


2015 年英语专业四级真题及详解





Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which

will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will

be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal

speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work

once more.

Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.


Male and Female Roles in Marriage

①In the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family. ②The woman stayed at home to care for

the children and her husband. ③In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. Some

people are happy with it, but others think differently. ④There are two major differences in male and female roles now. ⑤One

is that both men and women have many more choices. ⑥They may choose to marry or stay single. ⑦ They may choose

to work or to stay at home. ⑧A second difference is that, within marriage many decisions are shared.

⑨If a couple has children, the man may take care of them some of the time, all of the time or not at all. ⑩The woman may

want to stay at home or she may want to go to work. ⑪Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage.



)2( )3( )4(句③中,注意时态转换为了一般现在时,并且“couples”为复数形式,意为“夫妻;配偶”。


句⑨中,注意“a couple”中的不定冠词“a”不要漏掉。


In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that

follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.


In this section, you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the

questions that follow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds

to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

1. Why is the trip to Mars a one-way trip?

A. The return trip is too expensive.

B. There is no technology to get people back.

C. People don‘t want to return.

D. The return trip is too risky.

2. According to the man, what is more important for those recruits?

A. Intelligence.

B. Health.

C. Skills. D. Calmness.

3. What is the last part of the conversation about?

A. The kind of people suitable for the trip.

B. Interests and hobbies of the speakers.

C. Recruitment of people for the trip.

D. Preparation for the trip to Mars.


1. B 考点:细节题。对话中女士问男士为什么去往火星的旅行是单程的,男士解释说跟科技(technology)有关,因为现在的科技还不能把人带回来。因此 B 项“科技不能把人带回来”正确。

2. D 考点:细节题。对话中女士问需要招募什么样的人来进行这次旅行时,男士提到有一个因素非常重要,即性格,因此 calmness 为正确答案。其他三个选项均属于招募人选的要求之一,但不是最重要的,因此排除。

3. A 考点:主旨题。对话最后,男士和女士互相询问对方是否适合这次火星之旅,由此可知他们最后讨论的内容为 A 项“适合这种旅行的人”。B、D 两项没有提及,C 项“旅行人员的招募”是对话中间讨论的内容。


M: Hello Jennifer.

W: Hello Callum.

M: Do you like to travel?

W: Oh yes, I love going to new and interesting places.

M: What do you think of the idea of a one-way trip to Mars?

W: You do mean the planet Mars?

M: Well, this is what is being planned at the moment by a company in the Netherlands. They are planning to send

people to Mars and the people who go would never be able to come back to Earth.

W: Sounds like quite a trip!

M: What is interesting about it is that this would be a one-way trip.

W: Why is this a one-way trip?


[1]It‘s about technology. Although we do have the knowledge and technology to get people to Mars, we can‘t get

them back.

W: That's a big commitment, isn‘t it? But I imagine some people will jump at the opportunity. But what kind of person

are they going to recruit for this ―trip of a lifetime‖?

M: They want smart people, which means clever, intelligent people. These people need to be healthy both physically

and mentally. They also need people with very specific skills.

W: I would think so.


[2]And there is something more important.

W: What‘s that?

M: Character. You need to have the right personality.

W: What other characteristics are they looking for?

M: They want people who can still work well when things are bad.

[2]People who are calm in a crisis. So from what

you‘ve heard,

[3]does it sound like a job for you?

W: Absolutely not. I don‘t mind traveling but I think it‘s a bit far for me.

[3]And what about you?

M: No,

[3]it‘s not for me, I have to say. I'm not made of the right stuff.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20

seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

4. What is showrooming?

A. Going to the high street.

B. Visiting everyday shops.

C. Buying things like electrical goods.

D. Visiting shops and buying online.

5. According to the conversation, the man had bought all the following things online EXCEPT . A. shoes

B. CDs

C. camera

D. food

6. According to the conversation, the percentage of people who showroomed while Christmas shopping was

A. 3%

B. 33%

C. 42%

D. 24%

7. One reason for people to showroom is that they .

A. want to know more about pricing.

B. can return the product later

C. want to see the real thing first

D. can bargain for a lower shop price


4. D 考点:细节题。男士问女士是否知道“showrooming”,女士回答说知道,“Customers visit shops to see and test

products before buying them online”,顾客在上网购物前先去商店观看并试用产品。C 项“去商店看,在网上买东西”符合题意。因此选 D 项。

5. A 考点:细节题。男士首先说到在“high street”的商店中,包括鞋店、报亭、超市等等,接着说网络和“high

street”是竞争关系,他自己在网上买“CDs, electrical goods and food”之类的东西。C 项照相机属于“electrical

goods”;鞋子为“high street”商店中销售的东西,所以选 A 项。

6. D 根据原文,男士提到,研究发现,去年圣诞节,有 24%的人“showroomed”,因此选 D 项。

7. C 考点:细节题。男士提到人们去“showroom”有三种原因:缺时间,缺钱,想要放心。接着女士进一步解释,说他们想知道产品是什么样子的。C 项“想首先看看实物”符合原文,为正确答案。原文提到了缺钱, 但是并没有说他们去讨价还价来取得更低的价格,因此 D 项排除。A 项和 B 项文中没有提及,因此排除。

【录音原文】M: Hello Linda.

W: Hello Rob.

M: Happy New Year to you, Linda. The festive season is over—so did all that holiday shopping break the bank?

W: You mean, did I spend too much money? Well, yes I did.

M: Well, did you know about showrooming.

W: Yes.

[4]Customers visit shops to see and test products before buying them online.

M: Yeah, you see technology is changing the way we shop and it could spell disaster—or be very bad for—the high



[5]The high street, you mean those everyday shops that we normally see in our town centers. Things like shoe shops,

newsagents, supermarkets.

M: Yes, the high street is competing with the Internet.

[5]I buy things like CDs, electrical goods and food online.

W: Ah, but have you ever ―showroomed‖ before, Rob?

M: Yes, I showroomed and then bought a camera at a knock-down price online. I‘m not alone in doing this though.

[6]Research found 24% of people ―showroomed‖ while Christmas shopping last year.

W: And a market research company also found one third of consumers around the world said they used this type of


M: Now, although people do it to try and save money, there are other reasons for this too.

W: What are they?

M: Three reasons for people to showroom. They are short on time, short on money, and they want reassurance.

W: Yes,

[7]reassurance—so they want to know what the product really looks like and they want to be confident they are

buying the right thing.

M: I think that‘s true, I like to inspect what I am buying. If you go to a shop and look at the real thing, you get a much

better idea of what it‘s like, but I also want a bargain.

W: We could say we use the Internet to shop around.

. M: That‘s a good phrase, meaning to look around for the best deal.

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given

15seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

8. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. How to avoid clashes of exams.

B. How to schedule exams.

C. How to use the faculty lounge.

D. How to choose the courses.

9. What does the student have to do first in order to take the exams?

A. To choose a date on the draft schedule.

B. To find the information on the bulletin board.

C. To draw up the final schedule.

D. To arrange an invigilator.

10. According to the conversation, the Dean will .

A. sign the sheet in the faculty lounge

B. take care of the bulletin board

C. consult the students

D. finalize the exam schedule


8. B 考点:主旨题。对话开头男士便提出请求“Could you please give me some information about the exam

schedule?”,针对这个问题,女士进行了相关的回答,解释了考试安排表是怎么得来的,学生应该怎么做等等,B 项“如何安排考试”符合对话的主题,为正确答案。A 项“如何避免考试冲突”是考试安排时需要注意的其中一个细节,不属于对话的主题。C 项“如何使用教师休息室”和 D 项“如何选课”听力中没有提到,因此排除。

9. A 考点:细节题。根据女士介绍,学生在考试之前,要在初步安排表(draft schedule)上选择具体一个具体的日期。因此 A 项正确。C 项“草拟最后的安排表”是系主任(the dean)做的,因此排除。D 项“安排一个监考人”是系里要做的,因此排除。原文中提到“there will be a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the

faculty lounge”,学生只需要在上面签下日期即可,B 项“找到公告板上的信息”不符合原文,因此排除。

10. D 考点:细节题。根据听力原文,系主任会收到考生选定的考试日期,然后部署最后的安排(draws up the final schedule)。D 项“确定考试安排”符合原文意思,为正确答案。A 项“在教师休息室的纸上签名”是学生要做的。B 项“保管好公告板”和 C 项“找学生商量”文中均未提及,因此排除。


M: Hi, is that Miss Braithwaite?

W: Yes, speaking.

M: Hello, it is Jim, a freshman from the medical school.

W: Hello, Jim, how can I help you?

M: Could you please

[8]give me some information about the exam schedule?

W: OK. The dates for the first semester are Nov. 11th to 24th. The dates for the second semester are May 17th to 30th.

M: I see. And how long are exams?

W: Exams are normally three-hour long. You must book a room for a three-hour exam in advance. The department will

arrange an invigilator. Early next month, there will be a s ign up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the faculty


[9]You can choose a specific day on the draft schedule.

[10]The Dean then receives it, and then draws up the

final schedule to avoid students having two exams scheduled at the same time.

M: That‘s a good idea. So I just have to sign the sheet in the faulty lounge telling when I want my exam.

W: Yes, it is not at all certain when the exam will be, but it gives the Dean a place to start. He still has to do most of it

manually, consulting his computer to see which students registered in each course have ordered exams. Doing an

exam schedule is quite complex. Quite often, he consults the schedule from the previous year. M: Thank you very much.

W: You are welcome.


In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that


Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to

answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

11. Which of the following cities has the oldest Chinatown in North America?

A. New York.

B. San Francisco.

C. Boston.

D. San Diego.

12. The Chinatown in San Francisco attracts

A. 20,000

B. 100,000

C. 7 million

D. 17 million

13. Where can tourists see the fish markets?

A. In Stockton Street.

B. In Grant Avenue.

C. In Portsmouth Square.

D. In Bush Street.


tourists a year.

11. B 考点:细节题。根据听力短文,加州旧金山的唐人街据说是北美最古老的。因此选 B 项。

12. C 考点:细节题。短文在介绍旧金山唐人街时提到,它每年吸引的游客超过了 700 万,因此选 D 项。B 项

“10 万”是旧金山唐人街的居民数量,A 项“2 万”是其中聚集的中国人和美籍华人的数量,C 项没有提及。

13. A 考点:细节题。根据录音原文,第二个主要的景点是在 Stockton Street,并提到那里有鱼市、商店和餐馆。因此选 A



Chinatowns are common in some US cities. In the mid-19th century, they spread along the west coast from San Diego,

California to Victoria, Br itish Colombia. Today Chinatowns are found in major US cities, New York, Boston, and Chicago,

to name just three.

[11]The Chinatown in San Francisco, California, is said to be the oldest in North America, and the

largest Chinese community outside of Asia. Its estimated population is more than 100,000 residents. About 20,000

Chinese and Chinese Americans are packed into a three-by-eight block rectangle. Chinatown is the most densely populated

neighborhood in the city, and one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in the United States. Few places in

America carry as much history in such a small location in San Francisco's Chinatown. It is the closest thing to China in the


[12]drawing more than 7 million tourists a year to its streets. One major tourist attraction is Grant Avenue. At Grant

Avenue and Bush Street, a pagoda arch spans the intersection, which is the only authentic Chinatown gate in North America.

[13]Another major attraction is Stockton Street, which still presents an authentic Chinese look and feel, with its fish market,

stores and restaurants. A major focal point in Chinatown is Portsmouth Square, known as the heart of Chinatown, where

tourists can see Tai Chi and old men playing Chinese chess.

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to

answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Obesity can damage one‘s health. B. Obesity is a growing problem all over the world.

C. Obesity is directly related to one‘s habit.

D. Obesity has affected both boys and girls.

15. The purpose of the three-year study is to .

A. find out why some children find it difficult to go to sleep

B. learn more about the link between sleep and weight

C. identify the ways parents reduce their kids‘ weight

D. see if there is difference in sleep patterns over the period

16. According to the study, the daily healthy sleep time for the 3rd to 6th graders should be around

A. 8

B. 9

C. 10

D. 11

17. According to the passage, obesity is most likely related to

A. sleep time

B. gender

C. race

D. parents


14. C 考点:细节题。短文开头提到,超重会影健康,对于全世界的孩子和成人,肥胖是一个日益增长的问题, 因此选项

A、B、D 项符合原文,只有 C 项“肥胖与个人习惯直接相关”文中没有提及,因此选 C 项。

15. B 考点:细节题。短文提到,过去的研究表明睡得少与超重有联系,但是科学家对与“睡得少”和“超重” 之间的因果关系并不确定,为了解决这个问题,研究人员调查了三年级孩子的父母,并且在三年以后再对他们回访。由此可知,这项为期三年的调查的目的在于 B 项“进一步了解睡眠与体重之间的关系”。A 项“找到孩子难以入睡的原因”、C 项“确定父母减轻孩子体重的方式”和 D 项“了解这段时期睡眠模式是否存在不同”短文中均未提及,因此排除。

16. B 考点:细节题。短文结尾处提到,在为期三年的研究中,也就是说孩子们从三年级升到了六年级这段期间,孩子们平均每晚睡健康的 9 个小时。因此 B 项为正确答案。

17. A 考点:细节题。短文中提到科学家的研究结果显示,体重与学生的种族、性别、父母是否严格等没有关系,因此排除 B、C、D 三项。文中提到“睡眠似乎是关键因素”,因此选 A 项。


Weighing too much can damage one‘s health, and obesity is a growing problem for both kids and adults around the

world. Sleep might be one answer to the cause of the problem. A new study has found that elementary school students who

slept too little were more likely to gain weight.

[15]Past studies have shown a link between sleeping less and weighing more,

but scientists have had a tough time determining ―which came first, the chicken or the egg‖. In other words, it hasn't

been clear whether kids who weigh too much have trouble sleeping, or whether sleeping less leads to weight gain. Both

cases seemed equally possible.

[15]To get a better idea of which causes which, the researcher interviewed the parents of 785

third graders from around the country. The parents answered questions about how well their kids slept that year. Three years

later, the parents answered the same questions. By the sixth grade, 18 percent of kids involved in the study were fat.

The scientists found no relationship between weight and the students' race or gender. It also didn't matter how strict their

parents were, or whether they were boys or girls. Obesity struck all of these groups equally.

[17]Even so sleep seemed to be

the key factor. Over the 3 years of the study,

[16]the children averaged a healthy 9 hours of sleep a night. Some kids, however,

slept a lot more—or less—than others.



Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to

answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

18. According to a number of students, is the main factor for early-age smoking.

A. gender

B. personality C. environment

D. money

19. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. Very few continue smoking throughout their teenage years.

B. Most early-age smokers soon stop experimenting.

C. Some early-age smokers never go beyond experimenting.

D. Children quickly become regular smokers by carrying cigarettes.

20. All the following are features of smokers EXCEPT .

A. strong peer influence

B. low sense of achievement

C. high sense of rebellion

D. close family relationship


18. C 考点:细节题。短文开头提到,研究发现在成年人或其他孩子吸烟的环境中成长的孩子,有很多在很早时就开始尝试吸烟。因此 C 项“环境”为正确答案。

19. C 考点:细节题。短文中提到“Some go no further than experimenting”,有些人尝试后并没有继续抽。因此 C

项正确。“never go beyond experimenting”是“go no further than experimenting”的同义替换。短文中使用了“some”有些人,因此 B 项“大部分(早期吸烟者很快停止了尝试”与原文不符。原文中提到“in some cases, a

long period goes by before the youngsters return to smoking”,A 项中“很少会在青少年时期继续吸烟”与原文不符,因此排除。录音中提到“regular smoking”是历经的第三个时期,D 项“孩子很快成了身上带烟的正式烟民”与原文不符,因此排除。

20. D 考点:细节题。在介绍吸烟者的模式时,文中提到第二个模式是“低成就感”、第三个模式是“同伴的影响”及最后一种模式“叛逆和独立”,只有 D 项“亲密的家庭关系”录音中未提及,因此选 D 项。


There have been a number of studies on smoking among the young. In general, it has been found that

[18]many of

the children living in an environment in which adults or other children smoke begin experimenting will smoking at a

fairly early age.

[19]Some go no further than experimenting. In some cases, a long period goes by before the youngsters

return to smoking. But for some, there is a fairly rapid progression through three stages. These three stages are: Occasional

smoking, on relatively infrequent special occasions; Two, fairly frequent smoking at the social and other occasions for

smoking increase; And finally, three, regular smoking, usually characterized by carrying cigarettes. Studies on the

characteristics that distinguish smokers from nonsmokers have found four patterns. First, smoking is commoner in children

whose parents smoke and in children who have older brothers or sisters who smoke.

[20]Second is a pattern of low

achievement. Smoking is commoner among children who do less well at school, and set themselves lower goals than among

children who do well in school and set themselves higher goals.

[20]Third is a pattern of peer group influences. Smokers tend

to associate with other smokers. Finally, there is some indication that

[20]smoking for some children is a symbol of

independence and rebellion against the requirements set either by the family or by their peer group.


In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given to answer the


Now, listen to the news.

21. Why were some children offered only fruit and milk for lunch?

A. The school stopped providing school lunch.

B. Their parents failed to pay for school lunch.

C. Some parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.

D. These children chose to have something different

22. How did parents react to the school‘s way of handling the situation?

A. They were upset.

B. They were furious. C. They were surprised.

D. They were sad.


21. B 考点:细节题。新闻提到,犹他州一所小学许多孩子的午餐盘被收走,原因是他们用于支付午餐的账户余额不足(had negative balances),因此学校给他们发了水果和牛奶来替代正常的午餐。由此可知,B 项

“父母未能支付学校的午餐费用”为正确答案。A 项“学校停止提供午餐”、B 项“一些家长更喜欢水果和牛奶当午餐”和 D 项“这些孩子选择要不一样的东西”文中均未提及,因此排除。

22. C 考点:态度题。新闻提到,一位母亲听到女儿对于此事的描述后,感到“blindsided”。blindsided 遭受意

外打击的。因此选 C 项。upset 不安的,心烦的。furious 暴怒的。新闻中提到的“a lot of tears”和“pretty

upsetting”都是母亲描述的她女儿的反应,因此排除 A 项和 D 项。B 项在文中没有提及。


Dozens of children at a Utah elementary school had their lunch trays snatched away from them before they could take

a bite this week. Salt Lake City School District officials said the trays were taken away at Utah Elementary School Tuesday

[21]because some students had negative balances in their accounts used to pay for lunches. But they admit the situation should

have been handled differently.

[21]Instead of regular lunches, the students were given fruit and milk. "We don't ever let kids

go without any food entirely," said Salt Lake City School District spokesman Jason Olsen.

[22]One mother said, she

was ―blindsided‖ when her daughter described what a school district official told her. ―You don't have any money in

your account, so you can‘t get lunch.‖ ―There were a lot of tears,‖ she said, ―and it was pretty upsetting for them.‖ The

district said it started notifying parents about negative account balances Monday. But the mother said she and other parents

were never told about the problem.

Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to

answer the questions.

Now, listen to the news.

23. According to the news, what is the main advantage of the digital key?

A. Guests can pay without going to the front desk.

B. Guests can go direct to their rooms.

C. Guests can check out any time.

D. Guests can make room reservations.

24. The hotel company intends to have the system in

A. 2

B. 3

C. 100

D. 150


of its hotels in the next three months.

23. B 考点:细节题。根据录音对于这款数字钥匙的描述,客人可以跳过前台而直接到自己的房间,因此 B 项“顾客可以直接入住房间”为正确答案。A 项“顾客可以不去前台付款”、C 项“顾客可以随时退房”和

D 项“顾客可以预定房间”文中居委提及,因此排除。

24. A 考点:细节题。录音提到,公司计划未来三个月在其下属的两家美国的酒店安装这种系统,因此选 A 项。


Got a smart phone? Never lose your hotel key, or even have to stop at the registration desk, again. That‘s the vision of

a hotel chain that plans to send digital keys to guests‘ phone via an app instead of making them check in and get the traditional

plastic swipe cards.

[23]Arriving guests could bypass the front desk and go straight to their rooms. Starwood Hotels & Resorts,

which owns more than 1,150 hotels in nearly 100 countries,

[24]plans to install the system in the next three months at two of

its hotels in the U.S.A. If all goes well, the company says it could have the feature in all of its hotels by next year. A

spokeswoman said the app will initially be compatible with recent iPhone models (4S and newer) and newer Android phones.

The app will use Bluetooth technology to unlock the room with a tap.

Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to

answer the questions. QQ群:698062737




Now, listen to the news.

25. According to the court ruling, Shrien Dewani

A. will return to the U.K. for medical treatment.

B. will remain in South Africa for medical treatment.

C. will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit.

D. will be extradited even if he is unfit to stand trial.

26. What was Dewani accused of?

A. Having his wife killed.

B. Killing his wife in the U.K.

C. Being involved in a taxi accident.

D. Hiring a crew of hit men.


25. D 考点:细节题。新闻中提到,法官裁决,即使他最终被证明不适合出庭受审,只要南非政府保证将他遣返回英国的话,Shrien Dewani 可以引渡。因此 D 项“尽管他不适合出庭受审也将被引渡”为正确答案。其他选项新闻中均未提及。

26. A 考点:细节题。新闻结尾提到 Dewani 被控雇用职业杀手杀害妻子,因此 A 项正确。新闻开头提到 Dewani 是在南非度蜜月时雇凶杀害妻子,因 B 项“在英国杀害妻子”错误。C 项文中没有提及。Dewani 被控杀人而非被控雇佣杀手,因此 D 项排除。


A Br itish man accused of planning his wife's murder by hit men while they were honeymooning in South Africa has

lost a High Court appeal to block his extradition there until he is fit to stand trial.

[25]The judges ruled that Shrien Dewani can

be extradited as long as the South African government pledges to return him to the United Kingdom should he ultimately

prove unfit to be tried. Dewani‘s lawyers had urged that he should not be extradited while he was unfit to stand trial. He

is being treated for post traumatic stress disorder and a depressive illness. His legal team can appeal the decision at the

Supreme Court.

[26]Dewani is accused of hiring a crew of hit men to kill his wife, Anni Dewani, during a taxi ride in Cape

Town in November 2010, just over two weeks after their wedding.

Question 27 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the


Now, listen to the news.

27. The U.N. new vote would allow all the following EXCEPT .

A. the use of force by European Union troops

B. the suspension of an existing arms embargo

C. the extension of U.N. peacekeeping mission

D. the ban on travel and freeze of assets


27. B 考点:细节题。新闻提到这次投票不仅决定继续维和任务,而且会授权欧盟军队使用武力(the use of force)并且提到“The 。U.N. peacekeeping mandate in that country now extends through January 31, 2015”,即维和任务延期。因此排除

A、C 项。原文中除了现行的武器禁运外(an existing arms embargo),这次投票还包含禁止出游(banning travel)和冻结参与武装冲突人员的资产(freezing assets)。因此 C 项排除。B 项“现行武器的禁运的暂停”与原文不符,因此选 B 项。


The U.N. Security Council voted Tuesday to not only continue its peacekeepers‘ mission in the tumultuous Central

African Republic but to authorize the use of force by European Union troops there. The U.N. peacekeeping mandate in that

country now extends through January 31, 2015.

[27]The new vote also includes banning travel and freezing assets of some

involved in the conflict, on top of an existing arms embargo. The resolution was adopted unanimously by the 15-member

Security Council.

Question 28 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the

question. QQ群:698062737




Now, listen to the news.

28. What is the news mainly about?

A. Causes of early death in Russia.

B. Behavior of alcoholics.

C. Causes of alcohol poisoning.

D. Number of death over 10 years.


28. A 考点:主旨题。新闻开头的导语提到,研究表明俄国过早死亡人数高主要在于饮酒过量,尤其是伏特加。接着用数据和研究结果进一步说明俄国多数过早死亡与酒精相关。因此 A 项为正确答案。新闻提到,许多人死于酒后斗殴(die

after getting into fights),但是这并非文章主旨,因此排除 B 项“酗酒者的行为”。新闻最后提到研究人员展开长达十多年的追踪,在此期间 8000 人死亡,这属于新闻中一个细节,并非主旨,因此排除。C 项“酒精中毒的原因”文中没有提及,因此排除。


The high number of early deaths in Russia is mainly due to people drinking too much alcohol, particularly vodka,

research suggests. The study, says 25% of Russian men die before they are 55, and most of the deaths are down to alcohol.

The comparable UK f igure is 7%. Causes of death include liver disease and alcohol poisoning. Many also die in accidents

or after getting into fights. Researchers from Russia, the UK and the World Health Organization, tracked the drinking patterns

of 151,000 adults in throe Russian cities over up to 10 years. During that time, 8,000 of them died. The researchers also drew

on previous studies in which families of 49,000 people who had died were asked about their loved ones‘ drinking habits.


Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to

answer the questions.

Now, listen to the news.

29. The total investment in film-making in Britain in 2012 was .

A. £945 million

B. £1.07 billion

C. £500,000

D. £87,000

30. Hollywood studios prefer to make films in Britain because .

A. the UK is a good film location

B. the cast usually comes from Britain

C. Hollywood emphasizes quality

D. production cost can be reduced


29. A 考点:细节题。录音中提到,在英国,电影制作总投资从 2012 年的 9.45 亿英镑增加到 2013 年的 10.7 亿英镑。因此 A 项正确。

30. D 考点:推断题。新闻最后提到,减税(tax reliefs)刺激好莱坞电影公司来英国制作更多的电影,由此可

推知,D 项“制作成本的降低”为正确答案。A 项“英国有很好的电影拍摄场地”、B 项“演员通常来自英国”和 C 项“好莱坞注重质量”录音原文中均为提及,因此排除。


The number of British films being made has declined in the past few years, according to new figures. In 2013,

62 Br itish films with a budget over £500,000 were produced, compared with 87 in 2011, figures from the British Film

Institute (BFI) showed. The number of low-budget films being shot has fallen. The BFI said ―a dip in production should

not be confused with a decline in quality‖, adding that Hollywood studios were spending more in the UK.

[29]The BFI‘s

annual statistics said total investment in film-making in Britain rose from £945 million in 2012 to £1.07 billion in 2013.

This was thanks to Hollywood, studios choosing the UK as the film location.

[30]The BFI said tax reliefs had helped

encourage Hollywood studios to film more productions in the UK.

PART Ⅲ CLOZE [15 MIN] Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passages if inserted in the corresponding blanks.

Mark the best choice for each blank on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

Electricity is such a part of our everyday lives and so much taken for granted now adays (31) we rarely think

twice when we switch on the light or turn on the TV set. At night, roads are brightly lit, enabling people and (32)

to move freely. Neon lighting used in advertising has become part of the (33) of every modern city. In the home,

many (34) devices are powered by electricity. (35) when we turn off the bedside lamp and are (36)

asleep, electricity is working for us, (37) our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. Every day, trains, buses and subways take us to and from work. We rarely (38) to consider why or

how they run—(39) something goes wrong.

In the summer of 1959, something (40) go wrong with the power-plant that provided New York with

electricity. For a great many hours, life came almost to a (41) . Trains refused to move and the people in

them sat in the dark, (42) to do anything; lifts stopped working, so that (43) you were lucky

enough not to be (44)

between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down (45) of stairs. Famous streets

like Broadway and Fifth Avenue in a(n) (46) became as gloomy and uninviting (47) the most remote

back street. People were afraid to leave their houses, (48) although the police had been ordered to (49) in case of

emergency, they were just as confused and (50) as anybody else.

31. A. so

B. as

C. thus

D. that

32. A. car

B. truck

C. traffic

D. pedestrians

33. A. appearance

B. character

C. distinction

D. surface

34. A. labour-saving

B. time-saving

C. energy-saving

D. money-saving

35. A. Only

B. Rarely

C. Even

D. Frequently

36. A. quite

B. fast

C. closely

D. quickly

37. A. moving

B. starting

C. repairing

D. driving

38. A. trouble

B. bother

C. hesitate

D. remember

39. A. when

B. if C. until

D. after

40. A. would

B. did

C. could

D. should

41. A. standstill

B. terminal

C. breakdown

D. pause

42. A. incompetent

B. powerless

C. hesitant

D. helpless

43. A. although

B. when

C. as

D. even if

44. A. locked

B. placed

C. positioned

D. trapped

45. A. steps

B. levels

C. flights

D. floors

46. A. instant

B. time

C. point

D. minute

47. A. like

B. than

C. for

D. as

48. A. for

B. arid

C. but

D. or

49. A. stand aside

B. stand down

C. stand by

D. stand in

50. A. helpless

B. aimless

C. unfocused

D. undecided


31. D 考点:固定搭配题。句意:电是我们日常生活的一部分,我们现在对它已经习以为常,以至于开灯或开电视时很少仔细考虑电的问题。so ... that ...是固定搭配,意为“如此„„以至于„„”,故答案为 D 项。

32. C 考点:词义辨析题。句意:晚上,灯光把马路照亮,使人们和车辆可以自由通行。pedestrian 意为“行人”, 与空格前的“people”词义重复。“car”和“truck”都指具体的车辆类型,含义过于狭窄,与空格处语境不符。traffic 泛指“交通;车辆”,与“people”相对,符合空格处语境,故答案为 C 项。

33. B 考点:词义辨析题。句意:广告中使用的霓虹灯已经成了每个现代化城市的一大特征。appearance 外观;

外表。character 特征;特色。distinction 差别;荣誉。surface 表面。题目所在句子强调的是霓虹灯是现代化城市的特色,故答案为 B 项。

34. A 考点:上下文逻辑题。句意:在家里,很多节省劳动力的设备都是电动的。time-saving 节省时间的。energy-saving 节能的。money-saving 省钱的。labour-saving 节省劳动力的。空格处的后文提到“我们关上台灯熟睡时,电仍在为我们工作„„”,可知电给我们节省了劳动力,此处符合上下文逻辑的只有 A 项。

35. C 考点:上下文逻辑题。句意为:即使当我们关上台灯熟睡时,电仍然在为我们工作„„。only 意为“只有”;rarely 意为“罕有地”;even 意为“即使”;frequently 意为“频繁地;屡次地”。根据句意,此处应选 C 项。

36. B 考点:固定搭配题。fast asleep 为固定搭配,表示“熟睡地;很快入睡地”,故答案为 B 项。quite 意为“非常”;quickly 意为“快速地”;closely 意为“接近地”,均不符合语境,故排除。

37. D 考点:词义辨析题。句意:„„,驱动我们的电冰箱,加热我们的水,调节我们室内的空气。空格处需要填入一个与“refrigerators”搭配的动词。move 意为“移动”。start 意为“启动”。repair 意为“修复”。drive

意为“驱动,让„„运转”。电冰箱是由电驱动的,故选 D 项。

38. B 考点:词义辨析题。句意:我们很少费心去思考它们为什么会运转,如何运转,直到它们出现故障。bother to do sth.意为“费心做某事”;hesitate to do sth.意为“做某事犹豫不决”;remember to do sth.指“记得去做某事”。根据句意可知,答案为 B 项。

39. C 考点:固定搭配题。句意:直到这些交通工具出问题时,我们才会费心思考它们为什么会运转,又如何运转。空格处前面出现了含否定意义的副词“rarely”,该词与“until”搭配,意为“直到„„才„„”,故本题答案为


40. B 考点:强调句。句意:1959 年的夏天,负责给纽约供电的发电厂确实出了问题。该空上文提到,人们只

有在机器出现故障时才会思考它们为什么会运转,该空是在强调这样的状况确实发生过。组动词用于动词前表示对该动作的强调,“do”随人称和时态而变化。因此,B 项符合题意。

41. A 考点:固定搭配题。句意:许多小时过去了,生活几乎停滞不前。come to a standstill 是固定搭配,意为

“停住;停滞不前”。pause 意为“暂停”。terminal 意为“终点”。breakdown 意为“崩溃”。D 项表示短暂的停顿,B、C 项表示的程度过重,故排除。

42. B 考点:词义辨析题。句意:火车无法开动,车厢里的人坐在黑暗中无能为力,什么事也做不了。incompetent 表示“不能胜任的”;powerless 意为“无能的;无力的”;hesitant 意为“犹豫不决的”;helpless 意为“无助的”。该空指的是人们在停电的环境中无能为力,什么事也做不了,因此答案为 B 项。

43. D 考点:上下文逻辑关系题。句意:电梯也停止工作,所以即使你够走运,没被困在两层楼之间,你也得不情愿地走下楼。although 虽然。when 当„„时。as 像„„一样。even if 即使;纵然。空格处表示的是假设性情况,因此应选 D 项。

44. D 考点:词义辨析题。句意:所以即使你够走运,没被困在两层楼之间„„。lock 意为“把„„锁起来”;

place 意为“放置”;position 意为“把„„放在适当的位置”;trap 意为“困住;陷入困境”。根据上下文,此处应选

D 项。

45. C 考点:固定搭配题。句意:„„你也得不情愿地走下楼。a flight of stairs 是固定搭配,表示“(两个楼梯

平台间的)一段楼梯”,故本题答案为 C 项。

46. A 考点:固定搭配题。句意:百老汇、第五大道这样著名的街道也瞬间变得像偏远的巷子一样阴暗,让人畏惧。in an instant 是固定搭配,意为“瞬间;马上”,A 项符合题意。in a minute 意为“立刻;马上”,不符合句意。“time”和“point”与“in a”不构成搭配。

47. D 考点:固定搭配题。句意:„„这样著名的街道也瞬间变得像偏远的巷子一样阴暗,让人畏惧。as ... as ...

为固定搭配,表示“像„„一样”,故答案为 D 项。

48. A 考点:上下文逻辑关系。句意:人们害怕离开自己的房子,因为虽然警察被要求随时待命,防止突发事件,但他们也像其他人一样迷茫,无助。for 表示原因,and 表示并列,but 表示转折,or 表示选择。该处是在解释人们害怕离开房子的原因,故 A 项符合题意。

49. C 考点:固定搭配题。句意:„„虽然警察被要求随时待命,防止突发事件„„。stand aside 意为“不干预;

(重要职位上)退下”。stand down 意为“解除戒备状态;放弃席位”。stand by 意为“做好准备,待命”。

stand in 意为“站立于;代替”。空格处要表示的是指警察处于待命状态,故本题答案为 C 项。 50. A 考点:词义辨析题。句意:„„但他们也像其他人一样迷茫,无助„„。aimless 意为“漫无目的的”;helpless意为“无助的”;unfocused 意为“(目光)呆滞的,茫然的”;undecided 意为“尚未决定的”。空格上文提到停电后,人们无能为力,害怕离开自己的房子,由此可知人们此时应该是无助的,此处应选 A 项。



1959 年的夏天,负责给纽约供电的发电厂确实出了问题。许多小时过去了,生活几乎停滞了。车无法开动, 车厢里的人坐在黑暗中无能为力,什么事也做不了。电梯也停止工作,所以即使你够走运,没被困在两层楼之间, 你也得不情愿地走下楼。百老汇、第五大道这些著名的街道也瞬间变得像偏远的巷子一样阴暗,让人畏惧。人们害怕离开自己的房子,因为虽然警察被要求随时待命,防止突发事件,但他们也像其他人一样迷茫,无助。


There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or

statements marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence.

Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

51. When you have finished with that book, don‘t forget to put it back on the shelf, ?

A. don‘t you

B. do you

C. will you

D. won‘t you


【解析】考点:反意疑问句。句意:你把那本书看完后不要忘记把它放回架子上,好吗?当陈述部分是祈使句时, 反意疑问部分用“will you”“won‘t you”或“would you”;陈述部分若表否定,反意疑问部分则用肯定;反之亦然。因此,本题答案选择 C


52. Mary is hardworking than her sister, but she failed in the exam.

A. no less

B. no more

C. not less

D. no so


【解析】考点:固定句型。句意:Mary 虽然和她姐姐一样努力,但她没有通过这次考试。no less than 不亚于„„。no more

than 不如„„。not less than 没有比„„更少;至少与„„一样。not so 不„„。由题干中的 but 可知, 本题应选 A

项,表示“Mary 和她的姐姐一样努力”。

53. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. Only one out of six were present at the meeting.

B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register.

C. Either my sister or my brother is coming.

D. Five miles seem like a long walk to me.


【解析】考点:主谓一致。在英语中,当主语为表示度量、时间、金钱、距离等复数名词,一般根据意义一致的原则,把这些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语动词采取单数,因此 C 项表述正确,D 项表述错误,其谓语部分应用“seems”。A 项的主语“one out of six”中,“one”不属于特指,因此谓语动词 were 使用就近原则,和“out of”后面的“six”保持一致,因此 A 项表述正确。C 项符合就近原则,也正确。故本题应选 D 项。

54. Which of the underlined parts expresses a future tense? A. My friend teaches chemistry in a school.

B. I‘ll give it to you after I return.

C. What is the matter with you?

D. London stands on the River Thames.


【解析】考点:一般将来时。题目要求选出划线部分表示将来时态的选项。A、C、D 三项的划线部分均表示的是一般现在时。由 B 项中的“will”可知,“return”这一动作还没有发生,为将来时,故本题选 B 项。

55. It is not so much the language

A. but

B. nor

C. like

D. as


【解析】考点:固定句型。句意:与其说是语言还不如说是文化背景让电影难懂。not so much ... as ...与其说„„ 不如说„„。本题应选 D 项。

the cultural background that makes the film difficult to understand.

56. There is no doubt

A. why

B. that

C. whether

D. when


the committee has made the right decision on the housing project.

【解析】考点:宾语从句。句意:毫无疑问,委员会已经制定了正确的住房政策。there is no doubt that 为固定句型,表示“毫无疑问”。

57. All the President’s Men

A. remains

B. remained

C. remain

D. is remaining


one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.

【解析】考点:主从复合句时态一致。句意:《总统班底》对于研究水门事件的学者来说仍然是重要的书本之一。由从句中的“study”可知空格处应用一般现在时,“All the President‘s Men”是一本书的名称,因此谓语动词应用单数形式,故本题应选 A 项。

58. If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he able to advise you much better than I can.

A. will be

B. was

C. would be

D. were


【解析】虚拟语气。句意:如果你向你的律师解释你的情况,他将给你更好的建议。由从句中的“explained”可知本句是 if 引导的虚拟语气其从句的谓语用过去式,主句谓语用“should/ would/ could/ might+动词原形”。因此本题应该选

C 项。

59. Which of the following is a stative verb(静态动词)?

A. Drink.

B. Close. C. Rain. D. Belong.


【解析】考点:静态动词。本题要求选出静态动词。动态动词主要指动作动词,而静态动词则表示一种静止状态, 包括“存在”和“拥有”的动词,表示度量的动词,以及表示五官感觉和表示心理状态的动词。本题应选 D 项。

60. Which of the following underlined parts indicates a subject-verb relation?

A. The man has a large family to support.

B. She had no wish to quarrel with her brother.

C. He was the last guest to leave.

D. Mary needs a friend to talk to.


【解析】考点:主谓关系。本题要求选出划线部分暗示主谓关系的选项。A 项中,“support”和“family”、B 项中,“quarrel with”和“her brother”、D 项中,“talk to”和“a friend”均为动宾关系。选项 C 中,“guest”和“leave”为主谓关系,因此选 C 项。

61. The following are all correct responses to ―Who told the news to the teacher?‖ EXCEPT

A. Bob did this

B. Bob did so

C. Bob did that

D. Bob did



【解析】考点:特殊疑问句。本题要求选出不能回答该问句的选项。在回答这个问题时,为了避免“told the news to the

teacher”这一动作的重复,可以使用“did so”“did that”或“did it”来替代,或者直接使用助动词“did”因此 B、C、D 。三项的表述都是正确的。A 项中,“this”通常用来指代下文,不符合语境,因此选 A 项。

62. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. Another two girls.

B. Few words.

C. This work.

D. A bit of flowers.


【解析】考点:修饰名词的量词。a bit of 修饰不可数名词,flower 为可数名词。故 D 项错误。本题应选 D 项。

63. Which of the following underlined words does NOT indicate willingness?

A. What will you do when you graduate?

B. They will be home by now.

C. Who will go with me?

D. Why will you go there alone?


【解析】考点:将来时。本题要求选出划线部分不表示意愿的选项。B 项中,“will”表示一般将来时,而其他三项中的“will”均有“愿意,想要”之意。故本题应选 B 项。

64. When one has good health,

A. you

B. she

C. he

D. we


should feel fortunate.

【解析】考点:人称代词。句意:当一个人有了健康,他就应该感到幸运。one 作人称代词可以笼统地指任何人、某一伙人中的一个人或说话人。当它位于句首时,后面可用代词“he”替代。故本题选 C 项。

65. There nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.

A. to be

B. to have been

C. be

D. being


【解析】考点:固定句型。句意:由于没什么可讨论的了,会议半个小时前就结束了。“there being”为“there be” 的分词独立主格结构,在句中用作状语,因此 D 项为正确答案。

66. Two of her brothers were during the Second World War.

A. called up

B. called on

C. called for

D. called out


【解析】考点:短语辨析。句意:她的两个哥哥在二战时期征入伍了。call up(陆、海、空军)征召„„入伍。call

on 拜访(某人);要求。call for 去接(某人);去取(某物)。call out 唤起;召集。符合题意的只有 A 项。

67. Bottles from this region sell at about $50 a case.

A. entirely

B. totally

C. wholesale

D. together


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:这个地区的酒批发价是 50 美元一箱。wholesale 表示“大量地;大批地”。

68. The product contains no colours, flavours, or preservatives.

A. fake

B. artificial

C. false

D. wrong


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:该产品不含任何人工色素,味道添加剂和防腐剂。fake 假的,冒充的。artificial 人造的;人工的。false 虚伪的;非法的。wrong 有毛病的;错误的。符合题意的是 B 项。

69. Davis accepted the defeat in the semi-final with good grace. The underlined part is closest in meaning to .

A. cheerfully

B. wholeheartedly

C. politely

D. quietly


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:戴维斯在半决赛中欣然地接受了失败。with good grace 意为“欣然地”,强调的是以一种“willingly”和“cheerfully”的态度。cheerfully 欢乐地,愉快地,符合题意,因此正确。wholeheartedly 全心全意地,全神贯注地。politely 有礼貌地;委婉地。quietly 平静地;静止地。

70. and business leaders were delighted at the decision to hold the national motor fair in the city.

A. Civil

B. Civilized

C. Civilian D. Civic


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:在这个城市举办全国汽车展,百姓和商界领袖对此都很高兴。civil 意为“公民的,市民的”。civilized 意为“文明的”。civilian 意为“平民;百姓”。civic 意为“城市的;公民的”。“civic”与“business”并列修饰“leaders”做主语。civic leaders 市领导,因此本题应选 D 项。

71. The city council is planning a huge road-building programme to ease congestion. The underlined part means .

A. calm

B. relieve

C. comfort

D. still



calm 使安静;使冷静。relieve 解除;缓解。comfort 安慰。still(使某物)平静下来。ease 意为“减缓”,本题应选 B 项。


His unfortunate appearance was offset by an attractive personality. The underlined part means all the following


A. improved

B. made up for

C. balanced

D. compensated for


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:他丑陋的外表被他迷人的性格抵消了。improve 提升。make up for 弥补„„。

balance 使„„保持平衡。compensate for 弥补„„。offset 抵消;补偿。因此本题应选 A 项。

73. The doctor said that the gash in his cheek required ten stitches. The underlined part means .

A. lump

B. depression

C. swelling

D. cut


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:医生说他脸颊上的伤口需要缝合。划线部分的意思是伤口。lump 肿块。depression 沮丧;衰弱。swelling 肿胀。cut 切口。gash 深长的切口(或伤口),与之同义的只有 D 项。

74. During the economic crisis, they had to cut back production and workers.

A. lay off

B. lay into

C. lay down

D. lay aside


【解析】考点:短语辨析。句意:在经济危机期间,他们不得不减少产量,解雇工人。lay off 暂时解雇;裁员。

lay into 责备;攻击。lay down 放下。lay aside 放弃(某种习惯);积蓄(金钱)。本题应选 A 项。

75. The university consistently receives a high for the quality of its teaching and research.

A. standard

B. evaluation

C. rating

D. comment

【答案】C 【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:这所大学凭借高质量的教学和研究而获得很高的评级。standard 标准;规格。evaluation 评估;评价。rating 评级;定级。comment 评论;注释。comment 一般与 on 搭配,表示“对„„做出评论”。evaluation 强调的是评价的动作,而不是结果,因此 B、D 项均不符合题意,因此选 C 项。

76. To mark its one hundredth anniversary, the university held a series of activities including conferences, film shows,

etc. The underlined part means .

A. signify

B. celebrate

C. symbolize

D. suggest


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:为了庆祝 100 周年校庆,这所大学举办了一系列活动,包括:会议、电影展等等。signify

意味;预示。celebrate 庆祝;祝贺。象征;用符号表现。suggest 建议,提议。题干中,“mark”意为 “庆祝”,因此本题应选 B 项。

77. His fertile mind keeps turning out new ideas. The underlined part means .

A. abundant

B. unbelievable

C. productive

D. generative


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:他那富有创意的大脑常常想出新点子。abundant 大量的,充足的。unbelievable 可相信的;站不住脚的。productive 生产性的;多产的;具有创造性的。generative 有生产力的;生殖的。fertile 富有创造力的,有创意的,选项 C 中与之意义相近。

78. The local newspaper has a of 100,000 copies a day.

A. spread

B. circulation

C. motion

D. flow


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:这家本地报纸一天发现 10 万份。spread 作名词时,意为“范围;(报纸的)篇幅”。circulation 意为“(报纸、杂志的)发行量,销售量”。motion 意为“运动;手势”。flow 意为“流动;滔滔不绝”。符合题意的只有 B 项。

79. These issues were discussed at length during the meeting. The underlined part means .

A. eventually

B. subsequently

C. lastly

D. fully


【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:这个问题将在会议上详细讨论。eventually 终于,最后。subsequently 随后,接着。lastly 最后。fully 充分地;完全地。at length 意为“充分地;详尽地”,故本题应选 D 项。

80. A couple of young people were giving out leaflets in front of the department store. The underlined part means .

A. distributing

B. handling

C. dividing

D. arranging

【答案】A 【解析】考点:词义辨析。句意:几个年轻人在百货商店门口分发传单。distribute 分发;分配。handle 处理。divide

划分;分离。arrange 把„„分类;整理。give out 在题干中意为“分发;公布”。故本题应选 A 项。


In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested

answers marked A., B., C. and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.

Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.


Inundated by more information than we can possibly hold in our heads, we‘re increasingly handing off the job of

remembering to search engines and smart phones. Google is even reportedly working on eyeglasses that could one day

recognize faces and supply details about whoever you‘re looking at. But new research shows that outsourcing our

memory—and expecting that information will be continually and instantaneously available--is changing our cognitive


Research conducted by Betsy Sparrow, an assistant professor of psychology at Columbia University, has identified

three new realities about how we process information in the Internet age. First, her experiments showed that when we don‘t

know the answer to a question, we now think about where we can find the nearest Web connection instead of the subject

of the question itself. A second revelation is that when we expect to be able to find information again later on, we don‘t

remember it as well as when we think it might become unavailable. And then there is the researchers‘ final observation:

the expectation that we‘ll be able to locate information down the line leads us to form a memory not of the fact itself but

of where we‘ll be able to find it.

But this handoff comes with a downside. Skills like critical thinking and analysis must develop in the context of facts;

we need something to think and reason about, after all. And these facts can‘t be Googled as we go; they need to be stored

in the original hard drive, our long-term memory. Especially in the case of children, ―factual knowledge must

precede skill,‖ says Daniel Willingham, a professor of psychology, at the University of Virginia--meaning that the days

of drilling the multiplication table and memorizing the names of the Presidents aren‘t over quite yet. Adults, too, need to

recruit a supply of stored knowledge in order to situate and evaluate new information they encounter. You can‘t Google


Last, there‘s the possibility, increasingly terrifying to contemplate, that our machines will fail us. As Sparrow puts it,

the experience of losing our Internet connection becomes more and more like los ing a friend." If you‘re going to keep

your memory on your smart phone, better make sure it‘s fully charged.

81. Google‘s eyeglasses are supposed to .

A. improve our memory

B. function like memory

C. help us see faces better

D. work like smart phones

82. According to the passage, ―cognitive habits‖ refers to .

A. how we deal with information

B. functions of human memory

C. the amount of information

D. the availability of information

83. Which of the following statements about Sparrow‘s research is CORRECT?

A. We remember people and things as much as before.

B. We remember more Internet connections than before.

C. We pay equal attention to location and content of information.

D. We tend to remember location rather than the core of facts.

84. What does the author mean by ―context‖?

A. It refers to long-term memory.

B. It refers to a new situation.

C. It refers to a store of knowledge.

D. It refers to the search engine. 85. What is the implied message of the author?

A. Web connections aid our memory.

B. People differ in what to remember.

C. People keep memory on smart phones.

D. People need to exercise their memory.




81. B 推断题。文章第一段第二句提到“Google is even reportedly working on eyeglasses that could one day recognize faces

and supply details about whoever you‘re looking at”,谷歌正在研发的眼镜可以识别人脸,并且提供眼镜佩戴者正在看着的人的信息。因此,可以推测出谷歌眼镜的功能就像人的记忆一样,故本题选B 项。

82. A 推断题。“cognitive habits”的字面意思是“认知习惯”,该词组出现在第一段的最后一句。文章第二段开

始便提到哥伦比亚大学的心理学副教授 Betsy Sparrow 所做的研究,她发现了网络时代我们处理信息时的三个现象,可以推测第二段的内容是对第一段“改变了我们的认知习惯”的具体解释,即说明我们在网络时代是如何处理信息的。本题应选 A 项。

83. D 事实细节题。原文第二段提到 Sparrow 得出的三大研究发现。第一,当我们不知道某个问题的答案时, 我们思考的是哪里可以找到最相近的网络连接,而不是问题本身。第二,当我们估计以后还能再找到某种信息时,我们便不记信息了。最后,当我们预计到可以追踪到某个信息时,我们会记住并能找到该信息的地址,而不是信息本身。因此 D 项正确,C 项错误。A、B 项不是关于 Sparrow 研究的论述。

84. C 推断题。题干中的“context”出现在原文第三段的最后一句。该句前面的内容提到,弗吉利亚的心理学教授 Willingham 认为对孩子来说“事实性知识要先于记忆”,随即原文表示对于成人也是如此,“需要储存一定量的知识,以便定位并评估他们遇到的新的信息。”,由此可以推测作者提到的“context”指的是 “知识库”。

85. D 推断题。文章最后一段提到,我们的工具可能会失误,并指出“如果你将依赖手机来记忆,那么你最好确保它充满了电。”可见作者并不赞同依赖设备来记忆。A、C 项与原文不符。结合倒数第二段提到的知识储存的重要性,可知作者认为人们应该加强自身的记忆力,D 项正确。B 项属于无中生有。



哥伦比亚大学心理学副教授 Betsy Sparrow 的研究验证了我们在互联网时代的信息处理方式的三项事实。首先,她的实验显示:当我们不知道一个问题的答案时,会想着去寻找与其最相近的网站链接而不是问题本身。第二项发现就是当我们估计稍后还能够再次找到某个信息时,我们对于该信息的记忆就会不如当我们认为自己可能不会再找不到它时那么好。研究者们最后一项发现就是:当我们预计到可以追踪到某个信息时,我们会记住能找到信息的地址,而不是信息本身。

但是这种交替也是有缺点的。批判性思维与批判性分析等技巧只有在事实环境下才能得到发展:毕竟我们需要能够去思考和推理的事物。而且随着时间流逝我们就不能再搜索到这些事实,我们需要把它们保存在“原始硬盘”——长期记忆里面。对于孩子们来说尤为如此,弗吉尼亚大学心理学教授 Daniel Willingham 说:“事实性知识是技能的前提”,这意味着乘法表训练和背诵总统名还远未结束。同样,成年人也需要补充知识储备以便储存和评估新信息。周围的新局势也是不能被搜索到的。

最后一点,也是越来越令人担忧的一点,就是我们使用的设备有可能会失灵。正如 Sparrow 所说:“失去网络越来越像失去朋友”,如果你要把你的记忆存在手机里,最好先保证它电量充足。


①inundate v. 淹没

②cognitive adj. 认知的;认识的

③revelation n. 显示;被揭露的事

④handoff n. [美橄]手递手传球

⑤downside n. 底侧;下降趋势

⑥factual adj. 事实的;实际的 ⑦contemplate v. 凝视;沉思

⑧outsourcing n. 外购;外部采办


I was a second-year medical student at the university, and was on my second day of rounds at a nearby hospital. My

university‘s philosophy was to get students seeing patients early in their education. Nice idea, but it overlooked one detail:

second-year students know next to nothing about medicine.

Assigned to my team that day was an attending—a senior faculty member who was there mostly to make patients

feel they weren‘t in the hands of amateurs. Many attendings were researchers who didn‘t have much recent hospital

experience. Mine was actually an arthritis specialist. Also along was a resident (the real boss, with a staggering mastery

of medicine, at least to a rookie like myself). In addition, there were two interns(住院实习医生). These guys were just as

green as I was, but in a scarier way: they had recently graduated from the medical school, so they were technically MDs.

I began the day at 6:30 am. An intern and I did a quick check of our eight patients; later, we were to present our

findings to the resident and then to the attending. I had three patients and the intern had the other five--piece of cake.

But when I arrived in the room of 71-year-old Mr. Adams, he was sitting up in bed, sweating heavily and panting( 喘

气 ). He‘d just had a hip operation and looked terrible. I listened to his lungs with my stethoscope, but they sounded clear.

Next I checked the log of his vital signs and saw that his respiration and heart rate had been climbing, but his temperature

was steady. It didn‘t seem like heart failure, nor did it appear to be pneumonia. So I asked Mr. Adams what he thought

was going on.

―It‘s really hot in here, Doc,‖ he replied.

So I attributed his condition to the stuffy room and told him the rest of the team would return in a few hours. He

smiled and feebly waved goodbye.

At 8:40 am, during our team meeting, "Code Blue Room 307!" blared from the loudspeaker. I froze.

That was Mr. Adams‘s room.

When we arrived, he was motionless.

The autopsy(尸体解剖) later found Mr. Adams had suffered a massive pulmonary embolism( 肺部栓塞). A blood

clot had formed in his leg, worked its way to his lungs, and cut his breathing capacity in half. His symptoms had been

textbook: heavy perspiration and shortness of breath despite clear lungs. The only thing was: I hadn‘t read that chapter in

the textbook yet. And I was too scared, insecure, and proud to ask a real doctor for help.

This mistake has haunted me for nearly 30 years, but what‘s particularly frustrating is that the same medical education

system persists. Who know how many people have died or suffered harm at the hands of students as naive as I, and how

many more will?

86. Why was the author doing rounds in a hospital?

A. He himself wanted to have practice.

B. Students of all majors had to do so.

C. It was part of his medical training.

D. He was on a research team.

87. We learn that the author‘s team members had .

A. much practical experience

B. adequate knowledge

C. long been working there

D. some professional deficiency

88. While the author was examining Mr. Adams, all the following symptoms caught his attention EXCEPT .

A. moving difficulty

B. steady temperature

C. faster heart rate

D. breathing problem

89. ―His symptoms had been textbook‖ means that his symptoms were

A. part of the textbook.

B. no longer in the textbook. C. recently included in the textbook.

D. explained in the textbook.

90. At the end of the passage, the author expresses

A. optimism

B. hesitation

C. concern

D. support


about the medical education system.



.68C 事实细节题。文章第一段提到“My university‘s philosophy was to get students seeing patients early in their

education”,我们学校的哲学是让学生在受教育的早期便接触病人。由此可知他在医院巡视是因为学校的要求,即是他医疗培训的一部分。故本题应选 C 项。A 项在文中没有提及,可排除。在医院巡视的是医疗专业的学生,并不是所有专业的学生都必须参加,B 项错误。参加研究小组是医院巡视的实践形式, 不是巡视的原因,D 项排除。

.78D 事实细节题。文章第二段作者在介绍其组员时,用了“amateurs, didn‘t have much recent hospital experience, rookie,

as green as I was”这样的表达,显然,作者的组员都是没有经验的新手,由此可排除 A、C 项。D 项“缺乏专业性”是对文中这类表述的总结,符合原文内容,故本题应选 D 项。文中没有提到他们有丰富的知识,B 项应排除。

A 事实细节题。原文第四段提到当作者去查看 Adams 先生的时候发现他“sweating heavily and panting; his

respiration and heart rate had been climbing, but his temperature was steady”,可见作者注意到了 Adams 先生出汗严重,喘气,呼吸和心率上升,体温稳定,因此 B、C、D 项可以排除。A 项“行动困难”不是作者注意到的症状,故本题选 A 项。

D 推断题。该句出现在原文的倒数第二段“His symptom had been textbook: heavy perspiration and shortness of

breath despite clear lungs”句中冒号后面的内容是对前面内容的说明,表示 Adams 出现的症状在教科书里 .09有过描述,因此符合题意的是 D 项。

C 推断题。文章最后一段作者提到“但特别让人沮丧的是同样的医疗教育体系仍然会持续,谁知道有多少


.8 .98【全文翻译】




实习在早上 6:30 开始,我和一名住院实习医生对 8 位病人作了快速检查。之后我们将要把检查结果呈交给住院医师和主治医师,我负责其中三位,住院实习医生负责其余五位——这很简单。

但当我来到 71 岁的亚当先生的房间时,他正坐在床上,汗流浃背,喘着气。他才刚接受了一个髋关节手术, 看起来很糟糕。我用听诊器检查他的肺部时,他的肺能发出清楚的声音。然后我查阅了他的病情日志,发现呼吸和心率都在升高,但是体温很稳定。这看起来不像是心率衰竭或是急性肺炎。所以我问他觉得是哪里不对劲。



当我们在 8:40 开小组会议时,扬声器里传来了广播声:“紧急呼叫,307 号房间”。我呆住了。



事后的尸体解剖查出亚当先生患了大规模肺部栓塞。从他腿部形成的血块一直延伸到了肺,阻碍了他一半的呼吸能力。他的症状就像教科书里说的那样:大量出汗,呼吸急促,但是肺部正常。但我恰好没有在教科书里读 过这一章节。由于我当时太害怕,没把握,过于自满,就没向医生求助。

这个错误困扰了我将近 30 年,但更令人担忧的是这种医学教育系统仍在继续。谁知道在过去有多少人在我这样稚嫩的学生手中死去、受到伤害,而以后又会有多少呢?


①faculty n. 才能,本领;全体教员

②amateur n. 业余爱好者

③mastery n. 掌握

④rookie n. 新手

⑤respiration n. 呼吸,呼吸作用

⑥feebly adv. 柔弱地,微弱地

⑦perspiration n. 排汗

⑧motionless adj. 不动的,静止的


The war on smoking, now five decades old and counting, is one of the nation‘s greatest public health success stories—but not for everyone.

As a whole, the country has made amazing progress. In 1964, four in ten adults in the US smoked; today fewer than

two in ten do. But some states--Kentucky, South Dakota and Alabama, to name just a few—seem to have missed the

message that smoking is deadly.

Their failure is the greatest disappointment in an effort to save lives that was started on Jan.11, 1964, by the first

Surgeon General‘s Report on Smoking and Health. Its finding that smoking is a cause of lung cancer and other diseases was

major news then. The hazards of smoking were just starting to emerge.

The report led to cigarette warning labels, a ban on TV ads and eventually an anti-smoking movement that shifted

the nation‘s attitude on smoking. Then, smokers were cool. Today, many are outcasts, rejected by restaurants, bars, public

buildings and even their own workplaces. Millions of lives have been saved.

The formula for success is no longer guesswork: Adopt tough warning labels, air public service ads, fund smoking

cessation programs and impose smoke-free laws. But the surest way to prevent smoking, particularly among price-sensitive teens, is to raise taxes. If you can stop them from smoking, you‘ve won the war. Few people start smoking

after turning real-life evidence of taxing power is powerful. The 10 states with the lowest adult smoking rates slap

an average tax of $ 2.42 on every pack--three times the average tax in the states with the highest smoking rates. New

York has the highest cigarette tax in the country, at $ 4.35 per pack, and just 12 percent of teens smoke---far below the

national average of 18 percent. Compare that with Kentucky, where taxes are low (60 cents), smoking restrictions are

weak and the teen smoking rate is double New York‘s. Other low -tax states have similarly dismal records.

Enemies of high tobacco taxes cling to the tired arguments that they fall disproportionately on the poor. True, but so

do the deadly effects of smoking--far worse than a tax. The effect of the taxes is amplified further when the revenue is used

to fund initiatives that help smokers quit or persuade teens not to start.

Anti-smoking forces have plenty to celebrate this week, having helped avoid 8 million premature deaths in the past

50 years. But as long as 3,000 adolescents and teens take their first puff each day, the war is not won.

What does ―counting‖ mean in the context? .19A. Continuing.

B. Including.

C. Calculating.

D. Relying on.

According to the context. "Their failure" refers to .29.

A. those adults who continue to smoke

B. those states that missed the message

C. findings of the report

D. hazards of smoking

The following are all efforts that led to the change of attitude on smoking EXCEPT .39A. rejection by the public

. B. cigarette warning labels

C. anti-smoking campaigns

D. anti-smoking legislation

According to the author, raising tax on cigarettes .49A. is unfair to the poor

B. is an effective measure

C. increases public revenue

D. fails to solve the problem

What is the passage mainly about? .59A. How to stage anti-smoking campaigns.

B. The effects of the report on smoking had health.

C. Tax as the surest path to cut smoking.

D. The efforts to cut down on teenage smoking.





91. A 推断题。“counting”出现在文章第一段的第一句“The war on smoking, now five decades old and counting”

该句表达的是“关于吸烟的战争现在已经开展五十年了,并且仍在继续”,强调了这场战争持续的时间,四个选项中只有 A 项能与“five decades old”一起表示时间的持续。因此本题应选 A 项。

92. B 推断题。“Their failure”出现在第二段段首,因此应在第一段中寻找相关的说明。第一段最后一句提到肯塔基州、南达科塔州和阿拉巴马州等似乎都错过了吸烟致命的消息。可见“Their failure”指的是“错过了这条消息的那些州”,本题应选 B 项。

93. A 由原文第五段中的“Adopt tough warning labels, air public service ads, fund smoking cessation programs and

impose smoke-free laws”可知,B、C、D 项都是反吸烟斗争取得成功的原因,也就是导致人们对待吸烟的态度有了转变的原因。A 项是反吸烟运动的结果,并不是人们态度转变的原因,故错误,本题应选 A


94. B 事实细节题。原文第四段提到“But the surest way to prevent smoking, ... is to raise taxes ”,但是最能阻止吸烟的方式是提税,随即作者对比了青少年抽烟率最低的 10 个州的烟税和抽烟率高的肯塔基州的烟税,对比强调了烟税对于阻止抽烟的作用。本题应选 B 项,同时排除 D 项。A 项是反对者们的意见,不是作者的看法。C 项在文中没有明确提及,应排除。

95. C 主旨大意题。文章开头便提到“反吸烟战斗”,在介绍了反吸烟战斗的开端及采取的一些措施后,强调“但

是防止吸烟最有效的方法„„就是提高税率。”接着文章重点分析了征税在“反吸烟战斗”中的作用和引起的相关争议等等。因此可知,本文的主题在于税收和反吸烟战斗,所以选 C 项。D 项具有迷惑性,文章在解释税收在“反吸烟战斗”中的作用时提到,由于青年人对价格敏感,所以征税措施在减少青少年吸烟方面比较有效,并且提到由于很少有人在 19 岁以后才开始吸烟,所以征税通过防止青少年吸烟而在整个“反吸烟战斗”取得重要成功,但是这并不能概括全文,因此 D 项排除。



整体而言,美国取得了惊人的进步。在 1964 年,美国有 40%的成年人抽烟;而现在只有 20%。但是一些州


这些州的失败是第一份《卫生署吸烟与健康报告》1964 年 1 月 11 日所发起的为拯救人们生命所作努力中最令人失望的事。吸烟会导致肺癌和其他疾病的发现在当时还是一项重大新闻。吸烟的危害那时才开始显现。



. 么反吸烟战斗就取得了胜利。很少有人会在 19 岁以后开始抽烟。

现实证据说明征税的作用是很强大的。成年人吸烟率最低的 10 个州平均对每包烟收了 2.42 美元的税——比吸烟率最高的州所收的税要高三倍。

纽约州的香烟税是每包 4.35 美元,为全国最高。而在这里只有 12%的青少年吸烟——比全国 18%的平均水平低得反对高香烟税的人坚持大部分香烟税都在对穷人征收的这一陈旧论点。这是事实,但穷人也承受吸烟的致命危害——多这比香烟税更严重。通过把香烟税收入用来资助帮助吸烟者戒烟和防止青少年抽烟的行动,税收的作用得以增强。

但只要每天有 3000 名青少年在。反吸烟者这周可以大举庆祝,他们在过去 50 年内帮助防止了 800 万人过早死亡。抽自己的第一包烟,这场战争就还未结束。


之①相hazard n. 冒险;危险

②比outcast n. 被驱逐者,流浪者

③formula n. 公式,规则

,④肯guesswork n. 臆测,猜测

⑤restriction n. 限制,约束

塔⑥dismal adj. 阴沉的,凄凉的

基⑦州amplify vt. 放大,增强

⑧premature adj. 未成熟的,太早的


税Attachment Parenting is not Indulgent Parenting. Attachment parents do not "spoil" their children. Spoiling is done

when a child is given everything that they want regardless of what they need and regardless of what is practical. Indulgent

很烟parents give toys for tantrums( 发 脾 气 ), ice cream for breakfast. Attachment parents don‘t give their children everything

低that they want; they give their children everything that they need. Attachment parents believe that love and comfort are free

(and necessary. Not sweets or toys.

60Attachment Parenting is not "afraid of tears" parenting. Our kids cry. The difference is that we understand that tantrums

and tears come from emotions and not manipulation. And our children understand this too. They cry and have tantrums

美sometimes, of course. But they do this because their emotions are so overwhelming that they need to get it out. They do not

分expect to be ―rewarded‖ for their strong negative emotions; they simply expect that we will listen. We pick up our babies


when they cry, and we respond to the tears of our older children because we believe f irmly that comfort is free, love is free,

and that when a child has need for comfort and love, it is our job to provide those things. We are not afraid of tears. We

don‘t avoid them. We hold our children through them and teach them that when they are hurt or frustrated we are here to

comfort them and help them work through their emotions.

Attachment Parenting is not Clingy Parenting, I do not cling to my children. In fact, I‘m pretty free-range. As soon

as they can move they usually move away from me and let me set up a chase as they crawl, run, skip and hop on their merry

way to explore the world. Sure, I carry them and hug them and chase them and kiss them and rock them and sleep with

them. But this is not me following them everywhere and pulling them back to me. This is me being a home base.

The ―attachment‖ comes from their being allowed to attach to us, not from us attaching to them like parental leeches.

Attachment Parenting is not Selfish Parenting. It is also not selfless parenting. We are not doing it for us, and we are

not doing it to torment ourselves.

Attachment Parenting is not Helicopter Parenting. I don‘t hover, I supervise. I follow. I teach, I demonstrate, I

explain. I don‘t slap curious hands away. I show how to do things safely. I let my child do the things that my child wishes to

do, first with help and then with supervision and finally with trust. I don‘t insist that my 23 month old hold my hand when

we walk on the sidewalk because I know that I can recall him with my voice because he trusts me to allow him to explore

and he trusts me to explain when something is dangerous and to help him satisfy his curiosities safely.

Most of the negative things that I hear about "attachment parents" are completely, off-base and describe something

that is entirely unlike Attachment Parenting. Attachment Parenting is child-centric and focuses the needs of the child.

Children need structure, rules, and boundaries. Attachment Parents simply believe that the child and the parent are allies, not adversaries, and that children are taught, not trained.

96. What makes attachment parents different from indulgent parents is that they

A. show more love to their children

B. think love is more important

C. prefer both love and toys in parenting

D. dislike ice cream or sweets

97. According to the author, what should parents do when their kids cry?

A. Providing comfort and love.

B. Trying to stop kids crying.

C. Holding them till they stop.

D. Rewarding kids with toys.

98. What does ―free-range‖ mean according to the passage?

A. Fond of providing a home base.

B. Ready to play games with my kids.


C. Curious to watch what games they play.

D. Willing to give kids freedom of movement.

99. Which of the following is NOT attachment parenting?

A. Fostering their curiosity.

B. Standing by and protecting.

C. Showing them how things are done.

D. Helping them do the right thing.

100. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. How to foster love in children.

B. How to build child confidence.

C. Different types of parenting.

D. Parent-child relationships.




96. B 事实细节题。原文第一段提到纵容式父母给孩子想要的一切,当孩子发脾气时给他玩具,早餐允许孩子吃冰淇淋,而依恋式父母却是给孩子所需要的东西,在这样的父母眼里孩子需要的是爱和安慰,而不是糖果或玩具。因此本题应选 B 项。A 项具有迷惑性,但原文提到的是依恋式父母认为爱更重要,并未表示这样的父母比纵容式父母更关爱孩子,因此 A 项错误。C 项不是依恋式父母的行为,可排除。D 项借用原文的“糖果盒冰淇淋”作干扰,应排除。

A 事实细节题。原文第二段倒数第二句提到当我们的孩子哭泣时,我们会抱起他;当我们年长的孩子哭泣时,我们会给出回应,因为我们深深的相信安慰是免费的,爱是免费的。当孩子需要安慰和关爱时,我们有责任给予他们这些东西。可见作者认为孩子哭泣时应该给予他们关爱和安慰。本题应选A 项。


98. D 推断题。“free-range”出现在原文第三段的第一句话,随后作者提到“一旦他们能够活动,他们便经常从我身边移开,他们开心地爬、跑、跳的时候便让我去追他们„„我不会随处跟着他们,把他们拉回我身 边。”可见作者在养育孩子的过程中允许孩子自由活动,而作者用“free-range”来形容他自己,可以推断本题应选 D 项。

99. B 原文第三段中提到“我并不是时刻守着孩子,而是给他们自由”,且第五段中也提到“I don‘t hover ... I show

how to do things safely”,我并不会总是围着孩子转,只是告诉他们怎样做会更安全。由此可知,B 项“随时待命保护孩子”与原文所表达的意思相悖,故本题应选 B 项。

100. C 文章首段就提出“亲密育儿法并不溺爱孩子”,接着又将这种教育方法与“害怕流泪”育儿法、黏人育儿法以及无私育儿法等教育方法相比较,并指出了各种教育方法的内容。由此可知,这篇文章主要讨论的是教育孩子的方法。故本题应选 C 项。


【全文翻译】 么,也不管他们的需求是否实际,都给予他们想要的一切。溺爱型父母给孩子玩具让他们发泄脾气,给孩子冰激凌当早餐。而亲密育儿型父母不会让孩子想要什么就有什么,他们给予孩子所需要的东西。这样的父母认为爱和慰藉是无偿又必须的,而不是甜品和玩具。

亲密育儿法不是“害怕流泪”育儿法。我们的孩子也会哭。但区别就是我们知道愤怒和眼泪来源于情感而非命令。我们的孩子们也理解这一点。当然,他们有时候也会哭也会生气,但他们这样做是因为情感过于强烈需要释放出来。他们不希望自己的负面情绪“受到奖励”,只是希望我们会倾听他们。当宝宝哭泣时,我们抱起他们, 当大一点的孩子在哭时,我们也会去照顾,因为我们坚信安慰是无偿的、爱是无偿的,当孩子们需要这些时,我们有责任去为他们提供。我们不惧怕眼泪,也不回避它。我们帮他们一同承受泪水并告诉他们在伤心沮丧我们会给他们安慰并帮他们战胜这些情绪。



释。我不会去击打他们好奇的双手,而是告诉他们怎样做会更安全。我让他们做自己想做的事情,并首先加以帮助、其次加以监护、最后再加以信任。我并不坚持要求我 23 个月大的孩子在人行道上牵着我的手因为我知道我可以用自己的声音把他叫回来因为他相信我会让他去探索,当有危险物时,我跟他解释并帮他满足好奇心时,他也信任我。



①attachment n. 依恋,附件

②manipulation n. 操纵,处理

③torment v. & n. 折磨,痛苦,纠缠

④demonstrate v. 展示,证明,论证

⑤indulgent adj. 溺爱的,纵容的

⑥overwhelming adj. 压倒性的,势不可挡的

⑦supervise vt. 监督,管理,指导

⑧adversary n. 对手,敌手



According to a recent survey on college students‘ mental well-being, 20 percent of college students experience various

kinds of stress. Interpersonal communication, finding jobs, and study are among the top factors that cause anxiety and

stress among students. Have you ever had such problems? And how do you tackle the problem(s)?

Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

How I Deal with Stress

You are to write in three parts.

In the first part, state the kind of stress you have experienced.

In the second part, explain how you deal with the stress.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions

may result in a loss of marks.




How I Deal with Stress (1) Nowadays, as our society becomes more and more competitive, we are inevitably loaded with①

increasing stress

and pressure. Many of us are overwhelmed②

by various competitions and feel exhausted while we are chasing after the

speeding up pace of life. (2) As an undergraduate, I think my most stressful time should date back to③

my high school

when I was preparing for the College Entrance Examination.

(3) Although stress can flavor our life and make it more exciting and challenging, too much stress will damage our

physical and mental health. Therefore, we should learn to deal with stress. According to my personal experience, there is

three effective ways to work offstress at least. To begin with, taking physical activities such as running,

playing football, swimming, and even walking can really release our intense bodies. Second, confiding the things that upset

us to our friends can reduce our stress and worries. Friends can share our sorrow and depression if we talk to them. Third,

taking a good sleep can relax our bodies and give us energy to (4) breast difficulties.

(5) Despite the fact that life is full of challenges and difficulties, we can still live it in a pleasant and relaxed way as

long as we can deal with stress appropriately. (6) If you feel stressed or depressed next time, you might take some physical

activities, talk to your friends or just have a good sleep. I believe you will then be fine.







第二段,开头指出压力过大会损害人的健康,顺利过渡到解压方法部分,并用“To begin with”“Second”④



breast difficulties 迎着困难而上。






①be loaded with 负重,装满„„

②overwhelm [③date back to 追溯到„„

④work off 渐渐地清除,排除


1. As an undergraduate, I think my most stressful time should date back to ...作为一名大学生,我压力最大的时候应该追溯到„„。


Although stress can flavor our life and make it more exciting and challenging, too much stress will damage our physical

and mental health.尽管压力可以为我们的生活调味,让我们的生活更加刺激,更具挑战,但过大的压力会损害我们的身心健康。

3. Confiding the things that upset us to our friends can reduce our stress and worries. 向朋友坦白那些让我们不安的事


] vt. 淹没;压倒;


Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

You are going to send a book to your friend Mary or John by express mail. Write a message telling him/her TWO

reasons why you send the book.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.





April 20, 2015

Dear Mary,

How are you getting along these days? I am going to send you a book titled To Live, which tells the miserable life

story of a Chinese peasant in the last century. The story is very touching and you will be impressed by the strong vitality

of the main character and amazed at his ability to bear miseries. I hope you will like it.

Yours sincerely,


本文标签: 孩子提到吸烟考点本题