



1. Despite the fact that the disease is so , treatment is still far

from satisfactory.

A. prospective

B. prevalent

C. provocative

D. perpetual



2. China has pledged to Hong Kong’s capitalist system for

50 years.

A. retain

B. gain

C. achieve

D. acquire



3. There will be a written examination to the practical test.

A. contaminate

B. compliment

C. complement

D. contemplate




4. A child may not differentiate between his and the real


A. inspiration

B. intuition

C. imagination

D. Incentive


【精解】名词辨析题。imagination意为“想象,设想”;inspiration意为“灵感;鼓舞”;intuition 意为“直觉”;incentive意为“刺激,鼓励;动机”。根据句意选择C。

5. The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a new digital

radio system.

A. transaction

B. transmission

C. transition

D. Transformation



6. When he brought Penny her drink she gave him a(n) ,

sweet smile of thanks.

A. genuine

B. true

C. real

D. original



7. Any possible solution to the Iranian question can only

come through dialogue.

A. about

B. across

C. around

D. at


【精解】动词短语辨析题。come about意为“发生”;come

across意为“被理解,被传达”,如果是come across sb./sth. 意为“偶然遇见,碰见”;come around (round)意为“恢复知觉,苏醒”;come at sb.意为“攻击”,come at sth.意为“达到;了解”。根据句意选择A。

8. The police couldn’t the fans from rushing on to the stage

to take photos with the star.

A. limit

B. restrain

C. confine

D. restrict


【精解】动词辨析题。limit, restrain和confine是近义词。restrain意为“阻止,抑制”,通常与from搭配,表示“阻止某人做某事”,符合此处语境和语法关系;limit一般指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限;restrict意为“限制,约束”,一般指限制某物的大小、数量或者某人的权利等;confine侧重指不可逾越的限制,有时暗指束缚、囚禁等。根据句意选B

9. One symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.

A. significant

B. dominant

C. prominent

D. Magnificent


【精解】形容词辨析题。prominent意为“显著的,惹人注目的;杰出的,卓越的”;significant 意为“有意义的,重要的;可观的”;dominant意为“最重要的,占支配地位的”;magnificent 意为“壮丽的,宏伟的,壮观的”。根据句意选择C。

10. All the newspapers wanted to do was to photograph the

police officers the demonstrators.

A. keeping with

B. tangling with

C. adhering to

D. devoting to


【精解】动词短语辨析题。tangle with sb. / sth.意为“与某人争吵或打架;与某事有纠葛”;keep with sb.意为“陪伴某人”;adhere to sth.意为“坚持,依照,遵循”;devote oneself/sth. to


11. Ordinary officers fired off a(n) of angry demands to the

government, to improve their pay, status and conditions.

A. succession

B. array

C. string

D. procession


善工作条件等一连串的要求。【精解】名词辨析题。string意为“一连串的食物;成列或成行的人”;succession虽然也表示“一连串的事物;接二连三的人;一系列”,但更强调时间上或顺序上的先后出现,而string 更强调同时出现的事物;array意为“陈列;显示;一系列”;process意为“行列,队伍”。根据句意选择C。

12. Mary was tempted to turn the large rooms into

traditional French-style salons, while Bob was in of a typically

English look.

A. favor

B. spite

C. ways

D. terms


【精解】短语辨析题。In favor of 意为“赞成,支持”;in spite

of 意为“尽管,不管”,没有in ways of 的搭配;in terms of意为“在……方面;以某种说法来传达”。根据句意选A。

13. Their marriage is a balance between traditional and

contemporary values.

A. trivial

B. delicate

C. minor

D. miniature



14. When I asked him if he had ever cheated in exams he said

he would not

himself like that.

A. decrease

B. subtract

C. minimize

D. degrade



15. Six weeks after your baby is the size of your little


A. conception

B. commission

C. commitment

D. confinement



16. The explosive growth of casinos is one of the most signs

of Westernization.

A. dim

B. obscure

C. conspicuous

D. intelligible




17. They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready

to any attack.

A. haul

B. transfer

C. dispose

D. repel


【精解】动词辨析题。repel意为“击退,赶走,驱除”;haul意为“用力拖或拉,拽”;transfer 意为“转移,调动,换乘”;dispose of 意为“去除,处理,舍弃”。根据句意选择D。18. The

amongst the world’s scientists is that the world is likely to warm

up over the next few decades.

A. consensus

B. consent

C. conscience

D. consciousness



19. The destruction of the mosque has anger throughout the

Muslin world.

A. irritated

B. provoked

C. inspired

D. hoisted


【精解】动词辨析题。provoke sth.意为“引起,使产生”;

provoke sb.意为“激怒。惹恼某人”;irritate虽然也表示“激怒,惹恼”;但后面宾语只能接人;inspire意为“鼓舞,鼓励”;hoist意为“吊起,举起,提升”。根据句意选择B。

20. This country was on the of becoming prosperous and


A. margin

B. verge

C. border

D. fringe


【精解】固定搭配题。on/to the verge of sth.意为“在某事即将发生之际;接近出现某事物之点”;verge意为“(路边、花坛等)长的边缘”;margin意为“页边空白;差额”;border 表示“边境,边界”;fringe意为“刘海;饰边;流苏”。根据句意选择B。

21. He divided up his property and gave a to each of his


A. ration

B. allocation

C. quota

D. portion



22. David for a while and went to where John stood with


A. mingled

B. tangled

C. baffled

D. huddled


【精解】动词辨析题。mingle意为“在聚会上来回走动,与不同人交谈”;tangle 意为“乱作一团,搅在一起”;baffle意为“难倒,困惑,阻止”;huddle意为“聚在一起(尤指在狭小的空间内)”。根据句意选择A。

23. Now that the shock was wearing off, he was in

considerable pain.

A. incredible

B. intricate

C. internal

D. initial


【精解】形容词辨析题。initial意为“开始的,最初的,第一个的”;incredible 意为“难以置信的”;intricate意为“错综复杂的”;internal意为“内部的,内政的”。根据句意选择D。

24. I broke the poverty barrier and it was education that did


A. off

B. away

C. through

D. up


【精解】动词短语辨析题。break through sth.意为“克服,战胜,强行穿过”;break off sth.意为“突然中止某事物,中断”;break

away from sb./sth.意为“挣脱束缚;突然逃脱”;break sth. up意为“击碎,打碎”。根据句意选择C。

25. Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel

threatened or .

A. deported

B. involved

C. frustrated

D. deprived



26. A senior official had been stripped of his and all his

privileges for publicly criticizing his former employer.

A. scope

B. range

C. domain

D. rank



27. The government that all who wanted to live and work in

this country must hold the passport.

A. commanded

B. decreed

C. presumed

D. articulated



28. It is, in my opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in


A. gentle

B. subtle

C. humble

D. feeble



29. He has himself to his work and become just a writing


A. dedicated

B. dictated

C. decorated

D. directed


【精解】动词辨析题。dedicate oneself/sth. to sth.意为“将(自己、时间、精力)奉献给……”;dictate意为“口授;听写;命令”;decorate意为“装饰,装潢”;direct意为“指导;管理”。根据句意选择A。

30. His attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked

and ignored.

A. proficient

B. persistent

C. consistent

D. sufficient


【精解】形容词辨析题。persistent意为“一再发生的;持续不断的,坚持不懈的”;proficient意为“精通的,熟练的”;consistent意为“前后一致的,相符的”;sufficient 意为“充足的,足够的”。根据句意选择B。

31. If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be

delighted to make hotel


A. reservations

B. complaints

C. claims

D. decisions


32. This has tested our marriage, and we have it stronger

than ever.

A. come through

B. looked into

C. made over

D. seen to

【译文】这考验了我们的婚姻,我们经受住了考验,并且婚姻比以往更加牢固。【精解】动词短语辨析题。come through sth.意为“(经某事后)还活着;(重病后)康复”;look into sth.意为“调查;观察”;make sth. over意为“转移……的所有权”;see to sth.意为“照看;处理某物”。根据句意选择A。

33. Real tennis, an ancient precursor of the modern game, in

the 11th century.

A. initiated

B. originated

C. embarked

D. commenced


【精解】动词辨析题。originate意为“(风俗、文化等)起源,始自,发端”;initate 为及物动词,意为“(计划等)开始实施,发起,创始”;embark on sth意为“开始或从事(新或难的事)”;commence意为“开始”,比begin更正式,通常指开始某个行为或行动。根据句意选择B。

34. The proposal was because other people thought it would

be very costly.

A. resigned

B. surrendered

C. released

D. abandoned


【精解】动词辨析题。abandon意为“放弃(财产、努力、信仰、计划);丢弃,抛弃;”resign意为“辞职,放弃(工作、职位)”;surrender意为“投降”;release 意为“放开,释放”。根据句意选择D。

35. She has a reputation in both jazz and classical music.

A. massive

B. quantitative

C. surplus

D. formidable



36. He lent money, made and encouraged others to do


A. pensions

B. earnings

C. salaries

D. donations



37. Many children who can’t or don’t are often bullied.

A. conform

B. confine

C. confirm

D. confront



38. The has remained predominantly rural in appearance.

A. perspective

B. view

C. landscape

D. scene



39. He had lived illegally in the United States for five years

after his visitor’s visa

A. abolished

B. expired

C. amended

D. constrained



40. If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is , this

will result in changes in body chemistry.

A. inadequate

B. incapable

C. incompatible

D. invalid


41. On his wanderings he’s Spanish, Italian and French.

A. woken up

B. picked up

C. taken to

D. come to


【精解】动词短语辨析题。pick up意为“(通过实践)学会(外语、技能等)”;wake up意为“醒来;叫醒,弄醒”;take to sth.

意为“逐渐习惯做某事,喜欢做某事”;come to sth.意为“共计;达到”。根据句意选择D。

42. The ideological make-up of the unions is now different

from what it had been.

A. violently

B. severely

C. extremely

D. radically



43. There was snow everywhere, so that the shape of things

was difficult to .

A. identify

B. authorize

C. justify

D. rationalize



44. He said it would not be all that difficult to reach a

peaceful conclusion to the

A. conflict

B. paradox

C. dilemma

D. prejudice



45. The lack of rain the already serious shortage of food.

A. aggregated

B. aggravated

C. agitated

D. agonized


【精解】动词辨析题。aggravate意为“使……加重(加剧,恶化)”;aggregate 意为“聚集;总计达”;agitate意为“使人焦虑不安;煽动,股动”;agonize意为“(对某事物)极度忧虑或担心”。根据句意选择B。

46. The party has always had a cautious and attitude to


A. obedient

B. overwhelming

C. skeptical

D. subsidiary



47. There is an unquestionable link between job losses and


A. descending

B. deteriorating

C. declining

D. depressing



48. Each of the area managers enjoys considerable in the

running of his own area.

A. autonomy

B. dignity

C. monopoly

D. stability



49. He has been by magistrates that he is under investigation

for corruption.

A. certified

B. notified

C. classified

D. clarified



50. He’s already several of the proposals in his economic

plan to accommodate demands of special interests.

A. altered

B. alternated

C. substituted

D. exchanged


51. Two officers on patrol became of two men in a car.

A. generous

B. suspicious

C. appreciative

D. tolerant



52. The average daily of fruits and vegetables is around 200


A. dissipation

B. consumption

C. disposal

D. expenditure


【精解】名词辨析题。consumption意为“(食物、能量、资源等)消耗,消耗量”;dissipation意为“驱散,消散;浪费”;disposal意为“清除,处理,处置”;expenditure 意为“开支,花费”。根据句意选择B。

53. He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then the spent


A. ejected

B. escaped

C. erased

D. omitted


【精解】动词辨析题。eject意为“弹出,喷出”;escape意为“逃跑,逃脱”;erase 意为“抹去,擦掉”;omit意为“省略,删除;忽略”。根据句意选择A。

54. He stands accused of destroying the party in of his

presidential ambitions.

A. search

B. pursuit

C. view

D. light


【精解】介词短语辨析题。in pursuit of sth.意为“追求某事物”;in search of sb./sth.意为“寻找……”;in view of sth.意为“鉴于,由于,考虑到”;in (the) light of sth.意为“鉴于,考虑到某事”。根据句意选择B。

55. He tends to get carried when watching wrestling on TV.

A. on

B. off

C. back

D. away


【精解】动词短语辨析题。carry sb. away意为“使某人失去自制力或非常兴奋”,常用作被动语态;carry sth. on意为“继续做某事”;carry sth. off 意为“赢得某事物”;carry sb. back to sth.意为“使某人回忆起某物”。根据句意选择D。

56. We can use our eyes and facial expressions to

communicate virtually every

nuance of emotion.

A. intrinsic

B. eternal

C. subtle

D. inherent


57. More than five thousand secondary school students have

been for cheating.

A. exploded

B. expelled

C. excluded

D. exiled




58. Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients

without calories.

A. excessive

B. optional

C. additional

D. arbitrary



59. He argued forcefully and that they were likely to bankrupt

the budget.

A. bluntly

B. convincingly

C. emphatically

D. determinedly


【精解】副词辨析题。convincingly意为“令人信服地,有说服力地”;bluntly 意为“坦率地,直率地”;emphatically意为“强调地,着重地”;determinedly意为“意志坚定地,坚决地”。根据句意选择B。

60. I hope you don’t think I’m but I’ve had the electric

fire on for most of the day.

A. exquisite

B. extravagant

C. exotic

D. eccentric



61. His poor performance may be to lack of motivation rather

than to reading difficulties.

A. aided

B. amounted

C. attributed

D. added


【精解】动词辨析题。attribute sth. to sb./sth. 意为“认为某事是由某人或某物引起的”;aid意为“帮助,援助”,搭配是aid sb.

in/with sth.;amount to sth.意为“总计,共计”;add意为“增加,添加”,搭配为add sth. to sth.根据句意选择C。62. In answer to

speculation that she wouldn’t finish the race, she boldly

declared her

of winning it.

A. intention

B. instinct

C. integrity

D. intensity

【译文】作为对她不能完成比赛这个推测的回应,她大胆地宣布要赢得这场比赛。【精解】名词辨析题。intention意为“打算,意图”;instinct意为“本能”;integrity 意为“诚实,正直;完整”;intensity意为“(感情的)强烈,剧烈;强度”。根据句意选择A。

63. Dad brought a notebook along to the beach, in case he

was seized by sudden .

A. coincidence

B. inspiration

C. correspondence

D. intuition



64. Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are

upon the peaceful


A. inclining

B. declining

C. increasing

D. descending

【译文】来自世界各地的充满好奇心的游客和记者突然来到这些平静的山村。【精解】固定搭配题。descend on/upon sb./sth.意为“出乎意料地或不合时宜地去见某人或来到某地”;incline意为“倾向于,易于”;decline意为“减少;拒绝”;increase意为“增加”。根据句意选择D。

65. If you try to paying your taxes, you risk going to prison.

A. persuade

B. dissuade

C. evade

D. pervade


【精解】动词辨析题。evade意为“逃避,回避”,通常是个贬义词;persuade意为“说服,劝服”;dissuade意为“劝阻”,搭配是dissuade sb. from sth./doing sth.;pervade意为“弥漫,遍布”。根据句意选择C。

66. Chaplin was not just a genius ; he was among the most

figures in film history.

A. influential

B. compulsory

C. indispensable

D. essential


67. It stands to reason that if you are and friendly to people

you’ll get a lot more back.

A. concerned

B. compatible

C. considerate

D. complied

【译文】道理是这样的,如果你对别人体谅和友好,你一定会得到更多回报。【精解】形容词辨析题。considerate意为“体谅他人的,考虑周到的”;concerned 意为“担心的,忧虑的”;compatible意为“兼容的,相容的”;complied来自comply,意为“顺从,遵从”。根据句意选择C。

68. I decided not to Peter when he was in such a desperate


A. vanish

B. separate

C. abandon

D. resign



69. The regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the

near future.

A. deviation

B. controversy

C. distinction

D. comparison



70. The house allocated to them was pleasant and .

A. spacious

B. wide

C. sufficient

D. wretched



71. The commander said that the army would with the


A. coincide

B. conform

C. comply

D. collaborate


【精解】动词辨析题。comply with sth.意为“按要求、命令去依从,遵从”;coincide with sth.意为“同时发生;与……相符或一致”,conform to sth.则表示“符合或遵守(公认的规则、准则等)”;collaborate with sb. on sth.意为“与某人在某事上合作”。根据句意选择C。

72. She was awarded $5,000 in for unfair dismissal.

A. premium

B. repayment

C. compensation

D. refund



73. Mary has on the family tradition of giving away plants.

A. carried

B. lived

C. moved

D. taken


【精解】动词短语辨析题。carry on sth.意为“继续做某事”;live on sth.意为“以……为食;靠某种经济来源生活”;move on意为“继续行进”;take on意为“呈现;承担”。根据句意选择A。

74. The most important for entry is that applicants must

design and make their own work.

A. threshold

B. warrant

C. partition

D. criterion



75. Grandfather had sustained a broken back while working

in the mines. , he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

A. Consequently

B. Logically

C. Variably

D. Doubtfully




76. Steam into water when it touches a cold surface.

A. shrinks

B. contracts

C. condenses

D. compresses



77. One of my customers was Fred, an electronics salesman.

A. regular

B. normal

C. formal

D. conventional


【精解】形容词辨析题。regular意为“有规律的;经常的;定期的”,regular customer 意为“常客,老主顾”;normal意为“正常的”;formal意为“正式的,正规的”;conventional意为“按照惯例的,传统的”。根据句意选择A。

me you that I will use whatever force is necessary to

restore order.

A. insure

B. assure

C. ensure

D. sure


【精解】固定搭配题。let me assure you/I can assure you是习惯用法,后接句子表示“相信我,我保证”;insure意为“给……上保


79. He was one of the Newcastle’s most medical men, a

world authority on heart-diseases.

A. distinctive

B. distinguished

C. disguised

D. distant


【精解】形容词辨析题。distinguished意为“卓越的,杰出的,非凡的”;distinctive 意为“有特色的,特殊的”;disguised来自disguise,意为“伪装,假扮”;distant 意为“遥远的,远处的”。根据句意选择B。

production of these cancerous cells the production of

normal white blood cells.

A. depresses

B. lessens

C. suppresses

D. degrades



81. The government a debate on the future direction of the

official sports policy

A. initiated

B. designed

C. induced

D. promoted


82. Doctors are interested in using lasers as a surgical tool in

operations on people who are to heart attack.

A. infectious

B. accessible

C. disposed

D. prone


83. If the day turns wet we may have to change our plans.

A. on

B. up

C. out

D. down


【精解】动词短语辨析题。turn out意为“以某种方式发生;证明为;结果是”;turn on意为“打开,启动”;turn up意为“露面,出现;开大”;turn down意为“调低,关小,拒绝”。根据句意选择C。

84. Nothing can the young mother for the loss of her favorite


A. compensate

B. remedy

C. supplement

D. retrieve



you want this pain killer, you’ll have to ask the doctor

for a(n) .

A. receipt

B. recipe

C. subscription

D. prescription



86. The scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.

A. significant

B. dominant

C. magnificent

D. prominent


【精解】形容词辨析题。magnificent意为“壮丽的,宏伟的,壮观的”;significant 意为“有意义的,重要的”;dominant意为“最重要的,占支配地位的”;prominent 意为“显著的;杰出的,卓越的”。根据句意选择C。

87. He is a(n) character who likes wearing a beret and dark


A. eccentric

B. awesome

C. strange

D. terrific


【精解】形容词辨析题。eccentric意为“(人、举止)古怪的,异常的”;awesome 意为“令人敬畏的,使人惊惧的”;strange意为“陌生的,奇怪的”;terrific意为“可怕的,惊人的”,用于口语时表示“极好的”。根据句意选择A。

88. It’s hard to give a(n) opinion about your own children.

A. objective

B. objectionable

C. subjective

D. adjective



89. The north-east, with 60 million people, is the most

populated part of the United States.

A. intensely

B. densely

C. abundantly

D. highly



90. Everyone was by the story about the dog.

A. amused

B. pleased

C. entertained

D. cheered


【精解】动词辨析题。这四个词都有“使人愉快”之意,但是侧重点不同。amuse 意为“使某人笑”,一般指因为某种滑稽的行为而使人发笑;please意为“使某人满意”;entertain意为“消遣娱乐”;cheer意为“给某人安慰、希望、支持或鼓励;使欢喜”。根据句意选择A。

91. The future of this company is ; many of its talented

employees are flowing

into more profitable businesses.

A. at odds

B. in trouble

C. in vain

D. at stake


【精解】短语辨析题。at stake意为“在危险中,处于成败关头”;at odds意为“意见不合,争执”;in trouble意为“惹上麻烦,处于困境中”;in vain意为“徒劳地,徒然地”。根据句意选择D。

92. The club will new members the first week in September.

A. enroll

B. subscribe

C. absorb

D. register



93. Already the class is about who our new teacher will be.

A. foreseeing

B. speculating

C. fabricating

D. contemplating


【精解】动词辨析题。speculate about/on/upon sth.意为“推测,猜想”;foresee 是及物动词,意为“预见,预料”;fabricate为及物动词,意为“编造,虚构”;contemplate意为“思忖,仔细考虑”。根据句意选择B。

94. Military history is really outside my .

A. branch

B. category

C. domain

D. scope



95. His business skill her flair for design.

A. commences

B. compensates

C. complements

D. compliments



96. To impress a future employer, one should dress neatly, be

and display capacity in the job.

A. swift

B. instant

C. timely

D. punctual



97. After eating so much spicy food, he couldn’t a word.

A. utter

B. talk

C. murmur

D. scold




98. Since the two sculptures are , one must be the replica of

the other.

A. like

B. equal

C. identical

D. equivalent



99. People feel safe to their money in banks with good


A. invest

B. deposit

C. place

D. reserve


【精解】动词辨析题。deposit意为“将钱存入银行;将……交与某人保管”;invest 意为“投资”;place意为“放置”;reserve意为“预订;储备”。根据句意选择B。100. The badly wounded took

medical attention over those who were only slightly hurt in the


A. advantage of

B. notice of

C. measures for

D. priority for


【精解】动词短语辨析题。take priority over意为“比……优先”;take advantage of意为“利用”;take notice of意为“注意到”;take measures for意为“为……采取措施”。根据句意选择D。

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