




作业题目:jinshan hill

目 录




key words













金 山



abstract: jinshan hill in jiangsu province, with its

extraordinary natural bueaty and scenery, and numerous

ancient stories, is a strong appeal to home and foreign tourists,

and has always been a wonderful tourist spot. this passage

focuses on the introduction to the following places of interest:

jiangtain buddhist temple, xizhao pavilion, guanyin garre,

cishou pagoda, the ancient cave of monk fa hai, liuyun

pavilion, miaogao pavilion, seven-peak pavilion, and white

dragon cave. key words: jinshan hill, scenery, story





























jinshan hill

abstract: jinshan hill in jiangsu province, with its extraordinary

natural bueaty and scenery, and numerous ancient stories, is a

strong appeal to home and foreign tourists, and has always

been a wonderful tourist spot. this passage focuses on the

introduction to the following places of interest: jiangtain

buddhist temple, xizhao pavilion, guanyin garre, cishou

pagoda, the ancient cave of monk fa hai, liuyun pavilion,

miaogao pavilion, seven-peak pavilion, and white dragon cave.

jinshan hill, 44 meters above sealevel and 520 meters in girth,

lies to the northwest of the city proper and is a 3-kilometer

distance from the downtown area. originally, the hill was an

island on the yangtze river, known as “the lotus flower in the

yangzte river” as time went by, the main trunk of the yangzte

river moved north and the river sand silted up, so the

millenium temple began to draw close to the southern bank of

the river during the daoguang regin of the qing dyansty more

than 100 years ago.

it is said that “not visting jinshan hill means not having been

to zhenjiang”. the following are the main scenic spots in

jinshang hill, jiangtian buddhist temple, xizhao pavilion,

guanyin garret, cishou pagoda, the cave of monk fa hai, liuyun

pavilion, miaogao platform, seven-peaak pavilion, the white

dragon cave and other scenic spots.

jiangtain buddhist temple

there have been historical changes of jinshang hill. once it

was called zexin hill (river center hill), hifu hill, fuyu hill

(floating jade hill) and longyou hill (dragon tour hill). jinshan

hill on the monuntain slope began its construction more than

1600 years ago in the eastern jin dyansty, and was called

zexin hill before being destoryed. and it was once bestowed

with the title of “longyou temple” which literally means a place

a dragon has toured, because emperor songzengzong in the

song dyansty had a dream of touring jinshan hill. in the qing

dynasty emperor kangxi accompainied the empress dowager

to the temple to watch the buddhist light and offer a prayer,

and bestowed his own handwriting of “jiantian buddhist


which is still hanging on the gate. since the tang dynasty, the

millennium ancient temple has generally have been known as

jinshan temple.

usually the gates of temples open south, while the gate of

jinshang hill opens west. according to an analysis of historic

records, the architects at that time intended to build the gate

that way. in ancient times, jinshan hill stood in the middle of

the yangtze river. tourists looked ahead through the gate and

saw the mighty river rolling down. the scene suited exactly the

meaning of poem----“the yangtze river flowes to the east while

the hills seem to move west”. that’s where are the architects

showed their ingenuity.

go from the gate throuhgh the hall of heavenly king, it’s the

grand buddha hall. the temple has been destroyed and rebuilt

7 times. the big fire of apr. 6th, 1948 destroyed more than 300

halls and houese including the main hall. the newly-built main

hall began construction in 1990. it is square in shape, 25

meters high and covers a total area of 800 square meters. the

grand hall enjoys the vigorous and maginficent momentum of

imperial palaces in northern china, and the delicate, elegant

styles of the southern chinese gardens as well.

cishou pagoda

cishou pagoda is also called jinshan pagoda. situated on the

northwest peak of the hill, the pagoda is 36 meters high, and

was built during the qi-liang periods of the southern dynasties

more than 1400 years ago. the present one was rebuilt during

in 1980. exquisite, beautiful, tall and straight, it stands on the

top of the hill and harmonizes with the hill. although jinshan

hill is 44 meters high, with the 36-meter-high cishou pagoda

rising atop it and reaching to the sky, the whole hill looks

towering and magnificent. the superb architectural techniques

of “the temple wraps the hill”and a pagoda rising high atop the

hill to heighten it, full embodies the exqueisite garden-

designing skills and architectural talents enjoyed by the

workers of our country in ancient times.

the present-day seven-story octagonal pagoda is a brick-and

wood structure. having corridors and balustrades around each

story, well-ventilated in four directions,

and sights in all directions, the pagoda enbles you to enjoy a

different view on each story. wang anshi, the famous writer of

song dynasty, once wrote a poem to describe this view----“the

seven-story pagoda rests on layers of rocks, wind comes

round from all directions when the windows open;see birds

flying on the flat grounds, and suddenly you realize you are

standing onn half the sky.”

on the lattice outside the pagoda are inscribed the four

characters of “tian di tong geng” (heaven and eart are of the

same age), written by li yuanan, an eight-year-old boy of hunan

province during the guangxu reign of the qing dyansty. then

why did the boy write these characters and why did they

appear under the pagoda?among the people circulates such a


when empress dowager ci xi celebrated her sixtieth birthday,

the officials all over the country came to the capital to

congratulate her with gengerous gifts. liu kunyi, governor of

tow jiangs----jiansu and zhenjiang provinces, got the news that

master of law yin ru, the buddhist abbot of jinshan hill, had just

rebuilt cishou pagoda. so he thought: “why can’t i make full

use of it?” after making up his mind, he came to the capital.

seeing liu kunyi brought nothing, the empress dowager pulled

a long facd, the governor hastened to kneel down and say:

“queen mother, in order to celebrate your birthday, i specially

built a pagoda called cishou in jinshan hill, zhenjiang, a

famous scenic spot in the south of the yangtze river, to wish

you longevity.” hearing this, ci xi was wild with joy. suddenly

she asked liu: “since you wish me a longer life, noe can you

tell me how long i will live?” the governor was stumped and

trembled with fear. while he was in a dilemma, his eight-year-old boy, called li yuanan, quietly handed him a piece of paper.

liu cast a glance at it and as if he’d found a priceless treasure,

he quickly submitted it with his two hands. ci xi was all smiles

when she read it, for the note had these four characters” tian

di tong geng”. so the empress dowager genterously rewarded

the governor. afterwards these four characters were inscribed

on cishou pagoda.

white dragon cave

on the foot of the northwest side of the hill, there is an ancient

cave, with the four seal characters of “ancient white dragon

cave” inscribed on the wall. according to the records by

“biographies of eminent monks” of the song dynasty, a white

boa used to hide in the cave. it would send out fog-like

poisonous gas. no one dared to enter the cave. in the tang

dynasty, an eminent monk called ling tan came to jinshan and

sat in the mediation inside the cave. because he had superior

attainments, the white boa fled hurriedly.

however, in the folk myth legend, the cave is related to the

story of “white lady snake drives floods to submerge jinshan

temple”. it’s said that once scholar xu xian was tricked to

jinshan by fa hai. his wife, white lady snake, together with xiao

qing, her servant girl, came here by boat, asking fa hai to free

her husband for a family reunion. the monk turned a deaf ear

to her. so lady snake was forced to exercise magic powers

against him. she asked the dragon kings of the four seas and

their crab general and shrimp soldiers for help. the dragon

kings brought water to sumberge the temple on the hill. monk

fa hai took off his kasaya, throwing it outside the gate. a

golden light flashed and the kasaya turned into a long dyke,

keeping off the surging waters. lady sanke failed in the fight

and had to retreat to the west lake, hangzhou, awaiting

opportunities for revenge.

while jinshan hill was being submerged by floods, xu xian,

who was locked inside the pagoda, was dying to see his wife.

his pregnant wife was at that time fighting against fa hai. a little

monk guarding the pagoda sympathized with him very much.

he guided xu xian away from the white dradon cave. after

leaving the cave, xu walked a long, long distance and finally

reached the end----the broken bridge of hangzhou, where his

wife and the servant had been expecting him a long time. this

is the story of meeting on the broken bridge acted on stage.












也有全国乃至东南亚许多国家的僧尼慕名前来朝佛受戒。 2007年:镇江市导游人员资格考试,镇江市导游资格证考试,镇江市导游考试,镇江市导游证考试,镇江市导游人员资格考试报名时间,镇江市导游资格考试教材,镇江市导游,镇江市导游证,怎样考镇江市导游证,镇江市导游证书,镇江市外语导游考试,镇江市导游词,镇江市导游考试培训,镇江市导游资格考试,镇江市导游考试报名,镇江市导游考试练习, 神话传奇旅游:金山被称为“神话山”,有家喻户晓的白娘子斗法海“水漫金山寺”的神话传说。《西游记》中,唐僧玄奘(江流儿)正是漂流至镇江,蒙金山寺方丈施救收留并抚育成人的。镇江自古是军事要地,又是山水名城,因而帝王将相、文人墨客的历史掌故尤为丰富。刘备甘露寺招亲、宋江智取润洲城(镇江曾名润州)、韩世忠大败金兀术、梁红玉击鼓战金山等历史传奇也是妇孺皆知,流芳百世。特别是北固山,这里的亭台楼阁,山石涧道,无不与三国时期孙刘联姻的历史传说有关,成为游人寻访三国遗迹的向往之地。现在,茅山又有了“老子神像天下第一”的新景,再加上“蜂涌而至”、


本文标签: 镇江全国旅游