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Topic 01 建议信

Suppose your friend Jane is going to participate in a speech contest on Chinese culture. Write her an e-mail to suggest a topic with your reasons, and arrange a time to help her prepare.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Jane,
So pleased to hear that you intend to participate in a speech contest on Chinese culture. Today, I am writing to give some suggestions.

To begin with, during the past years, it was your hard work that has enabled you to accumulate adequate knowledge about Chinese culture. So, be confident and you will do a great job. Secondly, I know that you are keen on ancient Chinese architecture and we have visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace together. Thus, it is advisable for you to choose ancient Chinese architecture as your topic.

I will be free next Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Please feel free to call me when you need help.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming





Topic 02 道歉信

Suppose your foreign friend James is coming to China this Saturday. You originally planned to pick him up at the airport, but could not go now. Write him an email to

1) make an apology, and

2) propose a solution.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear James,
So pleased to hear that you are coming to China this Saturday. However, I am writing for the purpose of making an apology since I am afraid that I won’t be able to pick you up at the airport as I originally planned.

You know that I have been exceedingly busy this half-year because I allocated nearly all my time and energy to preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, which is of great significance to me. Then, owing to my carelessness, I did not notice the date of the test is just the day when you will come to China until this moment. So, I have no option but to cancel the pickup plan.

I am deeply sorry and I plan to show you around Beijing to taste various tasty foods after the test.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




Topic 03 申请信

You are to write an e-mail applying for a volunteer position at the Center of Cultural Interchange.

Write a letter to the organization to

1) express your intention, and

2) show why you are qualified.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Sir/Madam,
As a senior student from Peking University who is exceedingly interested in cultural communication,I am writing to apply for the volunteer position in your center.

I am convinced that I am qualified for the position because first, during my college years, I focused all my attention on my major —Cross-cultural Exchange.It was my hard work that enabled me to accumulate adequate knowledge of cultures around the world. Second, compared with students of other majors, I possess richer experience in communicating with foreigners, since I have served as a volunteer for several international conferences.

If I have the opportunity to be a volunteer for your organization,I will do my utmost to fulfill my duties.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


我相信我能胜任这个职位。因为,首先,我在大学期间把所有注意力都放在了我的专业跨文化交流上,正是努力学习使我积累了足够的关于世界各地文化的知识。其次,与其他专业的学生相比,我与外国人交流的经验更丰富,因为我曾担任过几次国际会议的志愿者。 如果我有机会成为贵组织的志愿者,我将尽最大努力履行我的职责。


Topic 04 推荐信

Your foreign friend Jack is planning a trip to China. He is very interested in traditional Chinese festivals and intends to participate in relevant activities. Write an e-mail to
1) recommend a Chinese festival, and

2) give reasons for your recommendation.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notsign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Jack,
So pleased to hear that you want to travel in China and take part in certain festival celebration activities. Today,I am writing for the purpose of making a recommendation.

China is characterized by its time-honored traditions and a series of festivals, including the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Day, the Dragon Boat Festival and so forth. I deem that it is advisable for you to come to Beijing during the Spring Festival, which is the most significant of Chinese holidays. Taking part in relevant activities can bring you opportunities to enjoy diverse traditional food, arouse your passion for Chinese culture, and help you accumulate rich life experiences.

I am convinced that you will enjoy a comfortable and fruitful trip of China’s culture, if you come during the Spring Festival.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


中国的一大特点是拥有历史悠久的传统,以及一系列节日,包括春节、中秋节、端午节等。我认为你春节来北京合适,这是中国最重要的节日。参加相关活动能让你有机会品尝到各种传统美食,唤起你对中国文化的热情,并有助于你积累丰富多彩的人生体验。 我坚信,如果你春节来,你会拥有一次舒适的中国文化之旅,收获满满。


Topic 05 通知/告示

Your university is going to host a welcome party for new international students. Write a notice (or an announcement) in the name of the Students’ Union to

1) briefly introduce the party, and

2) invite the international students to join it.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “The Students’ Union” instead.



Friday, June 10

It is so great to hear that new international students have arrived at our university. This notice/announcement is for the purpose of inviting you to a welcome party.

The party is scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm on June 26th in the Center of Students’ Activities, which will last for approximately two hours. To begin with, this party will be characterized by its wide variety of activities, including singing and dancing performances, Chinese culture introduction and fun competitions. After these activities, some traditional Chinese snacks will be served and they are particularly worth trying. To conclude, this party will bring you opportunities to make new friends,arouse your passion forthe upcoming campus life,and help you know China better.

We are looking forward to your participation.

The Students Union





Topic 06 建议信

Suppose your friend Jack did not do well in his maths midterm exam. He wrote you an e-mail asking for advice. Write him a reply to

1) encourage him, and

2) give your advice.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Jack,
I am sorry to hear that you did not do well in your recent maths midterm exam. Today, I am writing to encourage you and share my experience in learning.

To begin with, I suggest that you prepare in advance and it is full preparation that enables you to do well in tests. A case in point is myself. Compared with others, I am not smarter, but full preparation brings me confidence, arouses my passion for learning, and helps me succeed. In addition, you are also supposed to consult your professor about methods of learning, which will help to improve your grades.

To conclude, I deem that if you do your utmost to prepare in advance and improve efficiency, you will do better in your next exam.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


首先,建议你提前准备,正是充分的准备能让你在考试中取得好成绩。一个典型的例子就是我自己。与其他人相比,我不算聪明,但充分的准备带给我信心,唤起我对学习的热情,并帮助我获得成功。此外,你还应该向你的教授请教一下学习方法,这有助于你提高成绩。 总之,我认为你如果竭尽全力提前准备并提高效率,下次会考得更好。


Topic 07 感谢信

Suppose you have just won the first prize in an English speech contest. Your English tutor helped you a lot with your preparation. Write him a letter to express your gratitude.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Mr. Kevin,
I am so pleased to tell you that with your help, I won the first prize in the recent English speech contest at our college!

First of all, I am very grateful to you for all your help with my preparation. It was your word-by-word suggestions on my draft that enabled me to find the best title and add plenty of interesting facts on British culture. Secondly, your encouragement brought me the confidence to overcome my fear of public speaking, aroused my passion for showing myself, and helped me become more fluent in English.

As your student, I deem that it is advisable for me to work harder and strive for a bigger target in the future. By doing so, I can keep moving forward.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming





Topic 08 感谢信

Suppose you received much help from Prof. Thomas during your summer study abroad program. Write an e-mail to

1) thank him, and

2) invite him to visit China.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Prof. Thomas,
I am quite pleased to recall the past days when I attended the summer study abroad program in your country.I am writing for the purpose of extending my gratitude and inviting you to visit China.

To begin with, I am deeply grateful to you for your help. It is your tremendous help that enables me to enjoy a comfortable and fruitful trip of learning overseas. In addition, I know that you are particularly fond of China’s ancient architecture. Thus, I sincerely invite you to visit China at your convenience so that I can repay you. During your visit, I plan to take you to the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City.

I am looking forward to your favorable reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


首先,非常感谢您的帮助。正是您的鼎力相助让我拥有了一段舒适的海外留学之旅,收获满满。 此外,我知道您很喜欢中国的古建筑,因此真诚地邀请您方便时来中国旅行,好让我回报您。您来旅行期间,我打算带您去长城、颐和园和故宫。




Topic 09 投诉信

Suppose you and several other students are not satisfied with the food and service in your school cafeteria. Write an e-mail to the person in charge to

1) make a complaint, and

2) demand a prompt solution.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Sir/Madam,
As a student in this university who often dines at the school cafeteria, I am writing for the purpose of making a complaint about the quality of food and service there.

First, the variety and quantity of food here, compared with students’ demands, arenot adequate and we often can’t find what we want. Thus, it is advisable for you to offer more dishes. Second, it is of great necessity to lower the price because a host of poor students, including me, cannot afford to eat properly now. Finally, we are rather disappointed with the cafeteria staff, because they are often rude to us for no reason at all.Hope that they will improve their customer service attitude.

I cling to the idea that with these measures taken, the cafeteria service will be improved a lot.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




Topic 10 会议纪要

Suppose your class held a meeting to discuss how to prevent food waste in daily life. Please write the minutes for the meeting. Your minutes should include

1) basic information about the discussion, and

2) issues and solutions raised in the discussion.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do notuse your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.



Date: 4th October, 2023

Time: 10:00 a.m.11:00 a.m.

Duration: 1 hour Venue: Room 502

Present: Professor Sky and all classmates

This meeting was for the purpose of discussing how to prevent food waste in everyday life and finally all participants came to the same conclusion.

Professor Sky raised the question and pointed out that compared with the past, we enjoy aricher life and thus an increasing number of youngsters do not cherish food. Then, all classmates agreed that this phenomenon is particularly worth attention. We deemed that it is of great necessity for us to stop wasting not only food, but also time, electricity, water and the like.

The conclusion is that we are supposed to take immediate actions to prevent food waste in daily life,such as only buying what we need and not throwing away leftovers.

Minutes recorder: Li Ming












Topic 01 图表:高铁发展

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.


This is a line graph that clearly illustrates the significant changes in the high-speed rail mileage and the number of passengers in China from 2012 to 2021. During this period, the mileage ascended dramatically from less than 10 thousand kilometers to over 40 thousand kilometers. Meanwhile, the number of passengers also showed a sharp growth, especially from 2016 to 2021, reaching approximately 3 billion in 2021.

Such statistics can naturally be associated with the fast development of high-speed trains in China. For one thing, in recent years, China has been characterized by its economic boom and prosperity, which enabled the government to possess an additional budget to invest in constructing infrastructures, including high-speed trains and related facilities. For another, compared with other means of transportation, high-speeds train are faster,more comfortable and safer. Thus, an increasing number of people choose to travel by high-speed trains.

To my understanding, it is of great necessity for our government to continue to fund the construction of high-speed railways and other infrastructures, which will bring citizens convenience,

arouse their enthusiasm for traveling, and help them create a better life. I believe that if our government does its utmost, the prospects for Chinawill be promising.
这是一个折线图,清晰地展示了2012年至2021年间中国高铁里程和旅客人数的巨大变化。在此期间,高铁里程从不足1万公里增加到4万多公里。 与此同时,乘客数量也出现了大幅增长,尤其是 2016年至2021年间,2021年达到约30亿人次。


另一方面,与其他交通工具相比,高铁更快捷、更舒适、更安全。 因此,越来越多的人选择乘坐高铁出行。


Topic 02图表:燃油车与新能源汽车销量变化

Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

This column chart clearly displays the changes in the sales of gasoline vehicles and new-energy vehicles in the first half year of 2023. During this period, the sales of new-energy cars ascended steadily, from 0.3 million per month to a little less than 0.7 million. By contrast, although the sales of gasoline vehicles fluctuated, theyremained stable ataround 1 million per month.

Such statistics, apparently, can be associated with the increasingly fierce competition in gasoline and new energy car market,but what resulted in the phenomenon above? On the one hand,

traditional gasoline cars are characterized by the fact that they can travel longer distances, have greater power, and are more convenient to refuel. These features still appeal to a large proportion of customers. On the other hand, compared withgasoline cars, new-energy vehicles aremuch cleaner, more efficient, and require less maintenance. Therefore, they are welcomed by an increasing number of people in recent years.A case in point ismy family: we bought a BYD electric car one month ago.

Accordingly, vehicle manufacturers are supposed to pay more attention to the new-energy car market. Meanwhile, it is advisable for them to work out comprehensive strategies to develop much greener vehicles, such as solar-energy cars.
这个柱状图清晰展示了2023年上半年燃油车与新能源汽车的销量变化。在此期间,新能源汽车销量稳步上升,从每月30万辆上升到将近70万辆。 相比之下,燃油车的销量尽管有波动,但稳定在每月100万辆左右。



Topic 03图表:我国老年人口比例

Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Given is a line graph that clearly illustrates the striking changes in the proportion of aged people in Chinafrom2000tothe present. It also predicts future trends. The percentage of older people ascended from a little more than 10% in 2000 to nearly 20% today and may continue to increase to 30% by 2050.

Such statistics, apparently, can be associated withthe advent of an aging society in China. But what resulted in this phenomenon? For one thing,in recent years, Chinahas been characterized by economic boom and prosperity, which enables its residents to enjoy a better quality of life and more advanced medical care and, therefore, live a longer life. For another, compared with the past, young people are more reluctant to get married or give birth to babies, leading to a decline in birth rates and a rise in the ratio of the older population.

Accordingly, it is advisable for the government to pay more attention to the various problems in the aging society, like labor shortages and the burden on family members to care for older adults. Meanwhile, it is of great necessity for the government to work out comprehensive strategies to boost birth rates.If we try our utmost,our society will develop sustainably in the future.



Topic 04 图表:居民日常出行选择

Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

The purpose of this column chart is to illustrate the significant differences in citizens’ modes of daily transportation in a certain city between 2015 and 2021.During this period, the proportion of citizens using online car-hailing and shared bikes both increased remarkably, from less than 10% to nearly 25%. By contrast, the percentage of people taking buses displayed a sharp decline, from approximately 51% to 27%. Meanwhile, the rate of citizens driving a car showed a moderate decrease.

What resulted in the differences above? To my understanding, at least two reasons can account for this phenomenon. For one thing, in recent years, our societyhas been characterized by fast technological development, which has enabled people to have easier access to shared transportation services. For another, compared with the past, people are less willing to choose crowded public transportation because of the COVID-19 pandemic, so online car-hailing and shared bikes have become their preferred choices.

Consequently, the governmentis supposed toprovide its citizens with safer, more convenient and cost-effective transportation options. Meanwhile, it is also advisable to work out comprehensive strategies toenhance the public transportation system,includingbuses and subways.
这幅柱状图旨在展示2015年和2021年某市居民日常出行方式的显著区别。在此期间,使用网约车和共享单车的居民的比例大幅上升,都从不到 10%上升到近25%。相比之下,居民乘坐公交车的比例呈急剧下降趋势,从约51%降到27%左右。与此同时,居民驾车出行的比例稍有下降。



Topic 05 图表:年轻人就餐选择

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Given is a column chart that clearly illustrates the dramatic changes inyoung people’s dining choices in a certain city from 2014 to 2022. During this period, the percentage of young people ordering takeout displayed a significant increase, reaching approximately 40%. By contrast, the proportion of individuals choosing to eat in restaurants dropped remarkably, from its peak at 38% to 18%. Meanwhile, the percentage of people willing to cook at home also showed a moderate decline.

Such statistics can be naturally associated withChina’s booming food delivery business and at least two reasons can account for this phenomenon. For one thing, in recent years, China has been characterized by fast development in mobile technology, which enables people to order food easily with their smartphones. For another, compared with 2014, young people are much busier. Thus, they have less time or energy to cook at home or go to restaurants.

As a young person, I cling to the idea that it is advisable for us to have meals more often with family and friends at home or a restaurant, because dining togethercan bring usthe joy of life,arouse our passion forcommunication,and help usreduce pressure.
所给是一个柱状图,清晰地展示了2014年至 2022年某市年轻人就餐选择的巨大变化。在此期间,年轻人点外卖的比例出现了显著增长,达到大约40%。相比之下,选择在餐馆吃饭的比例显著下降,从最高时的38%下降到18%。与此同时,愿意在家自己做饭的比例也有所下降。



Topic 06 图表:图书获取渠道

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

This is a column chart that clearly illustrates the striking contrasts in how residents obtain books in a certain city in 2020. Reading e-books ranks first, accounting for approximately 32%. The next is purchasing from online stores, with about 28%, followed by buying from physical bookstores, with20%.Finally comesborrowing from the library,at14%.

Such statistics can be associated with the impact of the Internet on the book market and people’s reading habits. On the one hand, the past years were characterized by the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, which enabled purchasing books and reading e-books on apps to gain great popularity among the public. A case in point is me. Most of the books I read were bought from the Internet. On the other hand, some readers, compared with others, still prefer visiting physical bookstores or borrowing books from libraries.

Asa seniorwhois preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies,Ibuy books online and read in libraries in the meantime. Because librariescan bring me an atmosphere of learning, arouse my passion forreading,and help mebe absorbed in books.


作为一名正在准备  的大四学生,我在网上买书,同时也在图书馆看书。因为图书馆能给我带来学习的氛围,激发我对阅读的热情,并帮助我专心读书。

Topic 07 图表:课余时间使用情况

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Given is a pie chart clearly illustrating the striking contrasts in how students in a certain college allocate their spare time. Overall, time spent on learning has the largest proportion, accounting for 35%. The next is entertainment, with 32%. Finally come part-time jobs, club activities and physical exercise,at14%, 11%and8%respectively.

Such statistics can be naturally associated with college students’ varied lifestyles. First, youngsters nowadays are characterized by great academic pressure, which causes them to spend a large proportion of spare time doing homework. In addition, everyone, including college students, needs entertainment. Finally, doing part-time jobs, participating in club activities and doing exercise can help ease students’ financial pressure, improve their social skills, and maintain their physical health.

As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, I devote most of my spare time to attending online courses and doing exercise. It is attending courses that enables me to accumulate adequate knowledge and skills to be fully prepared for the exams. And it is regular exercise that brings me lots of energy, arouses my passion for life, and helps me enhance my learning efficiency.



Topic 08 图表:阅读偏好

Write an essay based on the table below. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the table, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Given is a table that clearly illustrates the striking contrasts in the library circulation of four categories of books in a certain college. Overall, popular fiction has the highest percentage of circulation,at65.9%.The next aregeneral non-fictionandscience and technology books,with18.2% and10.8%respectively.Finally comeliterature and art books,at5.1%.

At least two reasons can account for these differences. For one thing, popular fiction is often characterized by its page-turning plots, romantic relationships and a writing style similar to everyday language, which enables readerstofollow without much difficulty. Compared withthe past, students nowadays have moreburdens on shoulder,which causes themto prefer light-hearted stories to serious literature and art.For another,general non-fiction and books on science and technology often serve as reference books for college students majoring in related fields.

In conclusion, I am convinced that it is advisable for students to read books not just for relaxation or academics, however busy they are. Because serious books like great literature can bring new insights,arouse their enthusiasm forlife,and help themunderstand the world better.



Topic 09图画:科技改变习惯

Write an essay based on the pictures below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the pictures briefly,

2) interpret the implied meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.



These two drawings are simple but satirical. In the left one, there is a girl, sitting in front of a computer and typing so many words with no difficulty. However, in the right one, without the help of modern technology, the girl has great trouble in writing words on paper, with the thought in her mind: I need to look them up on my cell phone. Finally,several Chinese characters can be noticed below the pictures, which saythat science and technology has changed people’s habits.

The fast development of science and technology, to my understanding, can be likened to a double-edged sword. On the one hand, a host of innovative technological products can bring us great convenience, help us save time, and enhance our working efficiency. On the other hand, it is modern technology that causes some young people to lose certain basic skills in life, work and study. This phenomenonis particularly worth attention.

As a youngster, I deem that it is advisable for us to utilize smart technological products in a rational manner.
这是两幅简单却有讽刺性的图画。在左图中,有一个女孩坐在电脑前,毫不费力地打了很多字。 然而,在右图中,没有现代技术的帮助,这位女孩在纸上写字很困难,心里想着:我需要用手机查一下。最后,我们可以注意到图画下面有几个汉字,写的是“科技改变习惯”。



Topic 10 材料作文:奖励式教育

Read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

Write your answer in about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Many parents look for some sort of reward system that might help improve their children’s behaviors at home. While this incentive-based parenting can be a quick fix, research clearly indicates that it can become a problem over time. One problem is that children often do not develop an internal motivation needed to maintain behaviors when the reward is not being offered. For example, if you reward your children every time they receive an “A” on a test, their desire to learn will depend on whether there is a prize. As a result, it becomes very difficult for them to develop interest in learning itself, and the internal motivation to learn.

This is a simple but enlightening excerpt of an article, in which the author argues that incentive-based parenting can be effective at home for the short term, but will become a problem in the long run.AlthoughI have no children, I cannot agree more with it.

To my understanding, one’s internal motivation can be likened to the key to success. A case in point is me. As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, I cling to the idea that it is inner motivation that enables me to work hard each day, and accumulate adequate knowledge and competence to achieve my dream. However, in reality, a host of short-sighted parents may merely seek the so-called reward system to encourage their children. This phenomenon is particularly worth attention for the reason that children often fail to maintain positive behaviors if the reward is unavailable. That is to say, in the long term, this sort of reward systemmay constitute an obstacle that hindersyoungsters’ growth and progress.

Accordingly, all parents should bear in mind that internal motivation cultivates interest in learning itself. If parents intend to see children’s sustainable growth,it is advisable forthemto inspire the young’s internal motivation.



Topic 01图表:中学生近视率

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

This is a line graph that clearly illustrates the changes in the proportion of middle school students who are nearsighted in a certain city from 2000 to 2021. In 2000, the number was merely 33% and then increased slowly to 38% in 2007. After 2007, it displayed a sharp growth, reaching its peak at73% in 2021.

Such statistics can be associated with the serious issue of teenagers’ declining eyesight. But what resulted in the changes above? For one thing, students in middle schools need to spend a large amount of time in reading and learning, sometimes through smartphones or other electronic devices, which causes them to become nearsighted. For another, compared with the past, nowadays more students play games on their phones or computers, sometimes even for several hours, with their eyes staring at the screen, which is rather harmful to their eyesight.

Accordingly, I deem that students themselves are supposed to pay more attention to their eye health. Meanwhile, it is essential for schools and parents to work out comprehensive strategies to help students cultivate good habits of using their eyes, such as no phones in bed, reducing the time on electronic products and not reading in dim light.
这是一个折线图,清晰展示了2000年到2021 年某市中学生近视率的变化。2000年,近视率仅为33%,随后缓慢上升,在2007年达到38%。这之后,该数据急剧上升,在2021年达到最高值73%。



Topic 02材料作文:课堂上使用手机

Read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

Write your answer in about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Technology has revolutionized the education world. Therefore, smartphones should be allowed in class to boost students’ learning experience. First, phones are comfortable and convenient to carry. They display data in high resolution and can store substantial electronic learning resources such as books. Smartphones also enable students to access information concerning their classwork immediately. Second, with permission from a teacher, students can use their phones in class to record lectures or take photos of PPTs, which can help them later when they want to revisit the information.

This is an excerpt from an article that clearly shows the idea that smartphones should be allowed in class to enhance students’ learning experience. As a student, I completely agree with this perspective.

To begin with, compared with traditional mobile phones, smartphones are no longer merely for communication but can also serve as mini computers. If smartphones are allowed in class, they can bring students a large amount of information on the Internet, arouse their passion for learning, and help them learn more efficiently. In addition, smartphones are characterized by various Apps and tools which can help students to learn, take records and review. Finally, in modern society, many people see smartphones as indispensable devices in their everyday life, work and learning. A case in point is me. As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, I use smartphones nearly daily to attend online courses.

To conclude, I deem that it is advisable for schools to permit students to utilize smartphones during class time. Meanwhile, studentsare supposed tobe self-disciplined in using smartphones.



Sample 01大作文:材料作文

Read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

Write your answer in about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Studies in the U.S. and the U.K. consistently show that children have lost the right to wander. This is why many of our youth turn to technology. They aren’t addicted to the computer; they’re addicted to interaction, and being around their friends. Children, and especially teenagers, don’t want to only socialize with parents and siblings; they want to play with their peers. That’s how they make sense of the world. And we’ve robbed them of that opportunity. We’re raising our children in captivity and they turn to technology to socialize, learn and relax. Why are we blaming the screens?

Given is a simple but enlightening excerpt of an article, which clearly illustrates the result of studies in the US and the UK: children have lost the right to wander and thus, they turn to technology to socialize, relax and learn.As ayoungster,Iagree with this argument.

Admittedly,compared withthe past, children enjoylessspace and freedom to wander, especially in cities, where traffic is busy and skyscrapers are everywhere.

Even in city parks, children are still followed and protected by parents. However, as the studies show, children are fond of interacting with their peers rather than their parents. A case in point is me. As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, I do not prefer discussing my problems in learning with my parents or siblings. Instead, I tend to release my stress by listening to music, chatting with friends or playing games on smartphones.

Accordingly, it is advisable for parents to give children the right to wander. Meanwhile, parents are supposed to guide their kids to use technology in a rational way because some of them may be addicted to video games.



本文标签: 自用例子英语写作