


Book 4 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks

1. ban (banned-banned banning)

vt.明令禁止; 取缔

ban (doing) sth禁止(做)某事

ban sb from (doing) sth禁止某人(做)某事

sb be banned from doing sth 某人被禁止做


ban on………的禁令

impose / lift a ) 颁布/解除(对……)的禁令


⑴ Canada _______ _______ _________ in all offices.


⑵ He was ________ ________ driving for six months.


⑶ There is a ban _______ _______ mobile phones at the gas station.


2. accompany vt. ①陪伴, 陪同; ②伴随;与……同时发生; ③(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏;

accompany sb 陪伴某人

accompany sb to sp. 陪伴某人到某地

accompany sb at / on sth 用某物为某人伴奏

be accompanied by 由…伴奏 / 伴随


company n.[U]陪伴; 同伴; 客人 [C]公司

keep sb company = accompany sb 陪伴某人;与某人做伴

in 与……一起; 与……同时

companion n.[C](爱好、志趣等相投的) 同伴; 伙伴


⑴ I don’t think it’s necessary for parents to ______________their children _______ college.


⑵ He sang and Alice __________ him _________ the piano.



Nobody kept her company during the festival. The old lady felt lonely.

= With _________ ____________ __________ during the festival, the old lady felt lonely.

3. adopt

vt.①采用; 采取(方法、态度等); 采纳(建议等) vi. & vt. ②收养;领养

联想词 adoption n.[C,U] 收养 [U]采用; 采纳


⑴ But perhaps they should adopt a simpler approach. __________

⑴ The committee adopted my suggestion. ____________

⑴ He is not her real father; she was adopted when she was two. ___________


Thanks to the __________(adopt) of new techniques, the output has increased by 10 %.

易混辨析 adopt与adapt的含义区别

adopt 意为“采用; 收养”。

adapt 意为“改编; 改装; 使适应”

Finally, I __________ his idea, that’s to say, I’ll try to ______ myself to the new circumstances here.

4. set out ①出发; 启程; ②开始工作;摆放;③有条理地陈述,阐明

Before you set out on a long journey,you'd better make sure that your car is in order.


常用搭配:set out for (=set off for) 动身前往

set out to do sth (=set about doing sth) 着手做某事


be 以……为背景

The novel is set in London in the 1960s. 这部小说以20世纪60年代的伦敦为背景。

set about 开始;着手

set aside 留出(钱、时间等); 对……置之不理 set down 写下;记下;制定;规定

set off出发;引起;触响(警报等);使(炸弹、烟花等)爆炸 set up 建立;创立


⑴ The story is _________ __________ the autumn of 1960.

⑴ I set about _____________(research) the habits of snakes so I could better protect them.

⑴ She _______ ________ some time each day for writing,even if it is only five minutes.

⑴ I don't want to _________ _________ a series of facts in a diary as most people do.

⑴ We ought to _________ _________ at 7: when the roads are almost empty.

⑴ His rude reply _________ _________ a bad feeling of me.

⑴ Some boys are __________ ___________ fireworks in the street.

⑴ In 1995, the organization __________ ___________ an office in Beijing.

5. bless vt. 祝福;保佑

I'll bless you all my life.我会一辈子祝福你。

常用搭配 be 有幸拥有……;享有……的福气; 被赋予……

He is blessed with excellent health.他有福气, 身体很好。


⑴ blessed adj.神圣的;有福的;可喜的

The birth of a healthy baby is a truly blessed event.一个健康婴儿的出生真是一件可喜的事情。

⑴ blessing n.[C]幸事;福气[C,U]保佑;祝福

When you feel sad, count your blessings.当你感到伤心时,想想你有多幸运。


⑴ It was _________ blessing that no one was hurt.

⑴ The storm turned out to be a _________(bless) because it kept us home when you phoned

⑴ I have always been ____________(bless) with good luck.

6. live off 依靠……生活; 以吃……为生

I live off the money from my first book. 我依靠我第一本书赚的钱生活。

联想拓展:含有 live的其他常用搭配

live on 继续存在;继续活着 live on sth 主要以某物为食;依靠某物生活

live by doing sth 靠做某事赚钱为生(或获取所需)

live through sth 经历(艰难或险境)

live up to sth 达到;符合(标准);不辜负(期望)

live with sth 忍受,容忍(不快的事)

live a(n)... life 过着……样的生活


⑴ He has _________ _________two world wars.

⑴ You make a deal, and you're gonna _________ _________ ________ it.

⑴ Some of us had to learn to ________ ________ pain at an early age.

⑴ These animals with long necks ________ ________the leaves of the tree.

⑴ Mozart passed away but his music__________ _________.

⑴ The old man used to _________ _________ collecting waste things.

⒎ prohibit


常用搭配 prohibit sb from doing sth 禁止/阻止某人做某事

prohibit doing sth 禁止做某事

Visitors are prohibited from feeding the animals.禁止游客投喂动物。

联想词 prohibition n.[U]禁止; 阻止 [C]禁令

近义词 ⑴forbid vt.(forbade, forbidden)


forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人去做某事

forbid sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事

⑴ban vt.(banned; banning)明令禁止;取缔 n.[C]禁止;禁令(+on)


ban sb from (doing) sth 禁止某人(做)某事


⑴ The management has announced a ____________(prohibit) against feeding reindeer(驯鹿) in the

wildlife park.

⑴ The students had a heated discussion about whether schools should _________ students

_________ using mobile phones on campus.

8. stretch ①vi.延伸;延续 ②vi.& vt.伸展;舒展…

The road stretches through the forest into the distance. 这条道路穿过森林绵延到远方。

常用搭配 stretch out躺下(休息或睡觉) stretch one's legs (久坐之后)散散步;伸伸腿

He stretched himself out on the sofa and fell asleep. 他在沙发上躺下睡着了。

She went out to stretch her legs after lunch. 她午饭后出去散步了。

9. appeal

①vi. 有吸引力 ;

appeal to 对......有吸引力;对......上诉;呼吁......

②vi. 呼吁;恳求;

appeal to sb. to do sth.(=call on sb. to do sth.) 呼吁某人做某事

appeal for sth. 呼吁某事

③vi. 上诉 appeal against ...... 对......提出上诉


The art exhibition in the gallery appealed to many young people.____

She appealed to a higher court. ____

The government is appealing to everyone to save the water.____


hold little appeal for sb. 对某人没有什么吸引力

make / issue / launch an appeal 发出呼吁

拓展词:appealing adj.有吸引力的,恳求的

10. wander

n. 游荡;闲逛;流浪

I went to the park and had a wander around. 我去公园转了一圈。

vt. & vi. 闲逛;漫游 vi. 走失;离散;走神;(道路、河流)蜿蜒

wander around 在……前后转来转去 wander back to 回想到

wander from 从……离开 wander off 迷失;离开正途或正确的方向


⑴ Many customers like wandering around the mall. _________

⑴ Halfway through the meeting my mind started to wander. __________

⑴ The Yangtze River wanders across several provinces. ___________

11. amusement n. 娱乐(活动);愉悦

to one’s amusement 令某人发笑的是 in / with amusement 愉快地

To my amusement,he wore socks with different colors.


【积累】(1)amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐;逗笑;使开心

amuse oneself(by doing sth)(通过做某事)自娱自乐

We often amuse ourselves by playing hide-and-seek. 我们常常捉迷藏玩。

It amuses sb. to do sth. 做某事逗笑某人

(2)amused adj. 逗乐的;觉得好笑的

be amused at/by 对……感到好笑

be amused to do sth. 做某事而感到好笑

amusing adj. 有趣的;逗乐的


⑴ Parks provide people with place____________themselves.

⑴ To our_____________, the dog ran off with one of dad’s shoes in its mouth.

⑴ The audience were ___________ by his____________ performance on the stage.

12. fashion n. 时尚;时兴;流行款式 fashionable adj. 时髦的,流行的

be in fashion/come into fashion 流行 go/be out of fashion 过时

the world of fashion 时装界 fashion show 时装表演

13. rare adj. 稀少的;珍贵的;(肉)半熟的

句式:It is rare for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事很罕见。

Don’t eat the meat. It is rare. 别吃那块肉。它是半熟的。

It is extremely rare for my father to be angry. 我父亲很少发火。

【积累】rarely adv.


注意:rarely 位于句首,句子需用部分倒装。

Rarely did he play video games. 他很少玩电子游戏。

14. up to ①达到(某数量、程度等);②直到;③不多于;④(体力或智力上)能胜任;⑤正在做(秘密或不该做的事);⑥由......决定;⑦是......的职责或义务;


⑴ He’s not up to the post of manager assistant. ____________

⑴ Up to now, we haven’t found the lost dog.___________

⑴ Whether you go or not is up to you._____________

⑴ You have been working for up to three hours. ______________

⑴ What have you been up to?____________

15. display

(1)n.表演;展览;陈列;展览品 on display 展出;陈列

The museum has a large collection of artworks on display.

(2)vt. 陈列;展示;显示;显露

The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their works.

16. appetite n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望

①have a good/poor appetite 胃口好/不好

②have a(n)... 对…… 有...... 有......的欲望

③ruin/spoil one's appetite 破坏某人的食欲;影响某人的胃口

④loss/lack of appetite 食欲不振

I don't have an appetite these days and don't feel like eating anything.

He has a strong appetite for power.他对权力有强烈的欲望。

17. entertainment

n. [U]娱乐;招待;款待 [U, C]娱乐活动;文娱节目

Listening to a tale being told in the dark is one of the most ancient entertainments.在黑暗中听人讲故事是最古老的娱乐活动之一。

He fell into the water, much to the entertainment of thechildren. 他掉进了水里,逗得孩子们乐不可支。

【积累】(1)entertain vi. & vt. 招待;款待;(使)快乐

①entertain sb with sth. 用某事/某物逗某人开心/招待某人

②entertain sb. to sth. 用......款待某人

(2)entertaining adj. 令人愉快的

(3)entertainer n.演员,艺人


1. has banned smoking; was banned; on using

2. accompany, to; accompanied, at / on; nobody accompanying her

3. 采用; 采纳; 收养; adoption; adopted; adapt

4. set in; researching; sets aside; set down; set off /out; set off; setting off; set up

5. a; blessing; blessed

6. lived through; live up to; live with; live on / off; lived on; live by

7. prohibition; prohibit, from

9. 对......有吸引力; 上诉; 呼吁

10. 闲逛; 走神; 蜿蜒

11. to amuse; amusement ; amused amusing

14. 能胜任; 直到; 由......决定; 达到; 正在做

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