


Unit 7 Culture and Art文化艺术

Text 1 Renaissance

Renaissance(文艺复兴) as a period in western civilization may be explained in different ways. But generally speaking, it refers

to the period between the 14th and mid 17th century. The word “Renaissance” means revival, specifically in this period of

history, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, therefore, in essence, was a historical period in

which the European humanist(人文主义的) thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of conservatism(保守主义) in

feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed in the interests of the rising bourgeoisie(资产阶级), to lift the

restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.

During the period of Renaissance, old sciences revived and new sciences emerged, national languages and national cultures free

from the absolute control of the Papal(罗马教皇的)authority in Rome took shape and art and literature flourished as never

before. The absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church was shaken and people in Europe came to a new awareness which

was to help shape what Europe is today.

Renaissance started in Florence(佛罗伦萨)and Venice (威尼斯) with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture. From

Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe. In different countries, however, the movement occurred in different

periods with different emphasis. Where the impact on Italy was most strongly felt in fine arts, in France it was literature and in

England it was philosophy and drama.

[A] absolute [B] ancient [C] civilization [D] essence [E] embrace [F] flourished [G] impact [H] revived [I] restrictions [J]






难 句 解 析

1. Renaissance, therefore, in essence, was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made

attempts to get rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed in the interests of the rising

bourgeoisie, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.

【分析】多重复合句。in essence作状语,which 引导定语从句修饰a historical period, 定语从句中 to get rid of,省略 to

的 bourgeoisie 和 authorities 为不定式短语,作宾语 补足语,其中that引导定语从句修饰new ideas,过去分词短语 authorities作后置定语,修饰 restrictions。

2. During the period of Renaissance, old sciences revived and new sciences emerged, national languages and national cultures

free from the absolute control of the Papal (罗马教皇的)authority in Rome took shape and art and literature flourished as never


【分析】并列复合句。含有四个简单句,其中 为形容词作后置定语,修饰 national cultures。

3. The absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church was shaken and people in Europe came to a new awareness which was

to help shape what Europe is today.

【分析】并列复合句。第一个分句为被动语态,第二个分句中which引导的定语从句修饰a new awareness,shape后为由what引导的宾语从句。


civilization 8sIvIlaI9zeISFn

【搭配】primary civilization 原始文明

【写作例句】Automobiles, as the product of modern civilization have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of human



/9sIvIlaIz/ @@ 【词根】来自civil(文明的) + ize(…化)

【活用例句】The African countries hoped to civilize all primitive tribes.非洲国家希望把非洲所有的原始部落都变成文明社会。


/9eInS5nt/ @@ a. 古代的,远古的,古老的


【搭配】the ancient civilization 古代文明

【引申】〈同义〉primitive a. 原始的,远古的|antique a. 古时的,古老的〈反义〉modern a. 近代的,现代的|up-to-date

a. 现代化的,最新的〈相关〉ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗

【活用例句】In the ancient Olympics the winner got only a wreath of olive leaves (橄榄叶花环). 在古代奥运会上,胜利者只会得到一个橄榄叶花环。


/9esns/ @@ n. 本质,精华

【联想】ess(exist 存在) + ence(名词后缀)→存在才是实质

【短语】in essence 本质上;of the essence 必不可少的,非常重要的

【提示】各种护肤洗发用品的什么“精华素”、“天然草本精化”、“精华”就是 essence。

【引申】〈同根〉essential a. 必不可少的;实质的;基本的 n. 要素,必需品

【活用例句】The essence of his long speech was that we must all work harder.他那长篇大论的核心是我们大家必须更努力地工作。


/rI9strIkSFn/ @@ n. 限制,限定

【引申】〈同根〉restrict vt. 限制,约束,限定〈同义〉limitation n. 限制,局限

【阅读例句】No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricity usage,

driving and travel) that might cut back global warming.没有任何政府会严格限制其国家经济的增长和个人自由(限制个人的电力使用量、开车和旅行),虽然这可能会减缓全球变暖。[08.6]


/rI9vaIv/ @@ vt. 使复苏 vi. 恢复

【词根】re(再) + vive(live 活)→再次活过来→使复苏

【引申】〈同根〉vivid 鲜活的,活泼的|survive 幸存,活下来〈派生〉revival n. 苏醒 , 复活;再生效〈同义〉refresh v.


【活用例句】They revived her by throwing some water on her face.他们往她脸上泼了些水使她苏醒过来。


/9{bs5lu:t/ @@ a. 完全的,绝对的

【搭配】absolute ignorance 完全无知

【引申】〈派生〉absolutely ad. 完全地,绝对地 〈同义〉thorough a. 十分的,彻底的|total a. 全部的,整个的|entire a.


【活用例句】The police have absolute proof of his guilt.警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。


/9fl((f6))rIS/ @@ vi. & n. 繁荣,茂盛 vt. 挥动(以引起注意)

【联想】flour(面粉) + ish(使)→使面粉增产,这样国家就能繁荣→繁荣

【搭配】flourishing business 兴隆的生意;flourish flags 挥舞旗帜

【引申】〈同根〉flourishing a. 繁茂的,繁荣的〈同义〉boom vi. 繁荣,迅速发展|prosper vi. 兴旺,繁荣〈反义〉depress

vt. 使不景气,削弱

【活用例句】They finished the season with a flourish, winning their last three matches. 他赢得了最后三场比赛,从而完美地结束了该赛季。


/SeIk/ @@ n. & v. 摇动,摇;颤抖,震动

【短语】shake down (a club) 彻底搜查(俱乐部);敲诈,勒索;shake off (the pursuers)摆脱(追捕者);抖落;shake up (the

company) 使(公司) 改组,使重组


▲ vi. 颤抖;震动;摇晃

【活用例句】Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.服药之前把瓶子摇一摇。


/Im9breIs/ @@ vt. 拥抱,怀抱;包括;环绕 n. 拥抱,怀抱


【搭配】embrace all aspects of urban planning 涉及城市规划各个方面

【活用例句】In the past, Chinese lovers were too reserved to embrace or kiss each other in public. But it is not the case now. 过去中国的情侣太过含蓄而不会当众拥抱或亲吻, 但是现在不同了。


/9Imp{kt/ @@ #09 n. & ;Im9p{kt; v. 影响,作用;冲击,碰撞

【联想】im + pact(条约)→国与国之间的条约影响很大→影响

【搭配】have social impact 有社会影响;an impact of new ideas on sb 新观念对某人的影响;an impact of science upon

society 科学对社会的影响;the tremendous impact of the shot 子弹的巨大冲击力

【活用例句】 The Food Safety Act will progressively impact on the way food businesses operate. 食品安全法案对食品产业的经营运作产生的影响将日益增强。



/9k((f6))ltS5(r)/ @@ n. 文化;教养;培植,培养物

【词根】cult(培养) + ure(表状态) →教养

【引申】〈同义〉civilization / -isation n. 文明,文化

【活用例句】The laboratories in our university have extensive culture facilities for tissue cells. 我们大学的实验室有大量的皮肤细胞培养设备。


/hI9st((e7))rIkl/ @@ a. 历史(上)的,史学的

【搭配】historical documents 史学文献;historical background 历史背景

【引申】〈同根〉history n. 历史

【听力例句】It has newspapers, popular publications as well as letters of historical interest. 它拥有报纸,公共出版物,也有历史上引人关注的信件。[04.6]


/rId/ @@ vt. 使摆脱,解除…的负担;从…中消除

【短语】get rid of 摆脱,除去,处理掉

【引申】〈同义〉eliminate ... from ... 从…中消除…

【活用例句】The clerical(文书的,办公室的工作的) part of his job was tedious, and he was glad to be rid of it. 他工作内容中包含乏味的文书工作,他很高兴能够摆脱这部分工作。


/9n{SFnFl/ @@ a. 国家的;民族的;国有的 n. (某国的)公民

【搭配】a national chain with spas 全国健身温泉连锁;the national consciousness 国民意识;national debts 国债


▲ a. 全国性的 ad. 在人国范围内:The chairman’s speech will be broadcast nationwide. 主席的讲话将向全国广播。

【阅读例句】As never before in their long history, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as

instruments of peace. 大学变成了提升国家竞争力和维护世界和平的重要工具,这是史无前例的。[07.12]


/9lItFrItS5(r)/ @@ n. 文学(作品);文献,图书资料

【词根】liter(文字) + ature(表状态)→文学

【搭配】great works of literature 文学巨著;study French literature 研究法国文学

【活用例句】I’ve read all the available literature on keeping rabbits. 我阅读了我能找到的养兔的全部资料。


/9flaU5rI((ce))/ @@ n. 开花时节;繁荣时期,鼎盛时期

【搭配】flowering of the Renaissance 文艺复兴鼎盛时期

【引申】〈同根〉flower v. 开花;繁荣,兴旺

【活用例句】The kingdom saw a flowering of the arts, particularly ceramics (制陶业), and Buddhism and Confucianism were


Text 2 The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement originating in France, which attracted widespread support among the ruling

and intellectual classes of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century. It characterizes the efforts by certain

European writers to use critical reason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppression by Church or State.

Therefore the Enlightenment is sometimes called the Age of Reason.

Although the Enlightenment was a movement that gained momentum(动力) in the second half of the 18th century, its intellectual

origin could be traced back to the previous century. The most important forerunners of the Enlightenment were two 17th century

Englishmen John Locke and Isaac Newton. Locke’s materialist theory attributed the origin of ideas to sensations inscribed on the

blank slate(石板) of mind. Newton’s theory gravitation further demonstrated to the world that the universe is governed by laws

that could be understood by the human mind. Their theories fostered the belief in natural law and universal order and established

confidence in human reason.

The major force of the Enlightenment was, however, the French philosophers. Among them were such well-known men of letters

as Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau. Diederot, who edited the famous Encyclopdia, was also an important French

Enlightenment figure. All these people popularized and propagated (传播) new ideas for the general reading public.

[A] attracted [B] attributed [C] characterizes [D] confidence [E] demonstrated [F] edited [G] originating [H] popularized [I]


[J] traced [K] force


启蒙运动源于法国,是一场知识分子的运动。18 世纪后半叶启蒙运动得到了欧洲和北美的统治阶层和知识分子阶层的广泛支持。它以一些欧洲作家在采用批评式的理性将人的思想从偏见、教会或国家未 经审查的权威和压迫中解放出来等方面所做的努力为特征。因此启蒙运动有时也叫做理性时代。



难 句 解 析

1. The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement originating in France, which attracted widespread support among the ruling

and intellectual classes of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century.

【分析】复合句。现在分词短语 originating in France 后置作定语,修饰 intellectual movement,which 引导的非限制性定语 从句也修饰intellectual movement,在该定语从句中among引导的介词短语做状语,in 引导时间状语。

2. It characterizes the efforts by certain European writers to use critical reason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined

authority and oppression by Church or State.

【分析】简单句。characterizes 后接带 to 的复合宾语,free minds from 后 prejudice,authortity,oppression并列,from

意 思是“摆脱,脱离,获得自由”的意思。

3. Newton’s theory gravitation further demonstrated to the world that the universe is governed by laws that could be understood

by the human mind.

【分析】多重复合句。to the world 后为 that 引导的宾语从句,其中包含一个定语从句,由 that 引导,修饰 laws。



/59rIdZIneIt/ @@ vi. 起源于,来自;产生 vt. 创造,创始

【词根】origin(起源,来源) + ate(动词后缀)→起源于

【搭配】originate from 出自,源自;originate in the New World 原产于新大陆

【引申】〈同根〉origin n. 起源|original a. 原来的;独创的

【活用例句】Love originates in mutual understanding, attraction and admiration. 爱产生于互相理解、互相吸引和互相钦佩。


/59tr{kt/ @@ vt. 吸引,引起…的注意

【词根】at(加强) + tract(拉) →拉过来→吸引

【搭配】attract sb’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

【引申】〈同根〉attractive a. 有魅力的,吸引人的〈同义〉draw vt. 吸引

【阅读例句】 After television, the medium attracting the next largest annual ad revenue is newspapers.报纸是继电视之后第二大广告年收益最高的媒体。[08.6]



/59tr{kSFn/ @@ n. 吸引(力);吸引人的人(或事物)

【搭配】tourist attraction 旅游胜地

【活用例句】Detective novels used to hold a special attraction for me.侦探小说过去对我特别有吸引力。

characterize 9k{rIkt5raIz

represent vt. 代表,象征

【词根】来自 character(特性) + ize (动词后缀)

【引申】〈同根〉character n. (事物)特性;品质|characteristic n. 特征,特性〈同义〉picture vt. 描绘|describe vt. 形容|【活用例句】The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck. 长颈鹿以其长颈为特征。/ The author characterizes the central

figure as a weakling.作者把书中的中心人物描绘成一个懦弱的人。


/9predZUdIs/ @@ n. 偏见,成见 vt. 使有偏见;对…不利

【词根】pre(=before) + jud(judge 判断) + ice →调查之前的判断→偏见

【搭配】have a 对…抱有成见

【引申】〈同义〉bias n. 偏见〈反义〉fairness n. 公平

【阅读例句】Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice.事实上,大多数人都赞同消除偏见。[02.1]


/treIs/ @@ vt. 查出,追溯,找出根源 n. 踪迹,痕迹;衡量


【搭配】trace 追溯到…;find / lose 找到;失去…的踪迹、下落

【活用例句】The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences. 这些画的风格可以追溯到中世纪的影响上。



/tr{k/ @@ n. 小路;跑道;轨道;田径;车辙;踪迹 vt. 跟踪,追踪


【引申】〈同义〉trail vt. 跟踪 n. 小路,痕迹

【活用例句】However, man overcame these faults by learning to track his targets at a close range. 然而,人类通过学习跟踪目标到射程范围之内,从而克服了这些缺点。


/59trIbju:t/ @@ vt. 把…归因于,把(过错、责任等)归于 #09;9{trIbju:t; n. 属性,特性

【词根】at(表方向) + tribute(给予)→一再给予→归于

【短语】 把…归因于,归咎于

【活用例句】She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. 她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点点运气。/Patience is

one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。


/9dem5nstreIt/ @@ vt. 论证,证明;显示

【词根】de(完全) + monstrate(展示)→全部展示出来→表明

【搭配】demonstrate immense courage / wisdom 表现出极大的勇气 / 智慧

【引申】〈同义〉explain v. 解释,说明|prove vt. 证明,证实|display vt. 显示,表现

【活用例句】The little boy demonstrated a remarkable numerical control ability;his skill with numbers surprised us all. 小男孩显示了非凡的运用数字的能力;他使用数字的技能使我们大家很吃惊。


/9k((e7))nfId5ns/ @@ n. 信任;信心,自信

【词根】con(加强) + fid(相信) + ence(名词后缀) →自信

【搭配】in confidence 私下地,秘密地;take into sb’s confidence 把某人作为知己;radiate confidence 显示出信心

【写作例句】When faced with troubles and difficulties in life, we should build up our hopes and confidence to fight a battle

against them rather than surrender to them.当遇到问题和困难的时候,我们应该逐步建立起希望和信心同它们作斗争而不是向它们屈服。


/fO:s/ @@ n. [ pl. ] 军队;暴力;力气;影响力 vt. 强迫,迫使;用力推动

【搭配】in force 有效,生效,在实施中;a peace-making force 维和部队


▲ n. 劳动力,工人总数

【活用例句】Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful in that it forces people to test the relative

merits of their attitudes and behaviors. 虽然许多人认为冲突不好,但是冲突有时也有它的好处—— 它可以迫使人们去检验自己的态度和行为是否恰当。



/In9fO:s/ @@ vt. 实施,执行;强迫,迫使

【词根】en(表强调) + force(强制)→强迫

【写作例句】It’s necessary that law be laid down and enforced to cut out the bloody sections, and love and peace be made the

central theme of TV programs.需要制定并强制实施删除电视节目中血腥镜头的法律条文,使爱与和平成为电视节目的主旋律。


/9edIt/ @@ vt. 编辑,担任…的编辑;剪辑


【搭配】edit text 编辑文本

【阅读例句】The practice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls “free

writing.” 实践可以帮助你改掉一边写作一边修改的坏习惯,这就是Elbow所说的“自由写作。”[07.6]

popularize 9p?pjUl5raIz

【引申】〈同根〉popular a. 受欢迎的,流行的|popularity n. 普及,流行

【活用例句】Scientific knowledge was further popularized and the spirit of science spread.科学知识进一步普及,科学精神得到弘扬。



/9waIdspred/ @@ a. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的

【构词】wide(广泛的) + spread(散布)→分布广的

【搭配】a widespread misunderstanding普遍的误解

【阅读例句】Since the world’s population is expected to double in the next 50 years, many experts think we are on the edge of a

widespread water crisis.自从预测世界人口将在未来50年翻一番,许多专家认为我们正处在范围广泛的水资源危机的边缘。[01.6]


/9ef5t/ @@ n. 努力,成就

【联想】ef + fort(城堡)→努力攻打城堡

【搭配】make an effort to do sth 努力做某事

【短语】beyond effort 力所不及;spare no efforts 不遗余力

【引申】〈近形〉effect n. 结果,效果,作用:go into effect 生效,实施;take effect 生效;have an 对…有影响、有效果

【听力例句】They saw the importance of collective efforts.他们看到了集体努力的重要性。[08.6]


/O:9T((e7))rItI/ @@ n. 权力,权威;权威人士;[ pl. ] 当局,官方

【联想】author(作家) + ity →作家是写作领域的权威

【搭配】an authority on international law 一个国际法权威

【写作例句】In order to solve this problem effectively, the authorities have taken various measures.为了有效解决这个问题,政府已经采取了各种措施。



/9prIvIlIdZ/ @@ n. 特权;特别恩典

【词根】priv(私有的) + i + leg(法律) + e →限于一个人的法律→特权

【搭配】exclusive privileges 独有的特权;grant sb the privilege of doing sth 赋予某人做某事的特权;withdraw one’s

privileges 取消特权

【听力例句】Members of the city council and distinguished guests, it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr. Robert

Washington, chief of our city’s police force. 市议会的成员及尊贵的客人们,我今天很荣幸地向大家介绍本市警察机关的首脑——罗伯特·华盛顿先生。[08.12]


/9pri:vj5s/ @@ a. 先前的,以前的

【词根】pre(=before) + vi(路) + ous(…的)→以前走过的路→以前的

【搭配】previous to (= prior to) 在…之前

【引申】〈同根〉previously ad. 过去,从前〈同义〉earlier a. 早先的|former a. 先前的|preceding a. 在前的 〈反义〉following a. 后面的,下面的|subsequent a. 后来的〈同缀〉共享 -ous → delicious a. 美味的|anxious a. 焦急的|enormous a. 庞大的|gracious a. 亲切的,高尚的|tremendous a. 巨大的〈近形〉precious a. 珍贵的


/bl{((ce))k/ @@ a. 空白的;茫然的 n. 空白(处);空白表格

【搭配】 a blank form for sb to fill in 让某人填写的空白表格;a blank look on one’s face某人一片空白

【活用例句】I can’t think where I’ve left my umbrella;my mind’s a complete blank!我想不起来把伞丢在哪儿了, 一点印象都没有!


/bI9li:f/ @@ n. 信仰,信念;相信,信任

【词根】来自 believe。类似的转化有:relieve → relief;grieve → grief;thieve → thief

【搭配】beyond belief 难以置信;have a firm belief that ... 坚信…;discard old beliefs 抛弃旧信念

【听力例句】This belief guarantees that each person who takes part in the program also becomes a giver.这一理念确保参与计划的每个人都成为施赠者。[06.6]


/9fIg5r/ @@ n. 数字;名人;计算;肖像 vi. 计算;出现;有道理

【谐音】“菲戈”(西班牙皇马著名球星) →人物

【搭配】a girl with a slim figure 身材苗条的姑娘;figure expenses 计算支出

【短语】figure out 想出,理解

【完形例句】The listener must hear the sounds to figure out what the speaker means. 听者必须要听懂语音并明确说话者的意思。[06.12]

Text 3 A Brief History of Time

From the word going Stephen Hawkins’s A Brief History of Time was an easy success. Within ten years it was to be translated

into 30 languages and sell 6 million copies worldwide. Why, nobody really knows. All kinds of theories have been put forward.

Everybody felt they ought to know a bit about science, and this was their chance to buy (if not necessarily read) a good popular

book on the subject by the best man in the business. It added intellectual belief to one’s coffee table.

It made a perfect Christmas;birthday;thank-you present for grandfathers;grandchildren;nephews;uncles;the apparently

illiterate generation who only seemed to be interested in noise and computers. It was user-friendly (有益于使用者的);it was

ideal for prize-giving. There was a need for a new Einstein. Women gave it to men. Women read it (even if men didn’t) ... The

theories abounded, and market researchers were weighed down with selling it. (They wanted to discover how to do the next


One thing everyone seemed to agree on. People bought the book, but they didn’t actually read it. They were too busy, too tired,

had better things to do, etc. But this just isn’t true. Of all the millions of copies sold, a few at least have been read from cover to

cover. The impact on the (mainly young) people who made it to page 182 has been tremendous. It’s no exaggeration to say that

this book has created a new generation of scientists. Future Nobel prize winners will recall: “Then one day I read A Brief History

of Time, and I knew what I wanted to do”. This is how such a book changes the world.

So what about the book itself? For a start, it’s very easy to read. And needless to say it’s well-informed. The concepts are of

course difficult, and difficult to simplify without rendering them simplistic(过分简单化的). Hawking manages this. A sample of

chapter headings indicates what it’s about: The Expanding Universe, Black Holes, The Origin and Future of the Universe, The

Unification (统一, 合一) of Physics.

[A] exaggeration [B] indicates [C] intellectual [D] manages [E] perfect [F] rendering [G] weighed [H] worldwide [I]





有一点似乎所有人都同意。人们买书,但他们实际上并不阅读。他们太忙了,太累了,有着更好的事情要做,或者有一些其他的原因。但是对于该书这恰恰不是事实。在售出的所有几百万册书中,至少有一 些被从头到尾读完了。对读到第 182 页的人(主要是年轻人)的冲击是巨大的。毫不夸张地说:这本书创造了新一代的科学家。未来的诺贝 尔奖获得者将会回忆到:“然后有一天,我读了《时间简史》,于是我知道我想做什么了。”这就是该书如何改变世界的。


难 句 解 析

1. It made a perfect Christmas;birthday;thank-you present for grandfathers;grandchildren;nephews;uncles;the apparently

illiterate generation who only seemed to be interested in noise and computers.

【分析】复合句。主要结构是 it made , who 引导定语从句修饰 the apparently illiterate generation。

2. Of all the millions of copies sold, a few at least have been read from cover to cover.

【分析】简单句。of 短语中 sold 为过去分词, 作后置定语修饰 copies, cover 为封面的意思, from cover to cover 意思是“从头至尾”的意思。

3. The impact on the (mainly young) people who made it to page182 has been tremendous.

【分析】复合句。who 引导定语从句修饰 people, 将主谓语分开。impact on为固定搭配, 表示“对…的影响”。



/8w((ae)):ld9waId/ @@ a. 世界范围的

【构词】world(世界) + wide(广泛的)→世界范围的

【活用例句】This move made headlines worldwide last year. 这一举动在去年成为全球性的头条新闻。


/8IntI9lektjU5l,-tSU-/ @@ a. 有智力的,显示智力的 n. 知识分子

【词根】intel(中间) + lect(选择) + ual(…的)→能从中选择的→善于思维的

【搭配】the intellectual faculties 智力,智能

【引申】〈同根〉intelligence n. 智力|intelligent a. 聪明的

【活用例句】Chess is a highly intellectual game.象棋是需用高度智力的运动项目。


/9p((ae)):fIkt/ @@ adj. 完美的,全然的,理想的 v. 使…完美,使…完善,使…熟练

【联想】这种香水 (perfume) 的香味太完美 (perfect) 了

【搭配】perfect acting炉火纯青的演技;a perfect society理想的社会

【活用例句】The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are being developed and perfected now.具有人工智能的第五代电脑正在开发与完善中。


/weI/ @@ vi. 称得重量 vt. 称,称…的重量;认真考虑,权衡

【搭配】weigh the stone in one’s hand 用手掂石头的重量

【短语】weigh up 衡量,认真考虑某事;weigh down负担,受压,重于

【活用例句】A ball of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of feathers. 一个铅球要比同样大小的羽毛团重。


/Ig8z{dZ59reISFn/ @@ n. 夸张,夸大;夸张的手法;夸张的言语

【搭配】It’s no exaggeration to say 毫不夸张地说,再怎么夸大也不为过

【引申】〈同根〉exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张

【活用例句】Allowing for slight exaggeration, that’s the essence of our problem.除去有一点夸张外,这就是我们的问题的实质。


a. 消息灵通的;熟悉的;博识的,见闻广博的

【引申】〈反义〉ill-informed a. 消息不灵通的,闭塞的

【写作例句】When seeking jobs, applicants should be well-informed of the situations in the job market.在找工作时,应聘者应熟悉职业市场的情况。


/9rend5(r)/ @@ vt. 使得,致使;给予,提供;翻译


【搭配】render it impossible to do 使得做某事不可能;render sb unable to do sth使某人不能做某事;render the poet into


【引申】〈同义〉cause vt. 引起;使遭受,给…带来|make vt. 使得,迫使

【活用例句】The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious. 他头上的那一击太重了,使得他昏迷过去。


/9m{nIdZ/ @@ vt. 设法;管理,控制 vi. 处理,设法对付

【联想】man(男人) + age(年纪)→那个时代的男人不好对付→对付,管理

【搭配】manage to avoid an accident 设法避免事故;manage to reach there in time 奋力按时到达那里

【引申】〈同义〉handle vt. 处理,对付

【阅读例句】The key to a successful online job search is learning to manage the risks. 网上求职成功的关键在于学会应付风险。[07.6]


/9IndIkeIt/ @@ vt. 标示,指出;表明,示意

【词根】in + dic(say 说) + ate →说出→指示


n. 指示,表示;象征,迹象〈同义〉demonstrate vt. 显示,表露|hint

v. 暗示|imply vt. 暗示|reveal vt. 展现,显示|show vt. 表明;显示

【活用例句】If you are jealous of others’ competence, it just indicates your incompetence. 妒忌别人的才能,也许正好说明自己的无能。



/9bIznIs/ @@ n. 交易,营业(额);工商企业,商店;职业,任务

【搭配】in the 从事…;out of business 停业

【引申】〈同义〉trade n. 贸易,商业|bargain n. 交易;廉价的商品 v. 讨价还价|transaction n. 交易,业务

【活用例句】The business ships its products overseas to foreign countries. 那家企业把它的产品运到外国去销售。


n. 颁奖

【引申】〈同义〉award n. 奖,奖品|prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品

【活用例句】He made a speech on the prize-giving ceremony.他在授奖仪式上讲了话。



/59wO:d/ @@ vt. 授予,给予;判给,裁定 n. 奖,奖品,奖金,奖励


【活用例句】Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence in the movement for

civil rights.马丁·路德·金因为主张在民权运动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年诺贝尔和平奖。


/9mA:kIt/ @@ n. 市场,股市;行情,销路 vt. 销售,出售

【搭配】market share 市场份额;futures market 期货市场

【活用例句】The firm markets various kinds of household appliances.这家公司销售各种家用器具。


/9k((f6))v5(r)/ @@ vt. 范围为,占;盖,覆盖;包括,涉及

【搭配】read from cover to cover 从头看(读)到底,一页不漏地读完

【引申】〈同义〉hold vt. 容纳,装|occupy vt. 占,占用|extend over 延伸,遍及

【活用例句】The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats.茅屋用木杆搭成,上面用草席覆盖。


/9ni:dlIs/ @@ a. 不需要的

【短语】 (It is) needless to say [常作插入语] 不用说

【引申】〈同缀〉共享 -less → blameless a. 无可责备的|causeless a. 无显著原因的,偶然的|harmless a. 无害的|heirless

a. 无继承人的|valueless a. 不足道的|useless a. 无用的,无益的|worthless a. 无价值的,无益的|faultless a. 无错误的,无缺点的

【写作例句】As you can surely surmise, it is needless to say that besides positive aspects of the Internet as a learning medium,

there are also many negative aspects.就像你确信的一样,毫无疑问,互联网除了具有作为学习媒介的正面作用,还有许多负面作用。


/9sImplIfaI/ @@ vt. 简化,使简明

【词根】来自 simpl(e)(简单的) + ify(使)

【搭配】simplify the vast network of government精简庞大的政府机构

【引申】〈同根〉simple a. 迟钝的;朴素的|simplicity n. 简单;朴素|simply ad. 完全;仅仅〈反义〉complicate vt. (使)变复杂

【活用例句】Let’s simplify the job by dividing it into smaller tasks.让我们把这个工作分为多个任务来简化它。


/9sA:mpl/ @@ n. 样品,试样,样本 vt. 从…抽样(试验或调查);品尝;体验


【搭配】illuminate a subject with samples 用事例阐明主题;sample the delights of Chinese food 品尝中国美食

【阅读例句】The children sampled spent a quarter of their rapidly decreasing“free time”watching television. 抽样调查显示,孩子们把已经急剧减少的“自由时间”的四分之一用于看电视。[03.6]

Text 4 Japanese Aesthetic Sense

The Japanese have a strong aesthetic (审美) sense: they beautify, adorn and decorate everything they touch. A sandwich in Japan

is not just a sandwich;it is a work of art. It is cut into an artistic shape — it can be circular, octagonal(八边形的) or

star-shaped and given a colour scheme with carefully placed bits of tomato. There is, as a rule, a flag or some other decoration

hoisted on top. Every dish is aimed at the eye as well as the taste.

Every tiny parcel, from the humblest little shop, radiates(流露) some original charm or at least tries to, and reflects pride: look

how well done it is! Every taxi-driver has a small vase in front of him, with a beautiful, fresh, dark-red or snow-white flower in it.

Once I watched a man at the counter in a fish-restaurant. Sashimi(生鱼片) — the famous raw fish of Japan — comes in many

forms and cuts, and it takes about ten years for a man to reach the counters of a first-class establishment. The man I watched was

not bored with his somewhat monotonous job: he enjoyed every minute of it to the full, took immense pride in it. Michelangelo

could not have set a freshly carved Madonna before you with more pride and satisfaction than this cook felt when he put a freshly

carved piece of raw fish on your plate.

The Japanese are unable to touch anything without beautifying it, shaping it into something pretty and pleasing to the eye. One

evening I was walking in one of the slummy (贫穷的) suburbs of Tokyo and saw a heap of rubbish outside the backyard of a

factory. It was an immense mountainside of rubbish, but it was not just thrown out as it came: all the boxes were piled into a

graceful if somewhat pyramid, while the loose rubbish was placed on top as artistic and picturesque decoration. Someone must

have spent considerable time in converting that heap of rubbish into a thing of beauty.

[A] charm [B] circular [C] converting [D] counter [E] decorate [F] establishment [G] graceful [H] heap [I] humblest [J] immense

[K] scheme





难 句 解 析

1. Every tiny parcel, from the humblest little shop, radiates some original charm or at least tries to, and reflects pride: look how

well done it is!

【分析】复合句。介词短语 shop 为状语修饰全句,谓语动词 radiates,tries 和 reflects 并列,后接感叹句。

2. Michelangelo could not have set a freshly carved Madonna before you with more pride and satisfaction than this cook felt

when he put a freshly carved piece of raw fish on your plate.

【分析】多重复合句。其中 with more pride and satisfaction than this cook felt 作状语,表比较,when 引导时间状语从句。

3. It was an immense mountainside of rubbish, but it was not just thrown out as it came: all the boxes were piled into a graceful if

somewhat pyramid, while the loose rubbish was placed on top as artistic and picturesque decoration.


其前边所描述的景象的解释说明,while 引导的分句表示转折或对比。



/9dek5reIt/ @@ vt. 装饰,装潢

【词根】decor(陈设) + ate(做)

【搭配】decorate the house 装饰房屋;decorate a street with flags 用旗帜装饰街道

【引申】〈同根〉decoration n. 装饰,装饰品〈同义〉beautify vt. 美化|trim vt. 装饰

【活用例句】The building decorated with flags.这座建筑物有旗子作装饰。



/9O:n5m5nt/ @@ n. 装饰品;装饰,点缀 vt. 装饰,点缀,美化

【联想】or(或) + name(名字) + nt →用名人的名字或其他来装饰

【提示】表示“装备,装饰,装潢”的词(equip, furnish, decorate, ornament)不用双宾语,而采用“”结构。如,The hall is ornamented with Chinese paintings.大厅以中国画装饰。


/ 9s((ae)):kjUl5(r)/ @@ a. 圆形的;循环的

【词根】是circle的形容词形式,类似的名词转化有:muscle ( n. 肌肉, 体力)→ muscular( a. 肌肉发达的);single( n. 单,

单一)→ singular( a. 单数的;非凡的);angle( n. 角)→ angular( a. 角的)

【搭配】circular railway 环形铁路;a circular order 循环次序

【引申】〈同根〉circulate v. (使)流通,(使)运行,(使)循环,(使)传播|circulative a. 循环的,促进循环的,流通的|circulation

n. 循环,流通;发行额

【听力例句】Loving a child is a circular business. The more you give, the more you get, the more you want to give. 爱一个孩子是一项可循环的事业。你给得越多,得到的就越多,你想给的就更多。[08.6]


/ski:m/ @@ n. 方案,阴谋 v. 密谋,策划


【搭配】color scheme 配色方案;form a scheme 拟方案,策划;scheme to overthrow the government 策划推翻政府

【活用例句】That proved his brother Joseph is actually a scheming hypocrite. 这证明了他的兄弟约瑟夫实际上是一个诡计多端的伪君子。


/9h((f6))mbl/ @@ a. 谦逊的;地位低下的;简陋的 vt. 使谦恭,使卑下

【词根】hum(地) + ble →接近地的→谦虚的

【活用例句】[谚] Knowledge makes humble;ignorance makes proud. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。


/ tSA:m/ @@ n. 迷人特性,魅力;符咒 vt. 吸引,迷住

【联想】ch(音似:吃) + arm(臂)→迷到连手臂都想吃→迷住

【搭配】a man of great charm 富有魅力的男人

【活用例句】Her words had lost their power to charm. 她的话再也没有吸引力了。



/9f{sIneIt/ @@ v. 使(某人)着迷,使神魂颠倒或极感兴趣

【联想】fasc(看作 fast 牢固的) + in(在…里) + ate →牢牢地捆在里边→使着迷

【搭配】be fascinated by sth 被某事迷住,对某事着迷

【活用例句】China has always fascinated me.中国一直令我心驰神往。/It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a

boy. 这是他自幼就着迷的问题。



/9f{sIneItI((ce))/ @@ a. 迷人的,有极大吸引力的

【词根】来自fascinat(e)(使着迷) + ing(…的)

【写作例句】Chatting on line can be fascinating, but in most cases, it is time-consuming and energy-consuming.网上聊天是吸引人,但是在大多数情况下,它既费时又耗力。


/9kaUnt5(r)/ @@ n. 柜台,柜台式长桌;计数器 #09 vt. 对抗,反驳 ad. 反方向地,对立地

【词根】来自 count(计算) + er(表物)→计数器

【搭配】counter his argument 反驳他的观点

【阅读例句】Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society.除非人们找到对抗物质享受主义的方法,否则道德败坏的趋势不能被逆转。[02.1]



/59p5Uz/ @@ vt. 反对,反抗

【词根】op(相反) + pos(放) + e →摆出相反的姿态→反对,反抗

【搭配】oppose to fox hunting 反对猎狐;oppose to any changes in the plans 反对对计划作任何变动

【短语】as 与…相对,与…对比;

【写作例句】Most people are strongly opposed to the cloning of humans, for it would cause serious ethic problem and moral



/I9st{blISm5nt/ @@ n. 建立,确立;企业,机构

【搭配】industrial and mining establishments 工矿企业;research establishment 科学研究中心

【引申】〈同根〉establish vt. 建立,设立,安置

【活用例句】Health and safety habits must be learned as well as recreational pastimes, social skills, and establishment of

interpersonal relations. 健康与安全习惯、消遣娱乐、社交技能以及人际关系的建立都是必须学习的。


/I9mens/ @@ a. 广大的,巨大的

【词根】im(不) + mens(测量) + e →大到不能测量的→广大的

【引申】〈同义〉enormous a. 巨大的,庞大的|giant a. 庞大的,巨大的|tremendous a. 极大的,巨大的

【活用例句】In Japan there is an immense egg-shaped stadium that can be turned to open or close according to the need. 日本有一个巨大的蛋型体育馆可以根据需要变成露天的或封闭的。


/hi:p/ @@ n. (一) 堆;大量 v. (使) 成堆,堆起


【短语】a heap of 一大堆,很多,大量

【完形例句】But most will be returning to nothing but heaps of ruins. 但很多人结果是一无所有,只剩下片片废墟。[07.6]


/9greIsf(U)l/ @@ a. 优美的,优雅的;得体的

【词根】来自 grace(优美,优雅) + ful(…的)


▲ a. 可耻的, 不光彩的

【活用例句】Guo Jingjing is a graceful diving queen. 郭晶晶是个动作优美的“跳水王后”。


/k5n9v((ae)):t/ @@ vt. 变换,使(某物) 转变成另一种形式

【词根】con + vert(转)→转变

【搭配】 convert water into ice 将水变成冰;convert defeat into victory 转败为胜;convert forests into farmlands 把森林变成耕地

【引申】〈同义〉change vt. 改变|transform vt. 转换,改变

【活用例句】Converted into a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number.转换成一场90分钟的标准比赛,每个裁判几乎犯23处错误,这是一个相当高的数字。[00.6]



/8k((e7))nv59seISFn/ @@ n. 谈话,交谈

【词根】con(一起) + vers(转) + ation →一起转向,面对面→ 谈话

【搭配】topic of conversation 谈话的主题;get into conversation with sb开始与某人攀谈

【活用例句】I tried to make polite conversation. 我尽量谈吐文雅些。



/9bju:tIfaI/ @@ vt. 美化

【引申】〈同根〉beauty n. 美丽;美人|beautiful a. 出色的,美丽的

【活用例句】Sewing, shopping, and beautifying themselves were the only activities that gave some well-to-do women any outlet

for personal expression. 缝纫、购物和美化自己是一些过着小康生活的女人们表达自我的仅有的途径。


/A:9tIstIk/ @@ a. 富有艺术性的,精美的;艺术(家)的

【词根】来自 artist(艺术家) + ic(…的)→艺术家的

【引申】〈同根〉art n. 艺术,艺术品|artist n. 艺术家,画家 〈同义〉fine a. 精美的,美好的|sweet a. 甜的,温柔的,可爱的,讨人喜欢的

【活用例句】Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times.每个拨浪鼓都是特定时代人们艺术鉴赏力的产物。


/ru:l/ @@ n. 规章;惯常的事;统治 v. 统治,支配;(做出)裁决(或裁定)

【搭配】the arbitrary rule of a dictator 独裁者的专制统治;rule the country 统治国家

【短语】as a rule 通常,一般说来;rule out (suicide)排除(自杀)的可能性

【活用例句】The English sovereign reigns, but does not rule.英国君主统而不治。


/teIst/ @@ n. 滋味;鉴赏力;兴趣 vt. 尝到…味道;品尝;体验 vi. (of)有…味道,尝起来

【搭配】have a taste for 爱好,提出

【引申】〈同根〉tasteful a. 有鉴赏力的|tasteless a. 没味道的,无鉴赏力的|tasty a. 好吃的,可口的|tastefully

▲ ad. 风流地,高雅地|tastily ad. 风趣地

【阅读例句】For it’s obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste. 因为,很显然,他所说的意见是指个人的偏爱,是一个喜好问题。[03.9]


/9pA:sl/ @@ n. 小包,包裹 vt. (out)分,分配


【短语】parcel sth out 把某物分开;parcel sth up 把…打成包,裹好

【活用例句】She parcelled up the books to send. 她把要寄的书包了起来。


/rO:/ @@ a. 自然状态的,未加工过的;(数据等) 未经分析 (或调整)的,原始的

【搭配】raw materials 原材料

【短语】in the raw 处在自然状态的

【阅读例句】If you capture the fleeting thought and simply share it with the world in raw form, no one is likely to understand.



a. 厌烦的,不感兴趣的

【搭配】be bored with 对…不感兴趣;be bored to death 烦得要死;a bored expression on her face 她脸上的厌烦表情

【引申】〈同根〉bore vt. 使厌烦|boring a. 令人厌烦的,乏味的〈同义〉tired a. 疲劳的,厌倦的

【听力例句】Wouldn’t you get bored with the same routine teaching the same things to children?你每年都是教给学生们同样的东西难道不觉得烦吗?[00.6]


/9s((f6))mw((e7))t/ @@ ad. 稍微,有点

【搭配】be somewhat surprised 有点惊讶

【引申】〈近形〉somewhere ad. 大概,大约|somehow ad. 用(以)某种方式;不知怎么地〈同义〉in some sort 有点

【完形例句】This takes somewhat longer, a minimum of about 0.5 seconds. 这个过程相对较长,至少要0.5秒。[06.12]


/9prItI/ @@ ad. 相当,很 a. 漂亮的,俊俏的,标致的

【搭配】pretty hard 相当困难;a pretty garden 赏心悦目的花园

【引申】〈同义〉cute a. 漂亮的,娇小可爱的;聪明伶俐的,精明的

【完形例句】I’ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, though.我不明白他们怎么给你那么多爆米花,不过味道还不错。[02.1]


/lu:s/ @@ a. 松的;不严密的;散漫的 v. 变松;释放;开船;放枪;开火

【联想】管理松散的 (loose) 东西容易丢 (lose)

【搭配】a loose jacket 宽松的大衣;a loose translation 不精确的译文

【引申】〈反义〉tight a. 紧身的,紧贴的;紧的,牢固的

【活用例句】She helped the child loose the laces of his shoes.她帮孩子解开鞋带


Exercise 7

(Part 1)一、 语篇词汇听写

Whoever said you cannot get something for nothing has not searched the Internet lately. An 1 number of Web sites offer users a

chance to give things away and get things for free. The goal is to keep useful things from being 2 away. This helps people and

keeps 3 out of the environment.

The largest give-and-take Web site is . Deron Beal started Freecycle as a 4 organization in two thousand three. The

site says it has more than five and a half million members in more than seventy-five countries. Joining is free. And all the goods

offered on the site are free without any 5 . Each group is supervised by a small number of moderators. They 6 the rules. For

example, members can only make a 7 for something once a week. And everything on the site must be for all ages.

We spoke to a moderator in the Washington, D.C. area. She told us that there were about one hundred members in her local

group when she 8 two thousand three. Now there are more than fourteen thousand members. 9 Freecycle, there are many similar

Web sites such as and . Other Web sites let users exchange goods and services, or barter. In this

10 of trade, no money changes hands.

1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______

6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______

(Part 2)二、句子词汇听写

1. The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to retain a ______.

2. Last night he saw two dark ______enter the building, and then there was the explosion.

3. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ______.

4. Sleeping 15 minutes to two hours in the early afternoon can reduce stress and make us ______.

5. Could you take a sheet of paper and write your name at the top?


It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and raise a family. Marriages between

people of different national 1 (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here 2 colonial times.

1. [A]source[B]convention[C]origin

2. [A]since[B]for[C] during

The trend towards globalization began in 3 , in the early 1970s when the system of fixed exchange rates, 4 after World War II,

was dismantled(拆除). This meant that the value of currencies would now be determined by the markets instead of individual

governments. Over the next two decades, countries slowly began to 5 their exchange controls. By 1990, nearly all the world’s

major economies had got rid of 6 on how much money could be moved in and out of their countries.

3. [A] truth [B] earnest [C] effect

4. [A]was set up[B]set up[C]being set up

5. [A]remove[B] resume [C] reinforce

6. [A]policies[B]programs[C]restrictions






4.【答案】non-profit。注意不要误写作“no profit,”non-profit之间有连字符,表示“非盈利的”。


6.【答案】enforce。注意不要写作“in force。”


8.【答案】joined in。注意这两个单词之间的连读现象。

9.【答案】In addition to。注意In addition之间的连读现象。

10.【答案】ancient form。注意ancient的辨音及拼写,不要写作“efficient。”








1. 选[C]。语境词汇题。这里需要一个合适的名词,应从上下文词义进行推敲。既然种族和宗教都相同,只能是最初来自的国家不同,所以选择[C]“起源,出身”。选项[A]表示“来源”;选项[B]表示“传统,习俗”。本题选择时应注意排除选项[A],它一般不能用来表示人的出身。

2. 选[A]。逻辑推理题。这里要求填入一个合适的连接词。根据句中的现在完成时就可以做出选择,肯定是开始在过去,强调对现在的影响,所以应选择[A]“自从”。选项[B]表示目的;选项[C]表示“在……期间”。本题选择时应注意排除选项[C],这种现象并不只是发生在殖民地时期。

3. 选[B]。固定搭配题。这里要求填入一个合适的名词,应注意单词间的搭配。作者此处想要突出全球化实际的起始,所以这里应选择earnest“真正的”。选项[A]一般不与in 构成搭配,选项[C]与in 搭配后表示“生效,实际上”。本题选择时应注意分析作者的侧重点或意图,选择最接近题意的词语。

4. 选[B]。语法逻辑题。该空项是用来修饰前面的固定货币兑换体系,而不是谓语动词形式,所以这里应选择过去分词set up“创建,设立”。选项[A]是谓语动词形式,而选项[C]虽为分词形式,但表示现在正在发生的情况,而不能表示过去的动作。本题选择时应注意分析动词的合适形式,尤其分清非谓语动词的灵活用法。

5. 选[A]。语境词汇题。这里要求填入一个合适的动词,应用复现利用技巧。根据上文的dismantled和下文的get rid of可以推知是对原先控制措施的废除或清理,所以这里应选择remove“清除,取消”。选项[B]表示“重新开始”;选项[C]表示“加强”,都不符合题意。本题选择时应分析空项前后的词语复现现象,根据复现词的指向进行理解和选择。

6. 选[C]。语境词汇题。本句是对上一句更详细的解释,尤其是解释exchange control一词。根据control,就可以判定出此处应选择restrictions“限制,局限”。选项[A]表示“政策”;选项[B]表示“方案,项目”。

本文标签: 表示选择注意同义工作