

unity reflect

Unity Reflect, our new real-time 3D product for building information modeling (BIM) workflows, has been released from beta and is now available for purchase.

Unity Reflect是我们的新实时3D产品,用于建筑信息建模(BIM)工作流,已经从beta版发布,现在可以购买。

Last year at Autodesk University Las Vegas, we unveiled the next phase of our strategic collaboration with Autodesk, bolstering our commitment to achieve full data interoperability between many Autodesk products and Unity. We planned to launch the first integrations stemming from the collaboration in late 2019.

去年,在拉斯维加斯的Autodesk大学,我们宣布了与Autodesk的战略合作的下一阶段,进一步体现了我们致力于在许多Autodesk产品和Unity之间实现完全数据互操作性的承诺。 我们计划在2019年末启动合作产生的第一个集成。

We are making good on that promise with the imminent release of Unity Reflect, our new product for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry that integrates with Autodesk Revit, the industry-leading BIM software. Together, we are making real-time BIM a reality by enabling AEC stakeholders:

我们即将发布的 Unity Reflect 兑现了我们的诺言, Unity Reflect 是面向建筑,工程和建筑(AEC)行业的新产品,与行业领先的BIM软件Autodesk Revit集成在一起。 通过共同努力,我们使AEC利益相关者能够实现实时BIM:

  • Designers and engineers can transfer Revit models into real-time experiences, including in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

    设计师和工程师 可以 将Revit模型转换为实时体验,包括增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)

  • Developers can create highly customized real-time 3D applications leveraging BIM data by building on top of Unity Reflect with the Unity Editor

    通过使用Unity编辑器在Unity Reflect之上构建, 开发人员可以 利用BIM数据创建高度定制的实时3D应用程序

  • Clients and collaborators can review projects in an immersive, interactive way on an array of devices


Get started with Unity Reflect

开始使用Unity Reflect

什么是Unity Reflect? (What is Unity Reflect?)


Whether you’re a developer or an architect, a designer or a building engineer who has never touched a line of code, you can use Unity Reflect to transfer your BIM data into real-time experiences on a range of devices and in AR and VR.

无论您是从未接触过任何代码的开发人员,建筑师,设计师还是建筑工程师,您都可以使用 Unity Reflect 将BIM数据转换为各种设备以及AR和VR中的实时体验。 。

It takes one click to bring multiple Revit models with all their BIM metadata to real-time 3D and maintain a live link between them. And because Unity at its core is a development platform, you can also create differentiated real-time BIM applications and customize the user experience by building on top of Unity Reflect with the Unity Editor.

只需单击一下,即可将具有其所有BIM元数据的多个Revit模型带到实时3D并保持它们之间的实时链接。 而且由于Unity的核心是开发平台,因此您还可以通过使用Unity Editor创建基于Unity Reflect的基础,从而创建差异化的实时BIM应用程序并自定义用户体验。

Ultimately, Unity Reflects can help you win more projects, conduct immersive design reviews, and bridge the gap between design and construction.

最终,Unity Reflects可以帮助您赢得更多项目,进行沉浸式设计审查,并弥合设计与施工之间的鸿沟。

我们为什么要构建Unity Reflect? (Why did we build Unity Reflect?)

Our conversations with hundreds of companies across the AEC industry made one thing abundantly clear: creating real-time 3D experiences has been anything but a real-time, turnkey process. Highly technical teams were required to juggle multiple tools and take dozens of steps that stretched across days and even weeks to prepare and optimize BIM data for these experiences. Even after all that painstaking effort, much of the BIM data didn’t transfer with the geometry, creating additional work. 

我们与AEC行业中数百家公司的对话清楚地表明了一件事:创建实时3D体验绝非实时,交钥匙过程。 需要高级技术团队使用多种工具,并采取数十天甚至数周的步骤来准备和优化这些经验的BIM数据。 即使经过所有艰苦的努力,许多BIM数据仍未随几何体传递,从而产生了更多工作。

It’s no surprise then that few design projects make it to real-time 3D, and too few BIM models make it to the construction site. In an industry where time is of the essence and where projects require thousands of iterations and collaboration across many disciplines, this existing workflow was a nonstarter for most firms.

不足为奇的是,只有很少的设计项目可以将其转换为实时3D,并且只有很少的BIM模型可以将其转换为施工现场。 在时间至关重要的行业中,项目需要数以千计的迭代和跨多个学科的协作,因此对于大多数公司而言,这种现有的工作流程并非一帆风顺。

We sought to make it easy to unlock the value of BIM data by building a seamless integration with our real-time technology.

我们试图通过与我们的实时技术建立无缝集成 ,轻松地释放BIM数据的价值。

它是如何工作的? (How does it work?)

Unity Reflect makes the process of bringing Revit models into real-time 3D extremely simple. After installing the Unity Reflect plugin, users simply click the Unity icon located in the toolbar of Revit to start syncing their model.

Unity Reflect使将Revit模型带入实时3D的过程非常简单。 安装Unity Reflect插件后,用户只需单击Revit工具栏中的Unity图标即可开始同步其模型。

This entire process is done within the familiar confines of the BIM software that architects, designers, and building engineers already know and love. Unity Reflect’s first integration is with Revit, but that’s just the start. We plan to expand our support of Autodesk products to Navisworks and BIM 360 in 2020, as well as other industry tools such as ArchiCAD, Rhino, and SketchUp. Learn more about our plans with BIM 360 in Autodesk’s AEC keynote (starts at 36:45). 

整个过程是在建筑师,设计师和建筑工程师已经知道并喜欢的BIM软件的熟悉范围内完成的。 Unity Reflect的第一个集成是与Revit集成的,但这仅仅是开始。 我们计划在2020年将对Autodesk产品的支持扩展到Navisworks和BIM 360以及其他行业工具,例如ArchiCAD,Rhino和SketchUp。 在 Autodesk的AEC主题演讲 (始于36:45)中 了解有关BIM 360计划的更多信息 。

Multiple designers and engineers working on different systems in one model can push their individual data sets – such as architectural design, structural, or mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) – into the same Reflect project. This BIM data is automatically federated and optimized for real-time 3D and then stored on a local machine (i.e., PC) or network server. Any computer that runs Unity Reflect can act as a server. 

在一个模型中从事不同系统工作的多个设计师和工程师可以将其各自的数据集(例如建筑设计,结构或机械,电气和管道(MEP))推送到同一Reflect项目中。 该BIM数据会自动进行联盟并针对实时3D优化,然后存储在本地计算机(即PC)或网络服务器上。 任何运行Unity Reflect的计算机都可以充当服务器。

A cloud-hosted project management server helps a user determine which projects they have access to, making it easy to manage projects and access rights across multiple offices and departments. No 3D data is stored on this server, only project names, and permissions.

云托管的项目管理服务器可帮助用户确定他们有权访问的项目,从而轻松管理多个办公室和部门的项目和访问权限。 此服务器上没有存储3D数据,仅存储了项目名称和权限。

Finally, clients and collaborators can access the Unity Reflect Viewers, which are initially available on PC, supporting iOS, including Apple’s ARKit, and HTC Vive, the first VR headset to be compatible out of the box with Unity Reflect. Multiple stakeholders, from project leaders to consultants and clients, can access Viewers simultaneously on the device of their choice, making it easy to collaborate and drive consensus. The Viewers also include built-in BIM filtering to isolate various components of the project, from mechanical and plumbing to doors and windows. 

最后,客户和合作者可以访问Unity Reflect Viewers ,该产品最初可在PC上使用,并支持iOS(包括Apple的ARKit)和HTC Vive,这是第一款与Unity Reflect开箱即用的VR耳机。 从项目负责人到顾问和客户的多个利益相关者可以在他们选择的设备上同时访问Viewer,从而轻松协作并达成共识。 查看器还包括内置的BIM过滤,以隔离项目的各个组成部分,从机械和管道到门窗。

We’ll continue to expand the range of devices and platforms the Viewer supports. See what’s on the roadmap. We’d love to hear your feedback so we can prioritize what matters most to you. 

我们将继续扩大Viewer支持的设备和平台的范围。 查看 路线图 。 我们很想听听您的反馈意见,以便我们优先考虑对您最重要的事情。

You do not need the Unity Editor to use Unity Reflect. However, if you are a developer, you can build on top of Unity Reflect with the Editor to create the best experience for your users. You can also use the Viewer reference application source code provided to brand the viewing experience to your liking.

您不需要Unity编辑器即可使用Unity Reflect。 但是,如果您是开发人员,则可以在Unity Reflect的基础上使用编辑器来为您的用户创建最佳体验。 您还可以使用所提供的 Viewer参考应用程序源代码来根据自己的喜好来添加观看体验。

AEC公司如何使用Unity Reflect? (How are AEC firms using Unity Reflect?)


Adam Chernick and Christopher Morse from SHoP Architects’ interactive visualization team share why Unity Reflect is “a very, very welcome technology” for their firm.

SHoP Architects的交互式可视化团队的Adam Chernick和Christopher Morse分享了Unity Reflect为什么对于他们的公司来说是“非常非常受欢迎的技术”。

The extensibility of Unity Reflect offers a powerful proposition: the ability to develop any application you need to solve your project’s specific problems.

Unity Reflect的可扩展性提供了一个强大的主张:开发解决您的项目特定问题所需的任何应用程序的能力。

SHoP Architects, one of our beta customers, is a New York City-based firm that has designed U.S. embassies around the world and the Uber headquarters in San Francisco. Depending on the particular issue their design teams are working on, from interior design to traffic management, Unity gives them the flexibility to build the right tool, whether that’s a desktop application, an immersive VR walkthrough, or a mobile augmented reality (AR) app.

SHoP Architects 是我们的Beta版客户之一, 是一家总部位于纽约的公司,已设计了美国在世界各地的使馆以及Uber旧金山总部。 根据他们的设计团队正在处理的特定问题,从室内设计到交通管理,Unity使他们可以灵活地构建正确的工具,无论是桌面应用程序,沉浸式VR演练还是移动增强现实(AR)应用程序。

With Unity Reflect unlocking the ability to stream data directly into a real-time experience with a single click, SHoP’s interactive visualization team can bring these projects into Unity significantly faster and with precious BIM data intact. As beta users, they built a wide range of custom AR and VR applications.

借助Unity Reflect,只需单击一下即可将数据直接流化为实时体验的能力,SHoP的交互式可视化团队可以将这些项目显着更快地带入Unity,并保留宝贵的BIM数据。 作为Beta版用户,他们构建了 各种自定义的AR和VR应用程序 。

Their signature application augments the traditional process of construction administration on a landmark project – 9 DeKalb, a residential tower that will become the tallest building in Brooklyn once completed by the end of 2021. SHoP built the app to serve BIM data in a more useful way to those onsite – in this case, JDS Development Group, both the developer and general contractor for the project. 

他们的签名应用程序在一个具有里程碑意义的项目9 DeKalb上增强了传统的建筑管理流程,该住宅塔楼将在2021年底完工后成为布鲁克林的最高建筑。SHoP构建了该应用程序,以更有用的方式为BIM数据提供服务现场人员-在这种情况下,是JDS Development Group,既是该项目的开发商,也是总承包商。

The complex project has thousands of pages of construction drawings, which show only the information SHoP specifically curates, with no context or surrounding information. The app serves a list of Views/Sheets when a user clicks on an object, and links to and displays PDF documents within SHoP’s custom Viewer iOS app.

这个复杂的项目有数千页的施工图,仅显示SHoP专门策划的信息,而没有上下文或周围的信息。 当用户单击对象时,该应用程序将提供视图/表格列表,并链接到SHoP的自定义Viewer iOS应用程序并在其中显示PDF文档。

Bringing BIM to the field in this way allows SHoP to show a much greater level of information and help people onsite make contextual judgments about conditions not visible in 2D. While this app is not yet being deployed onsite, it’s easy to see how this could reduce mistakes and save money. 

通过这种方式将BIM引入现场,ShoP可以显示更高水平的信息,并帮助现场人员对2D中不可见的状况做出上下文判断。 尽管此应用尚未在现场部署,但很容易看出这可以减少错误并节省资金。


Learn more about SHoP’s experience with Unity Reflect in our case study.

在我们的 案例研究中 了解有关SHoP在Unity Reflect中的经验的更多信息 。

它要多少钱? (How much does it cost?)

A Unity Reflect license costs $690 USD annually.

Unity Reflect许可每年的费用为690美元。

You need a license for every Revit user who uses the Unity Reflect plugin as well as for every user who will be developing Unity Reflect-based applications. Not every Revit user in your organization will necessarily need a license. Viewers are free, and no one needs a Unity Reflect license to access them.

对于使用Unity Reflect插件的每个Revit用户以及将要开发基于Unity Reflect的应用程序的每个用户,您都需要一个许可证。 并非组织中的每个Revit用户都一定需要许可证。 查看器是免费的,没有人需要Unity Reflect许可才能访问它们。

Unity Reflect will begin shipping to customers on Monday, December 2. Ready to get the product into your hands? Get in touch.

Unity Reflect将于12月2日星期一开始向客户发货。是否 准备好将产品投入您的手中? 保持联系。

Talk to our team about Unity Reflect

与我们的团队讨论Unity Reflect


Check out more information about Unity Reflect on our blog, FAQ page, and product page. Learn how to use Unity Reflect with this free course on our official learning platform or book an in-person training workshop for your team.

在我们的 博客 , 常见问题解答页面 和 产品页面 上查看有关Unity Reflect的更多信息 。 在我们的官方学习平台上的免费课程中了解如何使用Unity Reflect,或为您的团队预订现场培训班 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2019/11/19/unity-reflect-arrives-in-december/

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