



Part I Vocabulary and Structure(1*30)

1.I could tell he was surprised from the()on his face. [单选题] *






explanation 意为“解释,说明”。根据句意可知,选C。

I()the exam, he would be astonished. [单选题] *


to pass



真 实条件句中有时从句和主句的动作发生时间不一致,这时谓语动词的形式应由

句子的 意思来决定。由句意可知,主句表示与将来事实相反,从句则表示与过去

事实相反,因 此主句谓语为“would +动词原形”,而从句谓语则应为“had +过去分


3. No sooner()stepped out of the hall than it began to rain. [单选题] *

A. had we(正确答案)

B. have held

C. did We

D. do we


否定意义的词“never, hardly,seldom,under no conditions,no sooner” 等置于句首


han/hardly ... when引导的从句中谓语若用一般过去式,主句谓语动词就用


students ran back to the dormitory, magazines()under their arms. [单选题] *

A. to be held

B. was held

C. held(正确答案)

D. holding


结 构可知,题干中没有连同,逗号前面是一个完整的句子,所以逗号后面应是一

个表示伴 随的状语结构,即由“逻辑主语+分词”构成的独立主格结构。又因



5. The patient’s progress was very encouraging as he could()get out of bed without

help. [单选题] *

A. nearly(正确答案)

B. only

C. merely

D. barely



意 为“仅仅,只不过” ;barely意为“勉强,仅仅”。故选A。

6. I hadn’t seen him for years, but I()his voice on the telephone. [单选题] *

A. realized

B. discovered

C. accepted

D. recognized(正确答案)


realize意为“意识到” ;discover意为“发现”;accept意为“接受”;recognize意为“认

出, 识别出”。故选D。

7. He was last seen in public on the()of his daughter’s wedding. [单选题] *

A. chance

B. occasion(正确答案)

C. event

D. affair


on the occasion of意为“在...场合”,为固定搭配。

8. If you speak slowly and clearly, the students will()the meaning. [单选题] *

A. take on

B. take down

C. take in(正确答案)

D. take back


题。 take on意为“呈现” ;take down意为“放下”;take in意为“吸收,理解”;lake


9. Nothing can()unless you tell us the truth. [单选题] *

A. do

B. does

C. have been done

D. be done(正确答案)


分 析句子结构可知,主语nothing与谓语动词do之间为动宾关系,所以应该用被动

语态, 故选D

10. She is()kind a girl that all of us like to make friends with her. [单选题] *

A. Such

B. that

C. so(正确答案)

D. what


配题。so的一种固定用法是:so +形容词+ a/an +名词,而such的用法是such +a/an

+形 容词+名词,故选C。

11. After years of hard work, these researchers have at last discovered a new ()to

cancer treatment. [单选题] *

A. approach(正确答案)

B. method

C. channel

D. route


法。词 义辨析题。approach意为“方法,途径”,一般与介词to搭配使用;method意为

“方法,手 段”,一般与介词of搭配使用;channel意为“通道,渠道” ;route意为“路

线”。根据句意可 知,答案是A。

12. ()finished his work, he had to stay at home on the weekend. [单选题] *

A. Having not been

B. Being not

C. Not having(正确答案)

D. Having not


析 句子结构可知,动词finish的逻辑主语为he,且两者之间为主谓关系,所以应用

现在 分词的主动形式;因finish表示的动作发生在“过去的过去”所以应用完成时态;

又因 not要放在现在分词之前进行否定,所以选C。

13. Tom()the shopkeeper with overcharging him for the articles he had bought. [单选

题] *

A. accused

B. charged(正确答案)

C. blamed

D. criticized


charge sb. with sth.意为“指控,指责” ;accuse sb. of sth.意为“指责,指控” ;blame sth.

on sb.意为“把……怪罪到某人头上” ;criticize sb. for sth.意为“批评,指责”。因此B


14. The idea sounds very good, but will it work in ()? [单选题] *

A. practice(正确答案)

B. place

C. advance

D. company


practice意为“实践中,实际上” ;in place 意为 “在适当的位置” ;in advance意为“提


15. He got a job so that he could be independent() his parents. [单选题] *

A. on


D. from


be independent of…意为“独立于...之外,不受...支配”。因此C项最符合题意。

16. We had to wait a long time to get our passports, ()? [单选题] *

A. won t we

’t we

’t we(正确答案)

n’t you


反 意疑问句一般要遵循前肯定后否定、前否定后肯定和时态一致的原则。因为前

面的 句子为过去时,且为肯定,因此选C

17. Do you feel like()today? [单选题] *

A. having something eaten

B. having something to eat(正确答案)

C. to have something eaten

D. to have something to eat

答案解析:句意:你今天想吃点什么吗?词语搭配题。feel like doing sth.意为“想要

做某事” ;have something to eat意为“吃点东西”。因此B为正确答案。

18. It’s vital that enough money()collected to get the project started. [单选题] *

A. is

B. be(正确答案)

C. must be

D. can be

答案解析:句意:要想启动这个项目必须募集足够的资金。虚拟语气题。It’s vital

that后面接主语从句时要用虚拟语气,从句谓语要用“should +动词原形”的形式,


19. We consider()the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. [单选题] *

A. that it necessary

B. it necessary that(正确答案)

C. necessary that

D. necessary of it that



正 的宾语that从句则放在句尾。故本题应选B。

20. (),we decided to leave at once, as we didn’t want to risk missing the bus. [单选

题] *

A. As it being pretty late

B. It being pretty late(正确答案)

C. It was being pretty late

D. Being pretty late


独 立主格结构题。分析句子结构可知,空格处应为从句或独立主格结构。选项中


21. He learned how to use sign language to()with deaf customers. [单选题] *

A. connect

B. contact

C. communicate(正确答案)

D. relate


题。 communicate with sb.意为“与某人交流”,为固定搭配题,且符合句意,故选

C。 connect意为“连接,与……有联系(关联)” ;contact意为“(尤指经常的)联系,联

络”; relate意为“把……联系起来”。

22. If you carefully()the problem again, you will find a way out. [单选题] *

A. think over(正确答案)

B. take over

C. set up

D. look up


辨 析题。take over意为“接管,接替”;set up意为“建立,创立,树立”;look up意为

“向上 看,抬头看” ;think over意为“仔细考虑”。因此选A。

23. I told them I was perfectly()to help if they asked. [单选题] *

A. kind

B. interested

C. willing(正确答案)

D. favorable


willing to do sth.意为“乐意做某事”;其他三项均不正确,interested常用于be

interested in结构,意为“对……感兴趣”。根据句意可知,选C。

24. It’s a simple dish to prepare, ()mainly of rice and vegetables. [单选题] *

A. making up

B. composing

C. containing

D. consisting(正确答案)


contain 意为“包含,包括”,后面可以直接跟宾语,不需要借助于介词;consist of为

固定词组, 意为“由……组成,包括”,符合句意,故选D。

25. The samples() in quality but were generally acceptable. [单选题] *

A. Varied(正确答案)

B. changed

C. disagreed

D. exchanged



相 异,不同,有差别” ;change意为“改变,交换”;disagree意为“不同意,不一

致”; exchange意为“交换,交易”。根据句意可知,选A。

26.()dictionary is enough for me [单选题] *

A. Such one

B. One such

C. Such a om y

D. One such a(正确答案)


较 级及最高级,有不定冠词a( n)时,要放在该冠词之前;有all,no, one, few, several,

some, any等时,则放在这些词之后。故应选D

27. In order to finish the task in time we must agree()a plan of action. [单选题] *

A. with

B. on(正确答案)

C. to

D. in


配题。agree with后面应跟人,agree on后面应跟某项事情;意为“就……达成协议,

就……取得一致意见”;agree to意为“同意…。故应选B。

this time next week, the winners ()their awards [单选题] *

A. will have receive

B. will be received

C. will have received(正确答案)

D. will have been receiving


题。通过时间状语by this time next week可知,此处表达的是到将来某个时间为止

已 完成的动作,所以要用将来完成时。

29. George is delighted()his new secretary because she works very hard. [单选题] *

B. with(正确答案)

C. of

D. at


be delighted to后面要跟动词原形,表示“高兴做某事” ,而be delighted with后面要跟

名 词或代词,表示“对……满意”,故选B。

30. The young man still denies ()the fire behind the store. [单选题] *

A. to start

B. to starting

C. having started(正确答案)

D. having been started

答案解析:句意:那个年轻人依然否认在商店后面放过火。非谓语动词题, deny后


Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(40分)

Directions : In this part,there are four passages, each of which is followed by five

questions or unfinished statements. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding

letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies,shopping or attending

parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That’s the way most parents

are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a

chance of promotion in their jobs.

Asking help from their parents might be a way out, but problems are that some aging

parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become

too spoiled by their grandparents.

Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of

each family can take turns to took after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus,

other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they’ve been

planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends arid won’t be

hanging around their parents all day long.

This is baby-pooling.

post-80s couples can’t go to the movies,shop or attend parties because( ) [单

选题] *

A. they have to look after their kids(正确答案)

B. they have to look after their parents

C. they are busy with their work

D. they have no money


后,许 多80后夫妻就没空看电影、逛街、参加舞会了。由此可推出80后夫妻无

法看电影、 逛街、参加舞会的原因是他们必须得照看孩子,故选A。

Paragraph 2,“a way out” means() [单选题] *

A. out of date

B. a solution(正确答案)

C. without question

D. a complaint


助也 许是一个解决办法”,a way out在这里是指“解决办法”,可以和a solution同


ing to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples is that

() [单选题] *

A. families with kids form a small group(正确答案)

B. they ask their aging parents for help

C. they give up their jobs

D. they take their kids wherever they go


34. What is (are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?() [单选题] *

A. The parents can have much more free time.

B. The kids can make new friends.

C. The kids won’t be hanging around their parents all day long.

D. All of the above.(正确答案)


pooling 的优点,所以应选D。

passage mainly discusses() [单选题] *

本文标签: 意为词语动词搭配解析