


The strategy research on strengthening the vocational guidance to

promote undergraduates' employment

Chenxinliang1 AN Yan-fei2 wang qian hong3

(College of Science, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China )

Abstract:The vocational guidance is conducive to undergraduates analysising and understanding

themselves by their hobbies, special skills, aspirations and so on, determining their best career

goals, selecting professional learning method for themselves, so as to achieve their vocational

aspiration preferably. Under the demarcation of relevant concepts of undergraduates' vocational

guidance, this article dissects the impact of vocational guidance to promote undergraduates'

employment, puts forward the problems in current undergraduates’ vocational guidance, and

points out the recommendations and countermeasures to improve vocational guidance and

promote undergraduates to get a job at last.

Keywords: undergraduates; vocational guidance; choice of occupation; obtain employment

In recent years, with the large increase in the student enrollment, the employment situation are

becoming serious, many college students is facing an awkward situation that when to take up an

occupation when to become unemployment. In this situation, the implementation of

undergraduates' vocational guidance is particularly important. The vocational guidance help

college students determine the best career goals, select professional learning method for

themselves, so as to achieve the vocational desire and the value of life effectively.

一. The demarcation of relevant concepts

(一) obtain employment

The meaning of obtaining employment, academics have different views and ideas at home and

abroad. American sociologist M. Salze believes “Employment is a specific activity possessing

marketable value, and a person is engaged in this activity to gain income constantly. The

activity determines the people’s social status.” Educationist and philosopher Dewey puts it

summarized as “Employment is not other, but an activity people can get the interests from”. The

Japanese expert of employment’s problem Baogu Six Lang believes “Employment is that a

labor person contributes to the society continuously by playing individual ability for life”. Most

of Chinese scholars believe that the so-called employment refers to the social activities people

take part in, and the activities can be relatively stable, having gains and specialized


classificatory classified. It is a concentrated expression of people’s life-style, financial situation,

cultural level, behavior pattern and thought sentiment. It is also a universal expression of a

person’s right, obligation, responsibility, and social position


(二)The Vocational Guidance

The vocational guidance was born in the end of 19th century, and developed from the beginning

of 20th. The vocational guidance had kinds of title. It was called “Employment Guidance” in

Britain and America, “Career Direction” in France, and “Career Guidance” in Japan. Though

the title was different, the meaning was consistent in general. The vocational guidance: a

generic term of all kinds of meaures and systems to help people step on career path; a process

that comprehensive analysis and understanding all kinds of conditions of unempolyments

(mainly students)and employments educational level, intelligence, physical strength, personal

character, experience, aspiration and the family and social environment, occupation post and so

on, so as to select appropriate occupation and equal job to accomplish personal vocational

direction preferably


(三)college students’ vocational guidance

In order to help students obtain employment early, colleges and universities conduct all

activities of chairs, special reports, employment forums, career planning, employment

psychological counseling etc. with the purpose of conducting undergraduates self-testing,

self-understanding. It can promote the development of undergraduates’ individuation by

establishing career goal, make great efforts to obtain employment finally, and achieve their life

value and social value.

二. The effect analysis of undergraduates’ vocational guidance for promoting

undergraduates obtain employment

(一)Vocational guidance can provide exchange platform for both sides of talent supply and


Colleges and universities undergraduates’ vocational guidance help undergraduates know the

methods of how to understand employer’s employment information, how to acquire information

that is beneficial to get a job, and can provide a display platform for employer. Enterprises can

broadcast themselves by vocational guidance, and can be known by more undergraduates.

Therefore, Vocational guidance is a platform where undergraduates and enterprises show



(二)Strengthening vocational guidance is beneficial to undergraduates’ employment


Vocational guidance is the necessary service and the certain product of “autonomously choice

of occupation, two-way selection”. It has important theoretical significance and realistic guiding

significance to help undergraduates gain employment. Vocational guidance helps

undergraduates understand themselves in theory and know more about suitable vocation for

themselves in method, makes undergraduates select suitable vocational approach and method

easier in measures, points out the objective of a struggle for undergraduates in action. Therefore,

vocational guidance helps them avoid taking a roundabout course and obtain employment at an

early date, and it is of great signality.

(三)Strengthening vocational guidance is beneficial to undergraduates’ development and

become a useful person

Vocational guidance is an important road to gain knowledge, growth ability, broaden horizon,

know self and realize self. In the process of vocational guidance, undergraduates can know

about society, understand enterprise, can discover which aspect of oneself needs improving, the

shortcoming of knowledge and skills, according to the needs of society and enterprise.

Undergraduates can perfect and develop themslves better, thereby. At the same time,

undergraduates can make sure their vocational goal early via vocational guidance, make sure

struggling method and path early, find a job finally, realize gaining employment, realize


(四)Strengthening vocational guidance is beneficial to the reasonable allocation of resources

of human talents.

“Give full scope to the talents, make the best use of everything”, is the best allocation of

rational using resources. Undergraduates’ vocational guidance will be in favor of

undergraduates choosing vocations that suit their development according to their self conditions,

be in favor of undergraduates with different interests, different majors and different characters.

It will be more in favor of employer selecting and using talents.

三.Problems in current undergraduates’ vocational guidance

Vocational guidance is an important part of colleges and universities education, is effective

means to help undergraduates understand national policies and guidelines of employment,

establish correct sense of choice of occupation, guarantee undergraduates obtaining


employment successfully. At present, undergraduates’ vocational guidance in our country isn’t

mature enough, is in a condition of fumbling, weakness, and has a large gap with sociometric

development, talent market establishing, economic globalization, information modernization

and students’ self requirement.

(一) Paying less attention to vocational guidance results in the requirements of

undergraduates hardly satisfied

The ideological roots of colleges and universities not doing their best to undergraduates’

vocational guidance is having less cognition, having less value, backward perception,

understanding deviation on vocational guidance. Though college students’ vocational guidance

has carried out in colleges and universities for many years, the degree of attention, operation

potency dimension and financial resources are less than satisfactory. Many colleges and

universities just take a walk, as employment departments just hold several employment chairs,

start special reports on getting a job. The course of vocational guidance does not have full-time

teacher, and the teachers are not in class. So the college students’ vocational guidance does not

really implement, and has a great distance from the requirements of undergraduates obtaining


(二)The goal of the vocational guidance unclear, results in the sense of undergraduates’

employment have misunderstanding

The goal of the vocational guidance is not only the starting point of the vocational guidance, but

also the end result of the vocational guidance. As because of the late start of the vocational

guidance and the less of the necessary theory research, the goal of guidance has not make clear

for long. Most of the vocational guidance teachers only make sure that the vocational guidance

is to promote undergraduates obtaining employment in cognition. Though that is a reality

motivation, they haven’t to think deeply on the vocational guidance. All will bring about: most

of vocational guidance teachers and the undergraduates receiving guidance take the successful

employment and enhancing first employment rate as sole purpose, believe “employment rate

meeting requirement is OK”: it forms a repeated situation as short-sighted mentality, short-term

behavior, taking service as importance, taking education as unimportance.[4]

(三)Vocational guidance lacking of continuity, results in undergraduates career planning

difficult to carry out

The development of undergraduates’ vocational guidance in our country, proceeds by the


continuous promoting of competent department, is a linear thinking and a practice of

administration. Undergraduates’ vocational guidance hasn’t adapted the demand of the new

situation, while the career planning and counseling theory that really fit in the condition of our

country hasn’t established, which cause the continuity on vocational guidance theory, mode and

method is lacking. At the present stage, the mode of vocational guidance is single, the guidance

only rest on the choice of occupation direction in graduate link, and it shows specifically as

policy explanation, information publish, skill guidance. It mainly teach basic knowledge of

employment, use the form of spoon-feeding with teaching and learning, speaking and listening

to help undergraduates solve problems in obtaining employment, but it lose sight of the way of

various modes connected.

四.Suggestions and countermeasures of improving vocational guidance and promoting

undergraduates obtaining employment

(一) Realizing the change of focus of vocational guidance work

The change of focus of vocational guidance work includes the significance of two aspects: first,

vocational guidance should turn “end product packaging” to “product design”; second, the work

of vocational guidance itself should achieve the leap to career developing counsel. In the past,

our vocational guidance work mainly focus on “end product packaging”, its key point mainly in

the guidance of job application technique. Today, as the change of our higher education from

elite type to popular type, the people’s purpose of attending university becomes more and more

reality. In order to finding a good job when graduate, many students when rush into the school

pay close attention to the problem of employment after several years. In the face of huge

employment pressure, many students put their hope on the majors that may bring an ideal job,

as a result that there’s a strong contrast “top profession” with “unpopular profession”. The

existing condition is not only has no help for undergraduates’ employment, but also will cause

many negative effects, makes students with “unpopular” profession more difficult to obtain a

job; meanwhile, as equating “top”, “unpopular” to personal future wholly, parts of “top”

professional students confused by current better career prospects and ignore the learning and

development at the stage of university, thus they set undeserved barrier for the employment in

the future. Thus it can be seen, under the severe undergraduates’ employment situation at the

present, aimless follow with “top” profession not only can’t improve undergraduates “obtain

employment”, but also make some students obtain employment even harder. While only

depending on “end product packaging” at undergraduate eve can’t guide undergraduates get rid

of such difficult position. What is called “Career Development” mainly means the way of

personal lifetime or developing approach. The purpose of career development counseling aims


at guiding individual survey internal relations between personal vocational choices with the

development of life, and assessing all kinds of resources that personal possesses to develop,

learning to choose and plan, realizing best positive interaction between individual with society

by promoting personal autonomous well-organized development. The essential difference

between career development counseling and vocational guidance lies in: the former takes

promoting individual development as primary purpose, while the latter pay more attention to

the “check” of individual’s own achievement. In the face of problems of undergraduates’

employment, vocational guidance adopts the way of “consider something as it stands”, while

career development counseling pays more attention to solve problems fundamentally. To apply

for a job is absolutely necessary, yet the key of applying for a post is the personal’s ability of

job seeker. It should be seen that original mode of vocational guidance had played proper role

during a long period of past time, but as the change of undergraduates’ employment situation,

its shortages become clear gradually, while the advantages of career development counseling is

clear with each passing day with the rapid development of society and higher education. [5]


order to confront the challenge by the change of undergraduates’ employment situation, it is

only accomplishing the mode change from “vocational guidance” to “career development

counseling+ job-hunting guidance”, our higher education will lets the goal of “make everyone

control their fate, and make contributions to the developing society that we live in” come true,

so that the limited higher educational resources will be made use of more sufficiently.

(二)Completing the content of vocational guidance

A few teachers believe that undergraduates’ vocational guidance is the broadcast of employment

policies, the training of job-hunting skills. While the vocational guidance means all service

work that helps undergraduates obtain vocation. Therefore, the content of vocational guidance

should include: vocational thought guidance, that is the education of employment thought of

undergraduates, education of outlook on life and the value, cultivation of the spirit of bearing

hardship and the spirit of devotion and so on; vocational policy guidance, that is the education

of national macroscopic employment policy, the education of relevant departments’ and

business’s employment policy, the education of local employment policy, etc.; vocational

information guidance, that is the education of employment situation, the information publicity

of social employer provides, the guidance of the acquirement, identification and the usage of

employment information, and so on; vocational mental health guidance, that is the mental

health education of undergraduates employment, promoting the psychological endurance and

response ability of undergraduates via employment education and daily dredging of mental

health; job-hunting skills guidance, that is the writing of self recommendation letter, skills and

attentions of job interview, mental regulation of job interview, way and method of job-hunting


and so on; social adaptation education, that is the education on how to adapt society when

undergraduates come upon the stage, the education of the requirements of undergraduates’

comprehensive qualities in society and so on. In short, vocational guidance of colleges and

universities is a systematic work, the method should be right, the content should be

comprehensive, and the service should be apropos.

(三)Strengthening construction on vocational guidance organization and team

The completeness of vocational guidance mechanism is the important conditions to achieve

generally objective, and also the symbol and important guarantee for vocational guidance

deepening step by step. The completeness mainly reflected in four aspects: 1. set specialized

agency. It is quite general to set specialized vocational guidance agency in countries and regions

that have well-developed market economies. Japanese colleges and universities had set

organizations as inauguration department and employment section which were responsible for

carrying out vocational guidance as far back as in 50s. The work of vocational guidance starts

late in China, and the situations are not balance from place to place in China. It is glad that the

centre of nationwide undergraduates’ vocational guidance found as early as 1996, most of

provinces and cities, colleges and universities set up relevant organizations one after another.

And as the cognition of the importance of vocational guidance, many nongovernmental

intermediary service agencies have sprung up everywhere, playing unique role in carrying out

vocational counseling. 2. Establish information network. First, establish nationwide connected

information networks. Establishing nationwide supply and demand information networks is the

crying needs for undergraduates’ employment institutional reform. The networks should be with

a view to the information connection in three levels of center, local, universities and among the

universities. It will come into being a information feedback and processing system that contain

macroscopic, meso-level, microcosmic which are interactional and spreading one after another.

The rapid development of modern technology, the extending of computer and multimedia

technology, the continuous renewal of means of communication, the formation of information

superhighway, all make it actual possibilities to set up such information network. Second,

establish information network that takes college as center and has a radial pattern. Giving

consideration to different regions, connecting schoolfellows in longspan, omnibearing, fixed

position, alignment, gathering information of talent demand from place to place by mass media

continually, understanding working conditions of all previous undergraduates, adjusting the

structure of majors, levels and knowledge of undergraduates, strengthening the adaptation of

higher education in market economy condition. 3. strengthen the team construction of

vocational guidance. As the deep development of the reform of undergraduates’ employment

policy, the relation between undergraduates with employer is more and more direct, the race


that undergraduates facing with is increasing fierce. Under this situation, the needs of

undergraduates for vocational guidance are more and more urgent, and the requirements are

increasing high, this press for constructing a vocational guidance team of high-quality that is

retaining, playing the sonata with ease, coming in handy.

(四)Improving the way and the method of vocational guidance

The approach and method of vocational guidance should not stick to one pattern, but give

expression to diversity. The diversities of the approaches and methods of vocational guidance,

means to use for reference, absorb and attempt all beneficial and effective practices in the

process of operation. It not only includes the consolidating and usage of traditional practice, but

also includes the exploration of new area. First, optimize conventional methods. The

conventional methods in this mainly are the methods of publicity, education, consulting and

conversation etc. It is proved by practice that publicity and education methods have marked

effect on positive guidance and solving similar problems; methods of consulting and

conversation is effective to solve individual problems and a few people’s special problems. So it

is needed to use the advantages of conventional methods in flexibility, easy to operate, having a

quick effect, and carry out activities usually and continuously. Second, start vocational guidance

course. The starting of vocational guidance course is a necessary product when vocational

guidance runs to a certain stage, is the important sign of normalization and scientification.

Thirdly, strengthen the link of practice. The thought of education of combining education with

productive labor has been enjoyed popular support, and the advantage of socialist system let us

have more conditions to play the role of guide of practice. College students’ social practices and

young volunteers’ activities that are in the ascendant are the clear proofs. But that’s not enough,

the organization of vocational guidance should take organizing students practicing, learning on

the job and contacting short term work as a basic function, and strengthen step by step. Via the

exercise of practice, students not only can deepen understanding on vocation and post,

strengthen the sense of primary level, but also can introspect themselves so as to adjust the

structure of knowledge and capacity.

五. Conclusions

Undergraduates’ vocational guidance is developing and changing with the employment situation,

social economy situation, continuous improving of undergraduate’s quality. Undergraduates’

vocational guidance always serves for undergraduates to obtain employment successfully, and it

has a direct influence on employment rate of undergraduates, has an influence on the source of

students. For this reason, the work of undergraduates’ vocational guidance is a lifeline of


college to survive and grow up, is the key point of connotation of college to develop.


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一、 作者单位信息 中英文:



(河北北方学院,河北省张家口市 075000)

Chen xin liang1,wangqianhong2,anyanfei3


(Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China )

二、所有作者个人信息 (作者要求硕士以上)






其他题 目














本文标签: 作者河北研究研究生河北省