



"I love my family and my motherland,and I love my honor

more.I am a glorious volunteer soldier,Bingxue!I will never

succumb to if I freeze to death,I will stand proudly

on my position."

Resolute eyes,solidified body,all the muzzles are still

pointing in the direction of the enemy,young lives stand with

crystal ice sculptures on the shore of Changjin Lake-Zhao

Haizhu,a corporal of a brigade of the 83rd Army Group Army in

the Central Theater,saw this picture in the theater.,the tears

could no longer hold,and the defense was completely broken.

It turned out that the company he was in was the prototype

of the"Ice Sculpture Company"in the the successor of

the"Ice Sculpture Company",Zhao Haizhu has always carried

forward heroic deeds,experienced the heroic spirit of the

revolutionary martyrs who are brave and tenacious,and

sacrificed their lives,practiced military skills hard,and

strived to become a revolutionary soldier with"four

possessions"in the new era.

"In the film,in the ice and snow of minus thirty degrees,the

company's predecessor,the 20th Company of the 180th Regiment

of the 60th Division of the 20th Army,was ordered to ambush at

the 1081 Heights to prevent the first US Marine Division from

that time,the situation was very urgent,and the

US military attacked by any means our

department,even when the supply line was cut off and there was

a lack of clothing and food,the officers and soldiers of our

company still stood their ground,and even if the daily ration

was only a potato that was frozen like a stone,we must

resolutely complete the task.”Instructor Wang Song introduced.

The company also took the opportunity of watching the film

to carry out activities such as"'Ice Sculpture Company'Red

Story Meeting"and"Swearing under the Company's Flag".Through

these activities,the officers and soldiers further realized

that the heroes of that era sacrificed their lives for the

motherland and the people.,the heroic spirit of resolutely and

heroically dying,feel the spiritual quality that shines on them

and the hard-won happiness of our present life!

本文标签: 冰雕长津湖介绍