





1. Social Media (社交媒体): Online platforms that allow users to create and share content, as

well as connect with others.

2. Post (发布): To share content, such as text, images, or videos, on a social media platform.

3. Feed (动态/消息流): The continuous stream of content displayed on a user's social media


4. Timeline (时间轴): A chronological display of a user's posts and activity on a social media


5. Profile (个人资料): A user's personal page on a social media platform, displaying

information, posts, and activity.

6. Follow (关注): To subscribe to another user's updates and posts on a social media platform.

7. Follower (粉丝): A user who follows another user on a social media platform.

8. Like (点赞): To express approval or appreciation for a post by clicking a "like" button.

9. Share (分享): To repost or forward someone else's content on your own social media page.

10. Comment (评论): To leave a remark or feedback on a post.

11. Tag (标记): To identify and link another user in a post or photo.

12. Hashtag (#标签): A word or phrase preceded by the "#" symbol to categorize and make

content discoverable.

13. DM (Direct Message, 私信): A private message sent between users on a social media


14. Notification (通知): A message or alert informing a user of activity, such as likes, comments,

or new followers.

15. Algorithm (算法): The set of rules and calculations used by social media platforms to

determine the content shown to users.

16. Engagement (互动): The level of interaction and activity on a social media post, including

likes, comments, and shares.

17. Influencer (社交媒体影响者): A user with a significant following who can influence opinions

and trends.

18. Viral (病毒式传播): Content that spreads rapidly and widely across social media platforms.

19. Emoticon/Emoji (表情符号/表情): Small digital images or icons used to convey emotions or


20. Geotag (地理标签): Adding location information to a post to indicate where it was created.


本文标签: 社交媒体词汇