


Atmospheric Distillation




Master the basic operation of the atmospheric distillation by the

separation and purification of ethanol


When heated liquid compounds, the liquid molecules form gas

molecules constantly overflow, namely steam. Steam on the liquid surface

reaches saturation, is saturated the applied saturation vapor

pressure on the liquid surface is equal with the environmental pressure,

it is a saturated vapor this case, the liquid boils, the

steam temperature is the boiling point. Atmospheric distillation is

usually at 0.1MPa, when you reach a certain temperature, Vapor generated

by the boiling of the liquid cool liquid, p components = p

distilling multi-component liquid mixture, it is

generally the greater difference between the boiling point of the

components (usually a difference of 30 ℃), the higher the purity of



instrument and reagents


Round-bottomed flask; distillation head; condenser; wetted tube;

thermometer; Erlenmeyer flasks


Ethanol (industrial)--20ml; Zeolite--2-3capsules


instrument installation

Atmospheric distillation unit shown in Figure 3-1. Order of

installation of the instrument is to start from the heating end, Bottom

up, left to right of instruments should be installed in

the vertical plane, and the bench flush, stable and safe, easy to

g two parallel formwork units on the bench, iron sets

should be installed in the side of the ed by

installation of a heating device, retort, distillation head, thermometer,

thermowell, straight condenser, wetted tube, the receiving flask, the

y choose the right equipment as needed for operation,

select retort according to the volume of distilled liquid, atmospheric

distillation retort usually not more than 2/3, less than 1/3. the

thermometer should be greater than the boiling point of the range is the

exhaust gas generally is accessed to absorbing device, no

polluted gas can be exhausted to the outside or ing positive

fraction bottle should be weighed, and to prepare a receiving flask

before the fraction we needed is out.


Figure 3-1 Atmospheric distillation unit



Exhaust means and the receiving bottle should be kept away from

heat installed the distillation head, the opening should be

up and in facing the side. retort and condenser should be fixed with

selection should be based on the size of the bottle, the

inside of the clip should be soft cannula, so as not to clip cut

g general use temperature heating units ,also directly

use fire asbestos nets, water bath, oil bath, sand bath,and so

lation bottom and electric wire net asbestos should be void,

usually 1-2mm,and water bath, oil bath pot, sand bath was spaced 1-2cm,

in order to prevent decomposition or charring of organics because of the

local on thermometer mounted in the distillation

should be on the mercury ball along the inner wall of the outlet

pipe and a distillation head along the horizontal.




ment operation


Pour 20ml of ethanol industry that has been weighed into the 50ml

bottle through a funnel , add 2-3 capsules zeolite to form gasification

center, to prevent bumping, so boiling stable. The retort connecting the

various parts of the through the mouth from the

condenser condensate, full condenser, missing water flow into the sink.

Then begins to heat until the liquid vapor rises and boils, reducing the

voltage of the electric sets, the vapor steady rise to bale mercury

thermometer meter shows the temperature rises rapidly, when

the thermometer mercury ball droplets is balancing with vapor and flows

into the condenser, you should control the voltage of electric sets to

make wetted pipe effluent to 1-2 drops per second .When you reach the

desired temperature 77℃ and the thermometer shows the temperature

stabilized, remove the front fraction, put clean and dry weighed

receiving flask, keep the heating mantle voltage collect 78℃

there are no effluent, the temperature dropped,the

distillation of this component is s should keep some residue.

Stop heating, remove the heating mantle, stop wetted

bottle, followed by the reverse order installation of equipment to

remove the wetted tube, condenser, a thermometer, a distillation head,

distillate bottles. Weigh the collected fractions, the yield was

calculated. Recycling products, clean equipment spare.



(1) Feeding should strictly avoid liquid spilled into the electric

kit, or once the electricity will cause an accident

(2) When the heating forget to add zeolite or heating is stopped

for any reason ,you should make sure the distillation liquid is cooled

to below the boiling point, then plus zeolite;

(3) Liquid in the distillation bottle may not be evaporated to

dryness, to prevent explosions and other accidents

(4) Ethanol is a low-boiling organics so you can not open place


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