


新人教选择性必修四Unit 2课文翻译(英汉对照)

Experience the iconic features of Australia


25 Sep


Next week I’m travelling to Australia to visit a friend there over the school holidays. I

plan to keep this blog to record my experiences and what I learn. I have already done

some research on the country. Located to the south of the equator, below many other

countries on the globe, it’s often informally referred to as “down under”.

趁学校放假,我打算下周去澳大利亚看望那里的一位朋友。我计划用这个博客记录我的所见所闻。我对澳大利亚做了一番研究。它位于赤道以南,在地球上许多其他国家的下方,常被俗称为“down under”。

I have also read about some iconic sites, such as the Sydney Opera House and the

Great Ocean Road, and animals like the cute koalas and kangaroos. I can’t wait to see

all of them! However, as I major in social studies, I’m more interested in meeting

people in Australia and experiencing their culture, food and way of life.


1 Oct


I’m here in Sydney! Since I arrived, my friend has brought me to my first open-air

barbecue and has also shared many different but yummy meals with me, so my first

impressions of Australia have been all about food! A lot of typical Australian food,

such as the Sunday roast, is originally British. Bakeries, fast-food joints, butcher

shops, cafes, and restaurants everywhere provide some of the premier food

experiences in the world. The influence of Asian cultures, on the other hand, led to the introduction of bean curd and Asian herbs, along with Australian versions of foods

like the Chinese-inspired dim sim.


3 Oct


My friend and I have arrived in Katherine, a town in Australia’s Northern Territory.

We’re here to learn about the life and customs of the Aborigines, who are native to

Australia. The Aboriginal population might be small, but its influence is still visible.

For example, “Bondi” in “ Bondi Beach” is an Aboriginal word meaning “water

breaking over rocks”.


To survive in this vast land on the ocean, the Aborigines had to be in close contact

with nature. This shows in their music. too, which celebrates the natural world and the

spiritual world around them. Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks

found on the ground, among which there is an amazing instrument called the


为了在大洋中这片辽阔的土地上生存,澳大利亚土著人得和大自然保持密切的联系。这也体现在它们的音乐中。这些音乐歌颂身边的自然世界,以及围绕着它们的精神世界。他们的大多数乐器其实就是在地上找到的树枝,其中有一种叫作迪吉里杜管的神奇乐器。 The didgeridoo is made from a tree branch which is hollow. To play the didgeridoo,

you put your mouth on one end and blow while vibrating your lips. Unlike a horn,

there are no finger holes. The didgeridoo player has to change the shape of his mouth

in order to change pitch. A skilled player can play for a long time without stopping to

breathe. He does this by continually breathing in through his nose while breathing out

through his mouth and into the didgeridoo. I tried to learn how to play it, but after

trying for hours, I was convinced that I could never make a musical sound with this



6 Oct


It’s almost time for me to say goodbye to Australia. I’ve enjoyed my time here very

much. After being here for a while, my biggest impression is the complicated mix of

peoples and cultures that make up the nation. Although the main cultural influence

since 1788 has been Western culture, minority cultures have also played a part in

shaping the unique Australian culture, with many of the new cultural influences

contributed by immigrants. It is said that now nearly half of all Australian citizens

were either born overseas or have parents who were born overseas.

差不多是我跟澳大利亚说再见的时候了。我在这里过得十分愉快。在这里住了一段时间之后,我最深刻的印象就是不同种族和文化的交融构成了这个国家。尽管自1788年以来,主要的文化影响是西方文化,但少数族裔文化在塑造独特的澳大利亚文化方面也发挥了作用,还有许多随着移民而来的新文化的影响。据说现在近一半的澳大利亚公民要么自己出生于海外要么父母出生于海外。 Personally speaking, what I like most about Australia is the people themselves. They

have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life, and their friendliness

and warmth made me feel at home wherever I went.


After experiencing Australia, I have to say that I agree with the tourism slogan:

“There’s nothing like Australia”.




Our topic today is “Creatures Unique to Australia”, with questions answered by

wildlife expert, Dr Jim Smith.


Australia has lots of unique animals, but which animal is a symbol of the



It has to be the kangaroo, as it has a wide distribution throughout the country. It’s a

tough animal that has to survive in a difficult environment. Also, it cannot walk

backwards, so it is always moving forwards. This expresses the strength and resolve

of the Australians as individuals and as a nation. Baby kangaroos weigh only two

grammes at birth. They then find their way into their mothers pouch—a kind of a

pocket—to stay safe and warm. They sleep and drink milk in that temporary,

protected environment until they are about seven or eight months old. After this phase,

they go out to try their legs. After they learn to jump, they gradually spend less time

with their mother and learn to be independent. Kangaroos may look cute, but encounters with them don’t always end so well. Kangaroos can hit and kick very hard,

so please folks, if you see some kangaroos, remember they’re not for petting!


Koalas are cute, and we see so many pictures of people holding them. But in

many places in Australia, it is against the law to even touch them. Can you

clarify that?


They are really quite cute, but the truth is, koalas are very sensitive creatures who can

easily panic because of even small changes in their environment. They spend quite a

lot of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks, so interaction with humans

can cause them a lot of stress. Because of this, the government began to make laws

against touching koalas, in the interest of animal protection, as well as public safety.

So, if you see one in the wild, you shouldn’t approach it to pick it up or even touch it.

If you want to hold a koala, you have to go to certain licensed zoos where animal

experts make sure that the koalas selected for each session are in a good state for

human contact and that they are handled for only a limited time and on a limited

frequency of occasions.


So, we’ve talked about some cute animals. What about animals which aren’t so



My favourite is a little creature called the Tasmanian devil. If you are out camping in

Tasmania and come across one, the experience might scare you! Tasmanian devils

hunt at night, so you won’t usually see them, but you may hear their loud cries when

they are fighting or eating. The noise they make could wake the dead. Frightening!

They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats. They also

have a terrible smell! Their diet is mostly dead animals. Fortunately, despite their

name, they are generally not violent towards people.


Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of, for

example, the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird?


Not at all. While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird, it’s really a primitive mammal,

with a unique biology. Its eggs hatch after about ten days, and then the baby platypus

nurses from its mother like all other mammals. Its nose looks like a duck’s bill and it

has feet like a duck’s so it can dive under the water, but it’s covered in hair. Do you know what’s really strange about a platypus? The platypus doesn’t use its senses of

sight or smell to find food. It has a capacity to find food in the water by using

electrical sensors in its bill. There are only a small handful of animals in the world

that can do that!


本文标签: 澳大利亚动物袋鼠文化生活