



Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs, and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called “the way of life for an entire society.” As such, it includes codes of manners, dress,language, religion, rituals, games, norms of behavior such as lawand morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.

BELIEF 相信;信心
  • belief /bɪˈliːf/

The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another

My belief in you is as strong as ever.

Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something

There is a general belief that things will soon get better.

Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet(信条, 原则) or a body of tenets accepted by agroup of persons.

  • religious/political beliefs 宗教/政治信仰
ETHIC 道德;行为准则;伦理标准
  • ethic /ˈeθɪk/

A system of accepted beliefs which control behavior, especially such a system based on morals

  • professional/business 职业/商业道德
  • medical ethics 医德

The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.

Members of the society are highly qualified and governed by astrict code of ethics.

VALUE 价值观念
  • value /ˈvæljuː/

The values of a person or group are the moral principles and beliefs that they think are important.

The countries of South Asia share many common values.

He has very conservative values.

RITUAL (宗教)仪式;典礼
  • ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/

a series of actions that are always performed in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremony

  • religious rituals 宗教仪式

Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.

a way of behav ing or a series of actions that people regularly carry out in a particular situation, because it is their custom to do so.

The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.


cultural conflicts /ˈkʌltʃərəl kənˈflɪkts/

The huge cultural differences between the two countries may giverise to potential cultural conflicts and unnecessary misunderstandings.

  • diversity /daɪˈvɜːrsəti/

a range of many people or things that are very different from each other;

the quality or fact of including a range of many people or things

  • cultural diversity 文化差异/多元性
  • the biological diversity of the rainforests 热带雨林的生物多样性
  • a great/wide/rich diversity of opinion 意见纷纭

There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education.

Cultural diversity is the common heritage of humankind.

  • uniqueness / juˈniːknəs/

  • the quality of being one of a kind 独特性

  • cultural uniqueness 文化独特性

As for China which has a history of five thousand years, confronting with culture globalization, we should try to keep and carry forward our cultural uniqueness and disseminate(宣传) Chinese culture.

  • culture shock

a feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country orplace that they do not know

Culture shock is one of the common experiences by students abroad. James, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, home less, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.

  • bias /ˈbaɪəs/

a strong feeling in favor of or against one group of people, or one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement

  • cultural bias 文化偏见

There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.

There is also a cultural bias toward ability rather than effort, infused from an early age, when children are praised for being “smart” rather than doing a good job.

  • assimilation /əˌsɪməˈleɪʃn/

the process of becoming a part, or making someone become a part, of agroup, country, society, etc.

  • cultural assimilation 文化同化

The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the U.S. was accelerated by the two world wars.

Assimilation is a very long process in which is full of cultural conflicts and conformi ty.

  • globalization /ˌɡloʊbələˈzeɪʃn/

the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because of the influence of large multinational companies and of improved communication

With the rapid development of technologies, the processof globalization is progressing quickly.

We are witnessing a globalization of our sporting culture.

  • socialization /ˌsoʊʃələˈzeɪʃn/

the process by which sb, especially a child, learns to behavein a way that is acceptable in their society

The college period is the key process of students’ socialization.

For learning and socialization, a high school’s optimum population is 500.

STEREOTYPE 刻板印象;模式化观念(或形象);成见
  • stereotype /ˈsteriətaɪp/

a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular typeof person or thing, but which is often not true in reality

  • cultural/gender/racial stereotypes 有关文化的/性别的/种族的旧框框

Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers.

There is a sameness about all these tales.
They’re so stereotyped — all about talented scholars and lovely ladies.

  • world view

a way of thinking about the world; a person’s way of thinkingabout and understanding life, which depends on their beliefs andatti tudes

Our world view is quite different from that of writers in the fourth century B.C.

Your education is bound to shape your world view.

MULTICULTURALISM 多元文化主义(重视社会中各种文化)
  • multiculturalism /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəlɪzəm/

the belief that different cultures within a society should all be given importance

Canada is the first country in the world to have a policy of multiculturalism at the federal level.

Multiculturalism can be a rewarding, enriching experience, butit can also lead to a clash(争论) of values.

RACE 人种;种族
  • race /reɪs/

one of the main groups that humans can bedivided into according to their physical differences, for example the color of theirskin

legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex

Canada is the first country in the world tohave a policy of multiculturalism .

This custom is found in people of all races throughout the world.

  • racial /ˈreɪʃl/

happening or existing between people of different races

  • racial hatred/prejudice/tension/violence 种族仇恨/偏见;种族间的紧张状况/暴力
  • racial equality 种族平等
  • racial minorities 少数民族

He had a vision of a society living in racial harmony.

RACISM 种族主义;种族歧视
  • racism /ˈreɪsɪzəm/

Racism is the belief that people of some races are inferior to others, and the behavior which is the result of this belief.

  • a victim of racism 种族歧视的受害者

The authorities are taking steps to combat/fight/tackle racism in schools.

  • racist /ˈreɪsɪst/

someone who believes that their racemakes them better, more intelligent, moremoral, etc. than people of other races and who does or says unfair or harmful thingsas a result
n. 种族主义者

Two of the killers are known to be racists.

If you describe people, things, or behaviour as racist, you mean that they are influenced by the belief that some peopleare inferior because they belong to aparticular race.
adj. 种族主义的

You have to acknowledge that we live in a

ETHNIC 民族的;族群的
  • ethnic /ˈeθnɪk/

connected with or belonging to a nation, race or people that shares a culturaltradition

  • ethnic groups/communities 族群;种族社群

Conflicts between the different ethnic groups in the country exploded into civil war.

from a different race, or interesting because characteristic of an ethnic group that is very different from those that are common in western culture

ethnic clothes/ jeweler/cooking 具有民族特色的服装/珠宝首饰/烹调

  • ethnicity /eθˈnɪsəti/
  • the fact of belonging to a particular race. 种族;民族特点

Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age andethnicity.

Our students have many different nationalities, religions, and ethnicities.

  • humanism /ˈhjuːmənɪzəm/

a belief system based on the principle that people’s spiritual and emotional needs can be satisfied without following a god orreligion

Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.

One of the most notable features for the cultural outlook of themodern western humanism is anti-technolatry.

NATIONALISM 民族主义;民族自豪感;民族优越感
  • nationalism /ˈnæʃnəlɪzəm/

A great or too great love of your own country; It is often associated with the belief that a particular nation is betterthan any other nation, and in this case is often used showing disapproval.

The book documents the rise of the political right with its accompanying strands of nationalism and racism.

This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.

  • terrorism /ˈterərɪzəm/

the use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government toact

Governments must cooperate if they are to fight/combat international terrorism.
The bomb explosion was one of the worst acts of terrorism that the country had experienced in recent years.

  • terrorist /ˈterərɪst/

  • a person who takes part in terrorism. 恐怖分子;恐怖主义者

  • a terrorist attack/bomb/group 恐怖分子的攻击/炸弹/团体

The terrorists are threatening to blow up theplane.

The administration has stated that it willnot give in to terrorist threats.

  • descendant /dɪˈsendənt/

a person’s descendants are their children, their children’s children, and all the people who live after them who are related to them

They claim to be descendants of a French duke.

They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.

We owe it to our descendants to leave them a clean world to live in.

MAINSTREAM 主流群体;主流思想
  • mainstream /ˈmeɪnstriːm/

considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people
adj. 主流的

mainstream culture/politics/societymainstream media/ press

Cell phones have been a part of mainstream culture since the 1990s.

the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most people; the people whose ideas and opinions are most accepted
n. 主流群体;主流思想

Our nation’s political mains tream will never allow such a mainstream

POP CULTURE 流行文化;大众文化
  • pop culture

Pop culture (also called mass culture or popular culture) is generally recognized by members of a society as a set of the practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant or prevalentin a society at a given point in time.

Pop culture is heavily influenced by mass media.

Plastic surgery constantly appears in pop culture.

SUBCULTURE (某群体特有的)亚文化行为观念
  • subculture /ˈsʌbkʌltʃər/

A subculture is the ideas, art, and way of life of a group of people within a society, which are different from the ideas, art, and way of life of the rest of the society.

  • youth subcultures 青少年群体的亚文化

The subculture is playing an ever important role in the process of communication of brand culture.

FOLKLORE 民间传统;民俗;民间传说
  • folklore /ˈfoʊklɔːr/

the traditions and stories of a country or community.

  • Irish/Indian folklore 爱尔兰/印度民俗

In Chinese folklore the koi is a symbol of good fortune.

CYBERCULTURE 网络文化(电子计算机影响下的文化)
  • cyberculture / 'saɪbəˌkʌltʃər/

the social conditions brought about by the widespread use of computer networks for communication, entertainment,and business.

The earliest usage of the term “cyberculture” was listed in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1963," In the era of cyberculture,all the plows pull themselves and the fried chickens fly rightonto our plates."

HERITAGE 遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色)
  • heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/

the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important partof its character

These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America.

A vital part of the country’s heritage has been destroyed.



  • cultural diversity 文化多元化
  • cultural treasures 文化宝藏
  • cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流
  • cultural reconstruction 文化重建
  • spiritual civilization 精神文明
  • cultural differences 文化差异性
  • preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产
  • mainstream culture 主流文化
  • cultural traditions 文化传统
  • national pride 民族自豪
  • national identity and value 民族特性和价值观
  • cultural prejudice and misunderstanding symbol 象征
  • artistic standards 艺术水准
  • enjoy great popularity 广受欢迎
  • artistic taste 艺术品味
  • lasting artistic works 永恒的艺术作品
  • artistic reflection 艺术反映
  • cornerstone 基石
  • have its value 有其自身价值
  • inspiration 灵感
  • scope of knowledge 知识面
  • spread knowledge 传播知识
  • abstruse 深奥的
  • an essence of immortality 永恒的精髓
  • instructive 有启发性的
  • direct experience 直接经验
  • echo共鸣
  • satiate people’s psychological demands 满足心理需求
  • attach more importance to 更重视
  • spiritual enhancement 精神升华
  • a mirror of 是…的一面镜子
  • determinant 决定性因素
  • eclipse使…相形见绌
  • contribute to 有助于
  • pastimes 消遣方式
  • meditation沉思
  • give publicity to…宣传
  • local customs and practices 风土人情


中国幅员辽阔, 人口众多, 很多地方人们都说自己的方言. 方言在发音上差别最大, 词汇和语法差别较小. 有些方言, 特别是北方和南方的方言, 差异很大, 以至于说不同方言的人常常很难听懂彼此的讲话. 方言被认为是当地文化的一个组成部分, 但近年来能说方言的人数不断减少. 为了鼓励人们更多说本地方言, 一些地方政府已经采取措施, 如在学校开设方言课, 在广播和电视上播放方言节目, 以期保存本地的文化遗产产.

As a country boasting a vast territory and encompassing a large population, people in many places of China speak their own dialects. Dialects vary greatly in pronunciation but slightly in vocabulary and grammar. Some dialects, especially those from the north and the south, are so different that their speakers often have trouble understanding each other. Although dialects are considered as an integral part of the local culture, the number of people who can speak them has been undergoing a continuous decline in recent years. In order to encourage people to speak local dialects more often, some local governments have taken measures such as setting up dialect courses and broadcasting dialect programs on radio and TV, with a hope to preserve the local cultural heritage.

汉语现在是世界上用作本族语人数最多的语言. 汉语与西方语言的一个重要区别在于它是以方块字(character)而不是以字母构成的. 目前仍在使用的书写系统中, 汉语是最古老的. 在中国, 来自不同地区的人可能听不懂对方的方言, 但由于汉字有统一的书写形式, 他们交流起来几乎没有任何困难. 汉语历史上对团结中华民族发挥了重要作用. 今天, 随着中国经济的快速增长和全球影响力的增强, 越来越多其他国家的人也开始学习汉语.

The Chinese language is used as native language by the greatest number of people inthe world. One of the significant distinctions between Chinese and Western languages lies in that it is composed of characters rather than letters. The Chinese language is the oldest writing system still in use. In China, although people from different regions may not understand each other’s dialects, they have little difficulty in communicating because Chinese characters are written in a uniform form. The Chinese language has played quite an important role in the unification of the Chinese nationin history. Nowadays, with China’s rapid economic growth and increasing global influence, more and more people from other countries begin to learn Chinese.

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