


学习必备 欢迎下载

1. died—have/has been dead

2. bought—have/has had

3. borrowed—have/has kept

4. began—have/has been on

5. opened-have/has been open

6. closed

—have/has been closed

7. left…

--have/has been away from…

8. came here

—have/has been here

9. moved to…

--have/has lived in..

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10. went to…

--have/has been in…

11. joined…

--have/has been in….

/have/has been a member of…

12. married sb/got married to sb—have/has been married to sb

13. finished

–have/has been over

14. made/became friends

—have/has been friends

15. began to teach

—have/has taught

16. lose (lost)—haven’t/hasn’t had

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(became)—have/has been


* He went to London in 1990. He is still in London now.

He has been in London since 1990.

* I borrowed the book two weeks ago. I have kept the book for two

weeks/since two weeks ago.

It is two weeks since I borrowed the book.

 He joined the League two years ago. = It is two years since he joined the


= He has been in the League for two years/ since two years ago.


1. The film began ten minutes ago.

It is …since….

It is ten minutes since the film began.

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The film has been on for ten minutes/since ten minutes ago.

2. It is three days since he left.

He left three days ago.

He has been away from here for three days/since three days ago.

3. He came here half an


ago, and he is still here now.

It is half an hour since he came here.

He has been here for half an hour./since half an hour ago.

4. Mary married Tom ten years ago.

It is ten years since Mary married Tom.

Mary has been married to Tom for ten years/since ten years ago.

5. I began to teach English fourteen years ago.

It is fourteen years since I began to teach English.

I have taught English for fourteen years/since fourteen years ago.

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I have been an English teacher for 14 years.

Test in class

1. He moved to Shenzhen two years ago.

It is two years since he moved to Shenzhen.

He has lived in Shenzhen for two years/since two years ago.

2. My father went to Shanghai last week.

It is a week since my father went to Shanghai.

My father has been in Shanghai since last week.

3. Mike joined the army three years ago.

It is three years since Mike joined the army.

Mike has been in the army for three years/since three years ago.

4. It is ten minutes since the film began.

The film began ten minutes ago.

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The film has been on for ten minutes/since ten minutes ago.

5. He bought the computer four weeks ago.

It is four weeks since he bought the computer.

He has had the computer for four weeks/since four weeks ago.

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