


Industry Perspective on the Validation of Column-Based

Separation Processes for the Purification of Proteins


I. Foreword 前言

The purpose of this document is to outline some of the significant issues related to

the validation of column-based separation processes used in the purification of

proteins produced by recombinant DNA (rDNA), hybri-doma technology, or peptide

synthesis. While validation of these processes has been identified as a first priority by

the PDA Biotechnology Task Force, the issues raised in certain sections of this

document may have broader applications, including processes for non-protein phar-

maceutical products purified by HPLC, as well as protein pharmaceuticals which are

not produced by rDNA, hybridoma, or peptide synthesis technologies.

此文件目的是列出与DNA重组 (rDNA),杂交瘤技术或肽合成产生的蛋白质净化所使用



HPLC净化的非蛋白质药品工艺,非DNA重组 (rDNA),杂交瘤技术或肽合成技术产生的


While column-based separations are key purification techniques in the production

of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies, little has been written regarding

the validation of these processes. In general, process validation is the assurance that

product quality is derived from careful attention to a number of factors, including

process design, selection and use of quality parts and materials, and control of the

process through appropriate in-process and end-product testing. In May 1987, the

Center for Drugs and Biologies and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health of

the Food and Drug Administration published the "Guideline on General Principles of

Process Validation." While this guideline is useful, it does not include all of the specific

elements required in the validation of a manufacturing process. Therefore, the PDA

established the Biotechnology Task Force on Purification and Scale-up to develop a

practical guide for the validation of column-based separations used in the manufacture

of proteins intended for use as therapeutic or diagnostic agents. 柱层分离是重组蛋白








The goal of validation is to demonstrate that a process, when operated within

established limits, produces a product of appropriate and consistent quality. While it

may seem that successful validation involves an inordinate amount of work over a long

period of time and consumes scarce resources, a strategy which provides for the

validation of critical process parameters is vital from both a quality and business

perspective. Because no two processes are identical, it is impossible to define exactly

what work should be done to accomplish a satisfactory validation. During validation,

the critical process parameters should be identified, and, based on sound scientific

principles, appropriate studies should be performed to demonstrate that the parame-

ters can be met on a consistent basis. 验证目的是证明工艺在规定范围内操作会产生





Validation should be considered as early in the development of a process as is

practical. In this way, data required for validation can be collected during development

studies and the production of batches for clinical studies. The most appropriate

validation data are collected during the production of products to be used in Phase III

clinical trials. In addition to the in-process testing, the evaluation of product in humans

under carefully monitored clinical trials provides the ultimate test of the safety and

efficacy of the product. 工艺前期应考虑验证是否实际。从而验证需要的数据可以在开




In preparing this document, we have assumed that the reader is familiar with

protein purification in general and column-based separations in particular. For back-

ground reading on this subject, the reader is referred to references (1-5). 文件编制



II. Introduction 介绍

Biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry combines advances in genetic

engineering, cell fusion technology, classical biochemistry and microbiology, traditional

pharmaceutical technology, and biochemical engineering to produce once scarce

proteins for testing as potential therapeutic or diagnostic agents. These proteins are

produced in a suitable host cell by fermentation or cell culture processes. The protein

may be either retained intracellularly or secreted into the culture medium. If the protein

remains inside the cell, then the cells must be harvested, disrupted, and the debris that

is created removed to yield a particulate-free extract for further purification. If the

protein is secreted, the cells must be separated from the conditioned culture medium

prior to purification. These steps, shown schematically in Figure 1, are often referred to

as upstream processing, isolation, or primary separation steps. These upstream steps

本文标签: 验证工艺分离柱层