



  • 阅读摘要(如果提供了的话)
  • 阅读介绍。
  • 阅读结论。
  • 略过中间部分,查看章节标题,表格,图形等,以尝试了解文章的样式和流程。
    • 文章是主要讲方法论的,概念的,理论的(语言或数学的),经验的还是其他类型的文章?
    • 它主要是一项调查,一种新颖的理论贡献,对现有理论或技术的经验应用,评论或其他吗?
  • 返回并快速阅读整个内容,跳过方程式,大多数图形和表格。
  • 返回并仔细阅读整个内容,着重看似最重要的部分或区域。


  • 询问论点是否合理。内部是否一致?有充分的论据或证据支持? (此技能需要一些经验才能发展!)

  • 将文章与您在同一主题或紧密相关的主题上阅读过的其他文章进行比较。 (如果这是您在特定主题领域阅读的第一篇论文,请查找更多内容并浏览一下。简介和结论是关键。)比较和对比。这些论点是一致的,矛盾的,正交的吗?

  • 使用Google学术搜索,社会科学引文索引,发布商网页和其他资源来查找引用您正在阅读的文章的文章。看看他们怎么说。查看博客,论坛等上是否有提及。

  • 查看参考资料,例如来自《经济文学杂志》的调查文章,《手册》或《百科全书》的文章或类似来源,以了解本文如何适应其主题领域的更广泛背景。

  • Caveat: no single style works for everyone!

  • Klein’s basic steps for skimming, scanning, processing…

    • Read the abstract (if provided)
    • Read the introduction.
    • Read the conclusion.
    • Skim the middle, looking at section titles, tables, figures, etc.—try to get a feel for the style and flow of the article.
      • Is it methodological, conceptual, theoretical (verbal or mathematical), empirical, or something else?
      • Is it primarily a survey, a novel theoretical contribution, an empirical application of an existing theory or technique, a critique, or something else?
    • Go back and read the whole thing quickly, skipping equations, most figures and tables.
    • Go back and read the whole thing carefully, focusing on the sections or areas that seem most important.
  • Once you’ve grasped the basic argument the author is trying to make, critique it!

    • Ask if the argument makes sense. Is it internally consistent? Well supported by argument or evidence? (This skill takes some experience to develop!)
    • Compare the article to others you’ve read on the same or a closely related subject. (If this is the first paper you’ve read in a particular subject area, find some more and skim them. Introductions and conclusions are key.) Compare and contrast. Are the arguments consistent, contradictory, orthogonal?
    • Use Google Scholar, the Social Sciences Citation Index, publisher web pages, and other resources to find articles that cite the article you’re reading. See what they say about it. See if it’s mentioned on blogs, groups, etc.
    • Check out a reference work, e.g. a survey article from the Journal of Economic Literature, a Handbook or Encyclopedia article, or a similar source, to see how this article fits in the broader context of its subject area.

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