




Liquor, 白酒

spirit, 酒




New China, 新中国


the People’s Republic of China


state banquet, 国宴

it war selected

bank河岸, 河堤

在西汉时期, 哪里的人们生产出了高质量的茅台, 并把它贡给皇帝

During western Han Dyanasty,
// and, 并列句
people there produced high-quality(高质量) Maotai and gave it to emperor(皇帝).

// and presented it as a tribute to the emperor.

// 贡品,礼物 tribute n. 可数

自唐朝开始, 这种地方酒 通过海上丝绸之路运往海外

Since Tang Dynasty,
// 完成时
this local liquor had been sent/transported(运输)/shipped(海运) overseas(海外).


the Maritime Silk Road

茅台味道柔和, 有一种特殊的香味, 适量饮用可以帮助缓解疲劳, 有镇静作用

Maotai is soft in taste/flavor(口味) and special in smell/fragrance(花香,香味)/aroma
// 适量饮用
Drinking it in moderation/moderate drinking of it can help





因而, 广受国内外的消费者的喜爱

so/thus being liked/loved by customers at houme and abroad(在国内外)




The use of PPT in class

controversial, 有争议的

issue, 话题

However, it is a controversial issue that raised wide public concern

cautious, 谨慎的

In my view, we should hold a catutious attitude toward the wideley used PPT in class

我认为, 我们应该 对于在课堂上广泛地使用PPT, 持一个谨慎的态度,


enhance, 增强, 提高

in that, 因为, 引导原因状语从句

delicately, 精巧地

But on the other hand, we hava to admit potential problems exist with the overuse of PPT in class.

另一方面, 我们

What’s more,


potential problems, 潜在的问题

For example, many teachers don’t know how to teach without PPT because of their heavy relianc on PPT.


1, 动画效果, 动画片

2, 活力, 充满生机

be distracted by, 被分心

In addition, there is a possibility that some students are distracted by the decorations or animation of PPT slides


in brief, 简而言之

be supposed to, 应该, 理应

be exceptede to,

In brief, teachers are supposed to take both the teaching efficiency and student’s learing outcome into considertation, and make a good balance between them,

After all, all the use of PPT should respect the education principles and student’s real needs.


multimedia, 多媒体

distract, 转移, 分心

make a balance

enhance, 提高

enhance teaching efficiency, 提高教学效率

be attractive to, 有吸引力的

reverse graffiti, 反向涂鸦

When is cleaning walls a crime?

What does David Lancy advise American parements


在中国,火锅已有 2,000 多年的历史,最早流行于寒冷的地区,然后在很多地区盛行,出现了 具有地方特色的种类。吃火锅时,家人和朋友围坐在桌边,桌子中间放着热腾腾的火锅。吃火锅 时,人们可以根据自己的口味放肉、海鲜、蔬菜和其他配料,自己烹饪。人们可以一边尽情地聊天,一边享受美餐。

hot pot, 火锅

popularity, 流行, n

prevail, 盛行, 流行

feature, 特点, 特色

in the cold region, 寒冷地区

emergence, 出现

with the emergence of many varieties of local features

boiling, 沸腾

sit around the table,


When having hot pot, family members and friends sit around the table, with a boiling

吃火锅 时,人们可以根据自己的口味放肉、海鲜、蔬菜和其他配料,

put…into…, 将什么放到什么当中



coke it by oneself

When enjoying hot pot,

people can add meat, seafood, vegetables and other ingredients according to their own

taste and cook by themselves.


一边, 一边, while/when

freely, 自由地

People can chat freely, while enjoying

People could be free to chat with each other while enjoying a good meal

Beijing Roast Duck, 北京烤鸭

sugar-coated haws on a stick, 冰糖葫芦

noodles with soybean paste, 炸酱面

two-flavor hot pot, 鸳鸯锅

swish it around in a hot pot, 在火锅里涮一下

a piece of meat

a silce of meat

slices of meat

cook/chef, 厨师

chilli pepper, 辣椒

food culture, 饮食文化

the culture of diet, 饮食文化

Cultural charm, 文化魅力

charming, 迷人的

delicious food

delicacy, 美味佳肴

food safety, 食品安全



2019年12(一), 选词填空写完


renowned, 著名的, 知名的

unquestionable, 毫无疑问地

livable, 适于居住的

dazzling, 耀眼的

It is such an excitement to hear that you would like to teach English in China.

Unquestionable, English learning is a great hit in China today, attracting many qualified foreign teachers to teach English in cities across the country.

Therefore, I am writing to recommend a city to you—Beijing.

The reasons for my recommendation are threefold.

Firstly, Beijing is the capital of China.

There are a lot of English-speaking foreigns, which could help you adapt to life here very quickly.

Secondly, Beijing is home to many renowned universities .

With rich education resources at hand, you will have plenty of opportunities to learn from different teachers and improve your teaching skills.

Thirdly, “livable” is the most appropriate word I can come up with to describe this city.

You will be marveled at dazzling delicacies, profound traditional Chinese culture and people’s hospitality here.

I truly hope that you can come to Beijing to start your teaching life and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Hi Mark,

make up with, 下定决心做某事

destination, 目的地

Hi Mark,

​ I’m so glad that you have made up your mind to teach English in China. Before you make a decision about your precise destination, let me introduce my hometown, Chongqing.

​ Located in southwest China, Chongqing may not enjoy worldwide fans as much as Beijing or Shanghai, but it is a thriving metropolis with lower cost of living. Working and living here, you can achieve your career goals without feeling too much stress. The locals are known for being warm and hospitable, and you can teach in a way that feels good for you. To be sure, teaching a foreign language in a city where residents speak a dialect all the time can be very challenging. It takes time indeed to correct pronunciation mistakes each student makes.

But since you are always prasied for your kindness and patience, it should hardly be an obstacle fro you.

乔治亚理工学院的阿肖克·戈埃尔教授开发了一种人工智能教学助手,以帮助解决在线课程“基于知识的人工智能”中的大量学生问题。 这门在线课程是佐治亚理工学院计算机科学在线硕士课程的核心要求。 戈埃尔教授已经有了8名助教,但这还不足以解决学生们大量的问题。 许多学生因为缺乏教学支持而退出网络课程。 当学生的感觉

孤立或困惑,如果他们提出了没有答案的问题,他们继续前进的动力就会开始消退。 Goel教授决定做一些事情来补救这种情况,他的解决方案是创建一个名为Jill Watson的虚拟助手,它基于IBM Watson平台。 Goel和他的团队开发了Jill Watson的几个版本,然后把她发布到网上论坛。 在

首先,虚拟助理不是太好。 但是Goel和他的团队在在线论坛上找到了这门课程开设以来被问到的4万个问题。 然后他们开始向吉尔提问和回答。 经过一些调整和足够的时间后,Jill有97%的时间能够正确回答学生的问题。 虚拟助手变得如此先进和逼真,以至于学生们都不知道她是一台计算机。 研究人工智能的学生与人工智能互动,无法将其与真人区分开来。 戈埃尔直到4月26日才告诉他们吉尔的真实身份。 学生们实际上对这次经历非常积极。 戈埃尔教授的虚拟助理明年的目标是回答所有问题的40%

由学生在网上论坛。 吉尔·沃森这个名字,下个学期当然会换成别的名字。 戈埃尔教授对人工智能的前景比埃隆·马斯克、斯蒂芬等人要乐观得多


中国家庭十分重视孩子的教育。许多父母认为应该努力工作,确保孩子受到良好的教育。他们不仅非 常情愿为孩子的教育投资,而且花很多时间督促他们学习。多数家长希望孩子能上名牌大学。由于改革开 放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到国外学习或参加国际交流项目,以拓宽其视野。通过这些努力,他们期望

make contribution to 做贡献

prosperity, 繁荣

They expect their children to enjoy healthy growth and to contirbution to the developement and prosperity of China through their efforts.

With all of these efforts

本文标签: English