


▲语法 形容词和副词比较等级的用法

一.概念 英语中大多数形容词和副词都有三个等级:原级、比较级和最高级。原级即原形;比较级表示“较……”,“更……”;最高级表示“最……”。少数形容词和副词只有原形,没有比较级和最高级。如right(正确的), wrong , woolen(羊毛制的)等。


㈠规则变化的 又分两种情况:

⑴ 单音节和少数双音节的变化规则 一般是比较级加-er,er发[-ə];最高级加-est,-est发[-ist]。分①“直接加”;②“变y加”;③“双写加”三种情况。具体如下:

①直接在词尾加-er, -est。如tall—taller, tallest; long—longer, longest

原词以e结尾时直接加-r, -st。如nicer—nicer, nicest; fine—finer, finest

②以“辅音字母+ y”的,变y为i再加-er, -est。如easy—easier, easiest

early—earlier, earliest; funny—funnier, funniest

③有些需要双写最后一个辅音字母在加-er, -est。如“胖瘦大热红伤湿”等。

fat—fatter, fattest; thin—thinner, thinnest;

big—bigger, biggest; hot—hotter, hottest;

red—redder, reddest; sad—sadder, saddest wet—wetter, wettest

⑵ 多音节和部分双音节的变化规则 比较级是在原形前加more;最高级是在原形前加most。如:

interesting—more interesting, most interesting

beautiful—more beautiful, most beautiful

slowly—more slowly, most slowly

㈡不规则变化的 要分别单独记忆,常见的有“多少好坏老远”等。

many/much more most

little(少的) less[les] least[li:st]

good/well better best

bad/badly/ill worse[wə: s] worst[wə: st]

old older/elder oldest/eldest

far farther/further farthest/furthest




⑴ A … . B more.

例:1)Bob is tall. Mike is taller.

2)A car runs fast. A train runs faster.

⑵ B more than A

例:1)Mike is taller than Bob (is).

2)A train runs faster than a car.

⑶ Who/Which … more…, A or B?

例:1)Who is taller, Mike or Bob?

2)Which of them is taller, Mike or Bob?

3)Which runs faster, a car or a train?

说明: ①此句型中who指人;which一般指物。但后跟of短语时必须用which代替who指人(因为who后不能跟of短语),如例2)。


⑷more and more句型

即“比较级 + and +(同一个)比较级”句型。此句型表示“越来越……”。如果是用more帮助构成的比较级,只重复more。

例: 1)Our life is better and better.

2)You look more and more beautiful.

*⑸The more …, the more …句型

具体结构:The + 比较级 + 一个句子,the + 另一比较级 + 一个句子。


例:The harder you study, the better grades you will get.



⑴ A … . B more. C the most.

例:1)Bob is tall. Mike is taller. John is the tallest.

2)A car runs fast. A train runs faster. A plane runs (the) fastest.

⑵ the most + of + 范围;或 the most + in + 范围

例:1)John is the tallest of the students.

比较:John is the tallest in the class.

2)China is the largest of the countries.

比较:China is the largest in the world.

说明:当主语和范围属于“同类概念”时要用介词of ;当主语和范围不属于“同类概念”时则用介词in。如例1)中第一个句子,我们可以说主语John是学生,后面的范围也是学生,属于“同类概念”,所以用介词of。而第二个句子主语John是学生,后面的范围是班级,不属于“同类概念”,所以用介词in。

⑶ Who/Which … the most…, A, B or C?

例:1)Who is tallest, Mike, Bob or John?

2)Which of them is tallest, Mike, Bob or John?

3)Which runs fastest, a car, a train or a plane?

⑷ one of the most

例:This is one of the most interesting books.


原级即原形,一般不用于比较,如:My bother is very tall and thin. 但也可用于as … as 句型, 在两者(或两方)之间进行比较。具体句型如下:

⑴肯定式:A as + adj./adv. + as B A和B一样……

例:1)Mike is as tall as Bob (is). Mike和Bob一样高。

2)He draws as well as the teacher (does). 他和老师画得一样好。

⑵否定式:A not so/as + adj/adv. + as B A不如B…… √


例:1)Bob is so/as tall as Mike (is). Bob没有Mike高。

2)He doesn’t so/as well as the teacher (does). 他没有老师画得好。

说明:①当as .. as句型是否定式时,第一个as通常可以改用so(见上面),但肯定式不可以。

②as … as句型中间有时还可以插入名词,其顺序为:as + adj.+ a/an

+n .+ as 。如Japanese is (not) as difficult a language as Chinese.



例:1)他比我胖。He is fatter than me.

2)他比我的性格更外向。He is more outgoing than me(mine×).

3)他的书法比我好。His handwriting is better than mine(me×).


His friends are more than mine.× →He has more friends than me. √


We learn more subjects this year than (we did) last year.


The girls in their class are more active than the girls in our class.


The girls in their class are more than the girls in our class. ×

→There are more girls in their class than (there are) in our class. √



例:1)比较: 可以说John is stronger than any girl in his class. √

不可说Tina is stronger than any girl in her class. ×

→Tina is stronger than any other girl in her class. √

2)She is thinner than anyone in her class. ×

→She is thinner than anyone else in her class. √


例:1)比较: 不可说John is the strongest of the girls in his class.×


可以说Tina is the strongest of the girls in her class. √

或者说John is the strongest of the boys in his class. √

或者说John is the strongest of the students in his class. √

2)Mary is the tallest of _______ .

A. the sisters B. her sisters C. her friends D. the boys


⑴形容词最高级前一般要用定冠词the ;副词最高级前常省the 。

例:1)He is the best student in our class.

2)He draws (the) best in our class.

⑵比较级前已用了one’s等其它限定词时,必须省the 。

例:He is my best friend in our class.



1)He is taller than I am. =He is taller than me.

2)He knows you better than I know you.


≠He knows me better than you know me.



助be”。又如:He gets up earlier than I do. =He gets up earlier than me.



例:The milk in my cup is more delicious than the milk in your cup is.

→The milk in my cup is more delicious than that in yours.

㈥比较级、最高级以及as ... as句型中的修饰语

⑴比较级的修饰语:常见的有still(更),even(甚至更,还要);some(稍微),any(稍微);a lot(……得多),much(……得多);a little(=a bit)(稍微,一点,一些);twice(两倍),three times(三倍)等等。

例:1)Are you feeling any better today? —Yes, I’m feeling some better.

2)He is a little(much, a head ) taller than me.


3)He is twice older than me. 他的年龄比我大两倍。

4)He is two years older than me. 他比我大两岁。

⑵最高级的修饰语:常见的有much(放于冠词the之前)=very(放于冠词the之后)(最大程度地,完全), first(second, third …)等等。

例:1)This is much the best. =This is the very best. 这是最好最好的。

2)Huanghe River is the second longest river in our country.

3)He is the first tallest in our class.

⑶as … as句型的修饰语:常见的有about(大约), almost(几乎),just(恰恰,正好),

twice(两倍),third times (三倍)等等。

例:1)He is about/almost/just as tall as me. 他大约/几乎/恰恰和我一样高。

2)He is three times as old as me. =He is twice older than me.

㈦比较级句型、最高级句型和(not) as … as句型的转换——三种句型之间可以转换

例:1)She is the thinnest in her class.

=She is thinner than anyone else in her class.

=She is not as fat as anyone else in her class.

2)This ruler is twice as long as that one.

=This ruler is once longer than that one.



例:He is the stronger of the two. (strong强壮的)

此时,也可用最高级:He is the strongest of the two.(但是较少用)



①作many或much的比较级。如I have more books(bread) than he does.

②帮助多音节的形容词或副词构成比较级。如I’m more outgoing than my sister.


1)The child has ate some apples. And he wants two more (apples).这个孩子吃了两个苹果了,他还想再要两个/一些。2)Would you like some more rice?要不要再来点米? 3)A few more students went.又有几个学生回家了。


①作many或much的最高级。如I have most books(bread) of all.

②帮助多音节的形容词或副词构成最高级。如I’m most outgoing in our class.

③作“大多数;大部分”(前面不用冠词)。此用法与最高级无关系。修饰或代替可数名词或不可数名词均可。例如:1)Most (of the) students like music. 2)Most of them/us like music. 3)Most (of the) work is difficult; 4)Most of it is



①作little(少的)的比较级和最高级。如I have less free time than you. And I have the

least free time of us three.


例:1)He is less tall than me. =He isn’t as tall as me.

2)This book is less interesting than that one. 这本书没有那本书有趣。

3)This book is the least interesting of all.


⑷older, oldest与elder, eldest区别

older, oldest可以表示年龄、物品的破旧、时间的久远等;可作定语或表语。

而elder, eldest只用于家庭成员的长幼关系,并且只可放于名词前作定语。

例:1)His eldest son is a policeman.

2)Her elder bother is one year older than me.

3)This car is older than that one.

4)China is one of the four oldest countries.

⑸farther, farthest与further, furthest的区别

表示距离时further=farther(较远的), farthest=farthest(最远的)。另外,further,

furthest还可以表示表示程度等引申意义:further表示“更进一步的(地)”,furthest表示“最大程度的(地)”,此时不可改用farther, farthest。

例:1)Li Lei’s home is farther/further from the school than Wang Hai’s. And Lily’s

home is the farthest/furthest.

2)We will go further into the question. 我们将进一步研究这个问题。


1. (2000年甘肃省)You must write as ________ as you can.

A. more careful B. carefully C. careful D. care

2. (2002年北京市东城区)

—In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think.

—I don’t agree with you. Speaking is ________ reading.

A. as important as B. so important as

C. the most important D. the same as

3. (2003年黑龙江省)Jim is running ________ Bruce. They’re neck and neck.

A. faster than B. as fast as C. as faster as D. more slowly than

4. (2000年黑龙江省)Lesson Three is ________ Lesson Two. It’s much more difficult.

A. not so easy as B. easier than

C. as difficult as D. less difficult than

5. (2002年厦门市)This story is not ________ as that one.

A. more interesting B. less interesting

C. so interested D. so interesting

6. (2002年广东省)The boy doesn’t speak ________ his sister, but his written work is very


A. as well as B. so good as

C. more better than D. more worse than

7. (2002年河北省)Now Helen works ________ than before.

A. more carefully B. more careful

C. much careful D. much carefully

8. (2002年甘肃省)It takes ________ time to go to Beijing by plane than by train.

A. more B. fewer C. longer D. less

9. (2003年北京市海淀区)It is ________ today than yesterday. Shall we go swimming this


A. the hottest B. hot C. hottest D. hotter

10. (2003年河北省)The population of Shanghai is ________ than that of Shijiazhuang.

A. smaller B. larger C. less D. large

11. (2000年重庆市)Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose _______ one.

A. less expensive B. the least expensive

C. the less expensive D. the most expensive

12. (2003年重庆市)Of the two Australian students, Masha is ________ one. I think you can

find her easily.

A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest

13. (2000年山西省)—Which is the ________ season of the year?


A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hotest

14. (2000年内蒙古自治区)Of all the stars, the sun is ________ to the earth.

A. farthest B. the farthest C. nearest D. the nearest

15. (2001年天津市)Of all the subjects, I like Chinese ________.

A. more B. better C. well D. best

16. (北京市西城区)John is my ________ friend of all the classmates.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

17. (2000年上海市)Jinmao Tower is ________ building in Shanghai.

A. high B. tall C. highest D. the highest

18. (2002年甘肃省)Li Ping writes ________ in his class.

A. more careful B. more carefully

C. most careful D. most carefully

19. (2002年兰州市)Who’s ________ in your class?

A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest

20. (2000年天津市)This street is much ________ than that one.

A. straight B. straighter C. straightest D. more straighter

21. (2001年上海市)30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s ________ than we


A. far more B. very much C. far less D. very little

22. (2002年山西省)Jack is a little ________ than Peter.

A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest

23. (2003年天津市)In our city, it’s ________ in July, but it’s even ________ in August.

A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot

C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter

24. (2000年安徽省)In the exam, the ________ you are, the ________ mistakes you’ll make.

A. careful; little B. more careful; less

C. more careful; few D. more careful; fewer

25. (2001年黑龙江省)The more you learn, the more ________ you can get a job.

A. easily B. easier C. easy D. easiest

26. (2002年济南市)________children there are in a family, ________ their life will be.

A. The less; the better B. The fewer; the better

C. Fewer; richer D. More; poorer

27. (2003年厦门市)

—I will give you some picture books.

—The ________, the ________.

A. more; better B. many; better

C. most; best D. much; better

28. (2002年辽宁省)Which would you like ________, basketball or football?

A. good B. better C. best D. well

29. (2000年天津市)Which do you like ________, tea, orange or water?

A. good B. well C. best D. better

30. (2000年辽宁省)Miss Li is one of ________ in our school.

A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher

C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers

31. (2001年大连市)I’d like to know if Li Tao is ________ second tallest boy in his class.

A. a B. an C. the D. ×

32. (2001年厦门市)When winter comes, the days get ________.

A. short and short B. shorter and shorter

C. long and long D. longer and longer

33. (2002年黄冈市)—I’m getting fatter and fatter. What should I do, doctor?

—You’d better eat ________ food and take ________ exercise.

A. less; less B. more; more

C. more; less D. less; more


本文标签: 比较级句型副词