


Book1 Unit 4


1. _______(判断) from his appearance, the manager must be over fifty.

2. Having heard the earthquake happened in Wenchuan, all Chinese people were s_____.

3. When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b_______ into tears.

4. After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________.

5. An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was i_________.

6. The worker made great efforts to r________ the people who were trapped underground.



1. there be 表存在 “有” (is, are, was, were)

已经有 there has/have been… 将有 there will/would be…

过去曾有 there used to be… 碰巧有 there happens to be …

似乎有 there seems to be… #学校附近曾经有一座雕塑。(statue)

2. describe sth to sb 向…描述…

#Can you describe him to me?

3. sth happens to sb 某事发生在某人身上

#昨晚他遭遇了一场车祸。(car accident)

sb happen to do 某人碰巧做… #我碰巧知道他的名字

碰巧正在做sb happened to be doing

碰巧已经做 sb happened to have done

4. right away 立即,马上

#按照我说的立即去做这件事。 #Do it as I told you ______.

5. 插入语 I think/believe/suppose

doyou think/believe/suppose/know/consider


#How do you think I can learn English well? #你认为谁会按时完成这份工作


He hasn’t come yet. What do you think ____ to him?

A. happens B. has happened C. happening D. to happen

6. well adv. 好

#The concert was organized well.

adj. 健康的 (表语)

#I am well enough to travel. #I feel well

7. rise vi 升起,上升;起身 (后无宾语) (rose, risen)

raise vt 升起;举起;饲养 (后有宾语) ____ money 募集钱

#The sun _____ in the east. #He _____ from the chair when the bell rang.

#Please_____ your hands if you know the answer.

#He is strong enough to _____ the box over his head. #Food prices are ______.

#It’s the duty of the government to ______ the living standard of the people.

8. burst 爆裂,涨开 (burst, burst)

burst into tears 突然大哭 burst into laughter 突然大笑

9. shake v.摇动,震动 (shook, shaken):

shake hands with sb = shake one’s hand 与…握手

10. It seems as if … 看起来好像…


as if 好像,仿佛 (+句子)

▲从句内容与事实相反,虚拟 ①与现在事实相反 did/were

②…过去................ had done


#He speaks as if he ____ (know) everything.

#He shook his head as if he _____(say) “ Don’t trust her” #He kept on working as if nothing____(happen).

is at an end 结束;终结

#It seemed that the world was at an end. #漫长的夏天结束了。

at the end of… 在……的尽头/最后

in the end = finally 最后

#At the end of the road you’ll find a shop. #We were happy when the war was at an end.

n. 废墟 v.毁灭

be/lie in ruins 成为废墟,破烂不堪 #After the war, the city _______.

lie (lay, lain) 躺,位于

13. one-third 三分之一 two-thirds 三分之二 five-sixths 六分之五

▲分数的表达:1.分子用基数词,分母用序数词. 2.当分子超过一时分母用复数. 3.分数、百分数作主语,谓语


#Two-thirds of the students in our class __girls.

#Two-thirds of the earth surface___covered with water.

vt. 伤害,使受伤 injured adj. 受伤的 injury n. 损伤

▲区别: hurt v,n “受伤;使疼痛” (一般用语,即可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害)

#What he said hurt me deeply.

wound 伤害,损害 (指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战争中,战斗中受伤):

#He got wounded in the fighting.

injure伤害,损害(一般指由于意外或事故而受伤。) #He was badly injured in the accident.

y 毁灭,摧毁,毁坏 (表示在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原)

#An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一颗原子弹可以摧毁一座城市。

▲区别:ruin:败坏,毁坏,崩溃的状态。 (指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,也往往不是一次


#Smoking ruined his health. #She ruined his prospects.

damage: 损害;损毁(使失去价值) (一般指对物体或生命的局部损坏)

#Frost caused great damage to the crops.

16. 75% seventy-five percent of…


#More than___of the workers ___ from Paris.

A. ten percent; is B. ten percent; are percent; was percents; comes

17. cover n. 盖子,封皮


#Will 1000 dollars ____ the bill? #How far can we _____? #The story ____ 5 days.

18. instead+句子 相反,代替 (+做了的事)

instead of +n/doing/prep 代替,而不是 (+未做的事)

#Today, I didn’t go to school. Instead, I stayed at home.

=Today, I stayed at home instead of going to school. 我是坐火车来的而不是乘飞机来的。

19. shock n. v. 打击;震惊,震动 shocking adj. 使人震惊的

shocked adj. 震惊的

be shocked to do sth 做某事而感到震惊


be shocked at +n 对…感到震惊

#We are shocked at the news of his death. #We are shocked to hear the news of his death.

20. be trapped 被困住; 陷于绝境

21. ▲不完全否定:当表示全部的词(all, every, everybody, everyone, everything, both…) 与否定词not,连用时译


# Not all the boys like sports. #Both of her parents are not teachers.

完全否定用none, neither

#Neither of the answers is right. #None of the answers is right

对比: None of the girls likes wearing skirts. Not all the girls like wearing skirts.

All the girls don’t like wearing skirts.

out (dug, dug) 挖出,找出

#Why did you ______all these old magazines?

23. the dead = the dead people the + adj. 表示一类人, 常表示复数意义

the old/young/poor/rich/injured/sick/…

#The injured ______(have/has) been taken to the hospital.

24. Congratulations! 祝贺你

congratulate sb on sth 因…向…道贺 #I congratulated them on their success.

25. be pleased to do 很高兴做…;乐意做…

26. ▲区别:

win “赢得,获胜”+比赛名称/战争/奖品 (won, won)

defeat +对手 (defeated, defeated)

beat +对手 (beat, beaten)

# ______the competition #______ 1000 dollars in the game #_______ the war

27. agree with +人或人的想法:(气候,食物)适合

to +计划,建议,方法

on (双方或多方在一件事上取得一致)

# Don’t you ______ what I said? #They _____ the price

#I _______ your plan. #The weather here doesn’t ______ me.

known as 作为…而著称 #济南作为泉城而著称。

be known for 因为…而著称 #他因为他的书法而著称。

29. have a conversation with sb 与…交谈


he learned that his brother had returned from abroad, he set off to his home _____. Which of the

following is not OK?

A. immediately B. right away C. right then D. right now E. at once

2. With income going down and prices ______, it is very hard to make a living nowadays.

A. raise B. rising C. rise D. raising

3. There on the shore you can see a steam powered ship covered with dirt _____, waiting to be taken apart.

A. lay in ruins B. lie in ruin C. laid in ruins D. lie in ruins

4. It is reported that five passengers got killed and _____ got _____ in the traffic accident.

A. much more; injured B. many more; wounded C. many more; injured D. much more; hurt

5. When the earthquake happened, ninety-nine coal miners were trapped in the coal mine under the ruins,

waiting _____.

A. to be rescued B. for being rescued C. to rescue D. rescuing

6. Electricity plays _____ part in our life that it is unimaginable to live without it.

A. such important B. so important C. such important a D. so important a


7. We should have ourselves _____ if we want to get the work _____ in the given time.

A. organize well; finished B. well organized; done

C. well organized; to be finished D. to be organized well; to be done

8. Seventy percent of the students _____ taken part in the work and seventy percent of the work _____been

finished. A. has, has B. had , had C. has, have D. have, has

9. It will at least take five months to repair the ship that was seriously _____ by the hurricane.

A. destructed B. ruined C. damaged D. broken

10. Thousands and thousands of people lost their homes in the earthquake and it was impossible to provide them

____ enough food, clothing and ____at that time.

A. with; shelter B. for; houses C. by; housing D. with; shelter

11. It is reported that a large number of people _____ been killed and the number ____ added up to nearly


A. has; has B. have; have C. has; have D. have; has

12. The soldiers have been trying hard to search for anyone alive buried in the ruins and _____them out if found.

A. find B. make C. dig D. let

13. We don’t need to do extra work this evening. The day’s work was almost ______ now.

A. at the end B. at an end C. at one end D. at our end

14. The rich_____ not always happy. A. is B. are C. has D. have

15. About_______ of workers in that steel works are young people.

A. third-fifths B. three-fifths C. three-fives D. three-fifth

16. I’ve told him__________.

A. a hundred time B. hundred times C. hundred of times D. hundreds of times

17. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ___ family was poor.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

18. ______from his looks, he is a kind man.

A. Judging B. Being Judged C. To judge D. Judge

19. Instead of ______sights, Edison would spend the time _____in the public library.

A. seeing, to read B. see, read C. to see, to read D. seeing , reading

20. I work in a business _______ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

A. how B. which C. where D. that

21. Hearing the old man’s report, the officer _____ from his seat and said something must be done to ____

people’s living standards.

A. raised; rise B. rose; raise C. raised; raise D. rose; rise

22. _____ have known the results of the exam.

A. It seemed to B. It seemed to him to C. He seemed that he D. He seemed to

23. How is it___he has made such rapid progress?

A. that B. why C. when D. the on

24. There were two buildings, _______ stands nearly a hundred feet high.

A. the large B. the larger of them C. the larger on that D. the larger of which

25. I’ve never been to Paris, but it is a place______.

A. where I’d like to visit B. in which I’d like to visit

C. that I want to visit it most D. I most want to visit

26. Japan lies _____ the east of China. It is a developed country.

A. in B. on C. to D. from

27. Is this school ________ my father studied in when he was a child.

A. that B. which C. the one D. /


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