



STUART: Linderman Building. Sometimes I wonder what my future's going to be like. You

know if I work really hard then one day I'll have my own business or at least that's my dream.

Some people say that the decisions we make today can have an effect on the rest of our lives,

though that being said, I broke into the office where I work at. It could destroy my career.

林德曼大厦。 有时候我会想知道我的未来是什么样子的。 你知道吗?如果我真的努力工作,那么有一天我会拥有自己的事业或者至少那是我的梦想。 有的人说我们今天做的决定会影响我们今后的生活,尽管这么说,我还是强行闯入了我工作的办公室。 这会毁了我的事业的。

STUART: I mean, if they find out, it will destroy my career. It's just I had to look into

the Linderman file. You know, the Linderman Building is this beautiful building located

in downtown Los Angeles, and our company has invested in it. They'd like to purchase it.

So far so good.

我的意思是,如果他们发现,我的事业就毁了。 我必须查看Linderman的档案。 你知道的,林德曼大厦是这幢坐落在洛杉矶商业区的漂亮建筑,我们公司也投资了。 他们想买下它。 到现在为止,一直都还不错。

STUART: For some reason Elizabeth wants to destroy the building, the Linderman Building,

the most beautiful and historic building in all of downtown Los Angeles. I mean there won't

be another one like it. I mean so what will happen if the building doesn't come down? Well

there'll be a good opportunity for Los Angeles to be the new, New York City of the twenty

first century, the way I see it.

在某些原因上,Elizabeth想破坏洛杉矶闹市区最漂亮和具有历史意义的建筑林德曼大厦。 我的意思是没有其他人会喜欢它了。 我的意思是如果大厦不被拆除,那又会发生什么呢? 在我看来,洛杉矶有机会成为21世纪的新纽约城市。

Life opportunities 人生机遇

EMMA: I've been thinking about my future. Where I want to go, who I want to be, what I

want to do. I'm twenty four years old and I don't know what I want. I don't know!

我在思考我的未来。 我想去哪儿,我想成为谁,我想做什么。 我24岁了,但我不知道我想要什么。


NANCY: What are those?


EMMA: These are my job applications. This is my law school application. And this is

everything for my Peace Corps application.

这些是我的工作申请表。 这是我的法学院申请表。 这一切都是为了我的和平队申请表。

NANCY: Wow. So many possibilities. Emma is going to be very successful. She has so many

opportunities, and so much energy. She could really use that energy to change the world.

哇哦。 这么多可能性。 Emma将要成功了。 她有这么多的机会和这么多的精力。 她真的应该用那精力去改变世界。

NANCY: I had energy when I was younger. I remember having opportunities. I hope she does

something great. I'm a little jealous. You have your whole future in front of you.

我年轻的时候很有精力。 我记得有机会的。 我希望她做一些伟大的事。 我有点嫉妒。 在你面前有整个未来。

EMMA: I know. But I don't know what I want!

我知道。 但是我不知道我想要什么!

Undercover 卧底



STUART: I'm an associate of Elizabeth's.


MR. LINDERMAN: I was expecting I might see her, I'm heading into the building right now.


STUART: Listen, I want to go over a few things with you on her behalf. I promise it won't

take long.

听着,我想代表她和你重温一些事情。 我保证不会很久的。

MR. LINDERMAN: I'm happy to answer any questions.


STUART: Great. First off, let me say that I love your building.

太好了。 首先,我想说我喜欢你的建筑。

MR. LINDERMAN: Thank you. I'll be sad to sell it.

谢谢你。 卖掉它我很伤心。

STUART: Did she happen to mention what she's going to do with it?


MR. LINDERMAN: No, she won't tell me.


STUART: Because of its location, I think it would make for an excellent restaurant or,

better yet, an art gallery.


MR. LINDERMAN: I agree. I think the future of downtown LA, it should end up looking a

lot more like New York City.

我同意。 我想洛杉矶的未来最终会成为像纽约一样面向更多。

STUART: I predict by 2020, downtown Los Angeles will be one of the best cities in the country

to live in.


MR. LINDERMAN: I wouldn't be disappointed to see that happen. This building could be quite

an asset to your company.

看到那个发生我是不会失望的。 这幢建筑对你们公司来说是一笔资产。

STUART: Certainly. You have any idea of how much that will cost?

当然。 您认为这个要花多少钱?

MR. LINDERMAN: I think that's something I'll discuss with Elizabeth.


STUART: OK, well, I won't take up any more of your time. I'll have Elizabeth contact you

as soon as possible.

好的,我不会占用你很多时间。 我会让Elizabeth尽快联系你。

MR. LINDERMAN: I'll look forward to hearing from her.


STUART: Thank you.


Big choices重大选择

NANCY: So what are you going to do? Let's look at your choices. If you get a job now,

you'll make money soon. But if you go to law school and become a lawyer, you'll make a lot

of money later. And if you join the Peace Corps.

那么你打算做什么呢? 让我们看看你的选择。 如果你现在得到一份工作,你会很快赚到钱。 要是你去法学院后成为一名律师,你之后会赚很多钱的。 如果你加入和平队...

EMMA: I won't make money. Ever

我赚不到钱。 无论何时。

BOB: Peace Corps? Emma? You're thinking about the Peace Corps?

和平队? Emma? 你在考虑和平队吗?

NANCY: Yes, Emma is going to apply.


BOB: Emma


EMMA: Dad, I just want to do something good. You gave me so much! I'm so grateful, but

now I want to go out there. I want to help people. I think if I join the Peace Corps, I'll

really help people.

爸爸,我只是想做些好的事情。 你给了我这么多呢! 我很感激,但是现在我想走出那儿。 我想帮助别人。 我想如果我加入了和平队,我真的会帮助别人的。

EMMA: I'll give something back.


NANCY: It's a very noble idea, Em.


BOB: I know kids grow up. They move out of the house, they get jobs, they get married.

But she's talking about the Peace Corps! She'll be so far away. But she will help people.

我知道孩子会长大的。 他们搬出了这个房间,接着找到了工作,然后结婚了。 但是她在讨论和平队!

她会去很遥远的地方。 但是她会帮助别人的。

BOB: And if she moves abroad, she'll learn another language. She'll get to see a lot of

things and meet a lot of new people. But it's dangerous. She'll be far away, and I won't

see her for two years. I'll worry so much.

而且如果她搬到国外,她会学习另一种语言。 她会开始看到许多东西和见到很多新的人。 但是这很危险。 他就要离开了,我要2年见不到她了。 我很担心。

BOB: Why don't you just stay here? With me? With us.

你为什么不呆在这里? 和我一起? 和我们一起。

EMMA: Well, I don't know yet. My future is undecided.

好吧,我还不知道。 我的未来未定。

Skill and patience 技巧和耐心

ELIZABETH: So, what did you want to talk to me about?


STUART: I've been working here for over a year and, I haven't been involved at all in any

important job. Every day I do these simple tasks that any idiot could do.

我在这里工作1年多了,而且 我根本没有参与任何重要的工作。 每天我会做这些任何傻子都会做的简单工作。

ELIZABETH: A good businessman is like a good fencer Stuart, both require skill and patience.


STUART: What is this Linderman's deal? Why am I not allowed to attend meetings? Why are

you cutting me out?

Linderman的交易是什么? 为什么不让我参加会议? 你为什么排除我?

ELIZABETH: Forget about the deal. Grab your sword.

忘了这个交易吧。 拿起你的剑。

STUART: I can't fence.


ELIZABETH: I'll teach you.


Networking lunch社交午餐

NINA: I think it was an interesting evening. I guess I enjoyed it, but I'm also glad it's

over. The networking, however, is not over. Now that I have his number, I think I'm going

to call Dan. I know, I'll invite him for dinner, no, no, dinner is too much.

我觉得这是个有趣的夜晚。 我想我很享受,但是我也很高兴它结束了。 然而,这个人际网不会结束的。 现在我有他的号码了,我想我要打电话给Dan。 我知道,我会邀请他吃晚餐,不行,不行,晚餐太过了。

NINA: Lunch? Yeah, that's it. I'll invite him for lunch.

午餐呢? 好,就这样了。 我将邀请他共进午餐

Pleasant interruption 适宜的打断

PAUL: So, you're going to need computers. Maybe we could help you with that. Like I said

before. I sell computers. We sell computer parts and computer software.

那么你会需要电脑的。 也许我们可以帮你。 就像我之前说的。 我是卖电脑的。 我们卖电脑零件和电脑软件。

PAUL: We even fix computers.


NINA: That's very interesting


PAUL: We're better than other companies, no, we're actually the best, the best in town.

Maybe we could help you with your computers.

我们比其他公司好,不,事实上我们是最好的,这个镇上最好的。 也许我们可以帮你修理你的电脑。

NINA: Maybe. On a different note

也许吧。 顺便说一下。

PAUL: If you'd like to call, you could always say you're a friend of Paul Lambert.

如果你想打电话的话,你可以说你是Paul Lambert的朋友。

DAN: Sorry to disturb you. Are you in the middle of something? Coz I can come back later.

抱歉打扰你一下。 你正在忙吗? 堂哥,我稍后会回来的。

NINA: No, no, no it's fine. We're just finished.

不,不,不,没关系。 我们刚结束。

DAN: I just love these. They taste so good. Did you make them?

我只是喜欢这些。 它们味道很好。 你做的吗?

NINA: No, they're from a local restaurant.


DAN: You haven't got their phone number by any chance?


NINA: Yes.


DAN: You see, I'm having this party next week so it would be lovely to have them. If I

call them can I just give them your name. You are?

你看,下周我要举办派对,所以吃它们肯定很可爱。 如果我打电话给他们,我能把你的名字告诉他们吗? 你是?

NINA: Yes. Nina.

是的。 Nina。

DAN: Well, pleasure to meet you Nina, I'm Dan. Here's my card.

很荣幸见到你Nina,我是Dan。 这是我的名片。

NINA: Thank you谢谢

DAN: Well thank you谢谢

本文标签: 工作我会没有知道不会