



1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find

the ____A_ secret to success, but relatively few have actually done


a. elusive

b. evasive

c. illusory

d. eloquent

2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the

controversy since she is such a ___C__ part of the company.

a. visibility

b. risible

c. visible

d. visibly

3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please

consider absolutely everything to be at your __B___."

a. dispose

b. disposal

c. disposing

d. disposed

4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) __D___ feat of

selflessness when they turned around to help an injured stranger.

a. advantageous

b. gorgeous

c. outrageous

d. courageous

5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive

amounts of expensive ____A_.

a. jewellery

b. jewels

c. jewelers

d. jewelling

6. Her novel successfully _C____ an entire generation of

young women to believe they could be whatever they wanted.

a. emboldened

b. embittered

c. empowered

d. embroidered

7. I'm not really a _B____ of pop culture trends, so can you

explain that reference to me?

a. flower

b. follower

c. fellow

d. fallowing

8. We just moved into town so we're still a little __D___.

a. unsettling

b. settlers

c. settled

9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to ___B__ your

disbelief toward the end.

a. upend

b. suspend

c. depend

d. misspend

10. Don't ___A__ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes

to win.

a. underestimate

b. overestimate

c. estimate

d. misestimate

11. As judge, I ___A__ over this courtroom and have the final

say on all matters.

a. preside

b. reside

c. presume

d. resume

12. Please stay back! This is a __C___ area!

a. constricted

b. districted

c. restricted

d. unrestricted

13. The moon shone down and cast a __B___ glow over the

entire field.

a. luminosity

b. luminous

c. luminal

d. luminously

14. The state dinner is a ___D__ affair, so please dress


a. distinctive

b. respectable

c. dramatic

d. formal

15. Stock prices rose _A___ after the company publically

announced its new product.

a. dramatically

b. magically

c. loosely

d. exclusively

16. The colonists began to form a ____B_ in response to the

unfair taxes.

a. rebel

b. rebellion

c. rebellious

d. rebelling

17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the

__C___ depths.

a. skinny

b. preppy

d. baggy

18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _A____ all of my


a. dictate

b. elucidate

c. explicate

d. exacerbate

19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going

to expand the __D___of the highway.

a. length

b. height

c. depth

d. width

20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just

watching the situation ___C__.

a. ameliorate

b. collaborate

c. deteriorate

d. elaborate

. Don't trust my brother, he's ___D__ to do or say anything.

a. libel

b. unreliable

c. reliable

d. liable

12. If you become a member, you'll have access to __B___

deals and offers.

a. inclusive

b. exclusive

c. reclusive

d. elusive

13. I can teach any type of math, but I _D____ in geometry.

a. special

b. specialty

c. especially

d. specialize

14. Winning the lottery is possible, but it's certainly not


a. probably

b. probable

c. probability

d. probabilistic

15. We've been with the same bank for years, and I've never

had a ___A__ about their service.

a. complaint

b. publicity

c. restraint

d. vanity

16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to __B___

before I invest; it's just too volatile

right now.

a. decline

b. stabilize

c. increase

d. neutralize

17. That actress is best known for her _C____ laugh—it's like

no other.

a. familiar

b. ordinary

c. distinctive

d. renowned

18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their

national ___D__ very early.

a. weather

b. downturn

c. savings

d. heritage

19. It simply makes good ___A__ sense to save money for


a. economical

b. economics

c. economist

d. economy

20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n)

__C___ agreement with which we were both satisfied.

a. communal

b. independent

c. mutual

d. dual

11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n)


a. applicant

b. champion

c. nominee

d. spectator

12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine

having __D___ children at once.

a. multiply

b. double

c. individual

d. multiple

13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _A____ at the other

office will be your main point of contact.

a. counterpart

b. supervisor

c. subordinate

d. employee

14. "Always be kind" is the ___B__ rule I expect my employees

to live by.

a. principle

c. standard

d. irrelevant

15. His time in office was marked by _C____ affairs and


a. highbrow

b. unemotional

c. scandalous

d. unintended

16. I became a partner in the law firm, __A___ increasing my

salary considerably.

a. thereby

b. hereby

c. standby

d. passerby

17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex

is a textbook example of ___B__.

a. discriminate

b. discrimination

c. discriminatory

d. discriminator

18. Tony gets ___B__ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to

hurt someone.

a. peaceful

b. hostile

c. ambivalent

d. apathetic

19. What was the suspect's ___D__ to kill Gene?

a. motivate

b. motivator

c. motivation

d. motive

20. After all these years, I still __C___ that it wasn't my fault.

a. portend

b. attend

c. contend

d. pretend

. It's impossible for anyone to have complete __D___ and

know everything.

a. conscience

b. prescience

c. science

d. omniscience

2. The odds are good that his team will be _B____ during the

first round of the competition.

a. preliminary

b. eliminated

c. relegated

d. delineated

3. After some research, I discovered that I'm actually a(n)

_D____ of Napoleon!

b. transcendent

c. resplendent

d. descendant

4. English lost its __A___ long ago, and it now incorporates

many words from other languages.

a. purity

b. pure

c. parity

d. prurient

5. Mario was ___C__ at the top of his class every year.

a. consistent

b. persistent

c. consistently

d. persistently

6. The speaker was utterly ___B__, and I hung on his every

word for the entire two-hour speech.

a. disgraceful

b. captivating

c. unqualified

d. sufficient

7. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth with

uncontested ___A__.

a. dominance

b. dominant

c. dominants

d. dominate

8. If you want to apply for a new passport, you cannot ___D__

your old one.

a. refrain

b. remain

c. retrain

d. retain

9. That new movie about the princess is a __a___ based on the

traditional Cinderella story.

a. variant

b. variation

c. varying

d. variety

10. Her performance on the field today is not a fair __d___ of

her skill as a soccer player.

a. globalization

b. standardization

c. multiplication

d. representation

11. We were __b___ to see the destruction caused by the


a. horrify

b. horrified

c. horrible

d. horror

12. Three hours should be a(n) __c___ amount of time to finish

the test.

a. proficient

b. deficient

c. sufficient

d. efficient

13. We need more time since we've _b____ begun talking

about the most relevant information.

a. profoundly

b. scarcely

c. dreadfully

d. constantly

14. At 8:30, it was clear that Dan had lost, and he was forced

to ___a__ his campaign for governor.

a. concede

b. conceal

c. consent

d. consort

15. The robbery suspect had several __d___ tattoos and scars

which made it easy for the police to spot him.

a. exclusive

b. individual

c. specialized

d. identifiable

16. When I travel, I like to write in a __a___ so I can remember

every little detail.

a. journal

b. novel

c. sketchbook

d. book

17. The president launched a new program to help every

adult become __c___ and learn to read.

a. literary

b. literature

c. literate

d. literati

18. The emperor's death marked the end of an important

__b___ in the country's history.

a. unity

b. epoch

c. utopia

d. elite

19. I bought a __b___ toy and need to return it for a full refund.

a. detective

b. defective

c. reflective

d. directive

20. To everyone's surprise, the politician decided not to ___a__

the charges against him.

a. refute

b. prove

c. confirm

d. infringe

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