


1. affirmative flag 【航海】五色旗

2. anchorage 锚地,停泊税

3. barge 驳船,v.碰撞

4. between wind and water 在船的吃水线部位

5. bilge keel 龙骨

6. bitt 系缆

7. blade 船桨

8. bow 船首

9. stern 船尾

10. broadside 水线上的弦侧

11. bunk 舱位

12. cabin 船舱,机舱

13. cargo trimming 平仓

14. center of buoyance 浮力中心

15. clipperbuilt 流线型的,快艇型构造的

16. coaster 近海贸易船

17. collier 运煤船,矿工,煤商

18. conning tower 驾驶舱,了望塔

19. deadweight capacity 载重吨位

20. deck 甲板

21. freeboard, topside 干弦

22. freighter 货船

23. gangway 通道,跳板

24. hull 船体,船身

25. landing stage 栈桥

26. load line 载重

27. ocean liner 远洋班轮

28. port side 左弦

29. propeller 螺旋桨,推进器

30. rudder 船舵

31. starboard 右弦

32. tugboat 拖轮

33. water line 吃水线

34. sequence 连续,顺序

35. apply to custom 报关

36. crew 全体船员

37. deck officer 高级船员

38. deckhand 普通船员

39. deratization 灭鼠

40. cruise 巡航,往返航行

41. distress 不幸,苦恼,海难

42. logbook 航海日志

43. moorage 停泊,系泊

44. navigation 导航

45. pitch 颠簸

46. port of call 沿途停靠的港口

47. reef 暗礁

48. stand out 离岸驶去

49. to embark 乘船

50. wharf 码头

51. Hatch No.2 lower hold aft(fore) part 2舱底舱后(前)部

52. dunnage 垫舱物料

53. tweendeck 二层舱

54. lay mats 铺放草席

55. put one layer of planks on each tier 在每层(排)铺一层木板

56. pig iron 生铁块

57. net 网

58. tape 胶带,带

59. chandler 杂货商 ship chandler 船用物料供应商

60. duty officer 值班船员

61. square wood 方木

62. plank 木板

63. as for the drums 至于桶子

64. layer 不同物品之间的隔层

65. tier 同种物品相叠而上的各层

66. big lot 大票

67. as regards 关于,至于 as for 至于

68. transshipment cargo and optional cargo 转口货和选港货

69. with transshipment at 在…..转口

70. direct cargo 直达货

71. sketch plan 舱图草图

72. By the way, you have to stow the pieces of frozen pork fore and aft, not crosswise.


73. First, in Hatch No.2 lower hold aft part , please put the outer bags across each other and keep

the outside ones straight so that the bags won’t fall during the voyage.


Keep straight 码齐,堆齐

case the space is not enough ,you can use one more section in the hatchway ,but leave a

small margin.


Section 指舱内两根横梁(beam)间的舱位。

Margin 指货物装舱时在货堆边所留的空位。

ad 船舱的天花板

e 余数,平衡

v.n 污染

you can’t shift any more to Hatch No.1,otherwise the ship will be down by the stern too

much. Furthermore, please put more cargo one the port side because the ship is listing to the

starboard side now.


List v.n倾侧

up to the deckhead 堆高至舱顶

through the shallow parts of the port 通过港口的浅水地带

ore, we should calculate the draft accurately now and then ,so as to keep the ship on an

even keel.


space there is nearly full up .We can put only 10 tons more at best in Hatch No.5.


the close of this shift you have to tell me the balance of each hold immediately.


84. fore peak tank 首尖舱

85.T: The loading is now over. Here are the Mate’s Receipts for you to sign and the Shipping

Orders for your reference.

O: Is there any cargo short-shipped?

T: No cargo short-shipped. But 3 lots are cancelled, namely S/O No.83,114 and 212. Also, there

are 150 packages of toys shut out. That’s due to insufficiency of space.

T: 装船现已结束。这些大副收据需要你签字,装货单供你参考。


T: 没有。但有3票取消了,即83,114和212号单,另150袋玩具因为舱位不足退装了。

Insufficiency n.不足

Short-ship,cancel 和shut out 都表示“退关”的意思,但三者含义不同。Cancel是指货物未向海关申报出口即已整票取消装船。Short-ship 是指已向海关申报出口,但因货物短缺、损坏等原因未能按提单数字全部装船。Shut out 是指已向海关申报出口,但因船上舱位不足等原因未能按提单数字全部装船。

86.I told the stevedores to replace them by new ones.

Replaces by (with) 以……代替

’t mention it. 别客气。

Remark n.批注,备注

88. be off duty 下班

89. boat note 驳船载货清单

list , exception list

分舱单 例外舱单(一般指残损或溢短)

of these cases is(are) for Hongkong.这些箱子都不是去香港的。

All these cases are not for Hongkong.(=Not all these cases is for Hongkong)这些箱子不都是去香港的。

None, nothing, nobody ,no ,ever 等与not 连用时表示全部否定;

All(包括both ,every)与not 连用时表示部分否定。

e over 关于……的争议

’s the captain that sent me here. 是船长派我来的。

It’s…that 是一种强调句型。

exactly. 不完全是。

g slings 记关,即理货在船边点小票,数货码多少的工作。

They always make slings in fixed form and fixed quantity.他们总是定型定量做关(打码)。

96. The day shift 日班

The swing shift 中班

The night shift 夜班

97. insufficient packing 不足的

The seas were roaring.海浪在呼啸。Sea的复数或与不定冠词连用时表示“海浪”的意思。

Sweep across 掠过

Keep me informed 让我知道

Arise from 由……而引起

But I think the packages might collapse or crush one another during such a storm.

One another 表示相互的意思,通常指三者以上。

’ll surely distinguish the original damage from the stevedore’s.

The original damage 原残

The stevedores’ (damage) 工残

For the time being 暂时


Corrosive 腐蚀性的

Godown 仓库 wharf yards 码头堆场

Keg 木桶 drum 桶

Spoil v.损坏,糟蹋,溺爱,宠坏

Stain v.n污染

Rust v.n 生锈,氧化 rusty 生锈的

Underneath 在底下的

Dent v.n凹 bulge v.n凸

Duly adv 及时地

Dumping truck 自卸车

protest 海事报告=note of sea protest

101. Generally speaking, we can discharge 1000 tons each gang per shift.

一般来说,我们每条作业线每工班能卸一千吨。 Gang =1晾

101. Please tell the stevedores to operate the winches steadily and move the controller handles step

by step. 起货机(船吊) 操纵杆

Sucker 吸粮机 grab 抓斗

102. What’s more ,don’t bang against the hatch coaming.


Fumigate 熏蒸

Draft scale = deadweight scale 吃水重量表

So we have to hold the stevedores responsible for the damage . 要……负责

103. 联检:joint inspection

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