



We visited lots of places.


Tuesday/go to the park/Daming.


ng/the Great Wall/visit/yesterday.


3.a T-shirt/on Wednesday/buy/Amy.




go walked

walk went

visit was

is visited

are took

take were


( ) up A.吃完

( ) much B。赶快

( ) many C。多少(接不可数名词)

( ) D。跟我们来吧!

( ) with us. E。多少(接可数名词)


form did cream of much

( ) cheese do you want?

( ) you come back?

comes ( ) china.

is my ice ( ).

’s buy one kilo ( ) of noodles.


you live ( ) the city?

2 .We’re going ( ) now.


五年级英语(一)—1 五年级英语(一)—2

need food ( ) our picnic.

4.-Did Lingling go home by bike?

-Yes,( ).

did. does did

5.-Did they ( ) to school today?

-Yes,they did.

6.-( ) pears do you want?


7.-( ) did you meet in London?

-I met Amy in London.

8.-( ) did you go yesterday?

-I went to the park.

9.-Do you like noodles?

-( ).I like rice.

,I do. B.I like noodles. ,I don’t.

10.-How much milk do you want?

-( ),please.


11、We ______back last Sunday.

A、come B came C comes


12、We visited lots ___ places.

A、of B、at C、in

13、---What’s the matter? ---________

A、OK B、Thank you. C、Nothing.

14、This man is____. He can’t hear.

A、deaf B、 blind C、kind

15、Whose pen is this? It’s ____.

A、my B、me C、mine

16、There ___ many books on the desk.

A、was B、is C、are

day I had ice cream.

A. a B. an

C. the

are twenty-five_______in the class.



19.-Did Lingling go to the park?

-( )

A. Yes,she did B. No, she did

C. Yes, she do 20. How cheese

do you want?

A. many B. much C. big



A. How many do you want? B. Can I help you?

C. Here are you. D. Good morning!

A: Good morning !

B: 1

A: 2

B: I want apples .

A: 3

B: three , please .

A: 4

B: Thank you .



Last Sunday I went to the bookshop(书店)with my parents. We walked to the bookshop. On the way, we met John and his sister. They went to the bookshop , too. John is Lingling’ ( )1. Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents.

( )2. We went to the bookshop by bus.

( )3. John and I are classmates.

( )4. John and his parents went to the bookshop, too.

( )5. John and I bought many books.


I am an English teacher.I have a he is seven years doesn’t like drawing or he likes watching football games very !He is watching a football father likes watching football games, mother likes music.


( )1. I am a Chinese teacher.

() brother likes watching cartoon(卡通).

( )3. My father likes watching football games。

( )4.I like music,too.

( ) brother is writing a letter now.

( ) mother likes music


( )1、早上到学校后,和老师和同学打招呼时,说:

A、Goodbye. B、Good morning. C、s friend. John and I are in the same class. In the bookshop, we bought many books. John bought a book about animals for Lingling.


五年级英语(一)—1 五年级英语(一)—2

Good evening.

( )2、想证实这是否是对方的包,你问:

this your this your cat?

( )3、你想知道对方的身体怎么样,你说:

a seat. B、How much do you want?

C、How are you?

( )4、经过了一天的学习,你非常的累,你会说:

A、I’m very happy. B、I’m very,very tired.C、I’m bored.

( )5、看到别人球打得好,说:

A、You can play basketball well. BCan you play football well. C、No,I can’t.

、? ’s this?五年级英语(一)—1 五年级英语(一)—2

本文标签: 下列选择单词老师对方