success with our Sector Solutions approach , which is so heavily reliant on effective collaboration .

227.chef n.厨师;主厨 [ʃef] [ʃef]
1) They witnessed a robotic chef preparing food .
2) Only a few days later , at an annual food machinery and technology exhibition in Tokyo , a stationary robotic chef prepared food with remarkable versatility , while other machines cooked , baked pastries and even wrapped perfect sushi .

228.poetry n.诗歌;诗意;诗集 ['pəʊətri] ['poʊətri]
1) 今晚还是节奏诗歌会呢 On beat poetry night .

229.ceremony n.仪式;礼节;典礼 ['serəməni] ['serəmoʊni]
1) Uber CEO Travis Kalanick speaks during the Baidu and Uber strategic cooperation and investment signing ceremony at Baidu 's headquarters in Beijing , December 17 , 2014 .

230.round-trip n.来回旅行;双程旅行
1) Round-trip or one-way ?
2) Eva : Round-trip .
3) Joey : It 's Y4000 for a round-trip after the discount .

231.versus prep.对抗;与 ... 相对(略作v.或vs.) ['vɜːsəs] ['vɜːrsəs]
1) `` The challenge in China , versus in a lot of other markets in Europe or Asia , is that there are already a lot of competitors on the ground here . ''
2) Development costs are significantly higher due to a paradigm mismatch between how data is represented in objects versus relational databases .

232.sore adj.疼痛的;痛心的;恼火的;严重的n.痛处;伤口 [sɔː(r)] [sɔːr]
1) 没人喜欢输不起的人 小朋友 No one likes a sore loser little boy .

233.consciousness n.意识;知觉;自觉;觉悟 ['kɒnʃəsnəs] ['kɑːnʃəsnəs]
1) loss of consciousness for a brief period ; unable to react to people around you or your surroundings centrifugal -- adj. relating to a movement away from the center visor -- n. a device that protects the eyes from the sun or other light 导航目录 慢速英语
2) _ Words in This Story consciousness -- n .
3) If it senses that the pilot has lost consciousness , it tells the plane 's computer to activate the autopilot .

234.tragic adj.悲剧的;悲惨的 ['trædʒɪk] ['trædʒɪk]
1) These experiences , commonly called blackouts , can lead to tragic results .

235.melon n.甜瓜 ['melən] ['melən]
1) Water melon stored in the refrigerator .

236.disgusting adj.令人厌恶的 [dɪs'ɡʌstɪŋ] [dɪs'ɡʌstɪŋ]
1) That is both disgusting and awesome .

237.enthusiast n.热心人;热衷者 [ɪn'θjuːziæst] [ɪn'θuːziæst]
1) 但我是一顶一的狂热科学粉 But I am a major science enthusiast .

238panion n.同伴;志趣相投的人;成对物品之一;参考书v.陪伴 [kəm'pæniən] [kəm'pæniən]
1) 我是健康护理 你的私人大白助理 I 'm healthcare , your personal Baymax companion .
2) 我是大白 你的私人健康助理 I am baymax , your personal healthcare companion .
3) 飞行能让我成为更好的健康助理 Flying makes me a better healthcare companion .

239.toe n.脚趾;足尖vt.趾触;趾踢vi.踮着脚尖走abbr.吨油当量(=Ton Oil Equivalent) [təʊ] [toʊ]
1) 我不小心砸到自己的脚趾了 I just stubbed my toe a little .

240.excellence n.优秀;卓越;优点 ['eksələns] ['eksələns]
1) d ) read the ` How to Spot a Phish ' document 网络钓鱼 e ) SS : One of the world 's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors f ) Spotlight on Operational Risk -- We know risk excellence is a critical part of our Way Ahead .
2) risk excellence needs to be ingrained in everything we do and reflected in our culture , by our words , values , actions and behaviors .
3) To achieve risk excellence , every employee must uphold the highest ethical standards .

241.nephew n.外甥;侄子 ['nefjuː] ['nefjuː]
1) my nephew is malnourished .
2) 那可是我侄子 That 's my nephew !

242.manhood n.成年;勇气;男子气概 ['mænhʊd] ['mænhʊd]
1) 青春期对于由男孩长成男人的少年而言 Puberty can often be a confusing time 是一个充满困惑的阶段 for a young adolescent flowering into manhood .

243.diligence n.勤奋 ['dɪlɪdʒəns] ['dɪlɪdʒəns]
1) We 'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the colleagues who contributed throughout the tender and due diligence process .

244.spouse n.配偶 [spaʊs] [spaʊs]
1) To help avoid this , please remember to take these simple steps before you , your spouse , partner or other household members make any personal trades : * Submit a Pre-Trade Authorization Form ( PTAF ) in StarCompliance and wait for the

245.seasoning n.调料 ['siːzənɪŋ] ['siːzənɪŋ]
1) something ) in a minor way seasoning ( s ) -- n. a substance ( such as salt , pepper , a spice or an herb ) that is used to add flavor to food peel -- v. to remove the skin from ( a fruit or vegetable ) 导航目录 慢速英语 科技报道
2) `` But if it 's simple cooking with a specific proportion of seasoning , he can repeat the same movement to reproduce the same dish . ''

246.hug v.拥抱;紧抱;抱有;挨着n.拥抱;紧抱 [hʌɡ] [hʌɡ]
1) Hiro 如果我可以有一项超能力的话 Hiro , if I could have only one superpower right now , 我希望可以穿过摄像头 it would be the ability to crawl through this camera , 给你个大大的拥抱 and give you a big hug .
2) 再抱一次 Last hug .
3) 走前再抱一个 Last hug .

247.reception n.接待;反应;接待处;欢迎;接收;招待会 [rɪ'sepʃn] [rɪ'sepʃn]
1) All the records should be signed off when the badge is returned , please fill in the date and time of when are returning your badge to reception in the register book .
2) SD : all day passes should be returned to J2 Reception desk when you leave the office since we have 24 * 7 security service onsite .
3) If you will leave or wo n't be here for some time , please handover your day pass to east ground lobby guard , do n't put the badge on the reception desk when there are no security or admin staff present .

248.fumes n.(强烈而刺激的)气味;气体名词fume的复数形式. [fjuːmz] [fjuːmz]
1) _ Words in This Story warehouse -- n. a large building used for storing goods fumes -- n. smoke or gas that smells unpleasant high-rise -- n. very tall : having many floors or stories blast -- n. a powerful explosion blur -- n. something that you
2) There were also worries about the fumes released from chemical fires .

249.correspondent n.通讯记者;通信者adj.与 ... 一致的;相应的 [ˌkɒrə'spɒndənt] [ˌkɔːrə'spɑːndənt]
1) VOA correspondent William Ide reported this story from Beijing , China .
2) VOA Science Correspondent George Putic reported this story from Washington .
3) VOA Correspondent Greg Flakus reported this story from Houston .

250.karate n.空手道(日本的一种徒手武术) [kə'rɑːti] [kə'rɑːti]
1) 我还会空手道 I also know karate .
2) 我不懂空手道对健康护理有何助益 I fail to see how karate makes me a better healthcare companion .

251.blackouts 大停电事故 [b'lækaʊts] [b'lækaʊts]
1) These experiences , commonly called blackouts , can lead to tragic results .

252.peak n.尖端;山顶;顶峰v.达到顶峰;使处于顶点vi.消瘦 [piːk] [piːk]
1) Glebocki says the biggest attraction to the shareholder is that `` they are getting stuff that is at its peak when things are supposed to be ready and actually seasonal .

253.lollipop n.棒棒糖n.[英]拦车棒 ['lɒlipɒp] ['lɑːlipɑːp]
1) Have a lollipop .

254.darn v.织补n.补钉int.该死(damn的委婉语) [dɑːn] [dɑːrn]
1) 那只可恶的猫 That darn cat .

255.surnamed n.姓;绰号vt.冠姓;以别名称呼 ['sɜːneɪm] ['sɜːrneɪm]
1) VOA reporters spoke to a truck driver surnamed Zhang .

256.blast n.爆炸;巨响;一阵(强风);严厉的批评;<美俚>愉快的经历v.爆破;摧毁;发出巨响;用力撞击;批评 [blɑːst] [blæst]
1) _ Words in This Story warehouse -- n. a large building used for storing goods fumes -- n. smoke or gas that smells unpleasant high-rise -- n. very tall : having many floors or stories blast -- n. a powerful explosion blur -- n. something that you
2) When the blast occurred , Zhang said he just ran .
3) He said , `` I saw a bright light and heard the blast and quickly started to run outside . '' n.杂货店adj.杂货的(复)groceries:食品杂货. ['ɡrəʊsəri] ['ɡroʊsəri]
1) I do n't have to run to the grocery store ; it 's really convenient for me , '' said Victor Barnett , a company recruiter .

258.hurdle n.栏干;障碍[计算机] 障碍.vt.跨越某物 ['hɜːdl] ['hɜːrdl]
1) I think the hurdle we were running into is we did n't have a pre-built binary/distribution for this and it does n't look like gcc is installed to compile from source .

259.sober adj.清醒的;稳重的;沉着冷静的;颜色暗淡的vt.使清醒;使沉着vi.清醒;冷静下来 ['səʊbə(r)] ['soʊbər]
1) Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life , under the shadows of sorrow and loss .

260.malnourished adj.营养不良的动词malnourish的过去式和过去分词. [ˌmæl'nʌrɪʃt] [ˌmæl'nɜːrɪʃt]
1) my nephew is malnourished .

261.cuisines n.佳肴(cuisine的复数形式) [kwɪ'zi:nz] [kwɪ'zi:nz]
1) there are many different cuisines in China .

262.stash vt.隐藏;储藏n.隐藏地点;隐藏物 [stæʃ] [stæʃ]
1) stash it in a static field , if you 're into that sort of thing .
2) You can be in touch with me by email xxx@gmail You shelve files that you want to share a changelist without submitting it to p4 , or when you want to stash away changes without reverting the files .

263.glossary n.词汇表;术语汇编 ['ɡlɒsəri] ['ɡlɑːsəri]
1) Glossary .

264.preposterous adj.荒谬的;可笑的 [prɪ'pɒstərəs] [prɪ'pɑːstərəs]
1) when you go to preposterous lengths to make your code `` a one-liner , '' the Guava team weeps .

265.thereafter adv.其后;从那时以后 [ˌðeər'ɑːftə(r)] [ˌðer'æftər]
1) In addition to the same caveats as maximumSize requires , be aware that weights are computed at entry creation time , and are static thereafter .

266.caveats n.防止误解的说明;警告 ['kæviæt] ['kæviæt]
1) In addition to the same caveats as maximumSize requires , be aware that weights are computed at entry creation time , and are static thereafter .

267.canonical adj.依教规的;圣典的;权威的;牧师的 [kə'nɒnɪkl] [kə'nɑːnɪkl]
1) The canonical way to query a LoadingCache is with the method get ( K ) .
2) In this section we examine some canonical cases one by one , starting with unidirectional mappings and then bidirectional cases .
3) This freedom means that you don?t have to transform your payload into a canonical format to facilitate routing .

268.spicy adj.辛辣的;香的 ['spaɪsi] ['spaɪsi]
1) I ca n't tolerate too much spicy food .
2) The Sets utility class includes a number of spicy methods .

269.hassle n.困难;争吵;麻烦v.烦扰;麻烦 ['hæsl] ['hæsl]
1) To be sure , the diamond operator in JDK 7 makes this less of a hassle .

270.latency n.潜伏;潜伏期;延迟 ['leɪtənsi] ['leɪtənsi]
1) size ( ) to determine how many hits to your site had under 100ms latency .

271.variation n.变种;变奏曲;变动;变化 [ˌveəri'eɪʃn] [ˌveri'eɪʃn]
1) Other notable differences include : SortedMultiset is a new variation on the Multiset interface that supports efficiently taking sub-multisets on specified ranges .

272.contractual adj.合同的;契约的 [kən'træktʃuəl] [kən'træktʃuəl]
1) Multiset is a true Collection type , and satisfies all of the associated contractual obligations .

273.awkward adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;(设计)别扭的 ['ɔːkwəd] ['ɔːkwərd]
1) Typically , when you are trying to index on more than one key at a time , you will wind up with something like Map < FirstName , Map < LastName , Person >> , which is ugly and awkward to use .
2) This is awkward , prone to mistakes , and does n't support collecting a variety of useful statistics , like the total number of words .

274.shoehorning n. 鞋拔vt. 把 ... 硬塞进去 ['ʃuːhɔːn] ['ʃuːhɔːrn]
1) These are all designed to coexist happily with the JDK collections framework , without shoehorning things into the JDK collection abstractions .

275.coexist v.同时存在(于同一处);共存;共处 [ˌkəʊɪɡ'zɪst] [ˌkoʊɪɡ'zɪst]
1) These are all designed to coexist happily with the JDK collections framework , without shoehorning things into the JDK collection abstractions .

276.heuristic adj.(教学)启发式的;探索的n.启发式教学 [hju'rɪstɪk] [hju'rɪstɪk]
1) As a general heuristic , ImmutableXXX.copyOf ( ImmutableCollection ) tries to avoid a linear-time copy if . .

277.exhaustive adj.彻底的;详尽的;消耗的 [ɪɡ'zɔːstɪv] [ɪɡ'zɔːstɪv]
1) We did an exhaustive study on Google 's internal code base that indicated that null elements were allowed in collections about 5 % of the time , and the other 95 % of cases were best served by failing fast on nulls .

278.immutable adj.不可变的;不变的 [ɪ'mjuːtəbl] [ɪ'mjuːtəbl]
1) Important : Each of the Guava immutable collection implementations rejects null values .
2) All immutable collection implementations are more memory-efficient than their mutable siblings ( analysis ) .
3) When you do n't expect to modify a collection , or expect a collection to remain constant , it 's a good practice to defensively copy it into an immutable collection .

279.mutation n.变化;突变;变异 [mjuː'teɪʃn] [mjuː'teɪʃn]
1) Does n't need to support mutation , and can make time and space savings with that assumption .

280.manipulate vt.操纵;操作;控制;利用;(巧妙地)处理;篡改 [mə'nɪpjuleɪt] [mə'nɪpjuleɪt]
1) Guava provides a number of methods to manipulate or examine values or collections using the ordering .
2) Interceptors The Interceptor interface provides callbacks from the session to the application , allowing the application to inspect and/or manipulate properties of a persistent object before it is saved , updated , deleted or loaded .
3) The most straightforward way to update the state of an object is to load ( ) it and then manipulate it directly while the Session is open : DomesticCat cat = ( DomesticCat ) sess.load ( Cat.class , new Long ( 69 ) ) ; cat.setName ( `` PK '' ) ; sess...

281.backward adj.向后的;落后的adv.向后 ['bækwəd] ['bækwərd]
1) A backronym is a combination of two words : backward and acronym .
2) When reading a chain of Ordering calls , work `` backward '' from right to left .
3) However they are not backward compatible with existing Hibernate based application ( if a sequence or a table is used for id generation ) .

282.tweak v.拧;扭;拉;微调n.拧;扭;捏;<俚>妙计 [twiːk] [twiːk]
1) For additional power , Ordering class provides chaining methods to tweak and enhance existing comparators .
2) There are however any options to tweak your entity mapping , let 's explore them .

283.idiom n.成语;惯用语;方言;风格;特色 ['ɪdiəm] ['ɪdiəm]
1) This fluent idiom is much more readable , less prone to accidental typos , and smart enough not to do more work than it must .
2) As outlined earlier , a much more flexible solution is Hibernate 's built-in `` current session '' context management : / / Non-managed environment idiom with getCurrentSession ( ) try -LCB- factory.getCurrentSession ( ) .
3) For a collection with inverse = `` true '' , the standard bidirectional one-to-many relationship idiom , for example , we can add elements to a bag or list without needing to initialize ( fetch ) the bag elements .

284.Weeps v.流泪;哭泣;悲叹;渗出n.哭泣;<俚>眼泪 [wiːp] [wiːp]
1) when you go to preposterous lengths to make your code `` a one-liner , '' the Guava team weeps .
2) Every time you write code that conflates null strings and empty strings , the Guava team weeps .

285.idiot-proof-ness UNKNOWN
1) Besides the increase in readability that comes from giving null a name , the biggest advantage of Optional is its idiot-proof-ness .

286.sparse adj.稀少的;稀疏的 [spɑːs] [spɑːrs]
1) If you 're using nulls in a List -- if the list is sparse , might you rather use a Map < Integer , E > ?

287.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的;含糊不清的 [æm'bɪɡjuəs] [æm'bɪɡjuəs]
1) Additionally , null is unpleasantly ambiguous .

288.variety n.多样;种类;多样化n.杂耍 [və'raɪəti] [və'raɪəti]
1) ABOUT THE COVER ILLUSTRATIONxxx The pictures from the Ottoman collection , like the other illustrations that appear on our covers , bring to life the richness and variety of dress customs of two centuries ago .
2) Caches are tremendously useful in a wide variety of use cases .
3) This is awkward , prone to mistakes , and does n't support collecting a variety of useful statistics , like the total number of words .

289.staggering adj.摇晃的;惊人的动词stagger的现在分词. ['stæɡərɪŋ] ['stæɡərɪŋ]
1) Careless use of null can cause a staggering variety of bugs .

290.trawling n.拖网;排钩v.用拖网捕鱼;搜罗;查阅(资料) [trɔːl] [trɔːl]
1) But trawling through Javadoc is n't always the most effective way to learn how to make best use of a library .

291.lapse n.过失;流逝;间隔;堕落;失效vi.流逝;失效;堕落;停止vt.使失效 [læps] [læps]
1) The DB ticket was just executed to move the DB and I do n't want too much time to lapse before switching dbs .

292.shockwave n.激波;冲击波 [ʃɑkwev] [ʃɑkwev]
1) The shockwave from the explosions broke most windows in the buildings .

293.rival n.竞争者;对手;同伴adj.竞争的v.竞争;与 ... 相匹敌 ['raɪvl] ['raɪvl]
1) __ Words in This Story rival n. a person or thing that tries to defeat or be more successful than another bonus - n. an extra amount of money that is given to an employee start-up - n .
2) Last week , Uber rival Didi Kuaidi said it expects to raise at least $ 1.5 billion in new financing , making it one of China 's most valuable Internet start-up companies .
3) Chinese rival Uber 's biggest rival in China , Didi Kuaidi , currently has more than 80 percent of the market .

294.corn n.谷物;玉米;伤感平庸作品v.形成(颗粒状);腌;(用谷物)喂 [kɔːn] [kɔːrn]
1) `` Many different types of root vegetables , different types of greens , season items like tomatoes and sweet corn . ''

295.warehouse n.仓库vt.存入仓库 ['weəhaʊs] ['werhaʊs]
1) _ Words in This Story warehouse -- n. a large building used for storing goods fumes -- n. smoke or gas that smells unpleasant high-rise -- n. very tall : having many floors or stories blast -- n. a powerful explosion blur -- n. something that you
2) Smoke continues to rise hours after two explosions at a warehouse in Tianjin , China , August 12 .
3) Chinese state media said they happened at a warehouse owned by Rui Hai International Logistics .

296.anarchy n.无政府状态;混乱 ['ænəki] ['ænərki]
1) 无法无天了啊 社会是要有秩序的 This is anarchy !

297.prospective adj.预期的;未来的 [prə'spektɪv] [prə'spektɪv]
1) Postive reaction at law firm Martina Owens , director of administration for Winston and Strawn , got the blessing of the partners of the firm to go ahead with the program and then began the task of signing up prospective shareholders .

298.conjunction n.结合;关联;连词;(事件等的)同时发生 [kən'dʒʌŋkʃn] [kən'dʒʌŋkʃn]
1) Used in conjunction with the - keyring option .
2) In conjunction with this shutdown , GRS will have technicians on site to conduct preventive maintenance on SS critical electrical distribution systems .
3) In conjunction with the region you have defined for the given query , Hibernate will selectively force the results cached in that particular region to be refreshed .

299.bummer n.失败;不愉快的经历;无赖;游民; ['bʌmə(r)] ['bʌmər]
1) 可惜了 我对那个过敏 That 's a bummer .

300.Shattered adj.疲惫不堪的;垮掉的;砸碎的动词shatter的过去式和过去分词. ['ʃætəd] ['ʃætərd]
1) Shattered homes The nearby Jinyu Lanwan apartment complex has more than 10 high-rise buildings .

301.miniature adj.小型的;小规模的n.缩图;小画像;小模型 ['mɪnətʃə(r)] ['mɪnətʃər]
1) 一个头戴歌舞伎面具的男人袭击了你们 A man in a kabuki mask attacked you , 武器是会飞的微缩机器人军队 with an army of miniature flying robots .
2) I have sought it , finally , because in the union of love I have seen , in a mystic miniature , the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined .

302.literally adv.逐字地;按照字面上地;不夸张地;正确地;简直 ['lɪtərəli] ['lɪtərəli]
1) `` We 've adapted it and actually take it to places of business , much like the Winston and Strawn law firm , and bring the shares of food almost literally to their desks . ''
2) So we can literally just pass a 232 , path to the precompiled application .

303.logistics n.物流;后勤学;运筹学 [lə'dʒɪstɪks] [lə'dʒɪstɪks]
1) Chinese state media said they happened at a warehouse owned by Rui Hai International Logistics .

304.salad n.色拉;凉拌生菜;杂烩 ['sæləd] ['sæləd]
1) `` We get into the fall , a lot of those squashes , all different types of cooking greens , salad greens , rooting herbs .

305.villain n.坏人;恶棍;淘气鬼;反派角色;<非正式>罪犯 ['vɪlən] ['vɪlən]
1) 典型的反派 我们知道的太多了 It 's classic villain .
2) 面具 黑衣 That mask , the black suit ... 我们受到了超级大反派的攻击啊 伙计们 We 're under attack from a super villain , people !

306.high-rise adj.(建筑物)超高层的;高楼的;高手把的n.高楼;大厦;高手把自行车 [haɪ raɪz] [haɪ raɪz]
1) _ Words in This Story warehouse -- n. a large building used for storing goods fumes -- n. smoke or gas that smells unpleasant high-rise -- n. very tall : having many floors or stories blast -- n. a powerful explosion blur -- n. something that you
2) Shattered homes The nearby Jinyu Lanwan apartment complex has more than 10 high-rise buildings .

307.raided n.突然袭击;突击搜捕;劫掠;集体抛售v.劫掠;攫取;突击搜捕;袭击 [reɪd] [reɪd]
1) Chinese officials have also raided some offices .

308.probation n.试用期;缓刑 [prə'beɪʃn] [proʊ'beɪʃn]
1) career growth probation period ; qualifying period scattered -LSB- ` skætəd -RSB- adj. 分散的 ; 散乱的 cross my fingers -- hope it goes well .

309.migrant n.移居者;候鸟adj.移居的 ['maɪɡrənt] ['maɪɡrənt]
1) Migrant workers employed at nearby businesses may be some of the worst affected by the destruction .
2) Nearby , one young migrant worker sat on the ground with friends .

310.verbatim adj.逐字的adv.逐字地 [vɜː'beɪtɪm] [vɜː'beɪtɪm]
1) verbatim formatter .

311.sparrow n.麻雀 ['spærəʊ] ['spæroʊ]
1) 朋友们 请允许我隆重向你们介绍 项目 '' 默雀 '' Friends , I present project silent sparrow .

312.ancient adj.古老的;古代的n.古人 ['eɪnʃənt] ['eɪnʃənt]
1) * 六人小组 * * Six intrepid friends * * 由Fred来领导 Fred * * Led by Fred their leader , Fred * * Fred的天使们 * * Fred 's angels * * Fred的天使们 * * Fred 's angels * * 用阁楼里找到的古老护身符 * * Harnessing the power of the sun * * 驾驭太阳的力量 * * with the ancient amulet they
2) -LSB- 05:32.56 -RSB- Prof. Pinkney suggests we learn from our distant ancient ancestors -- the hunter-gatherers .
3) Prof. Pinkney suggests we learn from our distant ancient ancestors -- the hunter-gatherers .

313.gear n.传动装置;齿轮;排挡;工具;装备v.调整;使适应于;以齿轮连起 [ɡɪə(r)] [ɡɪr]
1) 至少我们的装备都能用 Well , at least we know our gear works .

314.skull n.头骨;骷髅头 [skʌl] [skʌl]
1) 标识上还有个骷髅头 There 's a skull face on this one .
2) 骷髅头啊 A skull face !

315.quarantine n.隔离;检疫期间;封锁交通;四十天vt.检疫;停止交涉vi.检疫 ['kwɒrəntiːn] ['kwɔːrəntiːn]
1) 隔离区 `` Quarantine '' ?
2) 你们知道隔离什么意思吗 Do you people know what `` Quarantine '' Means ?
3) 隔离 强制隔离污染物 `` Quarantine . ''

316.thrust v.刺;插入;推挤n.刺;推力;要旨 [θrʌst] [θrʌst]
1) 全力推进 Full thrust .
2) 往上冲 冲啊 冲啊 Thrust , thrust , thrust !
3) 冲过头了 冲过了 Too much thrust !

317.glorious adj.光荣的;辉煌的;<口>愉快的 ['ɡlɔːriəs] ['ɡlɔːriəs]
1) 他帅呆了 He 's glorious .

318.cholesterol n.胆固醇 [kə'lestərɒl] [kə'lestərɔːl]
1) 胆固醇水平为 Cholesterol levels are ... 大白 你扫描过他了吗 Baymax , you scanned him ?

319.vacay UNKNOWN
1) 他们现在在我家的小岛上度假呢 They 're on a vacay on the family island .

320.lunatic n.疯子adj.疯狂的;极蠢的 ['luːnətɪk] ['luːnətɪk]
1) A lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us .

321.promptly adv.迅速地;准时地;立即 ['prɒmptli] ['prɑːmptli]
1) More than welcome to cc me and if I am available to take the lead on the issue I gladly will , however if I am working a project or problem my response can be delayed and your request can be handled more promptly by one of the MQ team members .
2) With Camel , if you?re having any trouble , users and developers alike will come to your aid promptly .

322.trudging v.缓慢或吃力地走n.长途跋涉 [trʌdʒ] [trʌdʒ]
1) we 'll have to deduce precise language structure by trudging through multiple references handicap most or all of us have a handicap : we do n't know R domain-specific programming language clutter reduce clutter stepping-stone Cymbol is really just a...

323.plankton n.浮游生物 ['plæŋktən] ['plæŋktən]
1) Recently , 200 scientists from 45 countries took turns researching plankton on a two-mast schooner .
2) Plankton can not be seen without a microscope .
3) _ Words in This Story plankton -- n. the very small creatures in an ocean , sea or lake algae -- n. simple plants that grow in or near water sample -- n. a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing it was taken from genera...

324.noop n.无操作;停止操作指令 ['nuːp] ['nuːp]
1) The noop option tells Camel to leave the source file as is .
2) noop = true '' -RRB- .
3) This route can be read like this : consume messages from file location data/inbox with the noop option set , and send to file location data/outbox .

325.opinionated adj.固执己见的动词opinionate的过去式和过去分词. [ə'pɪnjəneɪtɪd] [ə'pɪnjəneɪtɪd]
1) And I think you 'll come to see that this philosophy is definitely a bit opinionated , 62 , and it may not be the only right way to do things , but I hope to convince you that some 63 , of these are good ideas , at least .

326.rafting n.漂筏运动 ['rɑːftɪŋ] ['ræftɪŋ]
1) There is motocross , rappelling , whitewater rafting , and others .
2) What is whitewater rafting all about ?

327.schooner n.纵帆船;大啤酒杯;大篷车 ['skuːnə(r)] ['skuːnər]
1) Recently , 200 scientists from 45 countries took turns researching plankton on a two-mast schooner .

328.rampant adj.猖獗的;蔓延的;猛烈的;[纹]跃立的 ['ræmpənt] ['ræmpənt]
1) US says corruption is `` rampant '' U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said corruption in FIFA is '' rampant , systemic and deep-rooted . ''
2) ________________________________________________________________ Words in this Story indictment -- n. an official written statement charging a person with a crime rampant -- adj. used to describe something that is very common or that is spreading ve...

329.conducive adj.有助的;有益的 [kən'djuːsɪv] [kən'djuːsɪv]
1) more conducive to learning .

330.trajectory n.轨道;弹道;轨迹 [trə'dʒektəri] [trə'dʒektəri]
1) 56 , So in these early days of mobile automation , I really think , and maybe it 's just because 57 , I studied philosophy , but I really think philosophy is really important and will determine the 58 , trajectory of a lot of these projects that are...

331.inexplicably adv.费解地;无法说明地 [ɪn'eksplɪkəblɪ] [ɪn'eksplɪkəblɪ]
1) And every time you 173 , go through this loop , we call out to the command line , because this is one of the things that 174 , Apple has conveniently and inexplicably included in its UI automation framework as a way to 175 , call out to the shell an...

332.rappelling vi.绕绳下降n.绕绳下降 [ræ'pel] [ræ'pel]
1) There is motocross , rappelling , whitewater rafting , and others .
2) What is the difference between `` rappelling '' and `` appalling '' ` ?

333.devastate vt.毁坏;使荒芜;使震惊 ['devəsteɪt] ['devəsteɪt]
1) It can destroy or devastate personal relationship .
2) disorders of the endocrine glands -LSB- 06:59.68 -RSB- devastate -- v. to destroy much or most of ( something ) : to cause great damage or harm to ( something ) ; devastating is the adjective .
3) -LSB- 01:49.28 -RSB- It can destroy or devastate personal relationship .

334.toothpaste n.牙膏 ['tuːθpeɪst] ['tuːθpeɪst]
1) 清晨 , 闹钟响起 , 好瞌睡 , 再 snooze 一会儿吧 。 再醒时 , 发现快九点了 。 匆匆起床 , 挤 toothpaste 刷牙 , 洗脸 , 吃早饭 。 出门前 , 往窗外看看古墩路路况 , 交通很拥堵 traffic jam .
2) 美国政府50多年来首次降低饮用水建议添加的氟化物的含量 。 有关官员解释说 , People may get too much fluoride these days because it is also added to toothpaste , mouthwash and other products .

335.dioxide n.二氧化物 [daɪ'ɒksaɪd] [daɪ'ɑːksaɪd]
1) `` We believe that the ocean is also a main driver of the climate change , a main , main mitigator in the way that the ocean and the life in the ocean is storing carbon dioxide , storing heat .
2) Generating the oxygen we breathe , removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and generally maintaining this Earth in a state that is habitable for us human beings . ''

336.mystery n.谜,神秘;奥秘;秘密;神秘的人或事物;推理小说(戏剧) ['mɪstri] ['mɪstri]
1) Mystery is solved Can you point me in the right direction on who handles this ?

337.defer v.推迟;延期;使延期入伍v.顺从;把…委托给他人 [dɪ'fɜː(r)] [dɪ'fɜːr]
1) let's defer the 1 . 1 . 1 release to next weekend .

338.optimistically adv.乐观地 [ˌɒptɪ'mɪstɪkli] [ˌɒptɪ'mɪstɪkli]
1) Perhaps , trying to view it optimistically , we have traded a cultural and visual diversity for a more varied personal life .

339.nominees 被提名者 [nɒmɪ'niːz] [nɒmɪ'niːz]
1) Nominees can be employees who have demonstrated one or more of our values and risk excellence through their work over the past 12 months .
2) All three of our values are integrated with our commitment to risk excellence and LVA nominees should demonstrate a clear commitment to managing this .

340.infected adj.被感染的;受污染的;(电脑)被感染的动词infect的过去式和过去分词. [ɪn'fektɪd] [ɪn'fektɪd]
1) Being infected with more than one strain of TB makes treating the disease difficult

341.diagnosed v.判断;诊断(疾病) ['daɪəɡnəʊz] [ˌdaɪəɡ'noʊs]
1) One of my old friends was just diagnosed with cancer .

342.Out-of-the-box adj.拆盒即可使用的,开箱即用的 ['aʊt'əvðəb'ɒks] ['aʊt'əvðəb'ɒks]
1) A custom listener implements the appropriate interface for the event it wants to process and/or extend one of the convenience base classes ( or even the default event listeners used by Hibernate out-of-the-box as these are declared non-final for thi...
2) Out-of-the-box , these listeners implement the same processing in which those methods always resulted .
3) For the three out-of-the-box implementations , however , there are three corresponding short names : `` jta '' , `` thread '' , and `` managed '' .

343.Dialects 方言 ['daɪəlekts] ['daɪəlekts]
1) This might be useful in a number of different situations : it allows easy integration for auto-detection of dialects beyond those shipped with HIbernate itself ; it allows you to specify to use a custom dialect when a particular database is recogniz...
2) Hibernate bundles a wide range of dialects for many of the most popular databases .
3) ... Additionally , these database objects can be optionally scoped so that they only apply when certain dialects are used .

344.swallowed n.燕子;吞咽;一次吞咽的量v.忍受;吞下;咽下;轻信;不流露感情;收回 ['swɒləʊ] ['swɑːloʊ]
1) build ( ) ) ; -RCB- catch ( Throwable ex ) -LCB- / / Make sure you log the exception , as it might be swallowed System.err.println ( `` Initial SessionFactory creation failed . ''

345.incised adj.雕刻的;切入的;有锯齿状边缘的 [ɪn'saɪzd] [ɪn'saɪzd]
1) By printing this ahead of time , then we were able to practice the operation before we actually incised the child just to go in and save lives . ''

346.Seatbelts UNKNOWN
1) 安全带保安全 Seatbelts save lives .

347.version-agnostic UNKNOWN
1) This lets us know what versions we have deployed while allowing us to start/stop applications through a version-agnostic path .

348.unintuitive UNKNOWN
1) The example from the documentation is simple and easy to understand , but if you look at Sunil 's example you will see references to the JPA Criteria API , which is one of the more complicated , unintuitive and difficult APIs you can find anywhere UNKNOWN
1) 重新充气塑形可能需要一段时间 It will take me a moment to re-inflate .

350.capabilities n.能力;才能;性能;容量 [ˌkeɪpə'bɪləti] [ˌkeɪpə'bɪləti]
1) If you 're not familiar with Selenium , desired 228 , capabilities are ways of telling the server what sort of thing you want to automate .
2) Depending on your isolation level and database capabilities this might not be required , but there is no downside if you always demarcate transactions explicitly .
3) 229 , So in this case , we have desired capabilities for iOS , and we 're saying that we want the 230 , iPhone simulator device .

351.positional adj.位置的;地位的;阵地的 [pə'zɪʃənəl] [pə'zɪʃənəl]
1) list ( ) SQL queries can contain named and positional parameters , just like Hibernate queries .
2) Parameters Native SQL queries support positional as well as named parameters : Query query = sess.createSQLQuery ( `` SELECT * FROM CATS WHERE NAME like ? '' ) .
3) Any database-supported SQL scalar function like sign ( ) , trunc ( ) , rtrim ( ) , and sin ( ) JDBC-style positional parameters ?

352.crimes 犯罪 [k'raɪmz] [k'raɪmz]
1) The individuals are suspected of mismanagement and financial crimes .

353.introspect v.内省;反省 [ˌɪntrəʊ'spekt] [ˌɪntrə'spekt]
1) We also wanted developers to be able to use whatever DSL flavor they wished -LRB- whether Java , XML , Groovy , Ruby , Scala , or whatever -RRB- and yet , at runtime , still be able to introspect the framework and understand all of the EIPs that wer...
2) j ) open introspect session including all team members .
3) You can introspect -- or I should 419 , say interrogate different parts of your application .

354.obstructive adj.阻碍的;妨碍的;阻塞性的n.妨碍物;障碍 [əb'strʌktɪv] [əb'strʌktɪv]
1) She said the findings ... '' ... represent not only a new surgical option for patients suffering from obstructive airway disease , but also showing a promise for 4-D printed materials in medicine . ''
2) 治疗疾病有新方案 a ) She said the findings ... '' ... represent not only a new surgical option for patients suffering from obstructive airway disease , but also showing a promise for 4-D printed materials in medicine . '

355.inspired adj.有创见的;有灵感的;授意的动词inspire的过去式和过去分词. [ɪn'spaɪəd] [ɪn'spaɪərd]
1) Really inspired me .
2) 你的微型机器人是项颇具新意的科技产品 Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech .
3) 321 , I was really inspired by the FirefoxOS talk yesterday .

356.nanny n.保姆;<英>祖母;外婆 ['næni] ['næni]
1) nanny plan
2) Nanny plan 保姆计划

357.motivated adj.有积极性的;有动机的动词motivate的过去式和过去分词 ['məʊtɪveɪtɪd] ['moʊtɪveɪtɪd]
1) Matt : Anyway , I 'm motivated to try it .
3) Anyway , I 'm motivated to try it .

358.Replicating v.复制;模拟;折叠n.复制品adj.复制的;折叠的 ['replɪkeɪt] ['replɪkeɪt]
1) Replicating object between two different datastores 11.10 .
2) Replicating object between two different datastores It is sometimes useful to be able to take a graph of persistent instances and make them persistent in a different datastore , without regenerating identifier values .

359.motivational adj.激发性的;动机的 [ˌməʊtɪ'veɪʃənl] [ˌməʊtɪ'veɪʃənl]
1) motivational quote -- confidence is the key to success .

360.spawns n.卵;产物;后代;结果vt.产卵;种菌丝于;产生;造成vi.产卵;大量生产 [spɔːn] [spɔːn]
1) For both iOS and Android , Appium start a test 154 , case on the device or in the simulator that spawns a server of some kind and listens for 155 , commands from the main Appium process .

361.aka abbr.又叫做;亦称为(=also known as) [ˌeɪkeɪ'eɪ] [ˌeɪkeɪ'eɪ]
1) A JDBCConnectionException here is interpreted to imply a `` non transient '' ( aka non-recoverable ) connection problem and is used to indicate an immediate stop to resolution attempts .
2) However , the Hibernate main package comes bundled with an integrated tool : SchemaExport aka hbm2ddl.It can even be used from `` inside '' Hibernate .
3) Metrics related to the entities , collections , queries , and caches as a whole ( aka global metrics ) .

362.decouple vt.分离;拆散 [diː'kʌpl] [diː'kʌpl]
1) understand : From what I understand , we do not have to create/send a 2nd ticket for prod tech term : decouple The listener and visitor mechanisms decouple grammars from application code , providing some compelling benefits deduce We must deduce R '...

363.orthogonal adj.直角的;直交的;【计】正交的 [ɔː'θɒgənl] [ɔː'θɒgənəl]
1) I have two orthogonal notions here : 怎么去上班 , 走古墩路还是莫干山路 ; 如何去上班 , 是自己开车还是打的 , 快车 ? 过了一会 , 交通逐步畅通 , 还是决定开车去吧 , 在路上听下时事新闻 : 1 .
2) We have two orthogonal notions here : when is the association fetched and how is it fetched .

364.entrants 大学新生
1) And there are new entrants to the mobile OS world all the time .

365.unidirectional adj.单向的 [ˌjuːnɪdɪ'rekʃənəl] [ˌjuːnɪdə'rekʃənəl]
1) verbose output unidirectional / bidirectional As mentioned earlier , That 's pretty much it , the rest is optional .
2) Prefer bidirectional associations : Unidirectional associations are more difficult to query .
3) Hibernate dirty-checks unidirectional one-to-many and many-to-many associations ; The collection can contain entities that are read-only , as well as entities that are not read-only .

366.NASA abbr.美国国家航空和航天管理局(=National Aeronautics and Space Administration) ['næsə] ['næsə]
1) For example , NASA , the U.S. space agency , named a treadmill on the International Space Station after the television personality Stephen Colbert .

367.interpreted v.口译;解释;翻译;诠释 [ɪn'tɜːprɪt] [ɪn'tɜːrprɪt]
1) Remember to use a CDATA section if your query contains characters that could be interpreted as markup .
2) A JDBCConnectionException here is interpreted to imply a `` non transient '' ( aka non-recoverable ) connection problem and is used to indicate an immediate stop to resolution attempts .

368.proactive adj.先发制人的;积极的〈心理〉前摄的.〈自控〉有前瞻性的;先行一步的. [ˌprəʊ'æktɪv] [ˌproʊ'æktɪv]
1) be proactive .
2) I was just trying to be proactive since I do n't remember where this left off when Adam moved teams last year .

369.deprecated v.声明不赞成;抨击;反对 ['deprəkeɪt] ['deprəkeɪt]
1) org.hibernate.cfg.NamingStrategy is deprecated and this property is provided for backward-compatibity .
2) These methods are deprecated , as beginning and ending a transaction has the same effect .
3) hibernate.annotations.ForceDiscriminator annotation which is deprecated since version 3.6 .

370.harshest adj.粗糙的;严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的;使人不舒服的;大约的 [hɑːʃ] [hɑːrʃ]
1) To date 意思是到目前为止 。 In a closed door meeting last weekend , former President George W. Bush delivered his harshest criticisms to date against his successor , President Obama , on foreign policy .

371.kidnapped adj.被绑架的动词kidnap的过去式和过去分词.
1) But the program was originally named for Amber Hagerman , a nine-year-old girl who was kidnapped and murdered in Texas in 1996 .

372plementary adj.补充的;互补的 [ˌkɒmplɪ'mentri] [ˌkɑːmplɪ'mentri]
1) 相辅相成关系 complementary relations 2 .

373.abuse n.滥用;恶习vt.滥用;辱骂;虐待 [ə'bjuːs] [ə'bjuːs]
1) 166 , So we sort of take this and abuse it in order to fit our needs .
2) e ) So we sort of take this and abuse it in order to fit our needs .

374.applause n.鼓掌;喝彩;赞许 [ə'plɔːz] [ə'plɔːz]
1) 339 , -LSB- Applause -RSB- >> Jonathan Lipps : Anyway , I just thought it 340 , was a really cool kind of proof of concept of how when you have the right protocol and 341 , the right tools , you can make things happen really quickly .
2) 425 , -LSB- Applause -RSB- Subtitles End : mo.dbxdb
3) And I think , you know , at least 80 % 338 , of that applause should go to the FirefoxOS team for doing something so awesome .

375.fluoride n.(护齿的)氟化物 ['flɔːraɪd] ['flɔːraɪd]
1) Fluoride 氟化物 。 The U.S. government is lowering the recommended amount of fluoride added to drinking water for the first time in more than 50 years .
2) 美国政府50多年来首次降低饮用水建议添加的氟化物的含量 。 有关官员解释说 , People may get too much fluoride these days because it is also added to toothpaste , mouthwash and other products .
3) 现在牙膏 , 漱口液等产品内也添加了氟化物 , 这种情况可能会使人们摄取过多的氟化物 。 好的 , 今天我们学习的词是 fluoride , fluoride , fluoride ... 导航目录 慢速英语 科技报道 农业报道 健康报道 教育报道 经济报道 时事新闻 词汇掌故 新闻杂志 今日美国 科学报道 自然探索 建国史话 美国万象 美国故事 美国人物 常速英语 英语教学 一分钟英语 学个词 双语新闻 礼节美语 流行美语 体育美语 美语怎么说 美语训练班 美国习惯用语 美语三级跳 美语咖啡... adj.太阳的;太阳能的 ['səʊlə(r)] ['soʊlər]
1) 阳光是否能给飞行到太阳系边缘的太空船提供动力 ? 答案可能会来自一颗小卫星 。 一枚德尔塔五号火箭携带这颗卫星于上个月进入了太空 。 这枚火箭是从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射的 。 The satellite is designed to test the effectiveness of what is called solar sail propulsion .
2) The group says the solar sail can be seen from the earth in the middle of June .
3) The satellite is designed to test the effectiveness of what is called solar sail propulsion .

377.traverse n.横贯;横木v.横贯;穿越;详细讨论;阻止;否认;【计】遍历 [trə'vɜːs] [trə'vɜːrs]
1) I suppose if you had a Web app whose structure 383 , was identical in terms of the hierarchy , because you can use an XPath sort of bastardized XPath 384 , syntax to traverse the hierarchy .
2) traverse a ) traverse the every node in the hierarchy 3 .

378.downside n.下降趋势(价格方面);消极面;负面 ['daʊnsaɪd] ['daʊnsaɪd]
1) Depending on your isolation level and database capabilities this might not be required , but there is no downside if you always demarcate transactions explicitly .
2) The getCurrentSession ( ) operation has one downside in a JTA environment .

379.derived adj.衍生的动词derive的过去式和过去分词. [dɪ'raɪvd] [dɪ'raɪvd]
1) A powerful feature is derived properties .
2) Setting both to false allows a pure `` derived '' association whose value is initialized from another property that maps to the same column ( s ) , or by a trigger or other application .
3) Setting both to false allows a pure `` derived '' property whose value is initialized from some other property that maps to the same column ( s ) , or by a trigger or other application .

380.deep-rooted adj.根深蒂固的
1) US says corruption is `` rampant '' U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said corruption in FIFA is '' rampant , systemic and deep-rooted . ''

381.intimidating adj.威胁的;咄咄逼人的动词intimitate的现在分词. [ɪn'tɪmɪdeɪtɪŋ] [ɪn'tɪmɪdeɪtɪŋ]
1) NOTE Some endpoints can have an intimidating list of endpoint URI properties .

382.pearl n.珍珠v.(用珍珠)装饰;呈珍珠状adj.珍珠般的 [pɜːl] [pɜːrl]
1) The lovely purple pearl is getting stronger , and has four cute baby purple pearls .

383.appalling adj.令人震惊的;可怕的动词appall的现在分词形式. [ə'pɔːlɪŋ] [ə'pɔːlɪŋ]
1) What is the difference between `` rappelling '' and `` appalling '' ` ?

384.spotlight n.照明灯;车头灯;公众注意中心vt.用聚光灯照;使瞩目 ['spɒtlaɪt] ['spɑːtlaɪt]
1) d ) read the ` How to Spot a Phish ' document 网络钓鱼 e ) SS : One of the world 's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors f ) Spotlight on Operational Risk -- We know risk excellence is a critical part of our Way Ahead .
2) Spotlight on Operational Risk We know risk excellence is a critical part of our Way Ahead .

385.Photons n.光子;光量子名词photon的复数形式. ['fəʊˌtəns] ['foʊˌtəns]
1) Photons have no mass but they still impart momentum when they strike an object ... it 's a tiny , tiny amount of momentum .

386.disciplinary adj.训练的;规律的;训戒的,惩戒的;纪律的 ['dɪsəplɪnəri] ['dɪsəpləneri]
1) Misuse of your ID badge is regarded as a serious security breach and may result in formal disciplinary action .

387.federation n.联邦;联合;联盟 [ˌfedə'reɪʃn] [ˌfedə'reɪʃn]
1) The indictment describes reported plots involving payments related to the Brazilian national soccer federation 's sponsorship by a U.S. clothing manufacturer .

388.convinced adj.信服的;确信的 [kən'vɪnst] [kən'vɪnst]
1) 146 , So hopefully I have convinced you using WebDriver as your automation protocol in mobile is somewhat 147 , of a good idea .
2) The Nacc1 team has not escalated the ticket yet , so I do n't have a time-frame I 'm not convinced we did the workaround for them last year I volunteered to go over it and make some suggestions .

389.dive n.潜水;跳水vi.跳水;俯冲;潜心钻研 [daɪv] [daɪv]
1) 准备好 Ready 俯冲 and dive !
2) The main difference is that a @OneToOne is mapped as , let 's dive into the subject .
3) In this chapter , we?ll dive into routing with Camel .

390.SOS abbr.国际通用的呼救信号(=Save Our Souls)n.呼救 [ˌesəʊ'es] [oʊ]
1) These people in Cambodia write `` SOS '' on a roof so that planes flying overhead will see it and send help .

391.facilities n.设施;设备;工具名词facility的复数形式. [fə'sɪlɪtɪz] [fə'sɪlɪtɪz]
1) Indoor climbing facilities are easy to find .
3) In chapter 6 we look at the testing facilities shipped with Camel .

392.granularity n.颗粒度;粒度;间隔尺寸 [grænjʊ'lærɪtɪ] [grænjʊ'lærɪtɪ]
1) ... Altogether , we get something like existing grammars should be used as a guide , not the gospel truth Stepping down a level of granularity , we get to value , which is a choice pattern according to the reference .
2) For now we will keep things simple and assume a one-to-one granularity between a Hibernate org.hibernate.Session and a database transaction .
3) The discussion of concurrency control in Hibernate begins with the granularity of Configuration , SessionFactory , and Session , as well as database transactions and long conversations .

393.incredible adj.难以置信的;惊人的 [ɪn'kredəbl] [ɪn'kredəbl]
1) `` This may seem incredible at first , but it is nevertheless true that sunlight , or light , has momentum even though it has no mass .
2) 这颗卫星被称之为CubeSat 。 它大概是一块面包大小 。 CubeSat是由非营利性组织行星协会设计的 。 比尔 · 奈伊 ( Bill Nye ) 是该协会的首席执行官 。 他说 , 这颗卫星将会测试阳光是否能用于太空旅行的推进动力 。 `` This may seem incredible at first , but it is nevertheless true that sunlight , or light , has momentum even though it has n...

394.accuracy n.准确(性);精确度 ['ækjərəsi] ['ækjərəsi]
1) c ) The University of California scientists say they can create a virtual map with an accuracy of plus or minus 10 centimeters .
2) 气象学家利用一种名为气压计的科学仪器来测量地球的大气压力 。 但是该装置利用气压计来测量高度 。 磁强传感器设备被用作3D罗盘 , 它们可以收集金属结构信息 。 The University of California scientists say they can create a virtual map with an accuracy of plus or minus 10 centimeters .
3) The University of California scientists say they can create a virtual map with an accuracy of plus or minus 10 centimeters .

395.pilot n.飞行员;领航员;试播节目;<美>排障器;[机]导向器v.驾驶;领航;向导;试点adj.试验性的;引导的 ['paɪlət] ['paɪlət]
1) 英语美文 | 真正的高贵 提交 我的评论 加载中 已评论 英语美文 | 真正的高贵 2015-05-14 英语美文 英语美文 英语美文 微信号 beautify_english 功能介绍 美丽的英语美文故事 、 耐人寻味的英语语法详解 , 捧腹大笑的双语笑话 , 还有更多精彩的英语口语交流 。 每日英语美文 , 让英语学习成为一种好习惯 。 真正的高贵 True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilot .
2) 邀请了这么多人 We 've invited all these people ... 飞行员是Callaghan的女儿 The pilot was Callaghan 's daughter .
3) 和飞行员在一起 With the pilot .

396.irrelevant adj.不恰当的;无关系的;不相干的 [ɪ'reləvənt] [ɪ'reləvənt]
1) Lets you profile them and find memory leaks and all kinds of 163 , stuff that 's irrelevant to automation , but it also has an automation component , actually 164 , a little box where you can type in JavaScript , and this JavaScript has access to an...
2) Since Hibernate , the ordering of mapping files is irrelevant when using the extends keyword .

397.distress n.不幸;危难;苦恼;痛苦vt.使苦恼;使痛苦 [dɪ'stres] [dɪ'stres]
1) 对可能造成的困扰我深表抱歉 I regret any distress I may have caused .
2) 我听到了一身惨叫 I heard a sound of distress .
3) It is the Morse code distress signal S.O.S. For years , telegraph operators used Morse code to communicate across the country and around the world .

398.Snippet n.小片;小部分;(消息或文章等的)片段 ['snɪpɪt] ['snɪpɪt]
1) Snippet from / ** * Get the names under which this type should be registered in the type registry .
2) Snippet from 7.1 .

399.mouthwash n.漱口剂;洗口药 ['maʊθwɒʃ] ['maʊθwɔːʃ]
1) 美国政府50多年来首次降低饮用水建议添加的氟化物的含量 。 有关官员解释说 , People may get too much fluoride these days because it is also added to toothpaste , mouthwash and other products .

400.demarcate v.划分;划界 ['diːmɑːkeɪt] ['diːmɑːrkeɪt]
1) Depending on your isolation level and database capabilities this might not be required , but there is no downside if you always demarcate transactions explicitly .
2) If you use JTA , you can utilize the JTA interfaces to demarcate transactions .
3) You can also demarcate transaction boundaries programmatically ( BMT ) , or you might want to use the optional Hibernate Transaction API for this to keep your code portable .

401.purple adj.紫色的;辞藻华丽的n.紫色;皇室 ['pɜːpl] ['pɜːrpl]
1) The lovely purple pearl is getting stronger , and has four cute baby purple pearls . adj.全国性的adv.在全国范围内 [ˌneɪʃn'waɪd] [ˌneɪʃn'waɪd]
1) Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in a live nationwide call - in show Thursday .

403.Concurrency n.(意见)一致;同时发生;并发;[数]几条线的交点 [kən'kʌrənsɪ] [kən'kʌrənsɪ]
1) In chapter 10 we discuss how to deal with concurrency and scalability in your Camel applications . ?
2) Cache Concurrency Strategy Support Cache read-only nonstrict-read-write read-write transactional ConcurrentHashMap ( not intended for production use ) yes yes yes EHCache yes yes yes yes Infinispan yes yes 20.3 .
3) Cache-provider/concurrency-strategy compatibility The following table shows which providers are compatible with which concurrency strategies .

404.boilerplate n.样板文件;锅炉钢板 ['bɔɪləpleɪt] ['bɔɪlərpleɪt]
1) You may also want to note that , excluding the boilerplate code , you created a file-polling route in just one line of Java code B. To run this example , you?ll need to download and install Apache Maven from the Maven site at http://maven.apache...

405.literals n.文字 ['lɪtərəlz] ['lɪtərəlz]
1) For example : hibernate.query.substitutions true = 1 , false = 0 This would cause the tokens true and false to be translated to integer literals in the generated SQL .
2) named parameters : name , : start_date , and : x1 SQL literals ` foo ' , 69 , 6.66 E +2 , ' 1970-01-01 10:00:01.0 ' Java public static final constants eg.Color.TABBY in and between can be used as follows : from DomesticCat cat where between...

406.Aggregate adj.合计的;总的n.总计;进球总数;集料v.(使)聚集;总计 ['æɡrɪɡət] ['æɡrɪɡət]
1) A subquery must be surrounded by parentheses ( often by an SQL aggregate function call ) .
2) select cat.color , sum ( cat.weight ) , count ( cat ) from Cat cat group by cat.color having cat.color in ( eg.Color.TABBY , eg.Color.BLACK ) SQL functions and aggregate functions are allowed in the having and order by clauses if they are supported ...
3) The group by clause A query that returns aggregate values can be grouped by any property of a returned class or components : select cat.color , sum ( cat.weight ) , count ( cat ) from Cat cat group by cat.color select , avg ( name ) , max ( n...

407.badge n.象征;标记;徽章;证章vt.授给 ... 徽章 [bædʒ] [bædʒ]
1) For those of you who take a day pass for only one day , if you do n't return your day pass the next morning , your ID badge may be blocked until the day pass is returned .
2) All the records should be signed off when the badge is returned , please fill in the date and time of when are returning your badge to reception in the register book .
3) If you will leave or wo n't be here for some time , please handover your day pass to east ground lobby guard , do n't put the badge on the reception desk when there are no security or admin staff present .

408.afoot adj.徒步的;在准备中的;在进行中adv.徒步地;在准备中地;在进行中 [ə'fʊt] [ə'fʊt]
1) ClearConnect - Waiting for legal disclaimer Active interviewing afoot to replace Li , Lei in Boston Han , Meimei leaving the team end of May .

409.permanently adv.永久地 ['pɜːmənəntli] ['pɜːmənəntli]
1) 优化建议 a ) We do n't want to be permanently coupled to hibernate .
2) We do n't want to be permanently coupled to hibernate .
3) I do n't know why anyone would think to change them , from what we know so far We still need to get to the bottom of this issue and clear it up permanently ; the CTF funds seem to always cause an issue with the auto init process in some way or anoth...

410.dashes v.猛冲;猛掷;泼溅;匆忙完成n.破折号;短跑;猛冲;冲 [dæʃ] [dæʃ]
1) In the language of Morse code , the letter `` S '' is three short dots and the letter `` O '' is three longer dashes .

411.awesome adj.可怕的;表示敬畏的;了不起的;精彩的,绝妙的 ['ɔːsəm] ['ɔːsəm]
1) 太棒了 Awesome !
2) 我不明白你为什么不明白飞行有多酷炫 I fail to see how you fail to see that it 's awesome !
3) That is both disgusting and awesome .

412.vegetarian n.素食者adj.素食的 [ˌvedʒə'teəriən] [ˌvedʒə'teriən]
1) vegetarian a ) Someone who is vegetarian never eats meat or fish
2) Someone who is vegetarian never eats meat or fish

413.uplift v.鼓舞;提高(道德水准等)n.(精神或情绪方面的)振作;(地质学)隆起 ['ʌplɪft] ['ʌplɪft]
1) And as Malini 85 , mentioned yesterday , there is a whole ecosystem of tools that already exist for these other 86 , specifications that we could -- I think her word was uplift and reuse in the context of 87 , mobile automation .

414.jam n.果酱n.堵塞;拥挤;困境v.塞满;挤;卡住;夹伤;干扰;猛压 [dʒæm] [dʒæm]
1) 清晨 , 闹钟响起 , 好瞌睡 , 再 snooze 一会儿吧 。 再醒时 , 发现快九点了 。 匆匆起床 , 挤 toothpaste 刷牙 , 洗脸 , 吃早饭 。 出门前 , 往窗外看看古墩路路况 , 交通很拥堵 traffic jam .

415.aside n.旁白;顺便说的话adv.在一边;另外;离开 [ə'saɪd] [ə'saɪd]
1) With that aside , we 'll go to some of the questions here - 353 , First one up .

416.gigabyte n.千兆字节 ['ɡɪɡəbaɪt] ['ɡɪɡəbaɪt]
1) my pc have 8 gigabyte (GB) memory

417.heck int.<口>(hell的委婉语)见鬼n.<俚> 用以加强语气 [hek] [hek]
1) Ah , what the heck .

418.opponent n.对手;反对者;敌手adj.反对的;敌对的 [ə'pəʊnənt] [ə'poʊnənt]
1) His opponent , Jordan 's Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein , released a statement saying it was `` a sad day for football . ''

419.Foo n.占位符;位置保持器 [fuː] [fuː]
1) named parameters : name , : start_date , and : x1 SQL literals ` foo ' , 69 , 6.66 E +2 , ' 1970-01-01 10:00:01.0 ' Java public static final constants eg.Color.TABBY in and between can be used as follows : from DomesticCat cat where between...
2) For example : from Foo foo where is not null would result in a query that would require four table joins in SQL .
3) The following query : select foo from Foo foo , Bar bar where foo.startDate = returns all instances of Foo with an instance of bar with a date property equal to the startDate property of the Foo .

420.revolution n.革命;变革;重大改变;旋转 [ˌrevə'luːʃn] [ˌrevə'luːʃn]
1) 26 , One thing that we have n't touched on as much at this conference is the multi-platform nature 27 , of the global revolution .

421.conceptually adv.概念地 [kən'septʃuəli] [kən'septʃuəli]
1) This conceptually only works if Hibernate can compare the old and the new state ( i.e. , if you use a single long Session and not session-per-request-with-detached-objects ) .
2) This is conceptually different from a collection of references to other entities , but looks almost the same in Java .

422.victims n.受害者名词victim的复数形式. ['vɪktɪmz] ['vɪktɪmz]
1) She said there are many victims in the case .
2) Children in famine , victims tortured by oppressors , helpless old people a hated burden to their sons , and the whole world of loneliness , poverty , and pain make a mockery of what human life should be .

423.tournament n.锦标赛;比赛;比武 ['tʊənəmənt] ['tʊrnəmənt]
1) I heard he 's planning to join a motocross tournament .

424.airway n.空中航线;通风孔;气道 ['eəweɪ] ['erweɪ]
1) As a result , the child 's airway would soon outgrow most splints .
2) `` We actually printed ( a replica of ) the patient 's airway , the trachea and bronchi , beforehand .
3) She said the findings ... '' ... represent not only a new surgical option for patients suffering from obstructive airway disease , but also showing a promise for 4-D printed materials in medicine . ''

425.antonym n.反义词 ['æntənɪm] ['æntənɪm]
1) Give the synonym and antonym of this word .
2) 正反义词 a ) Give the synonym and antonym of this word .

426.Synchronicity n.同步性;同时发生 [ˌsɪŋkrə'nɪsəti] [ˌsɪŋkrə'nɪsəti]
1) Using concurrency with the Wire Tap EIP 334 10.4 Synchronicity and threading 335 Asynchronous caller using one thread 336 ?

427.sibling n.兄弟姐妹 ['sɪblɪŋ] ['sɪblɪŋ]
1) sibling node

428.skydiving n.跳伞运动;高空跳伞特技表演 ['skaɪdaɪvɪŋ] ['skaɪdaɪvɪŋ]
1) ( Lina asks her friend Anna about her recent achievement ) Lina : Hey , Anna , I heard you just finished a skydiving course over the weekend .

429.instantiated [ instantiate ]的过去式 [ɪnstænʃ'ɪeɪtɪd] [ɪnstænʃ'ɪeɪtɪd]
1) This is more difficult , since Hibernate can not use the identifier property to distinguish between a newly instantiated object , with an identifier assigned by the user , and an object loaded in a previous session .
2) The Parent will contain a collection of children and , since the cascading update is enabled , Hibernate needs to know which children are newly instantiated and which represent existing rows in the database .
3) Fortunately , you can force this behavior ( i.e. the second strategy ) at any time by discarding ( i.e. dereferencing ) the original collection and returning a newly instantiated collection with all the current elements .

430.agnostic n.不可知论者adj.不可知论的;不可知论者的 [æɡ'nɒstɪk] [æɡ'nɑːstɪk]
1) We think that the mobile automation framework 76 , should be as agnostic and as general and as inclusive as possible so that as I believe 77 , it was Igor said yesterday , you can have a team of competent Java developers or expert 78 , Java develope...
2) We think that the mobile automation framework , should be as agnostic and as general and as inclusive as possible 6 .

431.correlated adj.有相互关系的动词correlate的过去式和过去分词形式. ['kɒrəleɪtɪd] ['kɒrəleɪtɪd]
1) list ( ) ; Correlated subqueries are also possible : DetachedCriteria avgWeightForSex = DetachedCriteria.forClass ( Cat.class , `` cat2 '' ) .
2) It translates to an SQL query with two inner joins and a correlated subselect against the PAYMENT , PAYMENT_STATUS and PAYMENT_STATUS_CHANGE tables .
3) Even correlated subqueries ( subqueries that refer to an alias in the outer query ) are allowed .

432.headquarters n.总部;司令部;指挥部 [ˌhed'kwɔːtəz] ['hedkwɔːrtərz]
1) Uber CEO Travis Kalanick speaks during the Baidu and Uber strategic cooperation and investment signing ceremony at Baidu 's headquarters in Beijing , December 17 , 2014 .
2) 在克雷科技公司总部 A massive cleanup continues today 大规模清理工作今天仍在继续 at the headquarters of krei tech industries .
3) A Swiss statement said officials had seized data and documents from FIFA headquarters in Zurich .

433.stuck adj.不能动的;束手无策的;不得不的v.刺入,插入;阻塞,塞(动词stick 的过去式和过去分词) [stʌk] [stʌk]
1) And so for the time being , at least , we 're 39 , stuck with these two large platforms that we want to support with our native apps .
2) When my sisters and I were on a long car ride or stuck indoors because of bad weather , she 'd always find ways to keep us entertained .
3) have Solomon create a new one we need to be sure we are not leaving behind old data ( orphans ) If you have a few minutes can you take a look and see what they are talking about I 'm stuck and hoping one of you can help me out .

434.fictional adj.虚构的;小说的 ['fɪkʃənl] ['fɪkʃənl]
1) 2.1 Introducing Rider Auto Parts Our fictional motorcycle parts business , Rider Auto Parts , supplies parts to motorcycle manufacturers .
2) In this chapter , we?ll first introduce the fictional company that we?ll use as the running example throughout the book .

435.advocated v.提倡;主张n.拥护者;提倡者;律师;辩护者 ['ædvəkeɪt] ['ædvəkeɪt]
1) 用户 / 权限整合 c ) We will be using the `` standard layout '' advocated by alot of build tools such as Maven .
2) We will be using the `` standard layout '' advocated by alot of build tools such as Maven .

436.coward n.懦夫adj.胆小的Coward.n.科沃德(姓氏) ['kaʊəd] ['kaʊərd]
1) Do n't be such a coward .

437.tiered n.排;行;层;等级v.(使)层层排列 [tɪə(r)] [tɪr]
1) In a three tiered architecture , consider using detached objects : When using a servlet/session bean architecture , you can pass persistent objects loaded in the session bean to and from the servlet/JSP layer .
2) An appropriate alternative in a two tiered architecture , is to maintain a single open persistence contact session for the whole life cycle of the application transaction .
3) In a two tiered architecture , consider using long persistence contexts : Database Transactions have to be as short as possible for best scalability .

438.loaf n.(一条)面包;块vi.游手好闲;虚掷光阴 [ləʊf] [loʊf]
1) It is about the size of a loaf of bread .

439.right-hand adj.右手的;得力的
1) 168 , If you take a look at the right-hand side with the picture of the shiny iPhone , there 's 169 , a little box in it that says bootstrap.JS .

440.fare n.车费;路费;乘客;食物vi.过活;进展;进食;旅行;行走 [feə(r)] [fer]
1) Starting with version 3.3 , Hibernate has a fare more powerful way to automatically determine which dialect to should be used by relying on a series of delegates which implement the org.hibernate.dialect.resolver.DialectResolver which defines only a...

441.lifespan n.寿命;使用期限 ['laɪfspæn] ['laɪfspæn]
1) If the child object 's lifespan is bounded by the lifespan of the parent object , make it a life cycle object by specifying cascade = `` all,delete-orphan '' ( @OneToMany ( cascade = CascadeType.ALL , orphanRemoval = true ) ) .

442.glued n.胶;胶水;胶粘物vt.粘贴;紧附于 [ɡluː] [ɡluː]
1) So whether 53 , you want to run it on your white board of mobile phones that are glued there or whether 54 , you want it run it in a nice way that we also saw in that presentation where you have a 55 , bunch of emulators running on your desktop , yo...

443.outlets 排污口
1) Another consideration is the placement of electrical outlets -- the areas where electrically-operated equipment can be connected to the power supply .

444.clashing n.冲突;抵触;撞击声vt.使…发出撞击声vi.引起冲突 [klæʃ] [klæʃ]
1) You can write a strategy to prevent name clashing in such a situation .
2) d ) You can write a strategy to prevent name clashing in such a situation .

445.hood n.头巾;兜帽;遮罩;引擎盖vt.覆盖 [hʊd] [hʊd]
1) Now I want to talk a little bit about what 148 , Appium looks like under the hood .
2) i ) We need to dig into it to get what happened under the hood .
3) 212 , So that 's what happens under the hood .

446.lexer n.词法分析程序;语法分析器 [leksə] [leksə]
1) First , it 's not always obvious where to draw the line between what we match in the parser and what we match in the lexer .

447pliance n.顺从;服从;遵守;屈服;柔度;灵活性 [kəm'plaɪəns] [kəm'plaɪəns]
1) Actively manage risk controls , compliance and accountability at all levels of our organization .
2) A large percentage of compliance enforcement actions over the past year were due to failure to pre-clear personal trades in the appropriate manner .
3) g ) You have been assigned a compliance requirement - 2014 AML Training according to the corporate policy and must take action to complete it by 3/20/2015 4 .

448.flip vt.掷;轻击;弹vi.翻转n.(跳水或体操动作中的)空翻;轻弹;浏览adj.无礼的;冒失的;轻率的 [flɪp] [flɪp]
1) And now we 're going to find a photo album 271 , and flip through some of the photos .

449.swipe v.重击;猛打;<非正式>偷窃;在解码器上刮刷(信用卡等卡)n.重击;猛打;<非正式>尖刻的评论 [swaɪp] [swaɪp]
1) Navigate back up , swipe over .

450.successor n.接班人;继任人 [sək'sesə(r)] [sək'sesər]
1) But this could be thought 397 , of as sort of the spiritual successor to NativeDriver .
2) To date 意思是到目前为止 。 In a closed door meeting last weekend , former President George W. Bush delivered his harshest criticisms to date against his successor , President Obama , on foreign policy .

451.guilt n.罪行;内疚 [ɡɪlt] [ɡɪlt]
1) It also said four individuals have already admitted guilt in the corruption investigation .

452.momentum n.势头;动力;(物理)动量 [mə'mentəm] [moʊ'mentəm]
1) Photons have no mass but they still impart momentum when they strike an object ... it 's a tiny , tiny amount of momentum .
2) One of the chief conspirators behind this situation is here , 143 , and I think it 's a great thing that there 's momentum behind this one standard .
3) __ Words in This Story critical -- adj. extremely important momentum -- n .

453.accelerate v.加速;提前;跳级 [ək'seləreɪt] [ək'seləreɪt]
1) 两者相辅相成 will accelerate each other

454.lighthearted adj.心情愉快的;无忧无虑的 ['laɪt'hɑːtɪd] ['laɪt'hɑːtɪd]
1) At the Camel website a FAQ entry -LRB- http://camel.apache/why-the-name-camel.html -RRB- lists other lighthearted reasons for the name .

455.synonym n.近义词 ['sɪnənɪm] ['sɪnənɪm]
1) Give the synonym and antonym of this word .
2) 正反义词 a ) Give the synonym and antonym of this word .

456.criminal n.罪犯adj.犯罪的;刑事的;违法的 ['krɪmɪnl] ['krɪmɪnl]
1) Switzerland said it opened criminal action against a group of individuals in connection with the awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the 2022 World Cup to Qatar .

457.notably adv.显著地;值得注意地;特别地 ['nəʊtəbli] ['noʊtəbli]
1) Notably , Multiset is fully consistent with the contract of the Collection interface , save in rare cases with precedent in the JDK itself -- specifically , TreeMultiset , like TreeSet , uses comparison for equality instead of Object.equals .
2) 83 , We 've been through standards boards in many different testing arenas in the past , notably 84 , Web testing , and I do n't think there 's any reason to go through that again .

458.backpack n.双肩背包v.挑运;背包徒步旅行 ['bækpæk] ['bækpæk]
1) b ) She says that instead of using a team of experts with laptop computers and other devices , it will soon be possible to send only one person with a space-age backpack .
2) _ Words in This Story architect -- n. a person who designs buildings backpack -- n. a container or bag for carrying things that is carried on someone 's back dimensional -- adj. relating to height , length or width disperse -- v. to go or move in di...
3) Researchers say they are now working to lower the weight of the backpack from 15 to about 10 kilograms .

459.saints n.圣人;圣徒vt.把 ... 封为圣人 [seɪnt] [seɪnt]
1) I have sought it , finally , because in the union of love I have seen , in a mystic miniature , the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined . n.信用;荣誉;学分;赞扬;贷款;赊欠;贷方;存款(复)credits: 演职员名单.v.归功于;相信;记入贷方 ['kredɪt] ['kredɪt]
1) The Manning editor did not have on his person the substantial amount of cash that was required for the purchase and a credit card and check were both politely turned down .

461.ecosystem n.生态系统 ['iːkəʊsɪstəm] ['iːkoʊsɪstəm]
1) Ecosystem 生态系统 : a ) To date , there are over 80 components in the Camel ecosystem that range in function from data transports , to DSLs , data formats , and so on .
2) And as Malini 85 , mentioned yesterday , there is a whole ecosystem of tools that already exist for these other 86 , specifications that we could -- I think her word was uplift and reuse in the context of 87 , mobile automation .
3) 12 , I work for Sauce Labs , and many of you probably familiar with Sauce , and at Sauce we care 13 , a lot about the maturity of the automation ecosystem in general .

462.seized adj.查封的,扣押的v.逮住,抓住,咬住(动词seize的过去式,动词seize的过去分词) ['siːzd] ['siːzd]
1) A Swiss statement said officials had seized data and documents from FIFA headquarters in Zurich .

463.emulator n.仿真器 ['emjuleɪtə(r)] ['emjuleɪtər]
1) The iPhone tends to be pretty snappy , because 278 , it 's a simulator rather than a true emulator .
2) So I have `` test case '' in quotes here because 156 , each of the vendors supply a way to run test cases on the emulator on the devices , and 157 , Appium sort of hijacks these and sticks something in there that can lie around forever and we 158 , ...
3) The Android emulator is 268 , this in front , and the iPhone chrome is behind it .

464.Evangelizing v.传福音;传教 [ɪ'vændʒəlaɪz] [ɪ'vændʒəlaɪz]
1) Evangelizing Hibernate within your organization .

465.livelier adj.活泼的; 活跃的; 栩栩如生的; 真实的adv.<废语>生机勃勃地 ['laɪvli] ['laɪvli]
1) I might consider doing something livelier .
3) h ) I might consider doing something livelier .

466.evicting v.驱逐;依法收回 [ɪ'vɪkt] [ɪ'vɪkt]
1) Explcitly evicting a cached instance from the first level cache using Session.evict ( ) ScrollableResult cats = sess.createQuery ( `` from Cat as cat '' ) .
2) To evict all objects from the session cache , call Session.clear ( ) For the second-level cache , there are methods defined on SessionFactory for evicting the cached state of an instance , entire class , collection instance or entire collection role .
3) Explcitly evicting a cached instance from the first level cache using Session.evict ( ) 20.10 .

467.nicotine n.尼古丁 ['nɪkətiːn] ['nɪkətiːn]
1) Nicotine produces a feeling of well-being in the smoker .

468.tangled adj.纠缠的;紊乱的动词tangle的过去式和过去分词. ['tæŋɡld] ['tæŋɡld]
1) 在风平浪静的大海上 , 每个人都是领航员 。 But all sunshine without shade , all pleasure without pain , is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiest , it is a tangled yarn.Bereavements and blessings , one following another , make us sad and blessed by turns .
2) But all sunshine without shade , all pleasure without pain , is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiest , it is a tangled yarn 2 .

469.metallic adj.金属的;金属般的 [mə'tælɪk] [mə'tælɪk]
1) They gather information about metallic structures .

470.vague adj.不明确的;模糊的;茫然的;犹豫不决的 [veɪɡ] [veɪɡ]
1) eclipse.jdt.core.prefs fcm-clearconnect / I think TARGET_VALUE is too vague .
2) business requirement may be broad and vague , we discuss with them again and again to make sure we are on the same page .
3) It 's a pretty 11 , broad and vague title , and I think you 'll see why that 's the case in a little bit .

471.ethics n.道德规范;道德标准;伦理学 ['eθɪks] ['eθɪks]
1) With this in mind , the Ethics Office would like to remind employees of the requirement to pre-clear all personal trades in Covered Securities , including vested SS stock received as compensation .
2) If you have any questions or are unsure about a trade you want to place , please contact the Ethics Office at ethics@SS .
3) FIFA 's ethics committee investigated similar reports last year .

472.discriminator n.鉴别者;鉴别器 [dɪ'skrɪmɪneɪtə] [dɪ'skrɪməˌneɪtə]
1) Finally , use @DiscriminatorValue on each class of the hierarchy to specify the value stored in the discriminator column for a given entity .
2) A Java class name embedded in the where clause will be translated to its discriminator value .
3) If your mapping has a discriminator you must use to specify the discriminator column .

473.supervisors 监事会 ['suːpəvaɪzəz] ['suːpəvaɪzəz]
1) 测量建筑物新工具诞生 a ) Architects , engineers and building supervisors will soon be able to quickly collect information that once took weeks to measure and process .
2) COM对本文翻译保留全部权利 , 未经授权请勿转载 , 违者必究 ! ) By George Putic 25 May , 2015 Architects , engineers and building supervisors will soon be able to quickly collect information that once took weeks to measure and process .
3) 导航目录 首页 > 慢速英语 > 科技报道 New Tool Maps Buildings ' Energy Efficiency 下载听力 英语原文 中英对照 Architects , engineers and building supervisors will soon be able to quickly collect information that once took weeks to measure and process .

474.enlisted vt.征募;使入伍;获得...支持vi.入伍;参与 [ɪn'lɪst] [ɪn'lɪst]
1) When Hibernate uses an application server datasource to obtain connections enlisted with JTA , you must configure the hibernate.transaction.manager _ lookup_class .

475.pondering adj.经过深思熟虑的动词ponder的现在分词. ['pɒndərɪŋ] ['pɒndərɪŋ]
1) He actually has a degree in philosophy , so 5 , he is actually pondering why all of you are here .

476.polymorphisms 多态性 [pɒlɪ'mɔːfɪzəmz] [pɒlɪ'mɔːfɪzəmz]
1) 11 polymorphisms ( optional - defaults to implicit ) : determines whether implicit or explicit query polymorphisms is used .
2) Explicit polymorphisms is useful when two different classes are mapped to the same table This allows a `` lightweight '' class that contains a subset of the table columns .
3) For most purposes , the default polymorphisms = IMPLICIT is appropriate .

477.breach n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在 ... 上打开缺口 [briːtʃ] [briːtʃ]
1) 磁场异常 中止 Field breach !
2) Misuse of your ID badge is regarded as a serious security breach and may result in formal disciplinary action .

478.uncover vt.揭开;揭露 [ʌn'kʌvə(r)] [ʌn'kʌvər]
1) You can write one Selenium test that runs on all the different 218 , Web browsers , so you can uncover cross-platform issues , but so far this has n't really been 219 , possible or easy with mobile devices .

479.criteria n.标准;尺度;准则名词criterion的复数形式. [kraɪ'tɪəriə] [kraɪ'tɪəriə]
1) I am sure you agree it would be bad to have Criteria API code appearing randomly throughout the code base instead of confined to the persistence layer .
2) If someone were to extend PersonRepository to be more like Sunil 's , then a calling service would have to know too much about JPA Criteria API .
3) The example from the documentation is simple and easy to understand , but if you look at Sunil 's example you will see references to the JPA Criteria API , which is one of the more complicated , unintuitive and difficult APIs you can find anywhere

480.python n.大蟒;巨蟒 ['paɪθən] ['paɪθɑːn]
1) In case JavaScript 257 , is n't your thing , here 's how I would have written the last bit in Python .

481.criticisms 批评 [k'rɪtɪsɪzəmz] [k'rɪtɪsɪzəmz]
1) To date 意思是到目前为止 。 In a closed door meeting last weekend , former President George W. Bush delivered his harshest criticisms to date against his successor , President Obama , on foreign policy .

482.marshalling n.配制整齐;编组列车动词marshal的现在分词形式. ['mɑːʃəlɪŋ] ['mɑːʃəlɪŋ]
1) This ` marshalling ' is the function of a Hibernate type , which is an implementation of the org.hibernate.type.Type interface .

483.roof n.屋顶;顶vt.覆盖;给 ... 覆以屋顶 [ruːf] [ruːf]
1) These people in Cambodia write `` SOS '' on a roof so that planes flying overhead will see it and send help .

484.subjective adj.主观的 [səb'dʒektɪv] [səb'dʒektɪv]
1) Now , this is my subjective take , and you guys 125 , might disagree with some of this , and I hope to hear about it over beers tonight .

485.encapsulate v.装入胶囊;封进内部;压缩;概括 [ɪn'kæpsjuleɪt] [ɪn'kæpsjuleɪt]
1) Best Practices Write fine-grained classes and map them using : Use an Address class to encapsulate street , suburb , state , postcode .
2) However , Hibernate can certainly help you to remove or encapsulate vendor-specific SQL code and will help with the common task of result set translation from a tabular representation to a graph of objects .

486.asterisk n.星号(*) ['æstərɪsk] ['æstərɪsk]
1) Asterisk 5 .
2) 113 , And there 's a little asterisk by that one because it 's actually available from within 114 , Appium now , too .

487.clustered n.群;簇;丛;串v.群集;丛生;使成群 ['klʌstə(r)] ['klʌstər]
1) It is safer to use in clustered environments .
2) You can even plug in a clustered cache .
3) This setting is most useful for clustered caches and , in Hibernate , is enabled by default for clustered cache implementations .

488.supplement n.增刊;补充物vt.增补;补充 ['sʌplɪmənt] ['sʌplɪmənt]
1) 二者相辅相成 both supplement each other 3 .

489.backronym n.反向缩略语;对已经存在的单词或缩略语进行重新定义;使其具有新的含义 比如 ['bækrənɪm] ['bækrənɪm]
1) So , `` CC '' is now a backronym that means `` courtesy copy '' 有时候 , 反向缩略语来自于旧式语言 。 在文档末尾写上CC曾经意味的是复写副本 。 在有电脑和电子邮件之前 , 人们经常会在发送公函时制作一份复写副本 。 现在我们经常通过电子邮件发送电子副本 , 而不是复写副本 。 因此 , CC现在是一个反向缩略词 , 代表的是抄送 。 Americans often use backronyms as jokes .
2) We call it a backronym .
3) A backronym is a combination of two words : backward and acronym . n.地点;场所;职位;污点;斑点;少量;聚光灯;插播节目adj.现场的;现货的;插播的v.(使)产生污渍;玷污;认出;用灯光照射 [spɒt] [spɑːt]
1) 118 , So Appium is trying to sit right in this middle spot and say , hey , let 's automate our cross-platform 119 , apps using one platform , one set of tests .
2) d ) read the ` How to Spot a Phish ' document 网络钓鱼 e ) SS : One of the world 's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors f ) Spotlight on Operational Risk -- We know risk excellence is a critical part of our Way Ahead .
3) read the `` How to Spot a Phish '' document Please describe what GridConfig/GridView is , so we can comment on it thoughtfully .

491.statistics n.统计学;统计;统计数字 [stə'tɪstɪks] [stə'tɪstɪks]
1) 21 , The statistics show it to be true .
2) This is awkward , prone to mistakes , and does n't support collecting a variety of useful statistics , like the total number of words .
3) The following code is a simple example : Statistics stats = HibernateUtil.sessionFactory.getStatistics ( ) ; double queryCacheHitCount = stats.getQueryCacheHitCount ( ) ; double queryCacheMissCount = stats.getQueryCacheMissCount ( ) ; double queryCa...

492.institutional adj.制度上的;惯例的;机构的;学会的 [ˌɪnstɪ'tjuːʃənl] [ˌɪnstɪ'tuːʃənl]
1) SS : One of the world 's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors
2) d ) read the ` How to Spot a Phish ' document 网络钓鱼 e ) SS : One of the world 's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors f ) Spotlight on Operational Risk -- We know risk excellence is a critical part of our Way Ahead .

493mittee n.委员会 [kə'mɪti] [kə'mɪti]
1) In November , the committee announced that there were only `` limited '' violations and not enough evidence of illegal payments in awarding the tournaments .
2) FIFA 's ethics committee investigated similar reports last year .
3) Hadrian Zbarcea , the Project Management Committee chair of the Apache Camel project , realized this , and in early 2009 he contacted Manning to discuss the need for such a book .

494.headset n.头戴式耳机 ['hedset] ['hedset]
1) - a headset is recommended .

495.bracket n.档次;括号;支架vt.支撑;放在括号内;归入一类 ['brækɪt] ['brækɪt]
1) Bracket 4 .

496.hybrid n.混合物;杂种;混血儿adj.杂种的;混合的 ['haɪbrɪd] ['haɪbrɪd]
1) You could write a hybrid app which is a thin 35 , native wrapper around a WebView , and your app is basically a Web application , and that 's 36 , a pretty successful approach to this challenge .
2) We also care about hybrid 46 , apps , so there are some really interesting hybrid apps that kind of blur the line between 47 , mobile apps and Web apps and they need good testing and QA and that means testing the 48 , native wrapper , however thick ...
3) 42 , Notice this slide says native and hybrid .

497.bungee n.蹦极;过度操纵防止器;橡皮筋;松紧绳 ['bʌndʒi] ['bʌndʒi]
1) I 've been scared of bungee jumping .

498.situated adj.位于;处于 ...境地的动词situate的过去式和过去分词 ['sɪtʃueɪtɪd] ['sɪtʃueɪtɪd]
1) 135 , Of course the model ca n't be exactly the same because there are some differences between 136 , the way people interact with the Web and the ways that they use their mobile devices , but 137 , with a few properly situated extensions , we think...

499.abbreviation n.缩写 [əˌbriːvi'eɪʃn] [əˌbriːvi'eɪʃn]
1) S.O.S.是英语语言中一种非正式的新单词的例子 。 我们称之为反向缩略语 ( backronym ) 。 backronym是backward和acronym两个单词的组合 。 An acronym is an abbreviation , a shorter version of a long word or expression .
2) An acronym is an abbreviation , a shorter version of a long word or expression .

500.Baymax UNKNOWN
1) Is what makes Baymax , `` Baymax . ''
2) 我是健康护理 你的私人大白助理 I 'm healthcare , your personal Baymax companion .
3) 我是大白 你的私人健康助理 I am baymax , your personal healthcare companion .

501.accommodate vt.供给住宿;使适应;容纳;提供;顾及;调解vi.适应;调节 [ə'kɒmədeɪt] [ə'kɑːmədeɪt]
1) 延期通知 : We 're pushing our production release of 1.0.31 back to tomorrow evening to accommodate some additional testing .
2) snooze • System outage or period of widespread unavailability We 're pushing our production release of 1.0.31 back to tomorrow evening to accommodate some additional testing .

502.snooze v.打盹儿;懒散着打发掉日子n.打盹儿 [snuːz] [snuːz]
1) 清晨 , 闹钟响起 , 好瞌睡 , 再 snooze 一会儿吧 。 再醒时 , 发现快九点了 。 匆匆起床 , 挤 toothpaste 刷牙 , 洗脸 , 吃早饭 。 出门前 , 往窗外看看古墩路路况 , 交通很拥堵 traffic jam .
2) snooze • System outage or period of widespread unavailability We 're pushing our production release of 1.0.31 back to tomorrow evening to accommodate some additional testing .

503.calm adj.平静的;冷静的v.(使)平静;(使)镇静n.镇定;平静;平稳 [kɑːm] [kɑːm]
1) 英语美文 | 真正的高贵 提交 我的评论 加载中 已评论 英语美文 | 真正的高贵 2015-05-14 英语美文 英语美文 英语美文 微信号 beautify_english 功能介绍 美丽的英语美文故事 、 耐人寻味的英语语法详解 , 捧腹大笑的双语笑话 , 还有更多精彩的英语口语交流 。 每日英语美文 , 让英语学习成为一种好习惯 。 真正的高贵 True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilot .
2) In a calm sea , every man is a pilot 符号 : 1 .

504.Swiss adj.瑞士的n.瑞士人 [swɪs] [swɪs]
1) ` Difficult ' moment for FIFA FIFA said it is fully cooperating with both U.S. and Swiss investigators .
2) A Swiss statement said officials had seized data and documents from FIFA headquarters in Zurich .
3) Swiss officials said seven FIFA officials were arrested Wednesday . n.铬;铬黄;<计>谷歌浏览器vt.镀铬 [krəʊm] [kroʊm]
1) The Android emulator is 268 , this in front , and the iPhone chrome is behind it .
2) 50 , Appium also supports pure Web testing , so if you just want to test how your Web app 51 , runs in mobile Safari or Chrome on Android , you can also do that in Appium .

506.Mass n.大量;块;众多adj.大规模的;群众的v.集中Mass.n.弥撒曲;弥撒 [mæs] [mæs]
1) Photons have no mass but they still impart momentum when they strike an object ... it 's a tiny , tiny amount of momentum .
2) Nevertheless , if you have a big enough sail , as we call it , and -LSB- a bus or spacecraft with -RSB- a low enough mass , it will get a push . ''
3) `` This may seem incredible at first , but it is nevertheless true that sunlight , or light , has momentum even though it has no mass .

507.consolidating v.合并;统一;巩固 [kən'sɒlɪdeɪt] [kən'sɒləˌdeɪt]
1) 将hibernate转为jpa b ) The scope of User Config has increase as there is now talk of consolidating permissions with ccm-core , and migrating authentication to a new framework .
2) The scope of User Config has increase as there is now talk of consolidating permissions with ccm-core , and migrating authentication to a new framework .

508.intense adj.强大的;紧张的;强烈的;激烈的;深刻的 [ɪn'tens] [ɪn'tens]
1) Writing this book has been a very intense journey , proven by the fact that we were able to complete the manuscript in a year .
2) Richard : I 'm thinking of trying something intense but I do n't really have time for training sessions .

509.spoiled adj.宠坏的动词spoil的过去式和过去分词形式. [spɔɪld] [spɔɪld]
1) Claus lives in Sweden near Malmo with his wife and dog , which is spoiled as the only child in the family .

510petent adj.有能力的;足够的;胜任的 ['kɒmpɪtənt] ['kɑːmpɪtənt]
1) We think that the mobile automation framework 76 , should be as agnostic and as general and as inclusive as possible so that as I believe 77 , it was Igor said yesterday , you can have a team of competent Java developers or expert 78 , Java develope...

511.extravagance n.铺张浪费;奢侈品;富丽堂皇 [ɪk'strævəɡəns] [ɪk'strævəɡəns]
1) In an age of extravagance and waste , I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanity are .

512.reassure v.使…安心;再保证;重拾(信心等) [ˌriːə'ʃʊə(r)] [ˌriːə'ʃʊr]
1) don't worry - - reassure someone .

513.preface n. 序文; 绪言; 前言v.作序,写前言;以…开始 ['prefəs] ['prefəs]
1) Using custom groups for validation Preface Working with both Object-Oriented software and Relational Databases can be cumbersome and time consuming .
2) Legal Notice 2015-04-15 Table of Contents Preface 1 .
3) JAMES STRACHAN CO-FOUNDER OF APACHE ACTIVEMQ CAMEL , AND SERVICEMIX TECHNICAL DIRECTOR FUSESOURCE.COM HTTP://MACSTRAC.BLOGSPOT.COM xxi preface Developers who have done integration work know what a difficult task it can be .

514.piracy n.盗版;剽窃;著作权侵害;海盗行为 ['paɪrəsi] ['paɪrəsi]
1) Due to rampant piracy , Microsoft’s revenues in China have never been very big
2) Due to rampant piracy , Microsoft’s revenues in China have never been very big

515.verbosity n.唠叨;冗长 [vɜː'bɒsəti] [vɜː'bɒsəti]
1) This feature helps reduce the verbosity of the mapping document , eliminating repetitive noise ( TBL _ prefixes , for example ) .

516.disrupting vt.干扰;打断;妨碍;使分裂;使破裂 [dɪs'rʌpt] [dɪs'rʌpt]
1) Sorry to keep asking for information and disrupting your work , but I need one more confirmation .
2) 以往项目 : 以前的老板发了封邮件给我 , 咨询我个问题 , 她说话总是这么客气 : Sorry to keep asking for information and disrupting your work , but I need one more confirmation ... .

517.endeavors n.尽力;努力v.尽力;努力;力图 [ɪn'devə] [ɪn'devər]
1) I do wish you all every success in all its future endeavors .
2) 离职或转岗邮件 : 这种邮件里很多词用得挺好 a ) I do wish you all every success in all its future endeavors b ) I 'm rubbish at goodbye我不擅长道别 3 .

518.webinar n.网上讨论会=Web-based seminar. ['webɪnɑː] ['webɪnɑː]
1) To further support your professional development , we partnered with Global Human Resources to create this important webinar that will : Help you to write and execute development goals that are current , relevant and aligned with your aspirations Id...
2) 公司级邮件 摘录出一些分享下 : a ) To further support your professional development , we partnered with Global Human Resources to create this important webinar that will : Help you to write and execute development goals that are current , relevant and aligned wit...

519.aspirations n. 愿望; 抱负n. 吸气; <语>送气音 [æspɪ'reɪʃnz] [æspɪ'reɪʃnz]
1) To further support your professional development , we partnered with Global Human Resources to create this important webinar that will : Help you to write and execute development goals that are current , relevant and aligned with your aspirations Id...

520.Scalar adj.标量的,数量的;梯状的,分等级的n.【数】标量,数量 ['skeɪlə(r)] ['skeɪlər]
1) Scalar values via @ColumnResult @SqlResultSetMapping ( name = `` scalar '' , columns=@ColumnResult ( name = `` dimension '' ) ) @NamedNativeQuery ( name = `` scalar '' , query = `` select length * width as dimension from SpaceShip '' , resultSetMapp...
2) You actually can even mix , entities and scalar returns in the same native query ( this is probably not that common though ) .
3) Named query returning a scalar SELECT p.NAME AS name , p.AGE AS age , FROM PERSON p WHERE p.NAME LIKE ` Hiber % ' You c...

521.enum n.计算;列举;细目 [ɪˌnjuːmə'reɪʃn] [ɪˌnjuːmə'reɪʃn]
1) The full range of defined event types is declared as enum values on org.hibernate.event.spi.EventType .
2) @MapKeyEnumerated / @MapKeyTemporal if the map key type is respectively an enum or a Date .
3) Note The enum DiscriminatorType used in javax.persitence.DiscriminatorColumn only contains the values STRING , CHAR and INTEGER which means that not all Hibernate supported types are available via the @DiscriminatorColumn annotation .

522.Contextual adj.上下文的;与语境有关的 [kən'tekstʃʊəl] [kən'tekstʃʊəl]
1) Based on that , the JTA-based contextual sessions are all you need to use .
2) This has to be configured for either resource-local or JTA environments , see Section 2.2 , `` Contextual sessions '' .
3) For a discussion of contextual sessions see Section 2.2 , `` Contextual sessions '' .

523.fine-grained adj.有细密纹理的;细颗粒的 [faɪn'greɪnd] ['faɪn'greɪnd]
1) Best Practices Write fine-grained classes and map them using : Use an Address class to encapsulate street , suburb , state , postcode .
2) Query cache regions If you require fine-grained control over query cache expiration policies , you can specify a named cache region for a particular query by calling Query.setCacheRegion ( ) .
3) Hibernate is intended to support a fine-grained object model .

524.notions n.<美>缝纫用的杂货;观念;概念;突然的想法;主张(名词notion的复数形式) ['nəʊʃnz] ['nəʊʃnz]
1) Compared with SQL , however , HQL is fully object-oriented and understands notions like inheritance , polymorphism and association .
2) I have two orthogonal notions here : 怎么去上班 , 走古墩路还是莫干山路 ; 如何去上班 , 是自己开车还是打的 , 快车 ? 过了一会 , 交通逐步畅通 , 还是决定开车去吧 , 在路上听下时事新闻 : 1 .
3) We have two orthogonal notions here : when is the association fetched and how is it fetched .

525.dimensional adj.维度的;次元的;空间的;尺寸的 [dɪ'menʃənəl] [dɪ'menʃənəl]
1) It is where a machine creates a three dimensional object -- one with height , width and depth .
2) _ Words in This Story architect -- n. a person who designs buildings backpack -- n. a container or bag for carrying things that is carried on someone 's back dimensional -- adj. relating to height , length or width disperse -- v. to go or move in di...
3) The device requires only one pass through a building to create a three dimensional , or 3D , model of the structure .

526.oxygen n.氧;氧气 ['ɒksɪdʒən] ['ɑːksɪdʒən]
1) `` That basically means every fifth time that you breathe , you 're breathing oxygen -- which we can directly trace back to diatoms , so they 're sort of as important as a tropical rain forest in terms of their global contribution . ''
2) The breathing passage can collapse , cutting off oxygen to the children .
3) Hypoxia , or lack of oxygen , can affect anyone at extreme heights .

527.non-zero adj.非零的 ['nɒnz'iərəʊ] ['nɒnz'iərəʊ]
1) Hibernate JDBC and Connection Properties Property name Purpose hibernate.jdbc.fetch _ size A non-zero value determines the JDBC fetch size ( calls Statement.setFetchSize ( ) ) .
2) hibernate.jdbc.batch _ size A non-zero value enables use of JDBC2 batch updates by Hibernate .

528.pursuit n.追求;追赶;工作 [pə'sjuːt] [pər'suːt]
1) the pursuit of happiness

529.lastly adv.最后;终于 ['lɑːstli] ['læstli]
1) Lastly , they enable the sharing of knowledge between developers .
2) for further discussion , see Section 27.4 , `` Identifier generation '' Lastly , we need to tell Hibernate about the remaining entity class properties .

530.kudos n.光荣;荣誉;称赞 ['kjuːdɒs] ['kuːdɑːs]
1) The greater Manning team deserves kudos as well ; they?ve made for a very pleasant writing experience over the past year and a half .

531.turnstiles UNKNOWN
1) 正式的纪律处分 c ) Whether turnstiles are in operation or not , please be advised that when you enter any SS premises you may still be asked to take out your employee ID badge and present them to the security staff .
2) Whether turnstiles are in operation or not , please be advised that when you enter any SS premises you may still be asked to take out your employee ID badge and present them to the security staff .
3) Word Solitaire -- 30mins Many SS locations , including our own , control access to the building by way of security turnstiles .

532.volunteer n.志愿者;(自行生长的)植物v.(自愿)做 [ˌvɒlən'tɪə(r)] [ˌvɑːlən'tɪr]
1) If SQA does not have the time to test it , I will volunteer myself to see ¡ . .

533.etc abbr.及其他;等等(=Et cetera)abbr.流出物处理元件 (= effluent treatment cell) ['etk] ['etk]
1) Even ternary ( or quaternary , etc ) associations are possible : < class name = `` eg.Order '' ... > ... < many-to-one na...
2) The properties of a component can be of any Hibernate type ( collections , many-to-one associations , other components , etc ) .
3) For example , you might have an Address class that aggregates street , city , state , etc information or a Name class that aggregates the parts of a person 's Name .

534.reputation n.好名声;声誉,名声,名气 [ˌrepju'teɪʃn] [ˌrepju'teɪʃn]
1) The personal financial and trading conduct of our employees has a major influence on our reputation .

535.hijacks UNKNOWN
1) So I have `` test case '' in quotes here because 156 , each of the vendors supply a way to run test cases on the emulator on the devices , and 157 , Appium sort of hijacks these and sticks something in there that can lie around forever and we 158 , ...

536.wading n.涉水动词wade的现在分词形式. ['weɪdɪŋ] ['weɪdɪŋ]

537.action-based UNKNOWN
1) so far so good without any issue It 's time to get our hands dirty , starting with an action-based calculator implementation .

538.abended UNKNOWN
1) The job I ran today abended 1st please send any question / issue to the MQ teams mailbox - MIMTEAMSSC/Fargo/IBM .

539.disclosures UNKNOWN
1) Also , just reconfirming you will dynamically add in that disclosures text ( included in the Word file ) , which will be visible in Preview ?

540.nominations UNKNOWN
1) We 're accepting nominations through Friday , June 5 , and winners will be announced at Jay Hooley 's All-Employee Town Hall meetings on July 28 and 29 .
2) To honor those among us who are leading our Way Ahead by living our values , we 're now accepting nominations for our annual Living Values Awards ( LVA ) .
3) Insufficient knowledge about the business and the whole system will slow our process of analysis and bring vain work We just want to be sure it matches our expectations We are accepting nominations now through June 7 We will get back to you by Monda...

541.pearls n.珍珠v.(用珍珠)装饰;呈珍珠状adj.珍珠般的 [pɜːl] [pɜːrl]
1) The lovely purple pearl is getting stronger , and has four cute baby purple pearls .

542.phrase n.短语;习语;措辞;[音]乐句vt.措词;将(乐曲)分成乐句 [freɪz] [freɪz]
1) They are made by creating a phrase or expression for an already existing word or acronym .
2) To implement our translator , it makes sense to have each rule return the XML equivalent of the input phrase matched by the rule .

543.shrink vi.收缩;退缩;萎缩;畏惧,害怕vt.使收缩n.收缩;萎缩n.精神科医生 [ʃrɪŋk] [ʃrɪŋk]
1) Time to shrink now .
2) You can shrink now .
3) 对啦 那我请Wasabi做的缩小激光 Yeah , and I guess the shrink ray 也不 '' 科学 '' 呗 I ask Wasabi for is n't `` science '' , either ? n.商业;事务;生意 ['bɪznəs] ['bɪznəs]
1) Keeping the family farm in business And , it 's farmer John Glebocki who says , `` The importance of the program is as a buffer to economic uncertainties of agriculture . ''
2) This successful launch would not have been possible without the collaboration and perseverance of all functional team members across the business , client services , operations and IT and is a testament to what can be accomplished when IT and the
3) please cascade the following informational message throughout your respective business units .

545.shape n.形状;形式;身材;定形vt.塑造;定形;使 ... 成形 [ʃeɪp] [ʃeɪp]
1) 我的学生会塑造未来 My students go on to shape the future .
2) I will be online and dial into our conference calls but I 'm honestly in no shape to come in this sick .
3) Experts say the first thing you need to know is the exact shape of all rooms in the building .

546.LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol;轻量级目录访问协议; abbr.;Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 轻量级目录访问协议

547.backward-compatibity UNKNOWN
1) org.hibernate.cfg.NamingStrategy is deprecated and this property is provided for backward-compatibity .

548.human-friendly UNKNOWN
1) e.g. prefix hibernate.cache.use _ structured_entries Forces Hibernate to store data in the second-level cache in a more human-friendly format .

549.pseudo-syntax UNKNOWN
1) The pseudo-syntax for INSERT statements is : INSERT INTO EntityName properties_list select_statement .
2) The pseudo-syntax for UPDATE and DELETE statements is : ( UPDATE | DELETE ) FROM ?

550.backticks UNKNOWN
1) This is usually double quotes , but the SQL Server uses brackets and MySQL uses backticks .
2) SQL quoted identifiers You can force Hibernate to quote an identifier in the generated SQL by enclosing the table or column name in backticks in the mapping document .

551.self-documenting UNKNOWN
1) Hibernate will generate the necessary unique key and nullability constraints and , as a result , your mapping will be more self-documenting .
2) The advantages of named parameters are as follows : named parameters are insensitive to the order they occur in the query string they can occur multiple times in the same query they are self-documenting / / named parameter ( preferred ) Query q = se...

552.prepending UNKNOWN
1) Arbitrary connection properties can be given by prepending `` hibernate.connection '' to the connection property name .
2) Also note that a query declaration inside a element requires a global unique name for the query , while a query declaration inside a element is made unique automatically by prepending the fully qualified name of the class .

553.write-behind UNKNOWN
1) As long as they are in persistent state , that is , bound to a particular Hibernate org.hibernate.Session , Hibernate monitors any changes and executes SQL in a write-behind fashion .
2) It does not implement transactional write-behind or automatic dirty checking .

554.mutators UNKNOWN
1) Declare accessors and mutators for persistent fields ( optional ) Cat declares accessor methods for all its persistent fields .
2) Declare accessors and mutators for persistent fields ( optional ) 4.2 .

555.future-focused UNKNOWN
1) The Way Ahead A future-focused strategy .

556.Clob 泥炭田 [klɒb] [klɒb]
1) When read , the CLOB value is immediately materialized into a Java string .
2) java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.type.ClobType Maps a java.sql.Clob to a JDBC CLOB Registered under clob and java.sql.Clob in the type registry ( see Section 6.5 , `` Type registry '' ) .
3) org.hibernate.type.MaterializedClob Maps a string to a JDBC CLOB type Registered under materialized_clob in the type registry ( see Section 6.5 , `` Type registry '' ) .

557.orphanRemoval UNKNOWN
1) If the child object 's lifespan is bounded by the lifespan of the parent object , make it a life cycle object by specifying cascade = `` all,delete-orphan '' ( @OneToMany ( cascade = CascadeType.ALL , orphanRemoval = true ) ) .
2) In fact the @ManyToOne and @ManyToMany do n't even offer a orphanRemoval attribute .
3) @OneToMany with orphanRemoval @Entity public class Customer -LCB- private Set orders ; @OneToMany ( cascade = CascadeType.ALL , orphanRemoval = true ) public Set getOrders ( ) -LCB- return orders ; -RCB- public void setOrders ( Set <...

558.Tuplizers UNKNOWN
1) Specify custom tuplizers in hbm.xml 2) Specify custom tuplizers in annotations @Entity @Tuplizer ( impl = DynamicEntityTuplizer.class ) public interface Cuisine -LCB- @Id @GeneratedValue public Long getId ( ) ; public void setId ( Long id ) ; public String getName ( ) ; public void setNa...
3) Going back to the example of our Customer entity , Example 4.6 , `` Specify custom tuplizers in annotations '' shows how to specify a custom org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityTuplizer using annotations while Example 4.7 , `` Specify custom tuplizers ...

559.optimistic-lock UNKNOWN
1) If you set optimistic-lock = `` dirty '' when mapping the , Hibernate will only compare dirty fields during flush .
2) To force a version check with a comparison of the state of all fields in a row but without a version or timestamp property mapping , turn on optimistic-lock = `` all '' in the mapping .
3) Customizing automatic versioning You can disable Hibernate 's automatic version increment for particular properties and collections by setting the optimistic-lock mapping attribute to false .

560.manufacturers n.生产商;制造商名词manufacturer的复数形式. [mænjʊ'fæktʃərəz] [mænjʊ'fæktʃərəz]
1) Manufacturers are not forgetting the passengers .
2) 请记住我们的网址m .51 voa 下载听力 George Putic June 22,2015 Thanks to the seemingly unstoppable advance of electronic and mechanical devices , aircraft manufacturers are constantly upgrading the cockpit environment and the passenger cabin , making flying
3) 2.1 Introducing Rider Auto Parts Our fictional motorcycle parts business , Rider Auto Parts , supplies parts to motorcycle manufacturers .

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