

1 rent a apartment

-My name is Jhon, and I'm calling to ask about the apartment for rent. I saw your advertisement online.

-Yes, thanks for calling Jhon! I'm Matthew. I have a 2-bedroom apartment and I'm looking for a roommate to share the rent.

-Great! where is the apartment located?

-The address is 345 South Street, Apartment C. It is across from the liarbry and right next door to the pizza restaurant.

-I know exactly where that is. That's a great location.

-Yes, I find it very convenient.

-And what is the rent?

-It's $800 per month, so your half is $400. Would you like come by and check out the apartment?

-That would be great. How about 5 pm today?

-Perfect! I'll see you then.(那时)

-I prepared a few questions to see if you'd be good match as a roomate.

-Go for it.

-First of all, Are you a smoker?

-I'm not a smoker. Do you smoke?

-I don't, and I'm really glad you don't either. I would prefer to keep the apartment smoke-free.

-Me too, I cannot stand the smell of smoke.

-Are you a night owl or an early bird?

-I tend to get up early because I like to get to the gym early to work out most days. I have always liked staying active and fit.

-Great! I'm an early bird as well, and  I like to run in the morning whenever I get the chance.

How often would you plan on having friend or family visit ? Are you very outgoing?

-I would probably have friends over a few nights a week, but I wouldn't host a lot of parties. I'm pretty laid back and prefer a night of playing card with friends rather than loud and crazy party. My little brother probably come visit a few times a year, but he is very friendly and easy to get along with.

- I do host a few partis a year, but otherwise, I just have a few friends over every once in a while.

-My brother might be coming to college here in a few years. Do you have siblings?

-I have an elder brother. He is married and has kids, so he will not be visiting me anytime soon. I think it's cool if your brother wants to come visit us a few times. That shouldn't be a problem.

-When it comes to chores and cleaning, what tasks do you prefer to take on? And how clean do you expect the apartment to be?

-I generally like things to be pretty tidy. I will gladly help out to make sure we keep the apartment clean. I'll do the dishes and run the vacuum often. How clean do you like to keep things?

- I'm pretty neat as well. I hate coming home to a messy apartment.So I'm constantly cleaning up the kitchen and mopping the floors. I'd also help out with cleanming the bathroom and dusting around the apartment.

- It sounds like we would both keep things clean, which is good. What are you studying in school?

- I'm a chemistry and biology major. I hope to become a doctor one day.

- I am majoring in business,but I am not exactly sure what I will do after I graduate. Do you have any questions for me ?

- In general, what are some things you like to do ? How do you spend weekend and free time?

- I like to go to the movies a lot. I also like to cook and try new recipes. On the weekends, I swim, meet friends for lunch, go on hikes, and play video games.

- Is there anything you don't like?

-  I guess I don't like cold weather activities. I don't like skiing or playing in the snow. I'd rather vacation at a beach than at a ski resort. So, in the winter, I probably stay inside and read.

-  I work as a ski instructor during the winter. SO, when I am skiing you can have the apartment to youself.

- Sounds great to me.

- I almost forgot to ask. Do you have a car?  We have two parking spaces. One is in a garage and one is on the street.  Do you have a preference where you would park?

- I'm fine with parking on the street. My car is fancy.  It doesn't need to be in the garage.

- Great. Well, I think we  would make a good fit as roommates.
- Yes, I agree. Let's do this. Where can I move in?

- You could move in on Monday. If that works to you.    Rent will be $400 per month.

- Sounds great.  I'm looking forward to it.

- Me too.  I'll have the landlord add your name to the lease.  And you can sign it next week.

- Awesome.

- Thank you.  We're going to have a great time here


  1. come by and check out 口语: 串门并且看看
  2. work out 锻炼
  3. have friends over 请朋友过来
  4. every once in a while 有时,偶尔 ,同once in a while
  5. laid back 随和脾气好
  6. sibling
  7. anytime soon 近期
  8. chore  /tʃɔːr/   chores  /tʃɔrz/  家务,杂事
  9. when it comes to 当涉及到
  10. help out to make sure 帮忙确保
  11. do the dishes and run the vacuum 洗盘和吸尘器打扫
  12. mopping the floors 拖地
  13. I'm fine with doing 我怎么样就挺好的
  14. anytime soon 近期

3 Don't forget to live your life- gerunds and infinitives with verbs

-Hi, Maria.

-Hi, Susan.  It's so good to see you.   I'm trying to remember when the last time I saw you was. 

-Oh, I don't know. But every time I suggest meeting,you have some excuse.  Are you trying to avoid me?

-You know, I'm always look forward to meeting you.  I've been meaning to pay you  a visit.  But I just couldn't find the time.  I love spending time with you. You are my best friend.  But I've been very busy with my job.   I want to get promoted and earn more. But promotions take a lot of work.  Imagine having to get up at five am every day and going to sleep  at midnight.   I aspire to be a CEO in the next five years and I will work towards  making my dream a reality.

- If you continue to work so hard, you risk getting sick.

- I need to raise money to buy a bigger apartment.  I have a lot of dreams and plans that I need to  achieve. 

-You always need to raise money for something.  And you neglect to live life to the fullest.  You never get to spend enough time with the people you love.  And time passes by.  

-That's true. I don't get to see my family as often as i'd like.    I miss living with my parents.   I remember sleeping in and waking up to a home cooked breakfast.   I miss seeing my parents out in the garden every day looking after their vegetables and plants.  I also miss joking around with my brother.  I plan to visit them next month.   I have been so busy lately that I struggle to stay in touch with them.  

-That sounds tough to slow down your life and even find hobby.  

-I prefer to focus on my career now and on my goals.    I'll have plenty of time for hobbies later.

- Don't take time for granted.  When was the last time you went on vacation?

-I don't even remember. Unfortunately, I can't afford to go on vacation any time soon.   That would mean saying goodbye to any chance of promotion.  

-You are working too much. You should stop to enjoy life too.  Just imagine lying on the beach away from all the clouds and rain.

- I've got my whole life ahead of me. Stop worrying about me.  In life, you need to make sacrifices to achieve your goal.  

-I regret to say that sacrificing your personal life is a big price to pay.   You forget to leave time for yourself and things that make you happy.   It's important to have goals, but don't stop living life while chasing them. You can wake up one day and feel that you have never truly lived.  

-What about you?  Do you manage to find time for family or hobbies?

-I strive to find time for everything that matters in life, like reading traveling, family and friends.    I want to make as many happy memories as possible.    I also started to spin recently to stay in shape.  You mean spending on the indoor bicycle?  

-It's really great that you started exercising.  

-I also started working as volunteer at the soup kitchen.  

-Volunteer. How come?

-I realized that giving brings far more happiness than getting.  So I decided to volunteer to brighten other people's life.  

-That's very kind of you.  

-I like working there.  I enjoy meeting new people and talking with them.  Helping those people makes me so happy.  

-I really admire you for that.

- I want to make the most of my life so that when I look back, I can be satisfied with it.   I don't want one day regret waste my life on unimportant things.  You can try volunteering at a soup kitchen once in a while.  

-Well, I want to help people, but I dislike cooking.  

-You don't actually have to cook. You can volunteer to serve.  Why do you dislike cooking anyway?

-I can never get the recipe right.   It's always too salty, too sour,too sweet.    I will never forget making a fool of myself when I cooked dinner for some friends.  It was so horrible that they couldn't eat it.  That's why I hate to cook. I prefer eating out.

- So you stopped cooking because it didn't taste good.  Yes, but I still love to eat food that other people cook.  I cherish our friendship and our time together.   I like chatting with you.  I promise to do my best to find time for my personal life.    I won't let work take up all my time from now on.

- I'm glad to hear that.   Keep working hard. But remember to relax, have fun and live life along the way.


4.Education phrases and idioms

Is Dan in one of your classes?

Yes, he is in my introductory English classes.  Why do you ask?  

He's been missing a lot of history classes lately.  I'm getting concerned.  I think he's been playing hooky and I might have to fail him because of his poor attendance.

Are you sure he's cutting class? He has attended all my classes.  

Yes, I saw him in the hallway talking to one of his friends before class.  Then he never showed up to class.   I'm afraid he's fallen behind at this point.    He already missed a pop quiz and several assignments I handed out.   If he does come back to class. He's going to have to do a lot of work to catch up.  

That's really strange. He seems like a good student to me.  He picks things up quickly.   He's aced every assignment.  

I'm really worried about him.  He's only a freshman. And if he keeps skipping his classes, then he might not graduate.  He would have to drop out of school.  

Why don't you ask him why he's been absent? He seems like a hard worker and  eager beaver in my class.  So I'm sure there's a good explanation.  

I hope you're right. I'll go talk to him.

Hey, dan, do you want to hang out after school today? I was going to go to see the new superhero movie.  I can't. I have to hit the books tonight.  I'm trying to make the grade in English class.  

You study too much. You always have your nose in a book.  I bet you know everything by heart now.  

Not quite. I want to make sure I'm prepared.  

But what about you? I've never seen you crack a book before.  

I read over my assignments right before class to keep them fresh in my mind.  

What if you have a lot more work to do? You can't do everything at the last minute.  Sometimes I have to pull an all-nighter if I have a lot of work due.  But I always turn in my assignments on time.

My parents told me that I can't afford to goof around.   They want me to be in the top of my class at graduation.  

WOW, that's a lot of pressure. But can't you skip studying just this once?

No, I can't. I learned my lesson at the beginning of the semester.   I put off studying and I bombed my test.  My parents were so mad.

I hate pop quizzes.  Their purpose is to catch us off guard to see if we've been studying. If I don't know a test is coming, I get a low grade on it.  

I feel the same way about them.  There are enough to keep me on edge every day at school.  That's why I prefer scheduled quizzes.  

Anyway, I had to drop out of one of my classes so that I could pull my grade back up.  

Really? What class did you drop?

History.  It's much better to drop it than failling it or getting a c or d in it.  But I'm going to retake it next semester.  I'll study more during Christmas break to catch up.  

Well, you've become quite a bookworm. You should get an A for effort.  

I hope my teachers agree.  

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Sure, I've been meaning to talk to you.  I've been covering a lot of ground in class lately. And I know you've missed some classes.  I don't want you stay behind.  I want to help you catch up.

Thanks. But the truth is that I've never been very good at history. When I took the first test in your class, my mind went blank.  

That's okay. Sometimes you need to go back to basics.   Once you develop some tricks for memoring people, places and dates,history is easy as ABC.

I would like to learn those tricks sometime, but I don't have time this semester.   I'm planning to read up on some history over Christmas break so that I can try again next semester.  

I don't want you to miss out on the opportunity to do well this semester.  You might have to cram a little, but I can help you ace the next test.  

That's a kind offer, but I've already dropped out of your class.  I enrolled in an elective instead.  History wouldn't fit in my schedule anymore.  I've decided to focus on my other classes and try to get ahead.  

I'm sorry to heard that you dropped the class.  But I'm glad you're taking your study seriously.  If you are interested, you could sign up for history club.  I think it would help you to keep up with other students  the next semester.  

Thanks for your suggestion.  

I'm hoping I can see you through your class next time.

5 making complains

I'd like 20 chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce , two cheeseburgers and 4 Coca Colas.

Will that be all? It's for here or to go

For here, please.

That will be $22.5. Your order will be ready soon.

There are only 10 chicken nuggets here. There were supposed to be 20. And these are fish burgers.  But I order cheeseburgers.   I'm going to take it back to the counter.  We should get what we ordered.  

Excuse me. These are not what I ordered. I ordered 20 chicken nuggets, and I only got 10. Also instead of chicken burgers, I got two fish burgers.  

I'm sorry, sir. Can I see your receipt ?

Can you correct this order ?

Sure.   If you could just bear with me for a moment, I will get you the correct order.  Here it is.  I'm sorry about that.   You order got mixed up with someone else's.  I give you some free  French fries to make up for it.
Did you find anything you needed today?

Yes, these headphones is exactly what I need.  My neighbor has a really loud dog and I can't get any work done.   I hope they do the trick.  

That will be 150  

WOW, that's  expensive.  But these are supposed to be the best, right?

Yes, that's a good brand of headphone.   Do you want to purchase our protection plan in case something happens to them?

That's okay. I don't think I need it.  

What's wrong with this? I just bought them.  

Can I help you? Yes, these headphones aren't working anymore. I would like to return them and get a refund.  

Do you have the receipt?  

No, I must have dropped it.  I bought these here a couple of days ago.  

Do you purchase protection plan? Our return policy states that if you don't have a receipt and our protection plan, then you can't return the item.

But I just bought them.  Is there anything you can do?

Well, you can't return the headphones.  But you can exchange them for another pair

OK, hopefully the new headphones will work.

 Wow that's a great sale.  

WOW! These shirts are nice.

I know, I really love them.  Hey, that's not the right price. Those shirts are supposed to be on sale.

These shirts are not on sale. The sale sign was still up from last week. I'm sorry.

Does that mean I have to pay the full price?

Yes, I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.

I don't think it's right to have a sale sign up on something that isn't on sale. I'd like to speak to your manager.

I can get my manager for you. Wait here a minute.  

Can I help you?

Yes. I saw the sale sign here, and I got the shirts, thinking that they were on sale. The cashier says I have to pay full price. I don't think that's right.

I understand this. Our customers are very important to us. We've taken down the sale sign. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. I can ring those shirts up for you at the sale price.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.  

I'm Brandon downstairs.

Hi, I'm Jessica. Nice to meet you.

Sorry to bother you. But can I talk to you for a minute?

Sure. Is everything all right?

I've been listening to you play the piano from my apartment for a while now.  And it's nice to hear that you are getting better. Unfortunately, I tried to sleep in on weekends.  I can't speak for our neighbours, but it's perfectly fine during the weekdays, because I'm up at seven am anyway. On the weekends, I really appreciate it if you can hold off until nine am.

No problem. I'll postpone practicing the piano until 10 am. Sorry about that. I didn't realize it was disturbing for you.

Don't get me wrong. But weekends are the only chance I have to catch up on sleep.

You don't need to explain yourself. We appear to be operating on different schedules. That's all.

Thank you for being so kind. Have a nice day.

The water was so cold. This is unacceptable. I'm gonna make a complaint.  

This is the front desk. How can I help you?

This is anita Martin from room 11. I'd like to make a complaint.

What seems to be the problem?

There is no hot water in my room. So I had to take a cold shower. This is unacceptable. I'm very disappointed with your service. I'd like you to resolve this matter as quickly as possible, or i'll have to cancel my reservation.

Please accept our sincere apologies for not having hot water. Unfortunately, our hot water system has developed technical problems this morning. We are working on this, and we promise to have this issue solved in almost no time. We'll make sure to give you a discount.

Okay, thank you. Also there's an issue with the heating. It's very hot in my room.  You can adjust the temperature using a thermostat near the light switch.

Oh, I see. Okay, thank you for your help. You're very welcome

6 rent a apartment

 Hi, my name is Sophia.  I'm a student from Brandeis university. And I want to rent an apartment.  I saw your listing for an apartment on Oka street.  

Hi, Sophia. I'm  landlord. Did you want to schedule a viewing?  

Yes, that's right.   The earliest appointment to view the apartment is 1 pm tomorrow.  

Great. I'll take that appointment. Thank you.  

Okay, I'll see you then.  

Hey, Sophia! Nice to meet you! Come in.  

Nice to meet you too.  This is very nice and clean.  Yes, I always had it cleaned when a tenant moves out.  Besides, the apartment was recently renovated.  Let me show you around.  

That would be great. Thank you.  

Like the listing said,  it's a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment.  This is bedroom. It's fully furnished with bed, wardrobe and two beside tables.   There is also a desk for study and a bookshelf, an LCD TV and WIFI connection.  

I love this room. It looks really cozy and stylish.   Is there air conditioning?

No, there isn't, but this building is pretty cool when it is hot outside.   Is it okay If I hang something on the walls?

Yes, but don't leave any holes in the walls.   I don't want you to make any major changes to the  apartment.  

What if something in the apartment stops working and breaks?  

You can call me immediately and I will come over to look at it.  I live right down the street.  I will pay for any ongoing repairs.  

Well, all of that sounds perfect.  

The bathroom is attached to the bedroom.   It's over here.   A toilet and shower are a little older, but they are in excellent condition.  

Yes, they look almost new.  Is there a washer and dryer?

There is no washing machine and dryer in the apartment.  But there's a laundromat in the basement.  You will have to get a laundry card from machine down there.  You can load some money onto it to do your laundry.  

I see. It's perfectly fine.  

Let me show you now the kitchen.  It is a fully equipped kitchen.  it has a stovetop and oven, microwave and refrigerator.   The oven And stovetop use gas.  

Will I be responsible to pay the gas bill?

Yes, but it won't be very much.    If you cook one meal a day, it should be about $30 a month.  

What about the heat? Is that gas,too?

The heat runs on electricity.  

Will I need to pay that bill? No, the heat is included in the rent.  So is the water and trash and snow removal.  

That sounds like a good deal.  Is there a dishwasher in the kitchen too?

There is this right here.  

Awesome.    Could I have guests stay overnight?

You can have one guest stay overnight, but they cannot stay multiple nights.  

What about parties?  Can I have small parties once in a while?

Yes, you can. But please do not drink alcohol at the party.   A student who stayed here cost damage to the apartment after drinking with some friends.  

I'm only 18. So I don't drink yet. That shouldn't be a problem.  

I'm glad to hear that.  

How much is the rent for this place?

$800 a month.  

And how can I pay the rent?

You can write me a check at the beginning of each month.  I'll ask you to pay a deposit for the first and last month, which will be $1600  Any damage to the apartment will come out the deposit.  If there aren't any damage, then you won't be charged.  And the deposit will go towards paying your last month's rent.  

How long is the lease?

One year.  After that, you can sign a lease for another year.

Is the apartment close to public transportation.  

Yes, the bus stop is just 150 feet away.  It's a-minute walk from this building.   You can also get easily to the grocery store from here.  

Perfect.  What are the neighbors like, I hope they are not noisy because I need to study a lot.  

No, they're not. So you shouldn't worry about that.  They are very friendly and sociable, and the street is pretty quiet. There's not much noise.  

Would you like to rent the apartment?  I have a lease right here.  If you don't sign now, there are other students who might take the apartment tomorrow. Places in this area get snapped up fast.

Yes, I will sign right now.  When can I move in? If you want, you can move in tomorrow.  

Perfect. Thank you.   Who should I make the check out to?

Cynthia Bowers.  Welcome to building. I'm sure you will love it here

7 reported speech

I haven't seen you in a while.  What have you been up to?  

I was busy with my driving classes. And last week I had my driving exam.  Guess what? I passed. 

Congrats! I'm so happy for you.  

Thanks. I'm getting my own car tomorrow. I'm really excited.  

WOW, that's so cool.  

Yeah, I'm looking forward to not having to ask my parents to give me rides everywhere.  I'll be able to drive my friends around, too.  It will help me with my independence big time.  

That's for sure.  Driving will give you a good start in life. And it opens a lot more doors.  

You're right.  I'm sure I will have more job opportunities now.  Actually, I have just applied for a part-time job.  

Good luck then. I hope you get the job.  

How about you? Have you started practicing driving yet?

I got my permit two weeks ago, but I haven't been able to practice yet.  

Well, I hope you get a chance to drive soon.  

Hey, I'm having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?

That sounds fun. Is that at your house?

Yes.  I'll be there. Please let me know if I can help you with the party.  

OK, thanks.  Best of luck and safe driving in your new car.  

Do you know who I bumped into yesterday?

Who Peter, I haven't seen him for a while.

Oh, really? How is he doing?

It sounds like he's doing well. He said he'd been busy with his driving classes.  He was very proud of passing his exam the previous week and I congratulated him.  I told him how happy I was for him.

That's nice. Does he have a car yet?

He said he was getting one today. He was really excited about that. He said he looked forward to not having to ask his parents to give him rides everywhere. He was excited about being able to drive his friends around too. He said it would help him with his independence big time. He also told me that he had just applied for a part time job. I think he needs to save money for college.

Yeah, he's really responsible.

He wanted to know if I had started practicing driving.

Did you tell him that you are learning to drive?

Yes, I did. Then I invited him to come to my birthday party. And he promised to come. He offered to help me with the party.  That's so nice of him. Before we parted, I wish him the best of luck and safe driving in his new car.  

Hello! Hi, ivy! This is Peter.

Hi, Peter. How are you? Not so good. I'm calling to tell you that I won't be able to come to your birthday party. I had a car accident yesterday. And unfortunately I broke my arm. I think i'll be laid up for a while.

Oh, no, I'm really sorry to hear that. What happened?

At one intersection, I was turning left when another driver who ignored a stop sign hit me.  It was a hard hit. My car overturned. My arm was crushed against the door and the airbag bruise my face. My car was totaled. I'm disappointed about that.  But I'm really happy to be alive. This is nothing short of a miracle.

Cars are replaceable, but you are not. I'm happy you're alive too. Thanks. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to come to your birthday party.

It's okay, Peter. No worries. How long will you be staying in the hospital?

I'm not sure, but I think i'll have to stay for a few more days.

I hope you get better soon. I'll pay you a visit tomorrow. Is that okay?

Sure.  Are you ok Ivy? You look worried.

Peter called last night and announced me that he would not be able to come to my party.

Oh, that's too bad. Did he say why? He said he had a car accident the day before? And he had broken his arm.

Oh, no! That's terrible. How could this happen?

He explained that he had been turning left at one intersection when another driver who had ignored the stop sign hit him, he said that his car had overturned and had been totaled. This is really awful. He had just bought his car. He admitted to being disappointed that his car was totaled. But he said he was really happy to be alive. He considered that to be nothing short of a miracle.  

Even when he faces hardships, he always looks on the bright side of things.

That's right. He's a really positive person. I asked him how long he'd be staying in the hospital, but he was unsure. I promise to pay him a visit today.

I'll join you.

Ok. He'll be pleased to see you too

8 tell me about yourself

Mr David is ready to interview you now.

First, I'd like to congratulation you on passing our aptitude test. How did you hear about the job?  

I clicked on it and it brought me to your company's website where I applied for it,

Make sense, what do you know about our company so far?  I've read on your website that for over 10 years, LCI software has delivered professional services on software development  project for clients all over the world. I can tell from the pictures and the client testimonies on the website that you do a great quality work.

The software products we built have many brands transform their business

  I completed my bachelor degree in environmental biology and master degree in environmental  informatic. I managed to get a job in environmental engineering industry. But I soon realized I wasn't cut out for that job and decided to move to a different industry. I decided to take the path  of a software developer.

What determined you to make  such a bold career shift?

I've had a great enthusiasm for technology since an early age. I've always loved the computers and gadgets and enjoyed  building them and taking them apart, I took online courses endorsed by high profile university and studied how to code, I have a few official software certificates. I started by building websites for people I knew. It helped me build a portfolio of projects.   I got my first iOS development job at a software agents called tech services.  I had the opportunity to learn more about the software building process there.  But since there were not too many projects at that agency, after two years, I decided to look for another job.  I soon started to work at an international startup company.  It was a good chance to join the team.  I've been able to use my training and experience fully at this company.  I gained the experience in many things like teamwork, time management and quick decision making.

 Why do you want to leave that job?

I am looking for a company where I can contribute more and grow.  I'm ready to take the next step of my career.  

What exactly made you apply for this job at our company?  

I can see that your company has much future growth potential.  I'd love to grow my career at a company that has a great reputation in software industry.  

What are your strengths?

My strengths are persistence and courage.   I give my all to my goals in spite of any hardships I might encounter along the way.  I have a hard working nature.  I am always looking for ways to improve and grow.  I'm also a great team player.

 Can you provide an example of how you act as a  team player?

I always tried to help my teammates to compete their tasks if I completed mine.  Whenever someone needed to leave earlier, I would offer to cover for them.  I'm willing to do whatever it takes for team or company to succeed.  

What would you do If you didn't get on with someone on your team?

I will try to sort things out in a calm and rational manner.  I will do my best to get on with that person for the sake of the team.

What are your weaknesses?  

I can be a bit too straightforward at times. And sometimes that hurts people.   But I'm working on this and try to stop myself from being overly direct.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I'd like to be seen as someone with deep expertise in software development.   I hope to be offered the opportunity to take the lead on some projects.  

There are definitely promotion opportunities at our company depending on your achievements and expertise.  Do you work well under pressure?  

Usually I don't panic and manage to maintain my self-control.  There were many   tight deadlines and stressful situations at my previous job.  I always put in extra hours and did my best in meeting the  needs of the clients.  I've always delivered high quality work and respected my deadlines.  

Can you tell me about a recent accomplishment or success you had ?

I was part of the team that built kitchen APP.  With this APP, it's easy to order your favorites even when you're on the go.  I love creating something that people can interact with and enjoy.  

That's quite impressive. I must admit. Thanks so much for coming in.  It's so great to meet you.  I'll give you a call tomorrow.  

Am I speaking to mt?

Yes, this is mt speaking. 

I'm calling to inform you that your interview was successful. And I'd like to offer you the job.

I'd love to take the job.  When would you like me to start?

获得 get gain

9 The passive voice

Jerry, this is the 3rd time you've been late this week. You were needed in that meeting today.  Fortunately, the deal was down, but it's almost didn't happen.  

I'm really sorry, but I was stuck in traffic.  My car was sitting in the same spot for 30 minutes.

If you are getting stuck in traffic every day, then you should leave the house earlier.  

I know. But that isn't the problem.   Today was the first time that I was stuck in the traffic.   And it wasn't normal rush-hour traffic either.  

What do you mean?

Today, traffic was stopped by a zebra.  I saw it. A zebra walked right in front of my car.  It was almost hit by another car.  Other animals were seen on the freeway, too.

It was crazy.   You expect me to believe that you were delayed by a zebra?

It's true.  It was talked about on the radio.  You should listen to the report.  It is thought that animals escaped from the zoo.  

I'm going to check out your story.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.  But what about yesterday? You were an hour late.  

Yesterday I was driving to work when my car was stopped by a policeman.  I was pulled over and the policeman told me I was under arrest.  The policeman said that my car had been seen at the scene of a crime.  

It sounds like you're making stories.  Did that really happen?

It's all true.  When I was pulled over, the policeman asked me to get out of the car.  My hands was handcuffed behind my back.   He said that my car had been seen on the camera of a gas station that had been robbed.  

Well, you made it to work somehow. How did you get away?  

The policeman got a call on his radio saying that the robbers had been caught by another policeman.  They were being held in custody.  Policeman let me go. But half an hour had been passed.  I drove to work as quickly as I could.  

Well, if that is true, then I understand.  But what about Monday. I remember that you come in later then,too.  

That was because my car was stolen.   I woke up Monday morning and my car was gone.  The police was notified immediately.  I was forced to drive my wife's car and dropped her off at her workplace, which took some extra time.  

I see. Why didn't you tell me?  

It wasn't a big deal at that time.  My car was found by the police  a few hours later.   And I was only 15 minutes late to work.  

OK. But try to be on time  from now on.  I need to be able to rely on you, especially for meetings like the one we had today.  

I promise to try to be on time.  But I need you to understand that none of these things were my fault.  I mean,  I was held up by a zebra.   How could I predicted that?  These things happened to me. And there was nothing I could do to avoid them.

Yes, I agree. if your stories are true, but come on.   They are a little unbelievable.  

Well, they are true.  I hope you won't hold them against me.  

The man who had been robbing the gas station in the area have been arrested by the police.  They had stolen the car of a local man.  But they were forced to go on foot once the stolen vehicle was found by the police.  The robbed cash hasn't been recovered yet.  The robbers are now being questioned by the police. It was hoped that the money was finally recovered from them.  More details will be  provided soon.  And earlier today, some animals escaped from the zoo.  One of the animal feefers had a seizure when they were opening the animal cages.  And the animals were released from the their cages by mistake.  The animals were recaptured by the zoo and they were put back into their cages.  The animal feeder is now treated in the hospital after collapsing in the zoo.  I'm going to call him right now.  I'm sorry I didn't believe you.  I just watched the news.  They were talking about how a car was stolen and how animals were accidentally released.  I want you to know that I trust you and feel like I can rely on you.  Thanks. I appreciate you saying that.  In the future, I must be notified immediately when something happenes to you.  Sure, I will notify you immediately from now on

10 we'd been hoping for a romantic trip

11 years form now

12 A one-way ticket

13 At the Airport

Hello. May I see your passport, please? Thank you. And where are you flying with us today? I'm going to London. I'll be studying there for a year. How fun! That sounds like a great trip. I see your Information right here. Are you checking any bags today? Yes, just one  Perfect. If you could place it on the scale. For me, that would be great. Here you go. Thank you. It appears your bag is just a bit too heavy. It is over weight requirement. Perhaps you could take something out of your bag and put it in your carry on bag.  I'll take this big book out of the bag. No problem. Great. Now your bag is ready to be checked. And I see you've chosen a window seat. That's still okay for you. I think so. I've never flown before. So I thought it would be nice to look at the clouds.  Do you think it will be a good seat for me? This is your first flight. Well, that's fantastic. You're going to love it. And yes, I think the window seat is an excellent choice for you then let me print your boarding pass and you'll be ready to go. Ok, here it is. You're all set. Thanks. You are going to depart from terminal c gate 54. When do I need to be there? You should get to your gate about one hour before departure. And how do I get to the gate? You will turn left at the coffee shop. Security will be directly in front of you.  Once you're finished clearing security, follow the signs to gate 54. It will be on your right. Thank you so much for your help. You're very welcome. Enjoy your flight.  Passport and boarding pass, please. Here you go. Thank you. You can go on through Sir, you need to remove your coat and your belt. My coat and my belt. Yes, and your shoes. My shoes, too. Yes, please. You can place them in this bin. You need to empty your pockets and put those items in the bin as well.   Do you have any liquids in your bag? I do. I have a water bottle and some hand lotion. You need to take those out. The water bottle is too big. You can either drink it right now or throw it away. I'll just throw it out. The hand lotion is fine because it is in a small container. You need to put it in a plastic bag, though. Do you have a bag that I could use? I have never flown before, and I didn't bring one. Sure, we have extra bags right here. Thank you. Do you have a laptop in your bag? I'll need you to remove it as well and place it in a bin.  Please put your bag on the conveyor belt.  Please step through the scanner.  What's wrong? Please? Step to the side.  Stretch out your arms. I'm going to scan your body.  Are you wearing any jewelry? Oh, yeah. I think my necklace triggered the alarm. Sorry about that.   All right. You're all clear. Pick up your items from the scanner, and you can head to your gate, have a great flight. Thanks.  United airlines flight 83 to London is now boarding. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding.  Excuse me, miss. Yes, my window shade is broken. And I cannot open it to see out the window. Would it be possible to switch seats? So I can have a window with a view? This is my first flight, and I want to be able to see everything. Of course. Let's move you to row 38 seat B. You'll be able to see out from that window.  Thank you. Could you tell me how long this flight will take? We should be in the air for about six hours. Ok, thank you. You're very welcome.  Would you like something to drink? What do you have? We serve coffee, tea, and soda. I'll have coffee with cream, please. Here you go. And would you like something to eat? That would be great. What do you have?  We have a Turkey sandwich, a chicken salad, or a vegetarian pasta. Um, I think i'll have a Turkey sandwich. Thank you.  Can you please tell me where I pick up my bag? I checked one bag on my flight here.  Yes. What was your flight number? I was on flight 803. I see it looks like your bag will be arriving on castle four. And how do I get there? It's right around the corner. You'll see the number four on Top, and it should list your flight number as well. Your bag should be arriving soon. Great, thank you. You're welcome.    Passport, please. Here you go. Thank you. And what is the purpose of your visit? I'm going to be studying here at the local university. And how long will you be staying? I'll be here one year until may 26 of next year. And where will you be staying? My address will be 473 east town street apartment 3 c. It's in London. Do you have anything to declare? No, I don't. You are all set enjoy your stay. Thank you

15 descring People

Hi, mom. Hi, dad. So good to see you. How are you, sweetheart? I am fine! I miss you both so much. We miss you too, honey. How do you like your new apartment? It's great. I love my new apartment. It's cozy and convenient for getting to college. And my roommate is very nice. My bedroom is very large and has a small closet. Even if it's small, the closet can hold everything I need. It keeps everything organized perfectly. And it's easy to use. I just love it. Kitchen is old, but all the appliances still work. It has a convenient stovetop and refrigerator.  The only downside to this apartment is that I have to share a bathroom with my roommate.  She is very messy. She leaves her things all over the bathroom floor.  I'm sorry about that, honey. But the rest of your apartment sounds nice. Could you show it to us on camera? Sure.  See, all my books are organized nicely on my shelves. I keep my room very tidy.  It looks very comfortable and neat  The room is really spacious and bright. And the furniture looks in very good condition.  And there is also a large balcony overlooking a wonderful view. Isn't it lovely? Yes, it is.  Ican see it's decorated with many beautiful plants and flowers.  It looks gorgeous. And it seems such a peaceful place.  Is your roommate around? I was hoping we could meet her. No, she has class right now, but she'll be back soon. What does she look like? She's very pretty. She has long, dark brown hair and green eyes. She is short and skinny. And what is she like? Is she friendly? Yes. She's very friendly, outgoing and fun. She always makes me laugh with her jokes and funny stories. We get along great together she might be messy, but she's nice and kind.  I'm glad you get along. How have your classes been going? Really good.  My favorite class is biology. The teacher is very knowledgeable and interesting. She is a lovely older woman with gray hair. She is very passionate and enthusiastic about what she does. She spent a couple of years studying different animals in madagascar.  She wants to find ways to use power that are environmentally friendly.  She really cares about plant and animal life.  How nice! She seems to be an awesome person. Yes, she is really inspiring. And what clothes do you like the least?  I think it's calculus. I find it so boring. My calculus teacher, doctor Roberts, makes everything seem so complicated. He is a very stern and quiet type of person. He is very tall and intimidating. He never bothers to explain to us what we don't understand.  He stares at us, but doesn't say anything. If we get the answer to a problem wrong.  He just asked someone else to answer it. I wish you were a little more communicative and supportive.  What about your classmates? What are they like? They are very interesting because they are from all over the world. We are diverse in race, religion, personality. But we have so many things in common at the same time. I was able to learn a lot from them. I'm so glad you like them. Tell us about the part of the city you live in.  Any good places to eat. You're always thinking about food. Actually. Yes. My roommate and I have eaten at many restaurants nearby.    They have a really great Indian restaurant. I love the China marcella and chicken curry. It's so spicy and delicious. It's a small restaurant, but they make really good food.  There's a good pizza place down the street from us.  The crust is flaky. And pizza is really cheesy.  You're making me hungry. Now. We definitely need to visit you. Is there anything fun to do nearby?  There's a venue nearby where different musicians perform. We got to see some cool bands play there. They use fog machines and high quality speakers.  It's a really fun experience. That's great, honey. I'm glad you're having a good time

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