


Terminology analysis

  • investor 投资人
  • Borrower 借钱人
  • financial markets 金融市场
    • Money markets (short-term)货币市场
    • Capital markets (long-term) 资本市场
  • Derivatives 衍生金融产品
    • hedge risk 规避风险
    • Speculating through derivatives 通过衍生品投机
  • Forwards
    • Private agreements where the buyer commits to buy, and the seller commits to sell.
      远期 - 买方承诺购买的私人协议,卖方承诺出售。
  • Futures
    • Standardized forms of forwards that trade on exchanges.
      期货 - 交易交易的标准化形式。
  • Options
    • Give the holder the right to buy or sell the underlying asset on a fixed date in the future.
      期权 - 赋予持有人将来在固定日期购买或出售基础资产的权利。
  • Swaps
    • Contracts through which two parties exchange streams of cash flows.
      掉期 - 两党通过的合同交换现金流。

本文标签: FinancialComputingintroduction