



After reading the Analects of Confucius, I felt deeply. Because

there are not only the Analects that we understand and know, but

also some Analects that we are relatively unfamiliar with.

For example: Confucius said: the virtue of a gentleman, the wind;

The small virtue of man is grass; If grass prevails, it will fade away.

This sentence also means that we can not be a wallflower and fall

with the wind. Without a reason of their own, they always listen to

others' arrangements and follow those who have ideas.

Confucius said: when benevolence, do not give in to the teacher.

This sentence represents that we have met something in line with

benevolence. Even if we face the teacher, we don't have to be

humble. It also shows that we should see some teachers' mistakes

in front of the teachers. What is more correct is that there should be

some changes in people's morality and character. In this way, our

education will be infallible.

Zixia was killed by Ju's father and asked about politics.

Confucius said: no desire for speed, no small profit. Haste makes

waste; Small profits make great things impossible. This sentence

also reflects what the teacher said to us: do things in a hurry. If you

are too anxious, you will not achieve much. Instead, you will have to

do it again. It is better to do things steadily and do things well at

one time. Although it is slower, it is the fastest way to do things. If

you are in a hurry, you can't make it. It's useless to operate blindly.

There is also the most familiar sentence: Confucius said:

reviewing the old and learning the new can be a teacher. It is also

the content that we should review. After reviewing, we can learn

other and more fresh knowledge steadily. Therefore, it is very

important to review. If you don't review, you will be like a monkey

moving a bag of grain. On the first day, there was 100%. On the

second day, if you didn't review, you fell 50%. If you didn't review,

on the third day, there was only the last 5%. If you didn't review on

the fourth day, you would forget this thing. Therefore, we should

review are some famous sayings of the Analects that

I have summarized. We should study them.

本文标签: 国学作文