


I'm Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge

How do some women manage to combine a full-time job with family responsibilities and still

find time for doing other things? Adrienne Popper longs to be like them, but wonders whether it is

an impossible dream.


Adrienne Popper

1 Not long ago I received an alumni bulletin from my college. It included a brief item about

a former classmate:"Kate L. teaches part-time at the University of Oklahoma and is assistant

principal at County High School. In her spare time she is finishing her doctoral dissertation and

the final drafts of two books, and she still has time for tennis and horse riding with her daughters."

Four words in that description undid me: in her spare time. A friend said that if I believed

everything in the report, she had a bridge in Brooklyn she'd like to sell me.




2 My friend's joke hit home. What an idiot I'd been! I resolved to stop thinking about Kate's

incredible accomplishments and to be suitably skeptical of such stories in the future.


3 But like a dieter who devours a whole box of cookies in a moment of weakness, I found my

resolve slipping occasionally. In weak moments I'd comb the pages of newspapers and magazines

and consume success stories by the pound. My favorite superwomen included a politician's

daughter who cared for her two-year-old and a newborn while finishing law school and managing

a company; a practicing pediatrician with ten children of her own; and a television anchorwoman,

mother of two preschoolers, who was studying for a master's degree.

可是,就像节食者一时软弱竟把整盒饼干吃个精光一样,我发现自己的决心也有动摇之时。每当不坚定时,我就在报刊上到处搜寻,贪婪地阅读一篇又一篇的成功故事。我最喜欢的女强人有:一位政治家的女儿,她在照料一个两岁幼儿与一个新生儿的同时读完了法学院,同时还经营着一家公司;一位开业儿科医师, 她自己有十个子女;还有一位电视主持人,她是两个学龄前儿童的母亲,还在攻读硕士学位。

4 One day, however, I actually met a superwoman face to face. Just before Christmas last year,

my work took me to the office of a woman executive of a national corporation. Like her

supersisters, she has a husband, two small children and, according to reports, a spotless apartment.

Her life runs as precisely as a Swiss watch. Since my own schedule rarely succeeds, her

accomplishments fill me with equal amounts of wonder and guilt.


5 On a shelf behind her desk that day were at least a hundred jars of strawberry jam, gaily tied

with red-checked ribbons. The executive and her children had made the jam and decorated the jars,

which she planned to distribute to her staff and visiting clients. 那天,她办公桌后面的架子上放置了至少一百罐草莓酱,上面扎着鲜艳的红格缎带。这些果酱是总裁和她的孩子们一起制作的,罐子也是他们一起装饰的,她准备把果酱送给员工及来访的客户。

6 When, I wondered aloud, had she found the time to complete such an impressive holiday

project? I should have known better than to ask. The answer had a familiar ring: in her spare time.


7 On the train ride home I sat with a jar of strawberry jam in my lap. It reproached me the

entire trip. Other women, it seemed to say, are movers and shakers -- not only during office hours,

but in their spare time as well. What, it asked, do you accomplish in your spare time?


8 I would like to report that I am using my extra moments to complete postdoctoral studies in

physics, to develop new theories of tonal harmony for piano and horn, and to bake cakes and play

baseball with my sons. The truth of the matter is, however, that I am by nature completely unable

to get my act together. No matter how carefully I plan my time, the plan always goes wrong.


9 If I create schedules of military precision in which several afternoon hours are given over to

the writing of the Great American Novel, the school nurse is sure to phone at exactly the moment I

put pencil to paper. One of my children will have developed a strange illness that requires him to

spend the remainder of the day in bed, calling me at frequent intervals to bring soup, juice, and




10 Other days, every item on my schedule will take three times the number of minutes set

aside. The cleaner will misplace my clothes. My order won't be ready at the butcher shop as

promised. The woman ahead of me in the supermarket line will pay for her groceries with a check

drawn on a Martian bank, and only the manager (who has just left for lunch) can OK the matter.

"They also serve who only stand and wait," wrote the poet John Milton, but he forgot to add that

they don't get to be superwomen that way.


11 Racing the clock every day is such an exhausting effort that when I actually have a few

free moments, I tend to collapse. Mostly I sink into a chair and stare into space while I imagine

how lovely life would be if only I possessed the organizational skills and the energy of my

superheroines. In fact, I waste a good deal of my spare time just worrying about what other

women are accomplishing in theirs. Sometimes I think that these modern fairy tales create as

many problems for women as the old stories that had us biding our time for the day our prince

would come.


12 Yet superwomen tales continue to charm me. Despite my friend's warning against being

taken in, despite everything I've learned, I find that I'm not only willing, but positively eager to

buy that bridge she mentioned. Why? I suppose it has something to do with the appeal of an

optimistic approach to life -- and the fact that extraordinary deeds have been accomplished by

determined individuals who refused to believe that "you can't" was the final word on their dreams.

但女强人的故事仍然令我心醉神迷。尽管朋友提醒我不要上当,尽管我也长了不少见识,我还是发现自己不仅愿意,而且还真的渴望买下她说的那座桥。为什么?我想这是因为乐观的生活态度深深地吸引着我 —— 还有,那些就是不肯相信自己的梦想“不能”实现的意志坚定的人确实成就了非凡的业绩。

13 Men have generally been assured that achieving their heart's desires would be a piece of

cake. Women, of course, have always believed that we can't have our cake and eat it too-the old

low-dream diet. Perhaps becoming a superwoman is an impossible dream for me, but life without

that kind of fantasy is as unappealing as a diet with no treats.

男人一般确信,实现自己的心愿不费吹灰之力。女人嘛,当然总是相信鱼与熊掌不能兼得 —— 人们反复灌输的不要好高骛远那一套。我或许无望成为女强人,但如果没有这种


14 I know the idea of admiring a heroine is considered silly today; we working women are too

sophisticated for that. Yet the superwomen I read about are my heroines. When my faith in myself

falters, it is they who urge me on, whispering, "Go for it, lady!"


15 One of these days I plan to phone my former classmate Kate and shout "Well done!" into

the receiver. I hope she won't be modest about her achievements. Perhaps she will have completed

her dissertation and her two books and moved on to some new work that's exciting or dangerous

or both. I'd like to hear all about it. After that I'm going to phone the friend who laughed at me for

believing all the stories I hear. Then I'll tell her a story: the tale of a woman who bought her own

version of that bridge in Brooklyn and found that it was a wise investment after all.


When you find yourself tied down to doing a job that just isn't you, it is easy to wish to be able to

start off along a completely new path. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done, the path

stony and difficult to follow. For Muriel Whetstone, however, it turned out to be a journey well

worth the effort.


Beginning Anew

Muriel L. Whetstone

1 I dreaded Sundays. I began living for the weekend at 8:30 Monday mornings. I felt bitter

towards my boss. (1) The thought of answering other people's telephones, typing other people's

work and watching other people take credit for my ideas and opinions would throw me into

week-long bouts of depression. I hated my job. I hated my life. I hated myself for not having the

courage to change either one.



我曾经惧怕星期天。那时我从星期一上午八点半开始就盼着周末。 我痛恨我的老板。每当我想起给别人回电话、打字,看到我出的主意和见解却让别人去受益时,常常整个星期都会闷闷不乐。我痛恨我的工作。我痛恨我的生活。我痛恨自己既没有勇气改换工作,也没有勇气改变我的生活。

2 When most of my friends were planning college schedules and partying into the night, I was

changing dirty diapers and walking the floor with a crying baby. At 19 years old I was the mother

of two, and a pitifully young wife. Everything I did for years, every decision I made, was done

with my family in mind.


3 And then I turned 29, and 30 was only a breath away. (2) How long could I live like this?

Certainly not until I retired. I began to feel that if I didn't do something soon, something quickly, I

would die of unhappiness. I decided to follow my childhood dream: I was going to get my

undergraduate degree and become a full-time journalist.


4 I quit my job on one of my good days, a Friday. Almost at once I was filled with anxiety.

What would I tell my husband and what would be his reaction? How would we pay our bills? I

must be crazy, I thought. I was too old to begin again. I prayed, Lord, what have I done? I

wondered if I was experiencing some sort of early mid-life crisis. Perhaps if I crawled back to my

boss on my hands and knees and pleaded temporary madness, he'd give me my job back. I spent

that entire weekend in the eye of an emotional storm.


5 But while I was feeling uneasy about the bridge I'd just crossed, I also began to feel a

renewed sense of hopefulness about the possibilities on the other side. I had had a long love affair

with the written word that was separate and apart from any of my roles. What we shared was

personal: It belonged to me and would always be mine despite anything going on outside of me. I

wasn't quite sure what my journey would involve, but I was positive who would be at the other

end.(3) I steeled myself to travel the road that would lead me to a better understanding of who I

was and of what I wanted out of life. I shared my mixed feelings with my husband. He was as

worried as I was, but he was also warmly supportive. And so I stepped off the bridge and onto the

path, nervous but determined. I soon discovered that I loved to learn and that my mind soaked up

knowledge at every opportunity. My decision at those times felt right. But sometimes, after

realizing what was expected of me, I would be weighed down by self-doubt and uncertainty.


6 I was older than a few of my instructors and nearly all of my classmates. I felt like an

outsider practically that entire first semester. Finally I met a group of older female students who

were, like me, making a fresh start. We began to share our experiences of returning to school,

dealing with husbands, lovers, children and bills that had to be paid. Over time we have become

sisters, supporting ourselves by encouraging and supporting one another.


7 I eventually had to seek employment to help with expenses. In fact, I've had more jobs in

the couple of years than I care to count. Many times I've had to stir a pot with one hand while

holding a book with the other. More than a few times I've nearly broken under the pressure. I've

shed tears on the bad days, but smiles are plentiful on the good ones.


8 However, I would not take back one tear or change one thing about the last couple of years.

It hasn't been a snap: From the beginning I knew it would not be. (4) And it's not so much the

results of the action that have reshaped me (although that's important, too) as it is the realization

that I have within myself what it takes to do what I set out to do. I feel more in control these days

and less like a flag on a breezy day, blowing this way or that depending on the wind.

然而,我不因流泪而后悔,也不想改变过去几年中发生的一切。这几年过得不容易:从一开始我就知道不容易。此外,给我带来新的生活的,与其说是自己努力取得的结果 (虽然这也很重要),不如说是由于意识到自己具有潜在的能力可以做自己想做的事。如今我感到自己更能主宰自己的命运,不再如风中的旗帜,随风飘荡。

9 I no longer dread Sundays, and Wednesdays are just as pleasant as Fridays. Now I get credit

for my ideas, and my opinions are sought after. I love my new career. I love my life again. And I

can clearly see a new woman waiting patiently just a little way down the road, waiting for me to

reach her.


本文标签: 生活工作业余时间计划