




一、Part Ⅰ(总题数:0,分数:0.00)



(1).Emma is my grandmother.(分数:0.90)


B.错误 √


My mother stayed in California for ten years. Her grandfather left her to his wife, Emma, a severe

woman who wore black dresses and resented and ignored my mother. Emma discouraged visitors and

rarely allowed my mother to attend parties or other functions. One Halloween, when she caught

my mother trick-or-treating with school friends, Emma decided to confine her to her room for an

entire year, except for the hours she was in school. She forbade my mother to eat at the kitchen

table or linger in the front yard. This cruel punishment went on for months until Emma"s sister

came for a visit and put a stop to it. By the time my mother turned fourteen, she could no longer

bear life in her grandmother"s house. She found work as a mother"s helper, caring for two young

children in return for room, board and three dollars a week. She had little time for the

extracurricular athletics and drama that she loved and no money for clothes. She washed the same

blouse everyday to wear with her only skirt and, in colder weather, her only sweater. But for

the first time, she lived in household where the father and mother gave their children the love,

attention and guidance she had never received. My mother often told me that without that sojourn

with a strong family, she would not have known how to care for her own home and children.

Emma is my grandmother.

[分析] 理解推断。

根据原文“(My mother)Her grandfather left her to his wife,Emma…”,据此可以推断出Emma is my

great grandmother。

(2).Emma seldom allowed my mother to go to parties.(分数:0.90)

A.正确 √



Emma seldom allowed my mother to go to parties.

[分析] 同义替换。

根据原文“Emma…rarely allowed my mother to attend parties or other functions.”,译文为:爱玛很少允许我母亲参加舞会和其它活动。题干中用同义词seldom代替了原文的rarely,用go to parties代替了原文的attend parities。

(3).One Halloween, Emma decided to punish my mother because she didn"t go to school.(分数:0.90)


B.错误 √


One Halloween, Emma decided to punish my mother because she didn"t go to school.

[分析] 原因结果。

题干中给出的是错误的干扰信息:“Emma decided to punish my mother because she didn’t go to

school.”,译文为:爱玛决定惩罚我母亲因为她不去上学。根据原文“One Halloween,when she caught

my mother trick-or-treating with school friends, Emma decided to…”,所以真正的原因是母亲和朋友们玩万圣节的游戏。

(4).My mother was confined to her room for an entire year.(分数:0.90)


B.错误 √


My mother was confined to her room for an entire year.

[分析] 信息缺失。

题干句子与原文相比出现信息缺失。根据原文“Emma decided to confine her to her room for an entire

year,except for the hours she was in school.”,译文为:爱玛决定把我母亲在她的房间里禁闭一年,除了上学的时间外。而题干“My mother was confined to her room for an entire year.”没有包括except之后的信息。

(5).To punish her, Emma forbade my mother to eat.(分数:0.90)


B.错误 √


To punish her, Emma forbade my mother to eat.

[分析] 信息缺失。

根据原文“She forbade my mother to eat at the kitchen table”,译文为:她不许我的妈妈在厨房的餐桌上吃饭。题干“Emma forbade my mother to eat.”出现信息缺失,理解上断章取义。

(6).At the age of fourteen, my mother found work and moved out of Emma"s house.(分数:0.90)

A.正确 √



At the age of fourteen, my mother found work and moved out of Emma"s house.

[分析] 理解推断。

根据原文“By the time my mother turned fourteen,she could no longer bear life in her grandmother"s

house.She found work as a mother"s helper,caring for two young children in return for room,board and three dollars a week.”,译文为:到母亲十四岁时,她再也不能忍受在她祖母家的生活。她找到了一份保姆的工作,帮助一位妈妈照顾两个年幼的孩子,报酬是每周3美元,并提供食宿。据此可以推断题干;“At the age of fourteen, my mother found work and moved out of Emma"s house.”(译文为:在十四岁时,妈妈找到了工作并从爱玛家搬了出来。)是对原文的理解归纳。

(7).My mother loved extracurricular athletics and drama.(分数:0.90)

A.正确 √



My mother loved extracurricular athletics and drama.

[分析] 从句理解。

根据原文“She had little time for the extracurricular athletics and drama that she loved…”,

译文为:她没有多少时间来做她热爱的课外体育运动和戏剧……。题干用简单句“My mother loved

extracurricular athletics and drama.”来解释了原文中的定语从句。

(8).I never received love, attention and guidance from my mother.(分数:0.90)


B.错误 √


I never received love, attention and guidance from my mother.

[分析] 理解推断。

根据原文“My mother often told me that without that sojourn with a strong family,she would not

have known how to care for her own home and children.”,以及“She lived in household where the

father and mother gave their children the love,attention and guidance she had never received.”,译文为:母亲经常告诉我如果没有寄居在这个温馨的家庭,她不会知道如何照顾自己的家和孩子,还有她住的这个家里,这家的父母亲给予自己的孩子爱心、关心和指导,这些是母亲从未得到的。据此我们应能推断出这位母亲知道了如何疼爱孩子,作者本人也得到了这些爱。

(9).My mother didn"t know how to care for her own home and children.(分数:0.90)


B.错误 √


My mother didn"t know how to care for her own home and children.

[分析] 虚拟语气。

根据原文“she would not have known how to care for her own home and children.”,此句是虚拟语气,表示与事实相反,说明母亲懂得了如何照顾自己的家庭和孩子。

(10).My mother took care of two kids for room, board and three dollars a week.(分数:0.90)

A.正确 √



My mother took care of two kids for room, board and three dollars a week.

[分析] 同义替换。

根据原文“She found work as another"s helper, caring for two young children in return for room,board and three dollars a week.”,题干中用同义短语take care of代替了原文的care for的分词形式,是对原文的同义解释。



(1).What does the speaker mean?(分数:1.00)

considered giving Jeff a good beat off duty.

would rather not bargain with Jeff during business hours.

would prefer to deal the problem with Jeff off duty. √

regarded Jeff a tough person.


I thought it better to tackle Jeff outside of business hours.

(2).What"s the speaker going to do with the letter?(分数:1.00)

would throw it away.

would keep it. √

would post it.

would stick a stamp on it.


I"d hang on to that letter. You might need it later.

(3).What will happen if Francie"s care were get scratched?(分数:1.00)

would lose her temper. √

might feel at a loss.

might cry bitterly.

would fight with the one who scratched her car.


Francie will flip out if she gets a scratch on her new ear. She"s always reluctant to lend things

to other people.

(4).What"s Bill"s life like in New York?(分数:1.00)

"s very happy.

"s unbearable.

"s without pressure.

"s a life on a fast track. √


Bill used to enjoy life in the fast lane in New York, but his family didn"t. Now he"s happier

living a quiet life in a small town with his wife and two kids.

(5).How"s Peter like?(分数:1.00)

"s softhearted. √

likes poor people.

"s rich.

likes to push other people.


My friend Peter is a pushover for anybody in trouble. Yesterday on our way hack from lunch he

saw an old man begging. And he immediately handed him a ten-dollar bill.

四、Part Ⅱ(总题数:1,分数:20.00)

I"d like to talk about 1 in England and Wales, and in England and Wales there are 2 of council.

For instance, if I could take the example of Oxfordshire, there is 3 where they are responsible

for education, 4 , structure planning, highways, 5 , and so on. And there are 6 district councils,

again in Oxfordshire, and they are 7 , in particular council housing, for local plans, for 8 ,

environment health, and they"re also responsible for 8 , and in Oxford, for instance, they are

building an ice-rink 10 of the city.

If we could 11 the question of education, I think this would 12 of local government in the 13 .

First of all, there is a minister at 14 level. He is the 15 for Education and he"s responsible

for running a 16 education system in the 17 . But 18 there is a lot of local control. So the local

councils, 19 such as Oxfordshire County Council, actually run the schools and colleges in their

20 .

I"d like to talk about 1 in England and Wales, and in England and Wales there are 2 of council.

For instance, if I could take the example of Oxfordshire, there is 3 where they are responsible

for education, 4 , structure planning, highways, 5 , and so on. And there are 6 district councils,

again in Oxfordshire, and they are 7 , in particular council housing, for local plans, for 8 ,

environment health, and they"re also responsible for 8 , and in Oxford, for instance, they are

building an ice-rink 10 of the city.

If we could 11 the question of education, I think this would 12 of local government in the 13 .

First of all, there is a minister at 14 level. He is the 15 for Education and he"s responsible

for running a 16 education system in the 17 . But 18 there is a lot of local control. So the local

councils, 19 such as Oxfordshire County Council, actually run the schools and colleges in their

20 .


填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:local government)

解析: local government [听力原文]

I"d like to talk about local government in England and Wales, and in England and Wales there are

two main types of council. For instance, if I could take the example of Oxfordshire, there is

one county council where they are responsible for education, social services, structure planning,

highways, libraries and museums, and so on. And there are five district councils, again in

Oxfordshire, and they are responsible for housing, in particular council housing, for local plans,

for dustbin collection, environmental health, and they"re also responsible for swimming baths,

and in Oxford, for instance, they are building an ice-rink in the middle of the city.

If we could talk particularly about the question of education, I think this would illustrate the

idea of local government in the best way possible. First of all, there is a minister at central

government level. He is the Minister for Education and he"s responsible for running a comprehensive

education system in the whole country. But in practice there is a lot of local control. So the

local councils, county councils such as Oxfordshire County Council, actually run the schools and

colleges in their areas.

解析: two main types

解析: one county council

解析: social services

解析: libraries and museums

解析: five

解析: responsible for housing

解析: dustbin collection

解析: swimming baths

解析: in the middle

解析: talk particularly about

解析: illustrate the idea

解析: best way possible

解析: central government

解析: Minister

解析: comprehensive

解析: whole country

解析: in practice

解析: county councils

解析: areas

本文标签: 原文母亲孩子分析听力