


1. able, enable, capable, be able to do, ability, have the ability to do 能够做某事

(1) able a. 能干的(be able to do sth):

例:You should be able to find something you like there.

(2) enable Vt. 使能够,使能够成为,授予权利或方法:

enable+宾语,enable sb to do sth

例:A majority vote enabled the passage of resolution.(多人投票赞成使议案得以通过)


This ticket enabled me to travel half-price on trains.

capable a. 有能力的,有技能的,足以胜任的:

be capable of ,一般与able 有关的词语都与to 搭配使用,而在这里需要与of搭配

例:He is capable of drawing oil painting.


Vt. 握住, 支撑,举起: He held a knife in his hand.

拥有,持有: He holds much property in the town.

包纳,包含: The box can hold all my clothes.

持有(见解等): She holds the same view.

n. hold of/on/over

例: He‟s got a good hold of (掌握,支配) his subject. (和be capable of 同意)

(4) ability n. 能力

例:His ability is limited.

He has the ability to make very good boat.

He has no ability to make very good boat.

Beyond one‟s ability

2. absent a.

(1) 缺席的:The boss was absent for today‟s meeting.

(2) 缺乏的:Snow is absent in some countries.

(3) 心不在焉的:He listened with an absent air.

absence n.

(1) 缺席,不在的时候:She called in your absence.

(2) 不在场的次数或时间:His constant absences from work made his boss very angry.

(3) 缺乏,不存在:The major problem in this area is the absence of water.

be absent from …缺席,不在 be absent-minded a.心不在焉的

be concentrated on

3.abroad adv.

(1)在国外,到国外:go abroad, study abroad

(2)到处,广泛流传:The news soon spread abroad.

(3)在户外,室外:The young people were still abroad at the dead of night(深更半夜).

形近词:board On board 在甲板上,在船上,在听力中经常用作登机,登船的意思,



n. (1)入口,门路,途径,方法:There is no access to the street.


例:You can easily get access to her.

(4) “Access” “便捷”信用卡,存取卡(英国和欧洲的信用卡)

Vt. (1)调用,存取(计算机文件):

例:This scientist accessed enormous different files to find the correct information.

(2)到达,接近,利用:Bank customers can access their checking accounts through the

electronic system.

a. 【电视】向公众开放的

一个常考短语:have access to使用,接近,可以利用, 其中to为介词:

例: The miners have no access to drilling the oil.


Vt. (1)吸收(液体,气体,光,热,能等)

例:The sponge absorbed water quickly.


例:They absorbed a great deal of Chinese culture.

(4) 吸引。。的注意力,使全神贯注:

例:International affairs absorbed his attention. (他专心研究国际问题)


(6)支付:This company will absorb all the costs.

Be absorbed in 沉湎于, 沉浸于, 全神贯注于

同义词组:Be engrossed in热衷于(全神贯注于): They are engrossed in the pursuit of fame and



Be immersed in沉浸在,埋头于,专心于: The whole city was immersed in a festival


He was immersed in debts/difficulties.

Don‟t be immersed in love.

Be addicted to

Focus on集中于: Educational reforms should focus on raising the quality of


Concentrate on集中注意力: We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.

Pay attention to: You‟d better pay more attention to the spelling of every word.

Attach importance to十分重视: They attach great importance to education.

6. accept

Vt. /vi. 接受:If you accept, please let me know.

Vt. 承认,同意,认为,相信:The police accepted his story as true.

领会:How is this sentence to be accepted?

a. acceptable 可接受的


receive是指客观上的收到,接到,并不意味着同意接受, 比如你不喜欢的人写信给你,你不

想收,但是不能阻挡这封信的到来. Accept是接到的意思, 于同意的主观意思在里面.

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